
47 – Opposing Natures

[WARNING!! Opposing energy detected! Exercise caution.]

Vixen's system blared at her as she watched with genuine curiosity as her opponent began to change shape. The man before her was roughly 5'8" but soon grew to well above eight feet tall. 

The man's face elongated, the jaw dropped a full foot as two more pairs of eyes opened beneath the first. Rows of sharp teeth could be seen, the ears became pointy, a thick lizard-like tail sprouted out of his backside, and the hair lengthened and continued in a streak down his back. The demon's arms grew so long that the knuckles could touch the ground without him bending over. 

Sharp claws made their appearance on both his fingers and toes. It roared towards the night sky before launching itself at Vixen. Vixen prepared her holy lance magic, but it was taking much longer to form.

"Don't you know cunt?" Asked the demon as he slashed at her without pause forcing her to dodge all the attacks. "Our magics are opposing natures and corrupt each other. We are gonna have to brawl it out." 

Vixen could tell the demon wasn't lying. She abandoned her attempt to use her celestial attributed magic. She used lightning and although she didn't have a problem casting this type, it wasn't doing much to her enemy either. 

She unsheathed amp and with the boosted damage to her lightning attacks finally started to hurt him. She narrowly dodged a claw from him, tiny beads of blood oozed out of her arm as she sliced off part of his ear with the sword.

"Arggg! You bitch! You know what. I've made up my mind. Death is too good for you," he threatened. "I'm going to beat you to an inch of your life, then I'm going to fuck you till you carry my children. I'll continue to torture you and fuck you till you beg me for death, only then will it come." 

'Where have I heard that before?' Vixen thought as she continued to chip away at the demon. The only problem was the demon continued to chip away at her too. The high-speed regeneration ability she pilfered off the troll was being affected by the corrupting nature of the demon's energy. 

'It has been such a long time since I've had to worry about accumulation of injuries,' Vixen thought. Ariel lunged at her while Vixen swung her sword, he ducked under altering his trajectory  and went to bite her with his sharp fangs. Her offhand sword met his mouth and there was a clear winner, but unfortunately it was not in her favor. The sword had snapped in two under the demon's bite force, "Hahaha now that you're down a weapon, this will be easier," Ariel gloated. 

Vixen felt like the fight had been going on for nearly twenty minutes, neither side being able to best the other. The demon had lost some of his ear, a finger, and had multiple cuts on his legs, torso, and forearms. However, Vixen was equally worse for wear, with her healing ability extremely muted she was riddled with cuts of her own, and her armor was in tatters. During one exchange Ariel had managed to get on top of her and bit onto her arm, which was rendered useless as purple miasma radiated outward from the wound. Luckily for her though, due to the properties of opposing nature, the miasma could not spread to her entire arm. 

She was still able to move the arm, albeit with some difficulty. Ariel and Vixen stood opposite of each other huffing loudly, she held the sword vamp out in front of her. 'Ive got to do something,' she thought. A crazy idea came to her, but since she didnt have many other options she was going to try it. 

"What are you doing? I told already told you that its near impossible to gather your mana. If I could I would have already killed you," Ariel said through labored breathing. The wind started to pick up and the air started to change. 

"I thought of something that might work, but I'll never know if I dont try," she replied. 

"You think I'm just going to let you do it? You take me for a fool!" Ariel shouted as he charged her again. Vixen was ready for the clash, she parried a clawed haymaker, barely dodged a bite that would have left her seriously wounded, blocked a huge swipe of his tail that pushed her back several yards. Vixen had made minimal movements during these exchanges, but the injuries on her continued to build and it left Ariel a little confused. 

'She's not dodging as well as before, is she tired or is it something else...,' he thought. Ariel's eyes went wide at the realization, "YOU! What are you doing!"

"Bought time you figured it out, but its too late. It took a lot more focus, but I was building my magic internally so the effect of the demon energy was lessened enough for me to cast one final spell." 

A huge surge of energy suddenly exploded from Vixen, as divine energy formed into a physical lance. She grabbed the shaft as it pulsated with energy, and it was so concentrated it oppressed Ariel's own energy. 

"Goodbye," she said as she dashed towards the demon. Ariel tried to move, but the divine energy made it difficult for him to move. Vixen went to stab the demon through the heart with the divine lance, but in his last moment before the lance hit, he moved his tail with lightning speed and struck her through the stomach. When the lance connected Ariel screamed an ethereal wail that sent goosebumps down her arm. 

Ariel exploded from the torso up, fell over, and laid still. Vixen also hit the ground, too injured for her regeneration ability to kick back on, additionally she could tell that while her arm was infected with miasma it'll be all the more slow to heal. A thought entered her, she crawled hand over hand on the floor. Her blood streaking the grass in her wake, she grabbed onto what was left of the arm of the demon and bit into it, drinking his blood as if she had been trekking through the desert. 

Her wounds started to close, the miasma on her arm began to fade away, and her regeneration ability finally began to help heal her. It was a gamble due to her unique nature that paid off. It was her only option to try to heal, and since a vampire is closer to a demon than an angel, she thought it might work. 

[level up]
[level up]
[level up]
[level up]
[level up]

[You have defeated a demon! A special reward will be granted]

As she read the reward her eyes grew blurry and lost consciousness as exhaustion took her.


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