
54 – Tough Decision

Vixen stared up at the ceiling, her body had yet to require sleep, but she was mentally exhausted and was in deep thought about her next plans. The alchemist she took under her after using the artifact she stole from Maxwell made her business flourish and was quickly amassing wealth. She thought their group could benefit from a weapon and armor smith since the artifact had the unforeseen effect of mutating the wildlife. That would be a quick way to not only increase their own strength but profits as well. 

Vixen's main concern was the apparent dealings Maxwell had with the demon population. She had been amassing strength for quite a while and still felt insufficient when dealing with them. Her mind was turbulent with thoughts and feelings she didn't know how to describe let alone begin to unravel. She mopped around for the remainder of the day and into the night contemplating what her next steps should be. 

She decided to seek Vince's counsel since he had been serving as her family orchestrator and manager. Victor had been sitting in his favorite armchair in the lounge on the bottom floor. The dim candlelight illuminating a large leather bound book that sat open on his lap. He was gently swirling a dark liquid in a stemmed wine glass before taking a brief sniff and putting it to his lips. 

Vixen sat down on the floor hands rested on the floor behind her, legs extended and crossed. She rested her cheek on her shoulder as she made eye contact with him. 

He leisurely closed the book, took a sip out of his glass and exhaled deeply, "What can I for you?" 

"I wanted to seek you counsel on something," she said vaguely. 

"Oh, I do have quite a bit of wisdom having lived so long, what's has gotten you stuck?"

"Well, you're aware of my unique constitution?"

"Aye, I am"

"Sigh, I've been granted a boon that'll help me grow in strength and it will actually serve as accomplishing two things at once, but I don't know if I can mentally go through with it."

"Why not?"

"I suppose it just comes down to a single question. Is the fallout worth the blind pursuit of power, even if it's temporary? "

"What are you talking about?  I've known you for a little while now and you've been pursuing power relentlessly, it is why you've changed so drastically."

"Did you know I used to be a man?"

Victor's eyes widened in surprise, but didn't interrupt.

"I keep that secret close to my chest, and I don't mean by magic, or a curse. I was changed as if I had been born a woman. My appearance had been predetermined. My body, skills, senses, and nearly everything about me had been altered and manipulated. I'm conflicted between pursuing this revenge and holding onto some semblance of my dignity."

Victor sat silently for the narration of how she was changed. "Are you capable of returning to your old body?"

Vixen shook her head.

"Then why fight what you excel at? If you're given a boon abuse it, because those that don't end up dead. If you're dead nothing else matters."

"There is some sense in that isn't there."

"Only by surviving can you achieve what you want."

"Thank you," she said. Vixen stood up with newfound determination, 'I'll win this war then try to find a way to undo this mess.'

Vixen walked with a purpose, she went to a giant table littered with scrolls and parchment her eyes darting across as if frantic. 

She found what she had been looking for, a map to Dragon Isle. A chain of islands far off the western coast known to house dragons. 

'If I can make them my allies, it'll be strong start against Maxwell.' 

She spent the rest of the evening committing the map to memory. In the morning she would set out, and the isles were easily a week's trip.

She decided she would travel like everyone else to avoid exhausting herself and slowing her trip by having to make unnecessary stops. Picking up information was another benefit she wanted to capitalize on since she would stay in towns along her route. 

At the break of dawn she made her way down to the town stables, a young woman was stacking hay bales when Vixen approached. 

"Ah Miss, you scared me. I didn't hear you coming," the young woman said putting a hand onto her chest.

"My apologies, I wasn't not trying to scare you, I simply wanted go buy a horse, preferably one for long distance travel." Vixen said dolling out a few gold coins. 

"It'd be my pleasure."

The young lady led Vixen through the stables and stopped at a black hose with some white splotches on it. 

"This is Macron, he is in great shape and is the best we have for your needs."

"He's perfect thank you. Can you get him his tac too or do you need a bit more?"

"This amount of gold is plenty. If anything you over paid."

"I appreciate your honesty, but keep it in good faith yes? Also, please tell no one of our transaction."

"What transaction Miss?"

"Thatta girl."

After Macron had been set up with tac, Vixen hoisted herself up and sped off towards Dragon Isle. 

The first day was fairly uneventful, the first of three towns in route to Dragon Isle was a hub for travelers. Depending on which direction you leave from, you can get almost anywhere in the country from that town. Vixen would have to take the southern route from that town and after referencing her map noticed a slight issue. 

'While I can reach Hubberton around mid day, the next town I need to reach is significantly farther. Some of the route I may even have to traverse on foot so I don't injure Macron. That means, I may be having to camp out and while that isn't a problem for me it is for the horse.' Vixen thought to herself while considering her options. 

'If the town is really that much farther than Hubberton, I suppose it wont make a difference leaving early in the morning or camping out, I may have to camp regardless.'

With her decision to ride through and only stop for a brief respite for Macron, Vixen rode right on through Hubberton. Unknown to her, she caused quite a wave going through the small town and two individuals outside the southern bar and trading post tracked her with their eyes. No words were exchanged between the two individuals, however, they both nodded and began gathering their belongings as Vixen rode past.

Vixen was no stranger to the wilderness, as Cadel she was constantly camping out so their was a familiarity and routine setting up camp later that night that she found solace in. When the sun went down she stopped her horse for the night by the river she was going to follow for the rest of her trip. Macron gulped down some water while Vixen got a bucket full of oats prepared for him. 

The moon was high in the sky, 'Man am I bored. Not needing to sleep gives me too much time on my hands during something like this. I need to find a hobby to improve on while I am adventuring otherwise I'll lose my mind. There's a river here at least maybe I can bathe since I'm alone.' Vixen began to undo the laces of her boots and removed her armor. She went to her belongings and grabbed fresh underwear as she made her way to the water when a small explosion went off near her covering the entire area in white smoke. 

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