Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 702

Chapter 702: 【702】Altar

Even the cubs of mammoths have a weight of hundreds of kilograms. A group of serrated tigers can drag such heavy cubs back into the cave where they live. This shows that the power of the serrated tiger is quite amazing.

“It seems that the Mayans also have a habit of watching fighting beasts.” Jiang Le nodded his head and secretly said.

In the history of some European countries, some countries have similar behaviors.

They will build a huge circular open-air square with stones, surrounded by stone walls, four or five meters above the ground, to ensure that any flying creatures cannot escape from the inside.

There are a large number of stepped platforms around the square. Spectators can sit on the platforms and watch the fighting on the square from a high level.

Europeans will treat all kinds of ferocious beasts, such as tigers, lions, bears, etc., as long as they are ferocious enough, they will become their viewing objects, and if there are warriors who think they are extraordinary, they can also apply for weapons to enter the square and beasts. Gladiatorial.

Those who win will be appreciated by the king and become knights canonized by the king, so this kind of thing has always been preached in the Middle Ages and even earlier in Europe.

Maya also have this kind of interest, which is not surprising.

Put the paw into your own space backpack. This paw has been around for a long time and is very suitable for use as a collection.

People are used as the food of wild beasts, different wild beasts fight each other, the spacious and huge venue…

These kinds of clues are like a thread stringing together a lot of scattered beads, and the thoughts in Jiang Le’s mind instantly become clear.

Maybe this temple is actually an indoor colosseum built by the Mayans!

Whether it is the claw marks on the wall, the scales falling from the ground, the corpse of this mammoth and the claws of the serrated tiger, these are all proofs that these beasts once existed here.

However, what Unkson wanted to find during his trip was the substantive clues about the Quetzalcoatl. It is estimated that it will not be so easy.

Unless they were so powerful that they could pull the Quetzalcoatl here to fight other beasts while the Maya were still in existence, there shouldn’t be any clues that can be kept.

“Jiang Le Jiang Le, come out to gather, and Sandy found a hidden altar. Let’s go over and take a look.”

Suddenly, Han’s voice rang in the intercom. He was very excited when he heard his tone. It seemed that he had found some important clue. Jiang Le said immediately, “Okay, I will go over immediately.”

In the temple, everyone can’t recognize each other where they are, so the most appropriate way is to leave the temple, gather outside, and then go to the hidden altar together.

When Jiang Le walked out of the temple, the rest of the people had arrived to complete the assembly. Seeing Jiang Le appeared, Ivanson ran over immediately.

“You finally came, how are you, have you gained a lot from exploring in the temple?”

“It’s okay. I found some bones of wild beasts, which can prove that this kind of temple was used to fight beasts.” Jiang Leying said.

“Go ahead first. The altar that Sandy found was hiding a lot of secrets. Unkerson can’t wait any longer.”

When Jiang Le arrived, seeing everyone had arrived, Unkson stretched out his hand and immediately led everyone into the temple again.

This time, she had all the route to the temple led by Sandy in her mind, and in order to prevent accidents, Sandy also put the red wool on the road all the way, so that even if Sandy forgets the route, You can find the location of the altar through the red yarn on the ground.

Everyone followed all the way, winding around in the temple, up and down, and soon came to the underground floors of the temple. The red line that was dragged by Sandy was extending from a wall at this time. , Obviously the other end of the red line is behind the wall.

Amidst the doubtful eyes of everyone, Sandy walked over and pushed hard against a certain area of the wall. Then the whole wall banged inside and started to rotate directly, finally revealing an accessible path.


Everyone who saw this scene was amazed, and never expected that such a mechanism would be hidden on such a seemingly ordinary wall.

If it hadn’t been for Sandy’s demonstration, they would have never noticed it.

But after this institution, the style of painting suddenly changed, and a dark and strange aura instantly hit his face.

Jiang Le has sharp eyes and can see the reliefs on the walls in the passage. The shapes of these reliefs are extremely strange, all of them are full of grotesque atmosphere. In addition, the walls in the passage are all black and gray. People seem to feel very depressed.

The darkness in the depths of the passage is even more terrifying.

Sandy should have gone in and explored by herself before, and only then knew that there was an altar at the end of the tunnel.

Relying on Hawkeye’s powerful vision, Jiang Le saw the figure of the altar at a glance even if he didn’t walk into the passage.

Although he had never touched this altar before, Jiang Le could feel it for the first time. This thing is definitely not simple. This is the precise vision that he has developed as a professional explorer for many months.

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