
49 – The lustful state

The speed of her travel home was cut to a fraction of her normal pace, her crotch moistening the ground with droplets as she walked. Her knees nearly touching together to keep herself from falling her breaths coming in labored. Her skin was feverish, even the fabric rubbing against her nipples caused jolts to run through her body. 

[Lustful State - 4:59]

Vixen tried to pick up the pace, she was not sure what would happen if she entered the lustful state since it hasn't happened to her before. Due to some of her abilities, she had always been in control and it frightened her to think she'd be in a declined mental state. To pile on to that anxiety, she was in the middle of a forest with no idea of the location or distance to the nearest settlement. 

[Warning: lustful state 2:00]

Vixen's body felt like it was on fire, her entire body was sensitive. The wind blowing through her hair gave her goosebumps, the way her skin slid against itself due to her own lubricant, her entire body was working against her. Her eyes continually darted around as she grew ever more frantic to find someone she knew, she couldn't remember if she told her vampire family to meet her or not. 

[Lustful state 0:00]
[Lustful state 0:00]

Vixen saw the message flashing at her before her vision grew hazy. 


"My prince, why must we come all the way out here again?"

The woman looked at her betrothed in yearning. The man was tall, and had a wild look about him. He was packed with muscle with not an ounce of body fat, one of the byproducts of living out in the wilderness. He had light brown hair in a mohawk with a brown braid that rested on his shoulder, tattoos across his chest and down his arms, testament to his battle prowess. The man was shirtless and wore thin loose fitting black pants that sat so low on his hips that you could see the 'V' where his abs met his pelvis. 

"We are investigating an incredibly foul energy, it even gave me goosebumps. We had had an arrangement with the deplorable Cassius, but this being definitely did not make any arrangements to be within our territory. Not only that, based off the energy I felt I would not allow him sanctuary here." 

The man responded as he glanced back at the woman. She was arranged to be his mate, it was a custom in his tribe as leader to be paired with a suitable partner and this was who the elders chose. She was attractive enough; she had blonde hair which was rare here, an athletic build, had a decent sized bust near a B or C cup, wide hips that were perfect for child bearing, and most importantly she was a skilled hunter and almost as accomplished as he was in combat.  

"Godric," the woman began, "if there is a turf war, won't it put our union on hold?"

"That's definitely a possibility Sibyl," replied Godric, "even in war there is time to celebrate a good thing. If it is war, then it may speed up our union and our timeline for when we are expected to have children."

"How many children do you want? I want six," Sibyl said with a smile as she touched her abdomen imagining becoming a mother. 

"Six!?" Godric was beside himself, "There is no way we..." He trailed off. He sniffed the air and the hairs on his arms stood on end. "We have company, though different than what I was expecting."

She gave the air a sniff too, "What the hell is it? It kind of smells like a powerful vampire, but different somehow."

Out in the distance was a woman with silver hair and tattoos, but something was off about her. Immediately Godric and Sibyl got on guard as the woman moved ever closer. It was how she walked that made them so uneasy, her walk closely resembled that of a zombie shamble, her clothes were in tatters even though the important things were covered, the damages left little to the imagination,  and she gave off a strange scent as well. Sibyl was not able to smell it, but Godric felt weird. He felt like he wanted her to get closer, but logically he wanted her to just disappear. 

They blinked and the woman was gone, Sibyl received a heavy kick in the chest and she coughed up a little bit of blood as her back hit a tree. Godric reacted but far too slow as she was almost on the ground and did a leg swipe. Godric's body flew and landed straight on his back and was pinned down by a strange force. He laid on the ground like a star fish, hands out to the side and when he glanced at his arms he could see the grass depressed too. 

'This woman, she's using gravity magic. How rare, but what is she going to do to me? Why am I a little excited?' Godric thought through some rising panic. 

The woman started to take off all her armor, but Sibyl had recovered enough and performed a flying kick in her back making her rolling over top of herself. The woman quickly got back up, her gravity not relenting even a little bit keeping Godric pinned. 

The woman whispered something but it was only due to Siybl's sensitive hearing that she was able to decipher the whisper, "Don't get in my way."

Alarmed, Godric and Sibyl began to transform; hair began to sprout everywhere on their bodies, their faces formed into snouts with hundreds of razor sharp teeth, their muscles expanded, their hands became clawed, and their ears moved from the side of their heads to pointed ears on top: lycanthropes.

Godric's strength is now incomparable to before, but he was still unable to get up. He was able to move some of his limbs albeit only barely, the woman had to have been putting quite the amount of mana into the spell to keep him pinned in this form.

Sibyl rushed the crazed woman, she was much faster in her wolf hybrid form than her humanoid one. She swiped her claws right at her neck and she dodged it, but barely. Her sharp claws grazed her cheek, but it healed almost instantly.

'What kind of vampire is this? Our attacks are supposed to reduce their healing capabilities,' she thought as she guarded a retaliatory kick from her. 

She could see her eyes glow purple and for a split second she felt a change in her body, it nearly became aroused, but she managed to shake it off, 'What the hell was that? Luckily werewolves are far more resistant to vampire abilities otherwise I don't know how that would turn out.'

Sibyl stood there waiting to react to whatever the strange vampire was going to do next, but she felt unprepared. She thought she saw a pink aura envelope the vampire. 

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