
38 – Next Venture

Vixen wanted to lay low for a couple weeks she did not want Maxwell to track her. She figured he probably knew it was her but he didn't know what she looked like anymore. During this time the vampires that were prospected by other factions came to her doorstep since they awakened her ability steal power. They swore fealty to her and she put them to work gather material for Dahlia. 

They did not possess her bloodlines ability to fend off the sun so she had them also guard the grounds at night to include the upcoming alchemist mountain. 

She warned them to be cautious too because strange creatures that were not in the mountain before have been revealing themselves, like jackrabbits  who feast on human flesh. Vixen had found one munching on the bones of a villager a week after the sapling had rooted. 

She also had been returning to the sapling every few days to "water" it with some of her blood. Even though it was giving off quite a bit of energy itself, it happily nourished itself with her blood increasing both its growth and energy output. 

Over the last few weeks with the additional members she had been able to completely renovate the manor, with its increase in size it now had a proper apothecary and more rooms. One new room was a conference room where she currently resided with Ferde'La and Loralei conversing about the next step in hindering Maxwell.

She knew he operated a brothel in the same city his magic tower was located. She wasn't comfortable being in his domain just yet. She wanted to fly under the radar for as long as possible. She had to focus on one of his other ventures. 

She would have to recall Cirjo from the his duties to see if he was able to uncover anything about Maxwell or his old name Geoffrey. 

"Cirjo, come back here as soon as you can. I have some questions for you and want to meet in person."

"Yes Empress. "

With her telepathic command given, she just had to wait for hid return. Over the course of the next week she continued to give her blood to the world tree and train against at least five or six of the vampires from her faction, choosing different ones every time so she didn't get used to fighting against any one particular person. 

She had been please with her progress when Cirjo showed up at the end of the week.

"You called for me Empress," Cirjo asked dropping to a knee in front of her. 

"Yes, what have you uncovered about Maxwell in during your thieves guild assignment?"

"Maxwell is a high value and high profile target for our guild. Naturally being a wealthy man with the title of hero we pay lots of attention to his ventures and investments."

"What do you think our next target should be?"

"About two years ago he cleared out a mine that produced two very rare metals: adamantine and mithril. He reckoned there was an artifact in there that forced the mine to produce such valuable metals, but he was wrong it was something far worse. 

He ended up clearing the mine, only to find out that it was an open dungeon. An..."

"Whats an opener dungeon? I haven't heard that term before." Vixen interrupted. 

"An open dungeon is one that does not begin from magical origins. Closed or normal dungeons have clear entrances, environments, and monsters usually cannot pass through the predefined entrances. Open dungeons are ones created when a powerful magical entity enters and makes it their territory. The entity that made it a dungeon was an ancient ore dragon."

"An ancient ore dragon? Maxwell wasn't strong enough to take on an ore dragon. An ore dragon is the offspring of a gem and cave dragon and it gives them special constitutions. They usually live far underground."

"All those things still hold true Empress. Maxwell culled the monsters mutated from the dragons influence. Maxwell apparently made some kind of bargain with the dragon but what that is, is unknown. What we did find out is that bargain allows for some minors to get mithril and adamantine from the cave, as well as several vials of dragon's blood."

"That's quite a valuable haul."

"Agreed. It's taken to a secret underground forge where they create and sell powerful magical items on the black market for exhorbant prices. All attempts of breaking into the place has been met with failure though." 

"Thank you for your hard work Cirjo. Please continue to do a good job and you may return to the guild. Is there anything I can reward you with?"

"Thank you Empress you're praise is undeserving. As for rewarding me....t-there is one thing I'd desire."

"Cirjo. Just because I can speak with you telepathically doesn't mean I can read your mind. Tell me what you'd like and if it's within my power I can grant it."

"I-I...," Cirjo stealed himself. If he was going to get punished for his impertinence, then he might as well swing for the fences. 

"Empress I cannot get the night we met out of my head. I know I am unworthy but I want to copulate with you."

Cirjo immediately bowed his head after looking at Vixen's unreadable face, "I apologize for my boldness!"

Vixen ran forward at a terrifying speed and rammed Cirjo against the wall pinning him there by the throat. 

Vixen's eyes were glowing, "That is quite the request. I'll reward you now, but you'll have to continue to do great work for me if you want that. I'll tell you what. If you can find another one of his businesses, I'll grant you a night with me."

"T-thank you Empress for the consid..."

Cirjo was forced to stop talking Vixen had used her long tongue to lick the side of his neck with her hand still clasped around his throat. Her other hand had moved to the inside of his thigh, lightly scratching upwards. 

Cirjo was still as stone, afraid to move for fear he ruin whatever she was thinking. Cirjo could feel himself getting aroused quickly and, matching his expectation, felt her hand start rubbing the backside of his shaft through his pants. 

Her hand undid his pants well enough for them to fall to his knees, she grasped his shaft and stroked it gently palm touching the topside of his dick.

Vixen slowly got to her knees scratching down Cijo's chest as she engulfed his engorged head with her mouth. Vixen could feel herself getting wet and Cirjo was still posted against the wall, his eyes now closed. 

She sucked him to the base, he was bigger than most the men she's been with but it didn't matter, Cijro thoroughly enjoying the feeling the back of her throat provided. She took her time, it was a reward for her subordinate after all. As the dick withdrew from her throat she went back to the base with her tongue while her hand teased the head. 

She pushed his dick upwards as she licked the underside and around the head before putting it back into her mouth. Cirjo could no longer hold onto being still as he began to thrust his hips in tandem with her. 

She sucked each testicle as she stroked him slowly using the moisture from her saliva to tease him further. Vixen the continued her service in earnest deep throating him wrapping her long tongue around his cock as it penetrated and withdrew from her throat. 

With a final thrust Vixen felt Cirjo grab her by the head as he came into her throat, Vixen swallowing all of the viscous cum she was also rewarded with an orgasm. 

[Stats awarded]

"Your reward has been granted. I hope you'll have more favorable news the next time I call upon you." Vixen said as she was getting up.

Cirjo watched as Vixen headed upstairs, "I won't return until I do."

Vixen turned and smiled, 'Now it's time for a bath.' Vixen thought feeling refreshed.

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