Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 688

Chapter 688: 【688】Someone has been recruited

Put Jason’s body down from the treetop and wrap it in a bag.

In any case, it is really not decent to let the team’s companions expose the corpse wilderness like this.

Climbing down from the treetops, Unkson immediately greeted him and asked: “How is it, have you found any useful clues?”

“This matter is more difficult. The other party should be a cruel murderer who lives in this forest and has lived for many years. He is very familiar with the environment of this forest, and the methods of killing are also very old and vicious.

Judging from the clues, the person should have left through the trees, so it is difficult to find the direction of his departure. We have to be careful during the next period of time, and we must not stand alone again, lest someone step by Jason In the footsteps. ”

Jiang Le patted his hands and said cautiously.

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little hairy. After knowing that there is a cruel murderer in this forest, it is definitely a challenge of courage and courage to continue to stay in this forest.

Especially you don’t know exactly where the murderer is or how close it is to you. The enemy is in the dark and I am in the dark. This will undoubtedly produce a lot of pressure on people’s hearts.

However, it is too late to choose the same route to return. If the soldiers are divided into two groups, they are more likely to be attacked by murderers in secret.

“Go ahead and try to reach the temple as soon as possible. It should be safe when you get there.” Unkerson sighed.

The crowd buried Jason’s body on the spot, and then made some marks on it.

In the current situation, they have no conditions to take Jason’s body away from this place, and burying it on the spot is the best way to deal with it.

Because of the sudden death of a companion, the atmosphere in the entire team seemed very heavy. The big guy was dull and kept looking around, for fear that the murderer would hide in a dark corner secretly. Watching them.

In this way, some people can hardly notice the condition of the ground under their feet.


Just as Jiang Le was walking in the forefront to explore the way, a wailing suddenly came from behind him.

When he looked back, he saw a member sitting on the ground with his calf screaming. At the sole of his foot, a sharp iron cone directly penetrated the entire sole of his foot and even stuck out from the back of his foot.

It was really a painful and memorable injury that made others feel a faint pain in the soles of their feet just by looking at it.

There was a small pit on the ground. Some broken branches and leaves were scattered in the pit. It seemed that this should be a trap. The explorer accidentally stepped on this trap because he didn’t pay attention.

No one would have thought that such things would still exist in this forest, and they couldn’t help but look surprised and weird for a while.

“It was made by the murderer.” Jiang Le walked to the trap and easily found nearby footprints with toes.

Unexpectedly, that murderer would even set up traps in the forest. It seems that the opponent can survive in this forest for a long time without reason. He has done too much preparation.

Whether it is hunting or dealing with any intruder who steps into the depths of this forest, no one knows how many traps are hidden in this forest.

It is estimated that this forest has already become the home ground of that murderer.

“Handle it quickly. Although I can no longer walk with this foot in a short time, if I have a crutches, it will not affect the progress.” Jiang Le squatted down and took out the bandage and some medicines in his bag. The dressing began to deal with the injury on the foot of this hapless explorer.

There is a lot of rust on the surface of the iron cone, which is not a good thing for the injured.

Anyone with a little bit of medical knowledge knows that when rusty iron causes wounds on your body, if it is not treated in time, it is easy to cause tetanus.

In the wild, once tetanus occurs, it will end badly.

So Jiang Le disinfected the explorer as quickly as possible, stopped bleeding, removed the iron cone, sutured the wound, and bandaged it.

The whole process was done in one go, and others could not help thinking that he used to specialize in this work in the hospital where he used to be, and the movements were too skillful and professional.

After bandaging this person’s feet, Jiang Le immediately got up and searched for it nearby. He soon found a branch that was tall and thick with fists.

After the protruding branches on the surface were cut off by the dagger, a ready-made cane appeared in Jiang Le’s hands.

[A woodworker who can’t bandage and disinfect is not a good explorer, Jiang is too versatile]

[The level of bandaging is almost better than that of the nurse at our local clinic]

[Brother Jiang has given me too many surprises, and now I am numb to these small operations, and now I will post ‘Brother Jiang Niubi’ barrage in the live broadcast room. They must be new fans]

“Here, use this to walk for now.”

Seeing Jiang Le’s operation, everyone felt a lot of peace in their hearts. Although bandaging and finding crutches were not too difficult and complicated things, every explorer present would do it.

But in this complicated situation, it is very important for someone to stand up and use his behavior to stabilize the military’s mind and let everyone slowly return to calm.

Jiang Le is playing such a role right now.

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