Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 728

Chapter 728: [728] The target appears, start the investigation

When I saw Jiang Le and Carly again, the old lady’s expression was somewhat surprised, she didn’t expect that after only a few days, the other party would come to look for herself again.

“You guys.” The old lady looked at Jiang Le strangely.

“Grandma, I’m here this time to ask you about someone. I don’t know if you know him.” Jiang Le stared at the old grandma’s eyes: “Do you know the name of the sick head of the household upstairs?”

“Call… can’t remember.”

Observing the other’s expression, Jiang Le could be sure that this person was not lying. After all, it is normal for neighbors who have passed so many years to not remember their names.

“Then, Jin Chengbin, do you know?” Jiang Le asked again.

This time, the grandmother’s face was not simple, and she instantly showed a suddenly realized expression: “Oh! That’s it, that’s it.”

“That’s it?” Jiang Le was puzzled.

“The head of the sick and dead household you asked just now is called by this name.”

“What!” Jiang Le’s eyes widened, but he never thought of this.

Jin Chengbin was the person who was hanged in the secret room, and the head of the household died of illness. Before that, everyone thought they were two people.

But if the head of the household is called Jin Chengbin, then this matter is not as simple as it seems.

It is very likely that the head of the household who died of illness and the hanged Jin Chengbin were the same person.

Then, behind this, there is bound to be hidden a big secret, which was perfectly hidden back then.

“Interestingly, there will be a breakthrough in this matter. If the homeowner and Jin Chengbin are the same person, then the disease and death will become a cover, and there is a huge suspicion of murder in the homeowner’s wife.” Jiang Le said in his heart. Secretly.

Jiang Le definitely didn’t believe that he could seal a room with cement in that house without the cooperation of acquaintances.

After claiming that the homeowner died of illness, he immediately took two children with him, which is also suspected of running away.

It’s a pity that these things happened too long ago, and now even if you want to pick it up and investigate it again, it will be extremely difficult.

Who knows where the wife hid with her two children.

“Grandma, do you know the name of the wife of the family upstairs?” Jiang Le asked casually. In this situation, he doesn’t expect to get any too valuable information from this grandma.

But who wants to know, this old grandma actually knows.

“Shen Yin.”

“Shen Yin, Jin Chengbin?” Jiang Le was taken aback. This is too coincidental.

Jinmen Shen… There is no connection in this, Jiang Le absolutely doesn’t believe it.

“Thanks grandma.” There are already many clues that came here today, and Jiang Le knew that he would not get more if he stayed, so he got up and left.

Now that I have some clues, the next investigation can be regarded as a direction, and it will not be clueless like a headless fly.

The room on the fifth floor has been sealed off by the police on the spot. Jiang Le is not an insider of the police station, so he won’t check it out.

Anyway, before calling the police last night, he had already checked all the places he should check. This will pass and there will be no more gains.

It’s better to return to the police station quickly and ask Ye Jin to help find out about the woman Shen Yin.

“Jiang Le, do you have any clues?” Carly couldn’t help asking, looking at Jiang Le’s somewhat happy appearance.

“Well, it’s always some clues. It’s better to have something than nothing.”

When he walked to the first floor, next to the offering table, Jiang Le suddenly stopped and looked at the offering table and the spiritual card placed on the table.

“What’s the matter?” Carly asked puzzledly.

“This spiritual card seems to be often offered incense.” Jiang Le said, looking at the incense ash and some residues of incense on the altar table.

“Yeah, didn’t that old grandma already said that that day, many celebrities will come over to get incense, why do you want to get a shot too?”

Jiang Le looked at the accumulated incense ash on the table and shook his head: “Let’s go.”

Carly’s eyes lit up: “Did you find something again? Tell me about it.”

“No, there are so many discoveries.” Jiang Le shook his head decisively.

“You are very cunning. I know at a glance that you must have found something. Tell me quickly, aren’t we partners? Partners should share with each other.”

“Really not, you think too much.”

“Say it, please, please.”

When the two returned to the police station, Jiang Le immediately told Ye Jin about Shen Yin’s affairs. Ye Jin was shocked when he heard that Jin Chengbin was the head of the family who should have died of illness.

With the intuition of a sergeant, he also felt that there was definitely a problem, involving the possibility of murder.

But it stands to reason that, even if police officers find out about such old cases, they will probably open their eyes and close them.

After all, in the past so many years, the original population file registration was not developed, and the information of many personnel was not registered. To investigate such cases, it is very likely that manpower and material resources were wasted in the end, but nothing was discovered.

If you fetch a bamboo basket for nothing, you may be blamed by your superiors.

In other words, someone else came and told Ye Jin that he would definitely not pay attention to the matter, but this time was different. It was Jiang Le who raised the matter in front of him.

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