Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: 【175】Weird shouts

[Brother Jiang, go out to see the situation! 】

[This voice is indeed abnormal. Is there someone who has been killed and is crying for help? 】

[Damn, it sounds weird, panicked]

Looking at the dark mountains and forest, Jiang Le thought for a while and walked out in the rain with a pan. If there is any weird situation, he must check it out. This is Jiang Le’s habit.

Otherwise, leaving unknown circumstances by your side will make you sleepless, especially in the depths of Changbai Mountain in this no-man’s land, so the weird shouts will make people feel even more uneasy. People are uneasy.

The Changbai Mountain in the dark night is even more difficult to walk, the ground is very wet with rain, and if you step on it, you will faintly sink.

Based on the judgment of the source of the sound, Jiang Le took the pan and walked in that direction. As he walked further and further, Jiang Le heard a strange sound in his ear, which sounded like the wind blowing. , And it looked like someone was beating the drums, huffing and banging, looking very hurried.

Jiang Le suddenly became vigilant, ready to take the revolver out of the space backpack and shoot at any time.

Jiang Le doesn’t believe in ghosts and gods. In his opinion, any weird thing has nothing to do with human beings behind it. Many seemingly weird things are actually done by people after the final investigation.

For people, firearms are the most useful weapons. If you shoot it down, you will have to die for whoever is doing what you are doing.

Soon, Jiang Le took a pan and a revolver to a dense grassy area. I don’t know why, this piece of grass grew extremely tall, the roots were all tall, which completely obscured Jiang Le’s sight.

But this doesn’t affect Jiang Le at all, because as a ninja master, his sense of smell and hearing are the best senses. Sometimes the eyes will blind you, but the sound and smell will not.

Although it was raining heavily, Jiang Le still heard some slight footsteps all around, something was near him!

Jiang Le stood still, closed his eyes and began to carefully search for the source of the footsteps. When you close one sense, the perception of other senses will increase. Jiang Le quickly captured the specifics of the footsteps. The source, immediately picked up the pan and rushed in that direction, and could not help but say that an iron pan was already smashed down.

However, in Jiang Le’s imagination, the blow that should have been hit hit the air lightly, and there was nothing there.

Jiang Le lowered his head and saw that a black shroud was scattered on the ground.

In the icy rainy night, the cold rain hit Jiang Le’s body, an inexplicable chill spread directly from his spine to the back of his head, and the indescribable chill filled Jiang Le’s body.

tmd, this is unreasonable!

How did that happen!

The Sky Eye Live Broadcasting device, which had been following Jiang Le, filmed this scene, causing Jiang Le’s live broadcast room to be silent for a moment, as if a forbidden atmosphere enveloped the whole live broadcast room.

I don’t know how long it took before the barrage in the live broadcast room became active again.

[Fuck it, **** in the night, where did this dress come from]

[This kind of place with no humans is the dirtiest, and it has everything. It seems that Brother Jiang really touched that thing, I dare not look at it, my cabinet moved]

[Brother Jiang, or you should hurry up, this place looks too wicked, let’s go, let’s go]

For a time, Jiang Le’s live broadcast room seemed to have become a midnight supernatural forum. Many bullet screens brought out all sorts of thoughtful paragraphs. The whole thing was true, telling what he knew. Strange talk about Changbai Mountain.

But Jiang Le still doesn’t believe this. He clearly heard the sound of footsteps in this place just now. It is definitely not his own auditory hallucination, so there must be someone nearby. With a shroud, Jiang Le only felt that it was possible that someone was doing blindfolding, just to scare himself away.

Jiang Le immediately took the revolver out of the space backpack and put it into his pocket. At the same time, he slowly walked not far away, trying to catch the guy who was hiding.

It is definitely not a good person to engage in such tricks in this Changbai Mountain at night.

It didn’t take long for Jiang Le to hear the slight footsteps again. This time Jiang Le stopped hesitating and rushed over, intending to see the other person’s true appearance.

However, when he opened the haystack, he saw an old face with a hideous look and strange eyes that caught him in an instant.

“Puff!” The old man opened his mouth abruptly, and a yellow mist sprayed out of the opponent’s mouth, all hitting Jiang Le’s face.

When the smell poured into his nasal cavity, Jiang Le only felt dizzy, his eyes full of Venus, his whole body instantly lost the ability to move, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

At this moment, he could only watch the rat-faced old man walk out of the grass, slowly walking towards him with an extremely evil smile.

He stretched out his hand, which was actually a palm with five fingers that looked like a hook and grabbed Jiang Le’s chest straight.

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