Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 719

Chapter 719: 【719】Listen to old people telling stories

“Sit down, do you want some tea, I’ll make it for you.” The old grandmother led Jiang Le into the house and asked kindly.

“Don’t bother grandma, we’re not thirsty, please sit down and rest, I’ll just ask a few questions.” Jiang Le pulled a chair and sat down in a relaxed manner, but didn’t consider himself an outsider.

Carly sat beside him, silent, but perfectly abided by the agreement between the two before.

[This old grandma seems to be at least seventy or eighty years old, how can she live alone at this age, if something happens to her health, she can’t even call for help]

[Does anyone think that this old grandma looks terrifying? It feels like a ghost movie]

[I think this room feels like a haunted house, it’s really a Hong Kong-style horror movie]

[People who can live in this building for many years, most of them have some problems]

When Jiang Le sat down, he immediately asked, “Grandma, how much do you know about Jin Gu?”

The original indifferent grandmother’s face changed slightly, her eyes became serious. Although the change on her face was small, she was caught by Jiang Le’s sharp eyes. It was obvious that the name Jin Gu was definitely not for her. ordinary.

Grandma: “Aunt Jin is very good. The big guy will pay her respects on weekdays and pray for her to protect family harmony, family safety, and good health.”

“Grandma, this is not what I asked. Do you know where Jin Gu is from? Why is her spiritual card placed on the first floor? Was she a resident in this building before?” Jiang Le asked what she wanted Questions asked.

“Aunt Jin… but she’s a hard man.” Grandma sighed as she pinched the corner of her clothes.

Under the gaze of Jiang Le and Carly, the old grandma slowly told what she knew about Jin Gu’s story.

In this Jinlong Town, there is a family of people surnamed Jin, who was in Jinlong Town at that time with one hand covering the sky. The entire Jinfu staff can walk sideways in Jinlong Town, no one can provoke them.

When the member surnamed Jin reached his fortieth birthday, he had only one son under his knees, so he was very pampered and cared for in every possible way.

Therefore, this son grew up extremely domineering and unreasonable. The thing he likes to do all day is to swagger around with a bunch of men, eat, drink and have fun.

Under these circumstances, when Young Master Jin turned sixteen, he fell in love with the daughter of a carpenter surnamed Shen in the town.

Jin Yuanwai naturally wouldn’t refuse his son’s request, so he took the initiative to bring people home to propose marriage.

Young Master Jin’s reputation in Jinlong Town has always been bad. Shen Carpenter refused to do so, but how could he fight with the Jin members. For the sake of his family’s livelihood, he had no choice but to agree and marry his daughter Shen Xiuhua.

Fortunately, Young Master Jin did a good job in marrying his wife. After marrying Shen Xiuhua, he settled down. Carpenter Shen was relieved to take care of Shen Xiuhua in every possible way.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. After several years of getting married, Young Master Jin gradually felt monotonous and began to go out all night for fun, and finally took a few rooms with concubines within a few years.

Most of these little concubines are women from the wind and dust, and there are many ruthless methods.

Even though he was a wife, in the Jin Mansion, Shen Xiuhua, who was weak in character, couldn’t hide from these women’s guns and arrows. In the end, the nerves of being bullied broke down and became crazy and insane all day long. It was very scary.

How could Young Master Jin tolerate a madman in the Jin Mansion, even if this madman is still the wife he is married to by the matchmaker.

So one day and night, the people of Jin Mansion drove Shen Xiuhua out of the mansion.

It was heavy rain, lightning and thunder that night, and the weather was extremely cold.

The next day, someone found Shen Xiuhua’s body in a well in the town. Her whole body was swollen by the well water, and she seemed to have committed suicide by throwing herself into the river.

A good young lady in the Jinfu was reduced to this appearance, which naturally made many people feel sorry in secret.

Later, a rumor spread in the workshop. It is said that Shen Xiuhua was pregnant early in Jinfuli and gave birth to a child, but I don’t know where he went afterwards.

May die early? Or was it framed by a gangster?

All this was followed by the death of Shen Xiuhua, and the later decline of Jin Mansion during the Republic of China, and all the truth disappeared in history.

Listening to the grandmother talking about this, Jiang Le suddenly wondered and asked: “In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, this is all modern. Why is there a spiritual card left after such a long time?”

Facing Jiang Le’s doubts, the old grandmother rubbed her eyes: “At that time Jin Gu went into a well and died. No one can say whether she committed suicide or was murdered. Jin Gu’s father, Carpenter Shen, planned to take revenge.

But then I didn’t know what happened, Shen Carpenter disappeared, and a very strange thing happened in Jinlong Town. ”

The old grandma’s voice paused: “Someone saw the dead Jin Gu in Jinlong Town. She wandered all over the streets of Jinlong Town at night, her whole body light and fluttering.

At that time, everyone who claimed to have seen Aunt Jin had a serious illness soon, some died seriously, and some became mad and nonsense after recovering from the illness.

Many people in Jinlong Town, seeing this situation, are afraid to stay in this place anymore. Everyone wants to move away and move to where they left off. “

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