Extra C’s Childhood Friend is the World’s Strongest Heroine

Chapter 59

As time passed, the day that Rudell had mentioned to the representatives of each trading guild finally arrived…

Weinstein County’s Mansion.

At that moment, numerous carriages from each guild were lined up to enter.

“I can finally breathe easy.”

Rudell said cheerfully while watching the scene.

“Looks like there won’t be any supply shortages in the Count’s Domain for a while.”

“Would’ve been nice if they had done this sooner, huh?”

Rudell shifted his gaze to the ledger while grumbling in response to Kyle.

In addition to the supplies that were originally due, they included the goods Rudell had arranged from trading the monstrous beast’s byproducts.

When you added it all up, it was more than enough to solve any supply shortages throughout the Count’s Domain in one go.

“Let’s see… Kallroad Trading Union, Keleborn Transportation Guild, Kirk & Katz Market – all have come through properly.”

“All that’s left is the Gold Rush Trading Guild… Will they really show up?”

“If they’re not idiots, they should.”

The Gold Rush Trading Guild was known for being one of the more aggressive among the large trading guilds.

They would crush competitors with their overwhelming power and wouldn’t hesitate to ruin someone’s business by any means should they perceive even the slightest conflict with their interests.

Bering’s Beringnote Guild was among those victims.

Such a guild would surely not overlook a tantalizing trade involving the byproducts of a monstrous beast.

Just then, as Rudell nodded and responded to Kyle’s question…

“My lord, I’ve heard that people from the Gold Rush Trading Guild have arrived.”

“What did I tell you?”

As Janice approached him, Rudell winked at Kyle.

At the same time, numerous carriages began to line up in the distance.

There were far more carriages than those from the Kallroad Trading Union, Keleborn Transportation Guild, or Kirk & Katz Market.

All of them were carrying goods from the Gold Rush Trading Guild.

After a procession of carriages lasting over ten minutes ended, the last carriage came to a stop in front of the two.

A man stepped down from the carriage, looking as pale as if something had happened during the journey.

His once arrogant gaze now looked hollow and lifeless, with dark circles under his eyes.

At this rate, he looked like a completely different person than just a week ago…

“Welcome, Gord. I was starting to wonder if you’d actually show up.”

Rudell knew the real reason but pretended not to and greeted him.

“Uh, um… Good to see you, Count Weinstein.”

Though he was trying to act nonchalant, it was evident that he was quite anxious.

Holding back a laugh, Rudell said to him, “First, since you’ve come such a long way, let’s have a meal. The representatives from the other trading guilds are waiting.”

“Let’s do that…”

After a brief hesitation, he nodded in agreement, and they both headed inside the mansion.

After a light meal with the representatives from each guild…

“So, you’re asking for just a little extension on the deadline?”

“Yes, that’s correct…”

In a voice tinged with desperation, Gord bowed his head toward Rudell.


Simultaneously, a faint smile appeared on Rudell’s lips.

Someone once said that if you feel unsatisfied after taking revenge, it means you haven’t achieved a satisfactory revenge yet.

Whether it’s grace or grudge, returning what you have received with interest.

That was Rudell’s motto.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. The Gold Rush Trading Guild has a history, you know? With that in mind, if we give you more chances and you come back like this…”

“I’ll pay the penalty! So please, just one more chance…!!”

Due to this incident, the penalty that the Gold Rush Trading Guild had to pay was an astronomical sum.

Even roughly speaking, it was equivalent to a year’s budget of the duchy during its time.

And now, it was three months’ worth of the budget for the Count’s Domain.

Yet, despite this, for them to insist on continuing the trade even at the cost of paying a penalty meant that this transaction was valuable enough to justify that cost.

“If you insist that much, I suppose there’s no helping it. I’ll grant you another week as you wish.”

“Th-thank you!! Really, thank you!!”

Even so, the likelihood that he would complete the delivery by the deadline was low, but Rudell had nothing to lose.

As the downcast Gord exited the room with weary steps, the door closed, and Rudell chuckled softly.

“You may come out now.”

With his words, the door to a side room opened, revealing Bering.

“I think we can consider this adequate revenge, right?”

“Of course! It feels like a decade’s worth of grievances are finally washed away!”

For Bering, one of the victims of the Gold Rush Trading Guild, nothing could feel as satisfying as this revenge.

By paying this penalty, the Gold Rush Trading Guild would suffer significant losses.

But what could they do?

It was all essentially their own karma.

“Much of the credit goes to you, Bering. You spread the word, causing small to mid-sized guilds to clear out all the grains.”

“The trading guilds that were duped by those bastards must be numerous, and they were all on good terms with me, so it wasn’t too difficult of a task.”

Just as he believed that credit was of utmost importance, the reputation of the Beringnote Guild was quite favorable.

They didn’t leave much margin or delay in delivery.

Thanks to that, the rumors he spread quickly circulated among merchants, leading small and mid-sized guilds to clear out the grains they had.

Moreover, given that the Gold Rush Trading Guild’s reputation had plummeted due to its wicked deeds, even if they were given more time, acquiring grains would still come at a significant cost.

For both Rudell and Bering, it could only be described as a perfect outcome.

“How about a celebratory drink on a day like this? I happen to have some pretty good wine.”

“Ah… I’m not very good with alcohol…”

“Hahaha! Count, you unexpectedly have a side to you!”

As Rudell hesitated, Bering laughed at his surprise.


After the meeting with the representatives of each guild, during the evening…

“My lord, I don’t know how to express my gratitude for such warm hospitality.”

Bering spoke with a polite tone after being invited to dinner.

“Don’t mention it. We’ve become inseparable, after all. This much is only natural.”

Although no formal contract had been signed, both Bering and the Weinstein family effectively considered the deal finalized.

From the perspective of the Weinstein family, they had found a highly promising and cooperative exclusive guild.

Conversely, from the standpoint of Bering’s Beringnote Guild, they had secured a source for trading the valuable byproducts of the monstrous beast.

It was a relationship where neither side would incur any loss.

“None of this would be possible without the excellent Count Rudellheit.”

“Yes, my son is indeed remarkable. Sometimes I feel like I benefit greatly from him.”

There’s no parent who doesn’t brag about their child.

Carlos, listening to Bering while looking at Rudell, couldn’t hide his smile.

Such a doting father…

With that thought, Rudell took a sip of the juice Bering had brought.

It was said to be juice made from some exotic fruit produced in a faraway land, and its refreshing taste suited Rudell perfectly.

I should ask for more of this juice next time.

As the cheerful atmosphere continued…

“Is there anything you need for the next transaction?”

“Um… There are some additional items I need aside from what I mentioned earlier…”

With Bering’s question, Carlos trailed off and glanced at Maria sitting next to him.

“Just so you know, if you buy any needless magical items again, I won’t hold back.”


“Hahaha! This is a familiar sight.”

Bering burst into hearty laughter at Carlos’s low groan.

Just then, as the mood was ripe…

Deng! Deng! Deng! Deng!


Everyone’s gaze turned toward the window as the sudden sound of bells rang out.

The sound of the bells clearly came from the warning bell tower that was established during the time when the Count’s Domain was still a duchy.

It was to warn the territory of dangerous monsters that appeared.

And in the next moment.


With a low rumble, a massive figure began to move from the darkness.

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