Extra C’s Childhood Friend is the World’s Strongest Heroine

Chapter 37

With Kaylee’s guidance, the two were walking down the hallway.

An indescribable atmosphere lingered, and there were fewer people than usual coming and going.

“By the way, this is strange.”

“Huh? What’s strange?”

Rudell tilted his head at Leje’s sudden remark.

“The Princess. A princess usually makes a grand entrance, right?”

“Now that you mention it, it does seem a bit odd…”

After all, it was no one other than royalty.

Especially since she was a strong candidate for the next king, her arrival would be an event in itself.

Not to mention, the Academy usually holds a welcome ceremony for such occasions.

However, aside from the fewer numbers of people, the atmosphere on campus felt surprisingly normal.

It was as if no one knew about the princess’s arrival…

“Why do you think? The princess asked us not to tell anyone.”

Kaylee was the one to clear up their confusion.

“The princess did? Why?”

“Um… you should probably ask her directly?”

“Seriously, me telling you doesn’t wear me out, you know.”

Leje grumbled in response, while Kaylee merely smiled lightly at her reaction.

And so, the trio arrived in front of a large door.

“Are you both ready?”



Both nodded in response to Kaylee’s question.

The princess was on the other side…


“Are you nervous?”

“Of course! It would be weird if I wasn’t!”

After all, we’re talking about a princess.

In terms of hierarchy, she was the highest-ranking person in the kingdom, second only to the king.

If you weren’t nervous in front of someone like that, it could only mean one of two things.

You were either fearless or incredibly foolish.

“I’m not really nervous at all, you know.”

“Right? You just have to treat her normally.”


Well, that’s easy for you to say…

Rudell swallowed those words with an awkward chuckle.

Both were duchesses from noble families that would make anyone else feel small.

Naturally, the pressure Rudell felt as a mere count could not be compared to what they experienced.

“Just to be safe, please do not act rudely towards the princess.”

As they approached the door, Kaylee suddenly stopped and turned her head, squinting her eyes.

“I get it. Do you think I’m some kind of fool?”

“I’m not worried about you because you’re a count of Weinstein.”

“Huh!? What do you mean by that!?”

“This is exactly why.”

Kaylee responded calmly while Leje reacted as if she were about to explode.

Being straightforward and blunt

might come off as charismatic to those of lower status, but it could definitely spell trouble when dealing with someone of higher rank.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong.”


“Keep your voice down! The princess is right behind us!”


“Just as expected from a count of Weinstein.”

Rudell’s comment rendered Leje speechless, and a satisfied smile crept onto Kaylee’s face as she watched.

“Ugh, just you wait.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be here waiting whenever you want.”

Rudell replied confidently to Leje, who was shooting daggers at him…

“Alright. It’s time, so you two better do well.”

“Got it.”


At Kaylee’s following words, Leje nodded with a determined expression, and Kaylee approached the door to knock.

As the door slowly creaked open, the two nervous souls stepped into the room.

“Welcome, you two! I’ve been waiting for you.”

Inside, Jade Elizaveta Perun Prucel, the princess of Prucel Kingdom, greeted them.


With a gentle yet dignified presence, she had long hair tinged with a mix of blue and lavender.

Her white skin contrasted beautifully with her purple eyes, giving her an air of nobility and mystery.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Princess.”

Without hesitation, both of them knelt before her.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from Kaylee. Please, both of you, rise.”

With her next words, Rudell and Leje raised their heads, and Jade took her time to examine their faces.

“It’s been a while, Duchess Lagrind. The last time we met was seven years ago, right?”

“I believe that’s correct.”

“And you are… Count Weinstein!”

“I’m honored you recognize me, a mere count.”

“I was quite curious about you since Kaylee spoke so highly of you, and you seem to live up to that reputation.”

“That’s too kind. Thank you.”

As Rudell bowed again, Jade let out a soft laugh.

“You both probably already know, but for the day, you’ll be tasked with guarding me. Is that clear?”

Saying that, Jade looked at the woman standing beside her.

With hair a shade taller than Leje’s, a cool short blue hairstyle with white highlights.

Her striking red eyes held a sharp demeanor that made it clear she was not comfortable.

While it wasn’t exactly the attitude one should show in front of the princess, given her status and the current situation, it wasn’t surprising.

Her name was Paris.

She wasn’t from a noble family but a commoner who had been by Jade’s side for a long time as her guard.

And eventually, she would rise to become a renowned sword master alongside Leje.

“Princess, I must express my strong disapproval of this.”


Jade looked at the firmly spoken Paris while setting down her teacup with a sigh.

“You know I’m not doubting your ability.”

“Then why…!!”

“I already told you. You’re too noticeable…”

With blue hair that stood out even in this world, it wasn’t hard for anyone to recognize her as the princess’s bodyguard, given her fame.

Her very presence was a sort of token that confirmed the young girl beside her was indeed Jade.

“What I want today is to blend in among the people naturally. But what happens if you’re beside me?”

“Y-Yes, but Princess…”

“No means no. There’s nothing to discuss today.”

With an unyielding voice, Jade’s tone made Paris look like she was on the verge of tears.

But for a moment only.

Next, she hardened her expression and shouted towards Rudell and Leje.

“I can’t accept this! How do you two expect to keep the princess safe!?”



Leje’s voice was incredulous at the same time.

‘We’re doomed…!!’

As Rudell felt cold sweat forming on his brow in the background.

Though unintentional, her comment was enough to poke Leje’s pride.

Leje, who took pride in herself, couldn’t stand being belittled like that.


Seeing Leje glare at Paris like she wanted to eat her alive, Rudell couldn’t hide his anxiety and prayed she wouldn’t cause any trouble.

However, as the situation continued to stretch, any attempt to calm it down was about to fall apart when…


“Y-Yes, Princess.”

Jade’s calm voice made Paris turn her head.

“W-Wait, Princess…?”

As Jade smiled brightly at Paris, a look of panic began to surface on her face.

It wasn’t that her expression didn’t match, but the atmosphere around her was completely different.

“The two are the ones I personally recommended to Kaylee, and questioning their abilities is tantamount to questioning my judgment in selecting them, don’t you think?”

They say it’s scarier when the smiling person gets mad.

Jade, who was smiling right in front of them, was exactly that.

Her face bore a smile, but the pressure behind it was no less intimidating than rage.

“N-No… Jade, I didn’t mean to…”

Under that overwhelming presence, Paris stuttered her words, but Jade simply smiled at her.

“I won’t hear any more objections. Please wait here.”


Overwhelmed by Jade’s steadfast demeanor, Paris couldn’t speak further, and Jade let out a short sigh, returning her warm smile to Rudell and Leje.

“So, do you have any questions?”

“U-Um, no.”

“N-No… none.”

In response to her inquiry, both Leje and Rudell shook their heads.

In a situation like this, it was wise to deny any questions they might actually have.

“Very well.”

Pleased with their answers, Jade stood up.

“Then, you two, I’ll be counting on you today.”

She held her skirt lightly and gave a slight bow.

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