Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 838 Disgusting Rules

Looking at the twisted creature like a skinned mouse in front of him.

The only thing about Kane's disgusting twisted body is the gray-green line on the gray skin extending from the back to the brain.

The exposed blood vessels on the skin and the lumps with nausea and pus are mixed together, making the lines not so conspicuous.

But Kane felt a very obvious sense of rules from above.


The huge twisted mouse, imprisoned by the gray stone fragments, was still screaming.

Kane waved his hand, and the fragments completely closed its mouth, and firmly imprisoned its limbs, turning it into a bracket specially used for fixing. This twisted huge mouse body is clearly displayed In front of Kane.

This allows Kane to study the regular lines on his body more carefully.

Kane narrowed his eyes slightly, golden light flashed from his eyeballs.

"Very contagious, twisted, sinister, shifting toward chaos."

Although he didn't know what the specific rules were on this line, Kane still saw some of the aura reflected on it through the vision of God.

It doesn't look like a good thing anyway.

A slender sharp knife condensed in the air, engraved with dense patterns, and pierced through the mouse's back following Kane's control.

The mouse struggled violently, and then the movement of the struggle became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared.

In the pitch black with a hint of green blood dripping from the wound, it dripped onto the soil under his feet, emitting white smoke and a foul stench gushing out.

"The soul disappeared immediately after death." Kane narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance, which was the place where the soul disappeared like an evil spirit after death.

The soul of this mouse is very small, but the transformation is so large.

Although Kane only had time to take a look at it, the above changes have already told Kane that this mouse was artificially transformed into this shape.

Kane then controlled the scalpel-like knife and began to dissect down the line of the mouse's back.

Following the dissection, it turned out that the source of all the problems was the dark green and almost black line on the back.

"It seems that there should be a lot of problems in this world."

Kane spread out his palms as he spoke, and then the magic power gushed out, circle after circle of small magic circles appeared in his palm, and white mist condensed.

Kane also uttered a secret spell.

Another mist ball condensed in the hand, a trace of red mist began to be produced in the white mist ball, and then the red mist became bigger and deeper until it completely stained the entire mist ball.

Seeing the changes in the fog ball in his hand, Kane squeezed it into pieces.

"Sure enough, it seems that the world is not a small problem."

However, Kane's expression is also quite excited. After all, this means that this is a fragment of the world with life.

While there are fragments of life here, the problem is huge.

And this fragment may not bring much value, but it is undoubtedly a good start.

Thinking of this, Kane smiled, and then took out the bb player from his waist to send a message to Claire and Lombe, telling them his current situation.

With the red light on the beep machine flashing.

The delegate's message has been sent.

"Let's find the gathering place of intelligent life first, and see what the intelligent life in this fragment of the world looks like, and then start preparing for the next step."

Kane said, and began to walk forward.

The body also gradually became transparent until it disappeared into the air.


"Oh, it's another broken world fragment, I hope there are some valuable things."

Lumbe carried his warhammer and walked in the gloomy world with his brand new shield pinned to his left hand. Under his feet was the ground that was cracked and lifeless.

Regarding Lumbe's complaints, Metzke was silent beside him, without any sign of wanting to answer, and quietly followed Lumbe towards the front.

Since there were only two of them, Lombe always created various topics and talked non-stop, while Metzker would only pick out some interesting ones and reply with one or two sentences.

But Lombe didn't care about that at all.


In the quiet environment, the sound of Didi is so obvious.

However, this sound did not come from the outside world, nor was it transmitted to the outside world, but directly occurred in their minds.

Both of them lowered their heads at the same time, looking at the machine at their waists.

"Who will send a message at this time?" Lumbe asked with some doubts.

And Mezke next to him has already turned on the machine: "Kane."

"Kane's message?" Lumbe was a little puzzled, what message would he send?

"Haha, he didn't find a world fragment just now, did he?" Lombe seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face was a little excited. He randomly turned on the machine in his hand to check the information sent by Kane.

Metzker, who had read the message, stared at Lumbe next to him with calm eyes, wanting to carefully observe the change of expression on his face.

Lombe also lived up to Metzker's expectations, and the expression on his face slowly changed from a happy smile to consternation, and then from consternation to frustration.

The change in the entire expression did not exceed a second.

Seeing such a change, Metzke nodded his head in satisfaction, and then turned his head back.

Lumbe said in disbelief, "How is it possible? Does the first world fragment that you enter this time directly have life?"

"Kane is special," Metzker said beside him.

He thought that the foresight brought about by Kane's previous vision of God might be able to play a greater role in everyone's situation.

Lumbe put away the machine, continued to walk forward and said, "Sure enough, I don't pretend to be alone when I am alone. I am indeed the illegitimate child of the mist."

The old matter was brought up again, and Metzker just shrugged and followed.


All kinds of skulls, as well as various parts of the body, and bones of unknown races, large and small, broken or intact, were all randomly scattered on the ground.

These skulls are gray and yellow, but there are various defects and damages on them.

Not far away, there is even a mountain made of various bones.

On the top of the mountain, black and white flames can be seen burning blazingly.

Take a closer look.

It was ghost knights with black and white flames burning one after another. They formed a tight array and waved the weapons in their hands.

And their enemies are human-sized hounds one after another.

When these hounds moved, their bodies were covered with black mist, and their appearance looked like dry corpses.

The number of hounds is densely packed, rushing towards the top of the mountain like a tide.

And these knights formed a tight array, waving the weapons in their hands, and the black and white flames splashed out with the attack, and a random blow could wipe out a large area of ​​hounds.

On the top of the mountain, Claire stood on it, throwing a large ball of flames towards some surrounding areas from time to time.

Looking at her comfortable movements, one can tell that the situation at this time is completely under her control.

Lilulu sat on Claire's shoulder, shaking her calf.

"Sister Claire really doesn't need to shoot, just let them keep attacking like this?"

Hearing Lilulu's words, Claire smiled and shook her head.

"I can feel something XZ up, let's see how long this timid thing can hide."

Some higher-level existence is manipulating these hounds to attack them, and it may be the culprit for the destruction of this world.

Claire is never soft on this kind of existence, and wants to kill them all, even if this world is no longer useful to the mist.

At this moment, the sound of Didi came to mind.

At the same time, he looked at the machine on his waist.

"Is there a message from Kane?"

Claire has always been concerned about why she hasn't received a letter from Kane who discovered new world fragments and started exploring.

Picking up the machine and looking at it, I couldn't help laughing.

"Ah~ Kane's luck is good, the first fragment found is alive."

Li Lulu looked at the information on the machine and said enviously.

Claire smiled, put the machine back, and then said: "It should be that Kane has seen some probability without the interference of our fate."

This is just a bit of Claire's conjecture, after all, she is quite familiar with the effects of some of Kane's skills.

Hearing Claire's words, Lilulu flew off her shoulders, clenched her fists and said, "Then Lilulu has to work harder, she can't be compared by Kane alone."

Speaking of which, the body disappeared into a strange space, and only a faint voice was transmitted to Claire's mind.

"I'm going to find the villain and find him."

In this regard, Claire just smiled and did not stop.


The line of sight is pulled back.

Kane was still walking in the wilderness.

The ground under his feet was not cracked, nor was it so dark that it was lifeless.

The orange-yellow sand is blown by the breeze and surrounds the feet.

Although the sky was dark and yellow, it always had a strange sultriness in the air, as well as a strange smell.

But fortunately, some greenery can still be seen on the ground under the feet from time to time.

Although they are all tenacious weeds, at least there are still life tenaciously alive.

After walking for an hour, Kane also found some life forms around him through the detectors in the sky, but none of these life forms were intelligent life forms, all of them were all kinds of infested animals.

Without exception, they all looked very deformed, and their bodies were full of mutations and distortions.

Some can't even see what shape they were in before they were alive.

There were foul-smelling abscesses on the skin.

What is essential is that there is a dark green and almost black thin line on the spine of these animals.

Kane looked at the transparent ball in his hand.

Wrapped inside are soul light spheres stained with dark green.

These soul light spheres are just disorderly in it, floating and floating randomly.

These are the trapped souls of the infected, twisted creatures that Kane later slays.

Relying on these intercepted souls, Kane felt that he could discover some problems in this world from these souls, even if these souls were only infected animals.

Observations on these souls.

Only then did they discover that the rules that infected them were extremely overbearing, and even their souls had to be distorted.

Of course, it is also possible that they are just ordinary animals, whether it is body or soul, it is difficult to resist the changes brought about by this infection.

Maybe powerful people or intelligent beings in this world can better resist it. Kane doesn't know, but he just makes some simple guesses based on the current situation.

I don't know if it became like this from the very beginning of the contamination, or because the soul had to follow the body and mutated due to the distortion for too long.

As long as it is a life with a soul and a body.

Changes in the soul will be reflected in the body, and corresponding changes in the body will also be reflected in the soul.

For example, an ordinary human being who has been disabled for decades, when he dies, his soul will also have the corresponding characteristics.

"Master, a life with a magical reaction has been detected."

At this time, Yoyo at Kane's feet said.

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