
11- A New Outfit

A figure gets up from a desk in an underground room not bothering to close the door as they left. The letter read: 

A strange woman has been spotted going to the home I was instructed to watch. Home has become uninhabitable due to a powerful...squatter. I'll write again to confirm identity of strange woman.


That morning Vixen spent the better half of the morning designing the armor Eugene was going to make for her. The shorts were legless, each pant leg came down just past her crotch in length where they'd have a special slit designed for a knife belt. She'd have to wear a thong with how close fitting the pants are. The straps would hug her hips above the waist line since the pants were worn on the hips. Her entire mid drift is to remain bare the chest piece obviously covers the nipples with an extended comfortable pad to prevent chaffing, but there is as much cleavage as the design could allow and remain in tact. The breast pieces connected to the shoulder pieces that did not restrict her arm movements or rotation. It joined together into a choker. The choker sealed in the center with a jewel which would then allow her to don and doff the armor. She tried dummy material in shape of the armor and she was please with the bonus Def she got.

[Bonus Def granted-70%]

Eugene said it'd take at least a week for the armor to be ready so until then she just wash her clothes.

'Time to clean this place up,' she thought. 

 She would sleep all day and then would leave every night. She had to gather information about who the powerful players were so he could start making moves to take them all out, to make it so dangerous to business in the city that they uproot shop and leave. She would make sure she was never followed, though it's been eight years she didn't put it past Geoffrey, now Maxwell, to post people to watch her old place. When it was time for her to return back to Eugene's, she'd use her shroud ability and navigate to a well lit part of the city that was also a popular route for the city guards. Her first night she grabbed a smooth but non see through breathable cloth and sowed it into a mask which she donned, it covered her nose down to her neck, she then put on her hood and walked around the city making note of, and establishing an order of the questionable establishments she wanted to visit to gather information. When she got back day had not yet broke so she stripped down and sunk into a hot bath. The top half of her breasts sitting on the water like marshmallows in hot chocolate. She was feeling more relaxed, she had had this weight she was walking around with ever since she went to visit Cadel Manor (that's what she used to call it). Maybe it was because she had made a plan to clean up the city, or maybe it was just the bath itself that she was able to wind down, she didn't know. As she lay there her hand started to glide down her stomach, her fingernails lightly grazing her skin. Her abdomen started to thrum as her skin got goosebumps. She was lightly scratching upwards on the inside of her legs as her breath quickened. She began to tease herself, the initial jolt was so powerful she sharply inhaled as it took her breath away. She bit her lip to keep her voice down and her mouth shut. She put each foot at opposite ends of the bath to give herself easier access, while the other hand massaged her breast and teased her nipple. A current of electricity shot through her connecting the two points she was playing with. Even in the water she could tell how aroused she was. Low moans started to escape her.  She put her nipple into her mouth to tease it with her tongue sending flying off the precarious ledge she had put herself on. Her hips raised, eyes closed, and legs shook as she orgasmed this time biting her finger to quiet herself. Not as successfully as she would've wanted as a low moan escaped her lips. 

[Hidden Objective Complete]- masterbate for the first time, reward:

-Ability [Slip of the Tongue]- while engage in sexual activities, the other member(s) cannot lie.

'Well that sounds awfully niche,' she thought still catching her breath. 'But I'm sure it'll be useful.'

After washing and drying herself off she rolled onto her bedroll and fell asleep more peacefully than the night before just as the sun was crowning over the horizon. 

That night with her mask up and her hood on, she left Eugene's to go to the first place of interest that she scoped out the previous night. The place she entered was lively, the scent of booze and piss permeating the air muffled by the mask. The disorderly patrons playing dice, fighting, singing and dancing, or just brooding by themselves. Vixen walked up to the bar and sat down, and waited for the bartender.

"What'll it be," the bartender said without looking up from cleaning a glass. 

"Rum on the rocks," she replied. 

"One silver." The bartender who started to pour the liquor. Vixen took out a gold piece and put it on the table, the bartender raised an eyebrow, "I haven't got the change for that."

"Fine then maybe there's another way you can pay me," she said accentuating her voice alluringly and softly. The bartender cleared his throat when she continued, "perhaps you can give me some information?" 

"Depends on what kind of information this miss is looking for."

"I understand that the city took a dive after Cadel died, but it shouldn't be this bad. Why are all these low lives flocking here?"

"Miss these misfits are loyal customers. I will tell you this though if you're set on sticking your nose in where it doesnt belong. Dont try to enter that old Cadel place, something isnt right there. I even hear tales of nightmare-ish creatures residing in there, that's why it's sealed off."

"Interesting, but not what I was asking, well thanks anyway."

She picked up her drink and moved to the corner of the bar and was listening to all the conversation's lending an ear to any topic that moved more along the lines of what she was looking for.

"Hey did you hear," Vixen caught a group of three men saying in hushed voices at a nearby table, their heads leaned in slightly. They're leaned in not because they were trying to be quiet, but because it was loud and wanted to hear each other better, it's not like anyone in the entire establishment would care what they talked about, save for one. "Did you hear they're expanding the drug operation?"

"Are they crazy?"

"There's no way to sustain it if they get bigger."

"Right now they're only operating out of the eastern city. There is a bunch of ingredients coming in in two days that should help them do it. Caravan is supposed to be led by some alchemist fellow, and a lizard folk." 

"Damn monsters, I miss the days were you only had to worry about a human and a hidden dagger. That bloke probably eats people. "

Vixen got up and left the establishment, ran towards an alley and used shroud before heading back to Eugene's. 

Two men exit the bar in a hurry, "Where'd that lass go?"

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