Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 849: A New Element with a Different Style of Painting

The darkened sky, the blackened and cracked earth.

A very typical, dead world shard.

In this silent world, came the slight sound of horseshoes.

The crisp sound of horseshoes was so loud in the silence that it spread far away.

Claire, who was wearing a golden armor and a yellow cloak on her back, was walking slowly in this silent world.

Lying on the horse's back was a small figure exuding a faint colored light, it was Li Lulu.

Although both of them were moving forward, their attention was focused on the mechanical device in their hands.

Apart from the two of them, Lumbe and the others were also relatively leisurely at this time, and were also exploring a dead world fragment.

Kane is walking beyond the fog, walking towards the next world fragment.

Since everyone has time at this moment, they are communicating information through the fog-enhanced version of the beeping machine in their hands.

Although there is a certain delay, the distance between them is not far away, at least not on the two sides of the world.

A delay of a few seconds is acceptable.

At this time, on the BB machine, Kane was telling everyone the reasoning he had come up with.

And warned everyone to pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times from now on, and not to relax their vigilance because of the experience from the last two explorations.

Claire and the others, who learned this information, also had serious expressions on their faces.

Whether it's Claire or Metzker, although they are walking in a dead world fragment without any life, they still maintain a higher level of vigilance than usual.

Through Kane's message, they all came to the conclusion that it was best to let their guard down in the fog.

After all, there is a chaotic world beyond the fog, and the so-called synaesthesia is a unique "new organ" for these fog explorers.

Possible intruders would get lost in this chaotic space even if they entered.

Not to mention that the fog is big enough.

So it's easier to relax here.

Kane suggested that they should not rest in the fragments of the world after resting, but in the mist.

The only disadvantage of resting in the mist is that you have to keep your synaesthesia open even during the rest, which is a waste of time to explore outside the mist.

But after all, they are all the bodies of gods now, so they wouldn't put themselves in danger just to save such a little time.

While sending her thoughts, Claire reminded Lilulu on her back:

"Li Lulu, have you seen Kane's message? After that, don't run around alone. The two of us must stay together at any time, and we must be more vigilant. Do you hear me?"

"Okay sister Claire, Lilulu will definitely be close to you in the future, hehe."

Lilulu replied with a smile, then stood up and flew to Claire's shoulder, whispering in her ear.

"Li Lulu is the queen of fairy tales, and fairy tale queens are not afraid of attacks."

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire turned her head and looked at her suspiciously, with question marks all over her head.

Is there any necessary relationship between the fairy queen and not being attacked?

Seeing Claire's doubts, Lilulu showed a little nervousness, fluttered the butterfly wings on her back, flew up, and floated in front of Claire with her hips akimbo.


Then a scepter representing the authority of the fairy tale queen and a fluffy fairy dress appeared in the hand, with a luxurious queen crown on the head.

Holding the scepter, he knocked in the air.

"Guardian guards!"

Following Li Lulu's slightly majestic words, it was passed on.

There was one breach after another in the air around her.

The gaps in these spaces reveal the colorful, distorted light and shadows inside.

One after another, black shadows emerged from the inside.

After watching these black shadows come out, Claire finally saw their whole picture.

One after another, cloud-like white wolves came out of these broken spaces. These white wolves could only clearly see their upper body, and from the waist to the back was a smear like ink cloud.

Then the space behind Lilulu broke open, and a jade-like divine dragon swam out.

The appearance of the whole Shenlong is not majestic, but gives people a feeling of Q version.

His whole body is made of jade, with colorful shadows hovering behind Li Lulu's back. His painting style obviously does not match the reality.

Claire looked at the white wolves whose painting styles were obviously questionable, and the Jade Dragon behind Li Lulu whose painting style was even more outrageous.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she closed her mouth thinking that Li Lulu was the queen of fairy tales, and the skills and style of the things she did were incompatible with her surroundings.

She should be used to it by now.

Lilulu pointed to the white wolves and said, "These are the wolves of the cloud and mist. They are fairy tale elements born from the clouds and mist in Lilulu's fairy tale world. They can be hidden in the compartment between space and space."

"So Lilulu is not afraid of attacks coming through the space at all."

Speaking of this, her expression became even more frightened.

Hearing Lilulu's words, Claire frowned and thought for a while before asking: "That is to say, with these white wolves guarding the space beside them, the attacks that Lumbe and the others encountered before can be resolved early. be found?"

Lilulu nodded her head.

Able to spy on fairytale elements in the surrounding space?

Thinking of this, Claire pointed to Yulong behind Lilulu.

"What is this again?"

Li Lulu obviously waited for a long time, waiting for Claire to ask questions.

He turned around and touched Yulong's head behind him.

"This is Yulong, the strongest element in Lilulu's fairy tale world, and his strength will soon reach Sancai, and his appearance also brings new elements to the fairy tale world.

These cloud wolves were created because of the arrival of the jade dragon. "

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Claire nodded, no wonder the painting styles of the two are somewhat similar.

In other words, Lilulu's fairy tale world has an additional style of painting.

Li Lulu said it was ink painting.

Of course, this is Kane's naming, and Li Lulu doesn't know why she said that, but she thinks it's appropriate.

Suddenly Claire thought of something, looked at Yulong behind Lilulu and said, "This thing can't be the equipment from a few years ago..."

She couldn't help but think of a strange piece of equipment that Lilulu obtained in the first dungeon they cleared a few years ago when they were still in the golden stage.

It was Lilulu who asked for it from Kane on purpose, so Claire had some impressions in her mind. After all, that piece of equipment seemed to be jade.

The properties identified by Kane at that time also said that there was life in it.

Seeing that Claire guessed it, Li Lulu nodded vigorously: "It's him, Li Lulu was hatched after Li Lulu's strength reached the tricolor level and truly became the master of the fairy tale element interface."

Looking at Yulong behind Lilulu, Claire shook her head helplessly.

It seems that Li Lulu's strength will increase again in the future, after all, there is a summoning object that is also of the three-color level.

At this time, their BB machine rang again, and Kane sent the identified equipment attributes to everyone, so that everyone could decide the ownership of the equipment together.

Hearing that the equipment was identified, everyone showed enough interest, although they belonged to different places.

Both Lilulu and Claire looked at the information on the machine in their hands.

Looking at the specific attributes of several identified pieces of equipment.

The attributes of this equipment are too perfect.

The attributes were so perfect that Claire was a little shocked.

On the other side, Lumbe couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the attributes of this equipment.

He said to Metzke beside him: "Sure enough, our luck is not bad at all."

Metzker nodded in agreement.

Not only was it not bad, but it was so good that it exploded.

Of course, it had to be that they were strong enough to fight back, otherwise they would be unlucky if they were weak.

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly felt that his luck had been canceled out, and Metzke quickly shook his head to get rid of this thought.

Lucky is lucky, how can there be such a saying.

Yes, it is like that.

After some discussions.

The three-color weapon [Bone of the Polluter] that Kane first obtained was sealed in the warehouse because no one wanted it.

Then decide how to deal with it, mainly to see if the side effects can be sealed or eliminated.

[Slayer's Ladder] This thing is not needed by everyone, so it is also put into the warehouse and temporarily kept by Kane for research.

[Assault Hand] It was decided to give it to Claire without much discussion. After all, Claire is the only one who can perfectly exert the effect of this perfect equipment.

[Snooper's Eyes] This piece of equipment is difficult. The main reason is that it is suitable for almost everyone, even for Metzker.

That's when you need to figure out who the gear is best suited for.

After layers of exchanges and discussions, the equipment finally landed on Kane.

Compared with others, Kane can give full play to the advantages of this equipment.

After the exchange, Claire opened the guild warehouse and took out the [Assault Hand] inside.

"This equipment is so strange."

Seeing the equipment Claire took out, Li Lulu next to her couldn't help but said.

According to the message sent by Kane, Claire tied the two strange gloves on her hands, and then put on the gauntlets again.

Squeezing and shaking have no effect at all.

The attributes on the gauntlet have not been offset.

"Although this equipment is weird, it's quite suitable." Claire said as weapons appeared in both hands.

When the weapon is held in the hand, the jade flakes in the palm slightly turn into a thin film, sticking the palm.

Claire could feel that she was more comfortable holding the weapon, and her grip was very firm.

Feeling such a special effect, Claire couldn't help but smile: "Is there such a strange effect?"

This piece of equipment is very much to her liking right now.

Feel the bonus brought by the equipment.

Claire held the double blades in her hands, and suddenly assumed an offensive posture.

Stare at the open space ahead.

The magic power poured into his hands, and the whole person put on a posture, and suddenly kicked hard with his hind hoof.

The whole person instantly turned into a thread of black and white flames.

Like a teleportation, it appeared hundreds of meters away.

The double-edged blades rushing forward also swung out from the air.

Two huge white air blades flew out.

A deep crack was drawn on the ground, extending far away.

Even the air was broken, and two cracks appeared in the air.

This blow cut open the space directly.

Claire, who was standing there, nodded in extreme satisfaction seeing the intensity of the attack.

"This piece of equipment is fantastic."

"Sister Claire is so handsome." Li Lulu flew over and praised.

Hearing Lilulu's praise, Claire smiled and pinched her nose.

At this time, Li Lulu suddenly took the bb machine in her hand and sent a group message.

"Master Li Lulu, Li Lulu will give you good things."

Seeing this message, Claire raised her head a little strangely, and then saw the cloud wolves following behind Lilulu, then thought of something, and nodded with a smile.

I saw three messages appearing on the bb machine without hesitation.

"My Lady Queen Lilulu!"

"My Lady Queen!"


Seeing the news, Li Lulu nodded in satisfaction.

Then send it.

"Use fairy tale elements to summon the magic circle, and Lilulu will give you powerful guards."

After the message was sent, the three cloud wolves behind Lilulu broke through the space and disappeared in place.

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