Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: [104] Primitive Tribe

[Saber-toothed tiger? Really, this is not a special effect, right?]

[This seems to be bigger than the saber-toothed tiger on Thousand Degrees Encyclopedia. It’s a fierce one. Even a lion and tiger can only be reduced to food in front of this thing.]

[This is a live broadcast, where’s the special effects, it’s a real saber-toothed tiger! My God, this is definitely one of the top ten discoveries of the year! 】

[As expected of Brother Jiang, I found things that ordinary humans can’t find easily. I, Lin Haitao, would like to call you the strongest]

Jiang Le lay on the tree trunk without daring to move. Who knows if the saber-toothed tiger can climb a tree, if he finds out about him, he might end up exactly the same as the three of the tiger brothers.


Without any accident, when the saber-toothed tiger’s blood basin was bitten down, Brother Hu was directly bitten by the saber-toothed tiger’s fangs. With the big mouth of the saber-toothed tiger, the tiger basically didn’t even look like a human.

The weird people who had hid earlier stared at the saber-toothed tiger without daring to pant. Obviously, it was not the first time that they had come into contact with this beast, and they had already had the experience to deal with it in advance.

The saber-toothed tiger, which had hunted three prey, picked up the corpses of the three, and then wagged its tail and turned to leave the place.

“Gu Abu, Aba Aba.” After several weirdos were sure that the saber-toothed tiger was really far away, they slowly crawled out of the hiding place, and then discussed with each other.

Under Jiang Le’s gaze, this group of people discussed to no avail, so they could only continue walking into the forest with their heads down.

Jiang Le immediately climbed down from the tree and continued to follow.

These people originally planned to take the three of Hu brothers back to the place where they lived, but this behavior is suspected of cannibalism.

Cannibals, saber-toothed tigers, primeval forests…

The combination of many things makes people wonder exactly where this huge island is, why satellites have been launched into the sky for so many years, but humans have not discovered the existence of this island at all.

The place where the weird people live is about five kilometers west of the wreckage of the plane. This is a plain. A large number of thatched huts and withered huts are built on the plain. At least dozens of weird people are active in this area. Obviously this is A tribe of weird people.

Jiang Le was sitting on a big tree in the distance, using binoculars to monitor the situation of the tribe from a distance.

Every eccentric in the tribe wears a mask. Even in the tribe, they don’t mean to take it off. There is a barbecue grill in the center of the tribe, and the corpse of a wild beast cannot be seen on both ends. Grilled on the barbecue grill, Jiang Le still faintly smelled a scent of barbecue in the air even though it was far away.

“No Cuba, no, no, no.” As soon as a few weirdos walked into the tribe, they shouted loudly, probably telling their comrades about their previous experience.

Suddenly, many weird people gathered around and made prayer gestures as they listened.

“I don’t know how many weird people like this are on this island. If there is more than one tribe like this, then how many seem to be very troublesome.” Jiang Le thought to himself.

At this moment, a few weirdos pulled out a few humans whose necks and hands were tied with ropes from a withered wooden house that looked slightly larger, and directly led them to the grill, even though these few people Humans have been screaming and struggling, but they can’t resist the power of many weirdos.

It seems that these savages want to eat these hapless guys to fill their stomachs tonight.

Jiang Le frowned when he saw this scene, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was even more fluttering.

[Isn’t it? These savages are going to eat people! 】

[There is such a cruel place in this world, it’s terrible, how painful it must be]

[Where is this island? Is there such a dangerous existence in the Pacific Ocean? Why have I never heard of it?]

[I hope people are okay]

[Isn’t the anchor very good at playing? What are you doing in a daze? Go over and save people. If these people die, it’s all your responsibility! 】

Suddenly, the rhythm continued, and even the signs of moral kidnapping appeared. Let’s not say whether Jiang Le has the ability to save people in the past, and that there are so many opponents, Jiang Le will be alone, unless he is given a handful of 100. Gatling who fired the bullet, otherwise even the soldiers of the special forces would not be able to do such a feat here at this moment.

“There are not enough exploration points, otherwise you can use a sniper rifle to deal with some weird people.” Jiang Le secretly said.

When the exploration point is about to be used, I know how precious it is. In Peru and the Sakura Country, Jiang Le has spent all the exploration points on his body, and the remaining point is not enough to exchange useful things.

Reaching out and taking out the revolver from the space backpack, Jiang Le muttered to himself, “I can only rely on you.”

A revolver can hold six rounds of bullets, plus a steel knife. With the ability of the master ninja, Jiang Le can solve some weird people first, play circuitous tactics, and make the weird people feel panic. Then they should be I don’t care about cannibalism for the time being, and Jiang Le can take advantage of this time to save people, maybe there is a real chance of success.

Time waits for no one, just do it, put the revolver into his pocket, took out the steel knife and held it in his hand, Jiang Le directly climbed down the tree and sneaked towards the weird tribe.

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