Extra C’s Childhood Friend is the World’s Strongest Heroine

Chapter 98

She never thought of her as beautiful before.

But deep down, Rudell knew all too well that she was gorgeous.

However, despite that…

Rudell found himself at a loss for words.

To such an extent…

The image of Leje reflected in Rudell’s eyes was breathtakingly beautiful.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything? Doesn’t it suit me?”

“Ah, no… it suits you. Really…”

When he didn’t answer, Leje looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Then, Rudell suddenly snapped back to reality and replied with surprise.

Seeing that he seemed to like his reply, Leje came closer with a faint smile.

“Hehe… so that’s how it is.”

The black dress that showcased her figure combined with her white hair created an enchanting aura not seen in her usual self.

As their distance closed, Rudell’s gaze began to wander, while Leje mischievously moved in closer, looking up at him.

“Can you tell me more specifically? What looks good on me…?”

“Th-that’s, um…!!”

As his eyes fell on her ample cleavage, Rudell squeezed his eyes shut.

At the same time, Leje chuckled and pulled away.

“Sorry, did I tease you too much?”


Her smiling face as she asked drove Rudell to let out a short sigh.

It was something he had already experienced many times, yet he could never maintain his composure.

“Wait a minute. I need to try on another dress.”

“Is that all?”

“Of course not! Why do you think I rented this whole place?”


When you think about it, that was right.

If he was only going to buy one dress, why would he rent out the shop entirely?

Nodding in understanding, Rudell let out a low groan and…

While he stood there, Leje headed to the dressing room.

He heard rustling sounds as she changed clothes, and feeling awkward, he gazed out the window.

After a while…

“Tada! What do you think about this one?”

“Umm… how should I put it?”

Leje emerged from the dressing room and asked Rudell again.

Her white dress was less revealing and more modest than the previous one.

It definitely suited Leje, but…

“I think the last one was a bit better…”


After staring at her for a while and giving a brief impression, Leje looked at him with wide eyes.

“Uh… did I say something wrong?”

“No, it’s not that…”

Feeling anxious at her reaction, Rudell asked, and Leje shook her head in reply.

And then…

“I just thought you were a guy, you know.”


“It’s just that guys can’t resist comments on these things, right?”


As Rudell looked bewildered, Leje subtly lifted her skirt.

Through the black dress, her white skin peeked out…

“W-what are you doing!?”

At that, Rudell blushed and quickly averted his gaze.

“It’s a joke, just a joke.”

Watching him with mirth, Leje chuckled as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“You know… sometimes I forget you’re a duchess.”

“Duchesses are people too! I can joke around, you know?”


Having been friends for eight years, Rudell still couldn’t get used to this kind of teasing.

“Okay! Let’s try on the next dress…”

“Don’t tell me there are more…?”

“Of course! We’re just getting started!”

Leje answered with enthusiasm and stepped back into the dressing room…

In the distance, a staff member was pushing a rack filled with dresses.


Watching this, Rudell sighed and rubbed his temples.


“Come visit us again!”

By the time Rudell and Leje left the shop, the sky had already turned dark.

“Ugh… I’m exhausted.”

“Right? I just want to get back to the dorm, light the heater, and lie down in bed.”

On such a cold day, there’s nothing better than curling up in a warm blanket.

Agreeing with Leje, Rudell casually stretched.

“I’m hungry. Shall we eat something?”

“That sounds good.”

Even if they returned to the dorm now, the dining room would be closed.

To avoid skipping dinner, they had to find something to eat outside.

“Let’s see… is there anything good around here?”

“The stew you made last time was nice.”

“We can’t make that here… I’ll make it for you another time when we get the chance.”

Regardless of where to find the ingredients, they couldn’t very well cook on the street.

Saying that to Leje, Rudell surveyed the surroundings.

There were plenty of stalls, but nothing stood out shouting, “This is the one!”

As they continued down the street searching for food, they spotted a small stall selling toast.

“How about toast?”

“Anything is fine. Honestly, I feel like my stomach is going to stick to my back.”

Leje nodded at Rudell’s question, and they walked over to the stall.

“Two toasts, please.”

“Just a moment!”

As soon as they placed their order, bread and various ingredients began sizzling on a buttered grill…

Before long, the vendor handed them their toasts wrapped in paper.

“Thank you! Come again!”

With the vendor’s farewell, the two walked down the street.

“Hah… eating something makes me feel alive.”

“Right? I feel a bit more revitalized.”

Even though it was a completely ordinary toast, they say the market’s side dishes can’t be beat.

To them, it was nothing less than the most delicious food in the world.

Perfectly warm, it was also helping to raise their previously frozen body temperature.

As they bit into their toast, they continued down the road.

“Rudell. Look over there.”

“What is it?”

Pulling on his arm, Leje made Rudell turn his head.

What caught his eyes was a scene of numerous people skating on a frozen river.


“It looks fun, doesn’t it?”

“It does…”

In his first life, he used to go to the skating rink every winter holding his parents’ hands…

As memories of his parents’ faces from that long-ago life resurfaced, Rudell smiled faintly.

“I want to try it too.”

“What? Right now?”

At her next words, Rudell was startled and pulled out his pocket watch.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening.

Time wasn’t completely tight, but they didn’t exactly have the luxury of time either.

“What’s the big deal? If we’re late, we’ll just stay out a bit longer.”

“I don’t want to write a report…”

Of course, unapproved late returns were a reason for punishment.

Against Leje’s nonchalant words, Rudell replied in a hesitant voice.

However, Rudell had overlooked one crucial detail…

“Come on! Let’s not worry about little things!”

“Whoa!? Le-Leje!?”

Once she made up her mind to do something, it was just her nature to go through with it.

With her eyes fixed on Rudell, Leje pulled on his arm and started walking away, and Rudell found himself dragged along to the frozen river with little resistance.

“Let’s see… where can we rent some skates…”

Arriving at the riverbank, the two began to look around for a place to rent skates.

As he watched Leje search, Rudell couldn’t help but grin and approached her.

“You don’t need to rent them.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Mind if you sit down for a bit?”

Nearby, Rudell approached a chair and suggested this, leading to Leje sitting down with a puzzled expression.

Then, as he bent down before her, Rudell reached toward her shoes, carefully gathering his magic power.

Simultaneously, dim light emanated from his hand.



As she watched the sizzling sound and the ice form into the shape of skate blades, Leje let out a brief gasp.

Before long, the ice blades were complete.

Rudell made ice blades for his own shoes as well.

“Magic really is omnipotent.”

“Not exactly. An over-reliance on magic is the mindset that sorcerers should avoid the most.”

“Oh, really?”

He replied, and together with Leje, they stepped onto the ice.

“Whoa… ohhh…!!”

“Be careful! If you’re not used to it, you might fall.”

Having never skated before, Rudell caught Leje’s arm as she wobbled.

But that didn’t last long.

Since she had a natural talent for physical activities, it didn’t take long for her to adjust to the skates and gracefully glide across the ice.

In fact…



With a battle cry, she jumped into the air, spun around three times, and landed perfectly on the ice.

Is that the Triple Axel or whatever?

As Rudell watched in awe, so did the surrounding people, who applauded her performance.


Leje waved at the crowd with a smile, as if enjoying their attention.

“You’re quite skilled for someone who’s never done it before! Have you skated before?”

“Not at all, this is just normal!”

“If that’s normal, then what does that make everyone else?”

“True, I guess.”

Rudell chuckled softly at her triumphant expression.

Her laughter echoed back at him, and then she reached out her hand to Rudell.


“Since it’s a rare occasion, we should enjoy it together, right?”

As Rudell blinked in surprise at her words, he eventually smiled and took her hand.

“Then shall we enjoy this together, my lady?”

Then Rudell dramatically bent his body forward and looked at her.

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