
57 – Third Branch

Vixen now had a new trauma to overcome. Just when she thought she was prepared to do something for the greater good, an enormous wall sprouted upwards blocking her path. The only saving grace for this mental wall was that the new ability was supposed to make things easier on her. Luckily Sedi and Jimbo were unaware that she had received such a skill and thus saved some embarrassment. 

Their group had almost made it through the swamp, after the run in with the mysterious individual the amount of creatures they ran into was significantly reduced. They would still have to spend the night inside the swamp, but they bypassed the central part of the swamp without running into anything else humanoid. That night Sedi used some of his magic to raise a platform above the murky waters of the swamp, even above some of the mangrove roots. Jimbo used his water magic to draw out the moisture from the earthly platform to make it more comfortable and stable. 

"This looks good fellas, now set up camp," ordered Vixen. She took a bedroll out of her storage and sat down on it with her back resting against a tree, her legs crossed at the ankles. While Sedi and Jimbo worked, she had closed her eyes. When she did the voice replayed in her mind, "Dont lose yourself go to Lush cave in the Dragon Isles." She was sure the dragons would know where the cave was if they'd be willing to tell her. 

'How am I supposed to make friends with these dragons? I have never met one before but I have heard the legends. They have different desires and interests based on their coloring. I remember a whole town was spared from disaster because they gave a blue dragon a pot of gold. Though I don't recall if that was because it was a blue dragon or because all dragons like shiny things. The only rumor that is unilaterally accepted is that all dragons like to be flattered.

A soft glow entered Vixen's vision and with a quick glance saw a gentle flame inside a ring of rocks. She enjoyed the warmth from the fire, especially after walking knee deep in sludge all day. 

"Gentleman come here please and offer me your arms." The two men rushed to obey Vixen's command and offered their arms to her. She bit down first on Jimbo, then we she was halfway full, bit down on Sedi. The two had worked hard to please her and she didnt want them exhausted in case she would need them. However, she did have to make sure that she wasnt exhausting herself either.

[Stats awarded]
[Stats awarded]

After the other two had their fill of rations they undid their bedrolls and fell asleep. Vixen not needing to sleep had all the time to think about her plans and the things she needed to accomplish. As the snores grew louder, Vixen's eyes started to feel heavy, she was alarmed because she does not remember the last time she felt sleepy like this. The panic momentarily bringing life back into her, but to no avail. Her eyes closed and her consciousness faded.

When she opened her eyes she was on hard solid rock and in a gray-scrape as far as the eye can see. She her guard was up, did she teleport here? She wasn't sure, but the place felt eerily familiar to her. She turned around to get a full bearing on her location and jumped in surprise when another figure presented itself to her. 

"Axlawz?" She questioned. 

"Ah, I can see why you'd ask that. You are unable to perceive us yet," said the figure.  "I am Grimborle (Grim-bore-lay). I have brought your soul here by the order of Abaddon the Ruler of the Nine Hells."

"I take it you're not trying to fight me. I am not sure what the goal is here, I did kill one of your kind," she replied.

"Yes, that does happen. The nature of lesser demons is wrought with destruction, devils like myself, however, rule those masses. We each have our own role in the universe that we must adhere to for balance."

"So what do you want from me?"

"We want to make a contract with you, one that will be beneficial to you and detrimental to us."

"Why would you make me such an offer?"

"The alternative would destroy the very cosmos. It would all be for the sake of balance."

"What is the deal? Are you aware that Maxwell made some type of deal with you guys and I am going to stop him? You are aware then that we will be enemies so long as that pact between you two remains active."

"We do understand that. However, we can not make a move against you since the celestials are watching your body. If we did, it would just entice another battle between both sides with ours at a disadvantage. Which that point brings us to here. We are aware of the mission granted to you by the celestials, but please do not ask how. They way you are now tips the balance in the celestial's favor, with the ability to create divine beings, with an energy signature that directly opposes our own spells disaster."

"Oh, I get why that would be bad for you. So what is the deal you have in mind?"

"The deal would be that as you go about your mission for them, you accept divinity from our side. What this will do is allow all your abilities to hurt divine beings, devil and celestial alike. You will have your own branch of divinity, and we will grant you access to our innate branch of magic as well. This deal is still viable even if you kill my kin and deal with Maxwell, and before you ask why let me pose you with a question. How do you think the celestial's will handle another group of divine beings that are capable of harming them? They will turn on you no matter your ranking. This way though balance will be upheld in a three way stalemate."

"And if I agree to the deal, how soon do I obtain this power?" She didn't know why since the devils face and body were blurred, but she got the impression the devil smiled.


"Sigh, ok I accept."

"Splendid. I'll go get Abaddon." Grimborle faded instantly.

"Um what?" Vixen said nervously as felt cold sweat encompass her.

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