
07- Unlocking New Powers

Vixen stomped through town seething. She's had men come onto her before, but more often than not they were kind about it. She had never experienced anything so brazen and now there were too many skills and abilities she has received, too many "attributes" as Geoffrey called it, for her to find herself in similar trouble like with the troll. Ted in particular gave her the creeps and she wanted nothing to do with him. 

She found herself stressed and exhausted, so she decided to head towards the forest a different direction from where the troll had confronted her. The area of the forest she headed for is most likely the safest place in the forest. Lucien often let's her stay in his cabin in the forest clearing, she's never seen anything more dangerous than a buck there. Since Lucien was away on duty, she decided to go to his cabin for a bath and a good night's sleep. 

She poured her mana into the firestones letting the bath water heat up. She went to his cupboard and snacked on some deer jerky to satiate her gnawing hunger and by the time she reopened the bathroom door steam billowed out into the living room enveloping her in white warmth. She took off her rags made underwear quickly glancing at the notification that appeared before lowering herself into the bath.

[Scantily Clad Full Nude Bonus-200%]

'I don't know how to feel about this,' she thought as she rested her head back. As she laid in the water she started to pay a lot of attention to her body, her skin was smooth and flawless if you subtracted the purple tribal heart still painted on her abdomen. She really explored how her body looked, this was something she had put off doing because in her heart she was still Cadel. While she was inspecting herself she came across a black diamond on her wrist, it wasn't mud but she also didn't know where it came from. She shrugged. 'I wonder if its another mark from this class.' She closed her eyes and drifted off for an hour, but the closing of the door to the cabin jolted her wide awake. She called, "Lucien is that you?" Hoping beyond hope it was, she waited for a response. The only thing that greeted her was the static of silence and the occasional drip of water. She got out of the bath and used lifestyle magic to dry herself off. She was naked and unarmed but she had her sword in the living room she could get to. She opened the door just a crack and peered into the room, no one. She opened it and glanced around the cabin. The front door was closed, the leather chair, the fireplace with the embers gently burning, and on the carpet ten feet from her, was the sword.

'That's not where I left you,' she thought looking around on high alert. She bent down to grab the sword when a silk rope, smooth but tough, snared her wrist and immediately hoisted above her head. There was someone in the rafters, but she couldn't make out who it was through the shadows. While looking at her attacker she felt another silk rope go around her other wrist, Ted who appeared out of nowhere had the rope in his hand. She performed a spinning backhand but he dodged out of the way with a roll. He quickly tossed his rope into the rafters too. She felt her feet leave the ground as she was suspended by her wrists, and a young man she did not recognize repel down the ropes from the rafters. 

"Looks like it was the right decision to invite you along after all Jeff. I'm glad you decided to join me," Ted said in triumph. 

Jeff didn't say anything he just lowered the tension on the rope enough for Vixen's feet to touch the ground, her hands still above her head. 

"You're a sleez Ted, but I didn't think you were stupid. Don't you know this is Lucien's house," Vixen floating the threat. It seemed to have worked because Ted paled which was quite an accomplishment for him since he had hardly any color as it was. 

"He's away on duty, you don't have to worry Ted. I checked beforehand, if he was in the city I'd have never agree to come here with you," Jeff said. 


Ted seemed to have gained his confidence back, "That wasn't a nice trick my dear." Ted said as he came and fondled her breast causing her to leak out a moan even though she had tried her mightiest to prevent it from escaping.

"Oh yea there's that moan gets me revved every time haha," Ted said as he started to gloat further, "Whoa my hand gets sucked into those. You may have a C ranked personality but your an S classed babe."

"My personality is fine, you're a creep. How'd you find me here anyway," Vixen asked. 

"I guess now that I caught you I can tell you. That mark on your arm is from when I grabbed you. I got a rare assassin type class and that's a tracking skill I received.  As long as you are within a certain distance of me I can always find you."

The mark had now disappeared from her wrist, since it required mana to maintain. 

"I'm going to make you mine, we'll be here long enough to where you won't be able to survive without my seed. It was kind enough of you to be already naked for us."

As if to try to prove his point he walked around behind her and smacked her ass his hand grabbing cheek and shaking it slightly. Another moaned escaped her, she could feel her abdomen throbbing and her body stiffened slightly as a small jolt of electricity traveled from her ass to her nipples. The two boys started to strip after they lowered her a tiny bit more, she was now bent over at the waist but her hands still were above her head, she didn't have much room to maneuver. She hadn't given up yet though she was still trying to bait Ted and faked some laughter.

"What could be so funny in your position?"

"Hahaha oh sorry, it's just how pathetic you are, dick so small you can only do stuff like this to get a woman. Jeff your name? At least that guy's a real man he's got what eight inches, what are you 5?"

Vixens taunt worked. Ted walked in front of her, Fury evident on his face.

"It's average what do you know?! You want your cunt ruined fine, it appears I'll have to shut that mouth of yours." 

Jeff positioned himself behind her this time while Ted brought his dick closer to her mouth. It stunk, though not as bad as the trolls, but she still couldn't stop her downstairs from flooding. She wasn't going to give Ted the satisfaction though, she refused go open her mouth. He groped her breasts and teased her tits, she wriggled and squirmed trying to get away to no avail. Her moans getting more intense as her pleasure built, but still managed to not give in. 

Apparently Jeff had gotten tired of waiting and thrust his dick into her while pulling her hips into him. She came and screamed out in rapture she couldn't help it, the foreplay had been too much. Ted capitalized and shoved his dick into her open mouth. Her giant breasts swaying back and forth in rhythm with their thrusts. Her tongue instinctively wrapped around the dick in her mouth spiking Ted's pleasure who was trying to defend his masculinity, "You like gobbling my cock don't you slut." 

[Blowjob/Deep Throat] level up

She altered her tongue slightly causing Ted to lose control and finish, Vixen swallowing the measly load. 

"Wow dude did you cum already? I cant believe the slut came from that," Jeff said as he continued to thrust.

Ted slightly embarrassed backed off for a minute needing to recover. When he did Jeff moved his hands from her hips to her breasts and began to knead her breasts while teasing her nipples. Vixen moaned as she came again and Ted suddenly found himself reinvigorated. Jeff picked up his thrusting speed as he climaxed. 

[Conditions met permanently steal the skill Shroud? Y/N]

[Dex stats have been awarded]

[Level up, Level up] - new ability awarded.

Ted was currently on a power trip. He wanted her to beg for his dick he had a small case of megalomania. 

While he talked he fingered her, her legs shaking from the pleasure, "dirty girl likes cock that much, huh? Tell me you want my dick and you'll be my personal slut and I'll give it to you.  Tell me you want it."

She said nothing and Ted added another finger and increased his hand speed as she came again. Her breathing became ragged so she whispered something. Ted was unable to hear it but was getting all the more excited that he broke her. 

With a smug smile he walked over and put his ear next to her mouth. Jeff watched Ted's eyes grow wide and pale. Ted walked away from Vixen and began to let her down.

"What are you doing stop it!!" Yelled Jeff, but it was too late the ropes hold Vixen dropped.

'Shroud.' Vixen along with the rope she was attached to disappeared. Jeff was even more confused, 'isn't that Ted's ability?' Ted was going over to the chair and bending at the waist put his hands there and held them there as if stuck there by glue. 

"Be careful she has some form of Charm or mind control ability! I can't control my body!" Ted said near hysteria. 

Too late, taking full advantage of the ability she was just granted she appeared right behind Jeff her lips by his ear, her hand on his dick. 

"Go fuck your friend for an hour," she whispered and with a quick move of her hand she enlarged Jeff's dick by two inches. 

It was Jeff's turn to lose color in his complexion, as his body turned and started to head towards Ted. Ted was squirmed but the suggestion she placed on him was when his excitement was at its highest. Also his willpower was pitiful, he wouldn't be able to move from there for a long time. They sighed in relief when Jeff's dick was quickly getting softer seeing its target. 

When Jeff was only two feet away Vixen smiled, "Mmmhmmmm!" She moaned loudly and lustfully reinvigorating them both.

"One last moan you all love so much. Cheers," she said as she dressed, grabbed her stuff and left. The crying boys music to her ears.

-Ability acquired [Body Modification]- temporarily alter a sexual partners anatomy. Cannot be used to add or take away body parts.

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