Extra C’s Childhood Friend is the World’s Strongest Heroine

Chapter 80

The next day. School dismissal time.

“Leje, how about we go out together if you have some time today?”

Rudell, packing up his things, approached Leje and asked. For some reason, her expression seemed dark, possibly due to recent events.


“Sorry, I’m a bit busy today.”

“Well, I can’t force you to come…”

Rudell, feeling disappointed by her answer, moved on. After all, today wasn’t the only day available; they could find another time later…

That’s what he thought.

However, the next day…

“Leje, today let’s…”

“Sorry, I’m busy again.”

And the day after that…

“Leje, today is…”

“Sorry, later.”

The day after that too…



And just like that, a month passed.


[Um, Count Weinstein…?]

Silphier looked at Rudell, who was sprawled over his desk with a blank expression, worry etched on her face.

“What’s wrong? If you have something on your mind, I’m here to listen.”

Kurt, watching the scene, chimed in as well. Although he usually didn’t concern himself with others’ matters, Rudell’s state seemed serious even to him.

His eyes, devoid of light, lacked vitality, and dark circles were steeped under them. If he wasn’t blinking occasionally, he could be mistaken for a corpse.

“Well, you see…”

Rudell hesitated for a moment, let out a sigh, and slowly spoke.

“It feels like Leje is avoiding me…”

Over the past month, the amount of time Rudell and Leje had spent talking didn’t even add up to an hour. After their experience in the slums, the drastic change in Leje left Rudell stressed out.



At his words, both Silphier and Kurt seemed at a loss for words.

Isn’t human relationships the most complicated thing? They can separate over trivial matters, only to reconcile again.

[W-Well, can’t you just ask her directly…?]

“That’s the thing… I feel like it’s just hard to ask for some reason…”

Rudell understood very well that Leje’s mood had changed recently. And he also realized that the cause was himself. Thus, he couldn’t gather the courage to ask her.

[That feeling… I think I understand…]

Not an easy situation! Silphier nodded, as if she understood everything with that one line.

At that moment…

“How about asking the student council president?”

“The student council president?!”

Kurt, watching them, said that, and Rudell turned with a puzzled expression.

“It seems you’re fairly close, even if not as much as you. She might know something.”


[Y-Yeah…!! The student council president might know something…!!]

With that, a spark returned to Rudell’s eyes. Surely, she might have some information.

Thoughts of what needed to be done filled his mind as he slowly lifted his head.

Then, he said to Kurt and Silphier.

“Thanks, both of you. I’ll head there right after class ends!”


After class, Rudell immediately headed to the student council president’s office.

“So, you feel like Leje has been avoiding you lately?”


While sipping tea, Kaylee asked, and Rudell nodded.

At the same time, a low groan escaped Kaylee’s lips.

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t heard anything either.”


Feeling glum that even Kaylee, whom he trusted, didn’t know about Leje’s behavior, Rudell pouted.

Of course, this was because Leje was the only friend he could share his feelings with, just as he was for her.

“So, this started after that incident, right?”

“I think so…”

The fake serial killer incident in the slums.

Despite several misunderstandings, Rudell thought the situation had been resolved. However, it was beyond his expectations that things had turned out like this afterward.


Kaylee looked at him, letting out a low groan.

“Did I do something to hurt Leje…?”

“That shouldn’t be the case. Leje isn’t the type to be ungrateful for someone’s kindness.”

From what Kaylee knew, Leje wasn’t a person to turn a cold shoulder to others’ goodwill, especially someone close like a childhood friend.

Yet for her to avoid him now made Kaylee curious.

“Hmm… Is there anything else?”

“I’m not sure. It seems she goes somewhere every night…”


With that, a low sigh escaped Kaylee’s lips.

And Rudell looked at her with half-dead eyes due to her reaction.

“Do you know something?”

“Well… should I say I do or I don’t…”

With a troubled voice, she recalled the events that happened a month ago.

[Can you let me use the training grounds?]


[For what?]

[Because I realized my weakness.]


Kaylee felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort watching Leje say that with such a calm face.

It was clear that there was some reason for her to act this way, something she had never shown before.

Kaylee soon deduced that reason.

‘It’s because of Count Weinstein…’

Thinking that, she recalled what had happened last night.

-Rudell!! Rudell!! Please, get a grip!! Please!!

-Calm down, Leje! He’s not in danger! Just trust the healers for now…!!

-It’s because of me…!! I’m weak…!! It’s my fault…!!

Leje’s frantic crying, her face twisted with despair, as the injured Rudell was brought in front of her.

At that sight, Kaylee felt at a loss for words.

‘Does she think it’s her weakness…?’

From what she had seen of Leje until now, that idea was completely feasible.

On the surface, she was a flawless duchess, seemingly capable of anything, but knowing her for a long time, Kaylee was aware of her hidden fragility.

Having lost her mother from birth and raised under a stern duke, she had never received proper love, which made her crave affection unknowingly.

Yet, the reason she was unable to establish deep relationships with others stemmed from her status as a duchess and her outstanding abilities.

In reality, most people who approached her sought her status, and even those who might form genuine connections would typically shy away due to her status and capabilities.

Thus, Count Weinstein was a precious existence for her.

With him diving into dangerous situations while hiding it from her, the shock she must have felt was undoubtedly immense.


Anyway, regardless of clearing up misunderstandings later, it was time to focus on Leje’s mental care.

Refusing now was too risky; something else might go wrong.

[Alright, I’ll grant you permission. But promise me one thing.]

[Promise? What is it?]

[You’ll talk about Count Weinstein and this incident properly. Got it?]


[Okay, you can use the training grounds until ten at night, so keep that in mind.]

‘This way, nothing unnecessary should arise.’

Though a moment of silence lingered, Kaylee eventually nodded with a satisfied smile.


The scene shifted back to the present…

“Uh… what should I say this…”

Kaylee crossed her arms, frowning, accompanied by a low groan.

From what he had said so far, it seemed Leje hadn’t kept her promise.

Seriously, you can’t be saved…

There’s no way she forgot; maybe she deliberately chose not to say anything…

With those thoughts, Kaylee let out a sigh and looked at Rudell, who wore a desperate expression.

“If I did something wrong, I’ll fix it! So please, tell me!”

“No, it’s not that…”

This side isn’t easy either…

Thinking that, Kaylee made a puzzled expression.

To be honest, there wasn’t much she couldn’t say, but for some reason, her instincts as a woman seemed to shout at her not to say the truth.

Just then…

knock knock

Someone knocked on the student council office door, drawing Rudell’s and Kaylee’s gazes towards it.

And upon the door opening, a familiar figure stepped forth.



As the two stared at each other in a daze…

“Leje~! I happen to have something to tell you~!”

Said Kaylee, glaring at Leje.

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