Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: 【019】Astrological Tower


On the pavement where the stones were scattered, Jiang Le tried his best to run wildly. This chaotic terrain actually gave Jiang Le a good parkour space.

When Lu Wu chased him closer and closer, Jiang Le turned over and climbed onto a stone nearly two meters high. At this moment, his parkour A-level ability was perfectly demonstrated.

There is a gap of tens of centimeters between these big rocks, and some even reach two meters or even one meter. I saw Jiang Le keenly and quickly, sometimes rolling and jumping off the stone, sometimes climbing up another high place again, directly He threw that Lu Wu far behind him.

In complex terrain, no matter how fast the explosive power of the beast, it can’t compare with the agility of parkour.

Seeing Jiang Le’s dexterous posture, the audience in the live broadcast room all exclaimed in amazement.

[Good parkour action, the anchor has to play parkour for more than ten years to have this skill, too much experience]

[I don’t understand Brother Jiang more and more, he seems to know everything, isn’t there something he is not good at?]

[There seems to be Lu Wu really going to be dumped by the anchor, terrible. 】

Under the blessing of parkour, Jiang Le finally came under the tall tower he had already set as the target. Observing the tall tower from close range, Jiang Le knew how huge the tall tower was.

The entire tower is more than tens of meters wide. The gate is closed and the thickness of the gate, you know that you can’t push it by one person. If you want to enter the tower, it is impossible to enter through the gate.

Jiang Le glanced back, because of his delay, the guy was gradually approaching at this time, looking as if he didn’t intend to let Jiang Le go.

“Damn it.” Jiang Le had no choice but to grasp the gap in the outer wall of the tower and began to climb upwards.

“Roar!” Looking at Jiang Le, who had climbed a few meters from the ground, Lu Wu couldn’t help but stand up with his legs, his front paws lying on the tower wall and shouting.

I can only look helplessly at Jiang Le getting further and further away from him. The tower is vertical. The 90-degree wall makes the beasts unable to climb like humans. They can only watch the prey escape and feel angry. .

Although he was chased by Lu Wu for only a short period of time, the danger is enough to make people feel scared. In this underground, no one knows how many meters deep, once Jiang Le has an accident, no one will be able to help him. .

When he reached the height of ten meters, Jiang Le finally found a place where he could enter the tower.

A diamond-shaped window, because many years have passed, this window has long been out of cover, so that Jiang Le can climb into it smoothly.

[Found an epic building “Astrology Tower”, exploration point +100, shopping mall experience value +100]

The walls in the room were painted with faded murals, and a strong smell of herbs permeated the room.

Jiang Le walked towards a wall, and saw six lines of different lengths written in gold powder on this wall. From the perspective of the font structure, it was the same as the previous Yema characters outside.

“These texts record the past of the ancient city of Kunlun. If I can understand it, I must be able to learn more about the ancient city of Kunlun.” Jiang Le opened the mall and browsed it, wanting to see if there is anything that can be found here. Items that help yourself at the moment.

After some searching, Jiang Le’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he really let him find the corresponding thing.

(Exploration point: 50) [Text cracking scanner]

After spending 50 exploration points to buy this item, Jiang Le suddenly had an extra device the size of a mobile phone in his hand, which looked a bit like the one at the supermarket cashier to scan the code.

Jiang Le took this thing and swept it against the wall, and suddenly six lines of cracked text appeared on the screen of the instrument.

‘We are here to pray and be grateful to our God’

‘Jade Lake Tianmu is the most powerful **** in this world. Under her protection, Yema will survive forever’

‘The king’s will is with us, when the stars are united, the king will usher in a new life again’

“Yaochi Tianmu borrowed from Wang Yongsheng”

Jiang Le can understand most of the translated sentence. According to his previous letter from the dead British soldier, the king of the ancient city of Kunlun asked for a magic weapon for longevity from a **** named Yaochi Tianmu.

It was with this magic weapon that the King of Kunlun survived for hundreds of years, but I don’t know what happened later that caused the Yema Dynasty of Kunlun Ancient City to disappear in history. No one understands the secrets.

The legend is called a legend because of the possibility of exaggeration, but Jiang Le couldn’t help but wondering when he looked at the writing on the wall.

Could it be said that King Kunlun really got the magic weapon given to him by Yaochi Tianmu? Did he really get a long life?

If this is true, doesn’t it prove one thing.

God has really existed in this world!

Jiang Le resisted the shock in his heart and tried to keep himself calm.

The text researchers in the live broadcast room hurriedly took screenshots, taking screenshots of all the patterns and text on the wall.

They still don’t know the meaning of these words, so they can’t understand how shocked Jiang Le is at the moment.

But when these words were deciphered, it was definitely the most explosive discovery in the history of human archaeology.

Putting away the translator, Jiang Le walked out the door of the room immediately, believing that in this astrological tower, there must be other more precious clues.

The interior of the astrological tower is a spiral staircase. This staircase leads all the way from the first floor to the top. The left side of the staircase is a hollow space. Once you stumble and fall, the consequences will be disastrous. On the right side of the staircase, every time There will be a door at ten meters, and after entering, it will be the kind of small room Jiang Le just came out of.

“It seems that this tower was previously used to live in the clergy of Kunlun Ancient City. In these rooms, some of the original room layouts, with beds and tables, can be vaguely seen.” Jiang Le explained as he walked.

When he said this, the audience in the live broadcast room also felt very reasonable. In the small rooms next to these stairs, there were many traces of people living here. Jiang Le even found one on the floor of one room. Pieces of pits.

Anything in this tower is enough to shock the archaeological world, but for Jiang Le, it has no attraction. His goal is to be at the highest point of the tower as a place for the clergy to live in. In places, the highest-ranking person must live in the highest place.

In that place, there may be something precious. If Jiang Le can find it, he will definitely be able to get more information about the ancient city of Kunlun.

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