Exposure: After signing in, I was overheard by the school girl

Chapter 117

"Hehe, sir, do you know that what you are doing now is extortion. It is a crime according to the law. If you want to go to jail, you are the one who goes in. I have nothing to do with you. Either you leave now, or I call the police and let you go. How about the police come and talk to you?"

"Bah! You villain! It's obvious that you bumped into me yourself, and you framed me to blackmail you! The police came and arrested you too! Am I afraid of the police? I've never been afraid of the police! You better hurry up and pay me! Otherwise, I will definitely go to the court to sue you! I will sue you for bankruptcy! I will go to various places in your company to make trouble! I will ruin your reputation!"

The old man was yelling, slobbering all over the place, his face flushed, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him at all, or he forced himself to believe that there was nothing wrong with him, otherwise he wouldn't have acted so confidently.

It seems that this old man has succeeded many times in the past, and now he has a set of speech skills, and his acting skills are in place, and his movements are also skillful. He even brought the red paint props. I have to say that he is really professional .

"Master, as I said, I have a driving recorder in my car. Do you know what that is for? It's just a camera. I didn't hit you. This fact has been captured. You are blackmailing me now, you know. Well, if you don't leave, I really have to call the police and make you sue."

Chen Yun said helplessly again, and tried again, intending to tell the old man to leave quickly. After all, there were indeed a lot of traffic jams behind, and many people were honking their horns.

But the old man was completely right, insisting that Chen Yun hit him, and said with a look of exhaustion:
"Don't mention the recorder to me. If you hit me, you should lose money. If you don't lose money, you won't be able to leave today. Let me tell you, don't talk to me about what you have. Lose money quickly! Lose money quickly! Come on Man! Killed! This man is going to kill me, a bad old man! Is there any law in broad daylight! Come quickly! Help! This man is going to kill me!!"

When he was howling, he didn't even say a single word of 'money', he just said that someone was going to hit him to death, kill him, help me, after all, this kind of thing will attract people's attention to a large extent, Make people flock to it.

As long as there are too many people and things get serious, he also knows that the prey in front of him will not be able to escape. As long as he insists on biting, no matter what is right or wrong, no matter where the bite is, he can bite off a piece no matter what. Meat.

From this point, it can also be seen that the old man is indeed too professional. He even used miscellaneous knowledge such as psychology and sociology. He combines skills and handles the details very well. Chen Yun has no choice but to Secretly admired.

However, seeing that the old man was in such a stalemate, Chen Yun stopped talking nonsense with him, took out his mobile phone and dialed the traffic police number, and got connected within two rings.

"Hey, hello traffic police comrades, at the intersection of the third section of Chenghua Road, there is an old man who is touching porcelain, which caused my car to be blocked here, and there are many cars behind. In order to avoid traffic accidents, I would like to trouble you to come and deal with it .”

"Touch porcelain?"

The beautiful informant who answered the phone was obviously surprised by Chen Yun's words. After all, he never expected that in this age, there are still people who touch porcelain, but he was only surprised for a while and then recovered. The tone replied:
"Yes sir, thank you for calling."

After listening, Chen Yun hung up the phone, then turned and walked towards the limited edition Bugatti after taking a look at the uncle.

The uncle heard that Chen Yun called the police, and he was a little flustered, but the matter has come to this point, he can't retreat anymore, and now he has made up his mind to bite Chen Yun to the death. The traffic police are not afraid, anyway, he is an old man, and the traffic police are not afraid. If you dare to do anything to him, it is impossible for him to be arrested and locked up at this age, that is, as usual, a few words of verbal education, as long as you bite him, he will hit you, and you can spend at least a thousand dollars back.

Thinking of this, the old man's heart became a little more stable, and he shouted louder. This scene of a very professional solo opera, but under the peeping of the audience, it became extraordinarily funny. In order to surf the Internet, the classmates made up lies to trick their parents into paying for books and other expenses.

However, parents have long known their children's little thoughts, and they remember how many times they pay for books every year, and in front of you, they turned around and called the teacher.

After debunking this lie to the fullest extent, I will reward you with a meal of belt fried meat, mixed doubles.

The old man feels like this, he thinks he can get a little benefit from it, he thinks everything is under his control, but he can't imagine that the control he thinks is all in others under control.

After returning to the car, Lin Wanling and her cousin Wang Lei also came together and asked curiously:

"Hey Chen Yun, what did the old man say? I think he cried too badly, and his acting was too exaggerated."

"That's right, did you call the police just now?"

Chen Yun nodded, took a deep breath and said:
"Oh, this uncle is really serious. He asked for 15 yuan to treat his leg. I told him that I have a driving recorder. I also told him that if I continue, I will be blackmailed and I will go to jail, but he Don't be afraid, it seems that he has insisted on me, so I won't tell him any more, I have already called the traffic police, and I will just explain the matter later."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu picked up the driving recorder and found out what happened before, planning to show the evidence to the traffic police comrades later, so as to end this farce as soon as possible.

Lin Wanling and her cousin Wang Lei nodded silently when they heard Chen Yun's words. Since the old man didn't want to eat oil and salt, they had to leave it to the authorities to deal with it. If he had a smaller appetite, maybe this matter would be dealt with. It's simpler and easier, but since he's such a lion, it's embarrassing.

Moreover, Lin Wanling and Wang Lei also looked annoyed at the hippopotamus' mouth of 15 for the old man, each snorted and complained:

"This uncle is really not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue. At such an advanced age, the cost of talking is 15. Living in the ICU is not as expensive as him. It is too unreasonable."

"That's right, it's really annoying. When I went out, I met a man who touched porcelain, and he even asked for 15 yuan. It's bad luck, really bad luck."

"I'll see what he does when the police come later, and I'll be honest if I lock him up for a few days."

"I don't know what to think. He doesn't think that there is evidence of the driving recorder, so he can still get money. How stupid."

As soon as I said this, I saw a traffic police car turning from the intersection on the other side, and stopped directly behind the old man, and then two traffic policemen got out of it.

The traffic police station is not too far from here. The beautiful operator notified her colleagues as soon as she received Chen Yun's call, because it would be bad if something like Pengci caused a bigger traffic accident. In the case of an accident, it can be either disabled or injured, and this is something that everyone does not want to see.

So comrades from the traffic police came very quickly. When they got out of the car, they walked up and said to the old man:

"Master, what's the matter with you, this is on the highway, do you know that you are making trouble here, how many cars are blocked behind, and traffic accidents are easy to happen, don't you know that all the reasons will be caused by you at that time, Do you know that?"

"I don't care! That person broke my leg. I won't leave until he gives me the money. I don't care how many cars you get stuck in. It doesn't matter to me even if the person dies! I want him to lose money!"

The two traffic police comrades were also a little angry when they heard this, but they didn't want to get angry because of their identities. At the same time, they also took a look at his exaggerated and unreal blood, and they understood in their hearts. Naturally, they knew that he was Pengci Acting.

Immediately, he also advised with kind words:
"Grandpa, don't touch porcelain. Now that the national policy is so good, you all have subsistence allowances at your age, which is enough for you to live on. If you have children at home, one person will give you some filial piety. Isn't this life over? , You said that you put in so much effort and came out just to cheat others for a little money. This is not moral, right? Everyone’s money is not brought by strong winds. It’s all hard work. Why do you bother, right? Go back quickly, you go back now We will not pursue your responsibility, otherwise we will deal with it according to law."

"I said, why do you traffic policemen not distinguish between right and wrong, black and white? What is Pingci, where did I get it? My leg was broken by that car, can't you see it? Does the law allow this kind of behavior? When things happen, can lawbreakers override me as an old man? Just because I am a bad old man, am I a drag on the country, and you help him instead of me, and my legs are broken , Ouch, my leg is broken and you are still speaking for him, my God, the society is corrupt!! Good people have no one to decide, I will not live, I will not live!!"

Good guy, this sentence of the old man directly sublimated the whole incident. You know that you have done your homework when you hear it. When it comes to the law and the country, comrades in the traffic police are also very helpless. After all, what the law pays attention to is evidence. Although it can bring The old man went for an injury check, but at his age it is very difficult not to find out some internal injuries, and it would be too unfair to attribute it all to the owner of the car, and for the injury check, he must be taken away from here first to let the traffic Normal traffic is the main thing, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble, the most unimaginable is the occurrence of traffic accidents, such as such terrible things as ten consecutive collisions, then there is really no way to explain it.

Therefore, comrades in the traffic police were ready to communicate with the old man again, and first persuaded him to go to the side road.

At this moment, Chen Yun suddenly got out of the car, walked over with the driving recorder, handed it to the traffic police comrade, and said with a smile:
"Comrade traffic police, look, I didn't hit him. I just turned the car around, and he was lying on the ground, and then I blamed me for breaking his leg. Look."

The two traffic police comrades nodded, then picked up the driving recorder and looked at it. It really showed that the old man rushed over and lay in front of the car just after turning the intersection. It wasn't the car that knocked the old man down. Yi, then things will become much easier to handle.

"It's the car you drive, right?"

The traffic policeman pointed to the limited edition Bugatti and asked Chen Yun, then returned the driving recorder to Chen Yun.

Chen Yun nodded and replied:

"Yes, this is the car."

"Well, there is indeed no illegal act, it is normal driving, please show your ID card."

The traffic police comrade spoke again, and Chen Yun didn't dare to delay, and gave his ID card to the traffic police comrade.

Comrade traffic policeman took the ID card without looking at anything, just glanced at Chen Yun's age, then smiled and said:

"You, huh, huh, in your twenties, you drive this sports car worth [-] million yuan."

Traffic police comrades face all kinds of cars all day long, and they know everything about cars, so they can see the value of Chen Yun's Bugatti limited edition at a glance, and they are not shocked at all. The matter of this car was very novel, so I couldn't hold back a smile and said something.

Then he handed his ID card back to Chen Yun. Before Chen Yun could answer, he and another traffic police comrade turned around and came to the old man, and said seriously:

"Master, there is a driving recorder to prove that the owner of the car did not collide with you. According to the laws of our country, your current behavior is extortion, and you will go to jail for several years. Due to your age, We can give you a lighter sentence and detain you for [-] days, please cooperate with our law enforcement."

After finishing speaking, two traffic police comrades took a step forward, directly controlled the old man's hands, then lifted them up, and dragged them into the police car, leaving one person to preside over the traffic, and then walked away.

They saw the limited edition of Chen Yun's Bugatti, and saw the age on Chen Yun's ID card. For a car of this value who can drive a car of this value in his twenties, they would know with their toes. This person's background is absolutely Not simple, the background is definitely not small.

Therefore, this matter must be dealt with seriously. After all, the person who drove the Bugatti limited edition is likely to be the son of an official, so we still need to pay attention to it.

If they don't deal with it now, when the second generation of officials go back and file a complaint, they may be the ones in trouble. The iron rice bowl in their hands is actually not so easy to get.

And the old man didn't even yell, because he was frightened by the crimes pronounced by comrades in the traffic police. After all, if you are an ordinary person saying these things, of course it won't make people feel scared, but if it's a law enforcement officer saying these things, that's terrible. It's a little scary.

Detention on the [-]th, this is also an extrajudicial favor, the old man has already picked up a big deal, and it is true that he has not lost his original intention. Today's trip, he really got a little bit of benefits to go back.

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