
21- Locating the Target pt2

Vixen got her room and locked her leather armor along with her money in the safe provided by the resort. The key was on a tie she put around her neck. The room was big, it had an earthy feel to it, hard wood floors, wood paneling, large tub in the bathroom, and big balcony that overlooked the city. She wss on the fifth floor so the view was very pleasant. 

She slept for a couple hours before heading down to the hot spring. There were three areas, one separate for each sex and a mixed bath. She first went to the woman's bath, she had worn a loin cloth and a breast band that had been provided to her, made of smooth water proof material. It was the first time she had tried something like that and she found it rather nice against her skin.

It was a rather large pool surrounded by black volcanic rock, large pedals that smelled of eucalyptus floated in the water. She had her stress melt away as quickly as she sank into the steamy water. She was looking around, this bath was full of women of all ages. Soaking and chatting enthusiastically, while not truly paying attention especially with her now sensitive hearing, she was able to pick up that there was a special event coming up.

While she was resting listening to various uninteresting conversations one of the prettier women in the bath waded through the water to get to her. She sat next to Vixen closing her eyes. Vixen didn't open her eyes, but was well aware of the woman's presence.

"Can I help you?" Vixen asked.

"I just noticed a pretty woman sitting here by herself."

"I'm new to the city, I don't know many people yet."

"I'm Vivian, are you busy here on your stay or do you have time for a mixer tonight?"

"I am extremely busy on my stay, but I always have time for a mixer. I'm Vixen."

"Nice name! The mixer starts at ten tonight in the mixed hot spring area. Food and cocktails included. I look forward to seeing you there." 

"Likewise. "

The two sat chatting for a while and Vixen had asked if she knew anyone named Alfonso but apparently it's a fairly common name in this particular region. She mentioned the hook shaped scar on the man's leg, but that didn't yield any additional information either.

"What are you looking for this man for anyway? It doesn't seem that they gave you much to go off of?" Questioned Vivian. 

"I agree, definitely a vague description, I was only told to search him out to conclude a business venture," she replied. 

At this point they had been in the hot water for a couple hours so Vixen had excused herself to get some food and rest. She took a nap excited for the late night mixer.

At a quarter till she dressed in her swim attire and made her way to the mixed hot spring, which upon entering, noticed it was decorated to fit the occasion. An elvish band played upbeat music where people could enjoy dancing, there was a bar where several bartenders rushed around filling the ever increasing demand for alcohol. 

The place was packed with mostly younger people. Vixen grabbed her favorite drink, a spicy rum, and talked and mingled with the others. She was quite the popular patron, no less than seven young men came up to her with a drink for her in tow to start up a conversation with her. 

Soon she was swimming in a drunken stupor, while enjoying herself, she was still going strong. She was getting the hot, and while they would not overtly grope her, they would put their hand on the small of her back to show her something, touch her leg while they were sitting down, and other small physical interactions. 

She also noticed that none of the men were getting jealous of her attention, while they were all undoubtedly competing for her affection, between them it was a competition of conquest. 

She let the booze take control a bit and would pull each guy by the hand to a  more secluded place, tracing their arms up and down with her fingers asking about an Alfonso with the hook shaped scar. After her questions she would ask them to grab her a drink for them to find her back with the rest of the accumulated group. 

They figured she was playing hard to get, but when she reciprocated their advances with giggling and light touches of their arms and, if sitting, thier legs they thought she was at least interested. 

She then met a man named Matthew, she had pulled him away from the others and brought him to the dance floor for a slow song. He had both hands wrapped around her waist and her chin was rested on his shoulder.

"Do you happen to know a man named Alfonso who has a hook shaped scar on his leg?" Vixen whispered her lips coming dangerously close to Matthew's ear.

"Yes I do, what do you need of him?" Matthew asked curiously. 

Vixen turned, her back against his chest, but butt lined up with his crotch. She lightly dug her nails into his thigh as she dragged them upwards. She could feel him get bigger as she replied.

 "Who is he?"

"He's my captain, we're the Knights of Asari." 

Vixen started to sway her hips rubbing against him with increased fervor in tandem with the booming drums. She could hear his breath become more ragged. 

She pulled him by the hand, leading him out of the mixed hot spring. They walked further up the mountain following the path behind the resort. Five minutes later the ground leveled out, another hot spring that turned into a steam that traveled down the mountain giving off steam and an inviting ambiance. 

Vixen slowly stripped, her forearm now covering her breasts as she walked backwards into the hot water glancing seductively at the Asarian Knight. Matthew couldn't get his clothes off fast enough as he dove in after her. Nearly tackling her they both laughed Vixen feeling his hard member on her thigh as they embraced. 

She lightly kissed his neck while her hand wrapped around his dick gently stroking it. He reached out sinking his hands into her breasts, she moaned softly into his ear. She kissed down his neck onto his chest traveling down her mouth found his engorged head. She licked the tip, teasing him. 

"What's Alfonso's scheduled rotation?" She asked before taking his pulsating dick into her mouth. 

The sensation was so intense and sudden that Matthew came right away. Vixen swallowed the whole load. He wasn't worried though, he was always someone who could go multiple rounds.

[Stats added]

"He's on a three day rotation he's on his last day of work right now. "

'Why did I tell her that,' Matthew asked himself.

Vixen was heating up and not due to the hot spring. Matthew also had his switch flipped, he grabbed her hands and spun her around, his hard member between her legs raring to go.

"I hope you're ready for round two," Matthew smirked.

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