Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 861 Responsible Line of Defense

When I walked in, I found that most of the members of the secret council were in this building.

However, there are also a few people Kane doesn't know, but these few people who don't know are all standing with the members of the secret council.

It seems that, like Claire and the others, a certain member brought them in.

Although the 5 members of the team were promoted to the three-colored team together, only Kane and the others have done it.

But it is not very uncommon for two or three people to be promoted all the way to the triple color.

The teammates along the way are the closest friends.

As soon as Claire came in, she was stunned for a moment, as if she smelled something, her eyes scanned the room, and then settled on Lilith.

Seeing Lilith's succubus-like appearance, she seemed to understand.

But Claire didn't do anything, she just nodded politely to Lilith.

Lilith also nodded and smiled back.

At this moment, Bedarin, who was standing beside Lilith, couldn't help but speak.

"That lady should be Kane's fiancée, why don't you go up there, you bitch? The flames from last time must have hurt."

Lilith glanced at her, but said nothing.

However, Bedalin's words spread, and he glanced at Claire and said, "Is he really a genius who can be promoted to the third color with Kane? Even if he has just been promoted to the color, he can feel that his strength is not inferior to yours. .”

"Not worse than you." Lilith retorted.

At this time, Oloch said: "Milast, Archie and Lorloch are in a group and have just arrived, and the number is less than three, so the group is not complete. Do you want to form a team with them? .”

Milast glanced at Archie and nodded: "No problem."

Even the patrol team is carried out in teams.

To maximize combat power and ensure the safety of team members.

Generally consists of 3~5 people.

Most of the members of the secret council are grouped together, after all, they are relatively familiar.

We often form teams together to solve some difficult crisis events.

After allocating Milast, Oloch looked at Kane and the others.

"You don't need to allocate. I believe that the five of you must have the most tacit understanding, so you can directly form a group, no problem."

Kane smiled and said: "Of course it's no problem, I wish for it."

Oloch nodded, then waved to the sky.

A light curtain appeared in front of them.

A small ring with a width appeared in the air.

Under Oloch's operation, it was quickly divided into 4 parts, southeast, northwest, and then the east was left behind.

The enlarged east side began to be distributed one by one into small squares with uneven sizes.

Each small square has its own number.

It was divided into more than 50 in total, and there are more or less people's names on each small square.

Oloqi pointed to one of them and said: "East-26 area, this area is being patrolled by the people next to it, and now it is handed over to you, Milast."

Then he pointed at the other area and said to Kane and the others: "East-41 area, this area will be handed over to Kane and you for patrolling. Due to insufficient number of people, there is no one patrolling in area 42, so I will hand it over to you for the time being. "

After listening to Oloch's assignment, both teams nodded without objection.

At this time, Orochi reached out from the space equipment, grabbed several silver objects that looked like whistles, and handed them to everyone.

"Rescue whistle, if you find that the number of enemies is too large or the enemy is too powerful to fight, just blow the whistle and the people around will rush to support immediately."

"Remember, once you find yourself invincible, whistle immediately and don't hold on, it's meaningless."

At this time, he seemed to think of something again, and continued: "By the way, every few connected areas will have a five-color strong man to coordinate defense. In an emergency, he will temporarily become the person in charge of the area."

"Each area has a fortress for rest, and there will be sufficient supplies and some spare equipment and equipment inside.

If your synesthesia feels tired, send a message immediately, and another team will hand over to you. "

Then came the exchange of some details.

After the exchange was almost over, Oloqi left the building. As the person in charge of the entire area, he has always been relatively busy.

And Kane and the others only need to go to that area within 24 hours.

Not long after Oloqi left, a voice like a broadcast suddenly came from the room.

"East-11 district is applying for handover, please go to the handover personnel immediately.

East-11 District..."

The broadcast was repeated several times.

At this time, Bedarin stood up, turned to look at Lilith next to him and said, "We are calling, let's go."

After speaking, she got up and walked out, followed by Lilith and two other women she didn't know.

It seems that their 4-member team should be the patrol team in charge of East-11 District.

After watching them leave, Kane turned to Claire and the others and said, "Then let's go there too."

At this time, Archie and the others also decided to go directly.

Archie, who came a few days earlier than them, said directly: "I'll take you there, I know you well."

As he spoke, he led them towards the outside of the building, and then came all the way to the location of the three portals that Orochi had mentioned before.

Not far from the three portals, there is an entire wall of white mist in the shape of a whirlpool.

After coming here, Archie said directly: "From here you can directly lead to the desired area."

As he said that, he rushed in directly.


Milast exclaimed, and Roar Lodge immediately followed and rushed in.

However, Lore Lodge was very calm. It seems that he, who acted with Archie last time, has developed some kind of immunity to this situation.

A few people watched this scene, and Lombe looked at Kane and couldn't help asking: "Is that child-like one really all right?"

"Don't worry, although his thinking is different from ordinary people, there is no problem with his strength and experience."

Although the so-called experience was engraved in his mind with his own blood and tears.

Later, Kane added: "The Rogge camp is his."

With this sentence, everyone understood in an instant.

This dungeon is very famous, after all, it can provide a stable supply of teleportation scrolls.

Most explorers can use it, and the earliest props to escape from the dungeon may be this thing.

"Okay, let's go in too."

Speaking of Kane, he took the brunt of entering the portal.

At this time, a voice sounded beside his ears.


destination? Kane immediately replied: "East-41 Area."

Then he felt the sense of resistance in front of him disappear, and stepped out directly.

After coming out, I came directly to a platform.

Claire and the others appeared next to her.

The scenery here is no different from that of the fortress, except that there is a small three-story stone castle behind the platform.

The logo of Dong-41 was engraved on it, indicating that Kane and the others did not come to the wrong place.

At this time, Kane felt the traces of someone's presence in his senses, and immediately became vigilant.

Following Kane's changes, Claire and the others instantly became vigilant.

At this time, a group of people came not far away, and their speed was not in a hurry.

The voice came from afar.

"Don't get excited, we are the ones in charge of East-40."

They spoke and raised the round cards in their hands.

There are signs of the area they are responsible for.

Each mark represents the area they are responsible for, and Oloki just told them not long ago.

There is a very obvious misty breath on it, and it is easy to identify the authenticity.

Kane and the others relaxed their vigilance slightly, looking at the team in front of them, there are a total of 5 people from different races.

This is still a team of five.

And Kane can feel that the strength of these five people is not weak.

At least three people's skills are condensed to the second one, and there is another one who is stronger than himself.

A very strong squad.

The leader was a wolf-like half-orc. After coming to Kane, he took out two signs from his waist and handed them to him.

After Kane took it, he looked at the two round cards marked East-41 and East-42.

Exactly the area they were going to patrol.

"Finally there are people. You don't know how tiring it is for a small team to patrol 4 areas."

Perhaps it is the reason why their team is stronger. Before Kane came, he was in charge of the four connected areas from East 39 to East 42.

After complaining for a while, he left directly. Before leaving, he turned to Kane and the others and said, "If you have any questions, you can come to us directly in Area 40."

The whole action was smooth and smooth, without giving any chance for Kane and the others to misunderstand.

He seemed to see that Kane and the others were the team that had just arrived here.

If they are acquaintances, they will naturally not be vigilant when they see them.

Those who were originally willing to work in the patrol team are already familiar to everyone.

Staying for a long time may lead to some unnecessary misunderstandings. After all, everyone is not familiar with it, and it is such an urgent moment.

Kane looked at the round card in his hand.

According to what Oloch said before, inject a trace of magic power into the round card, and then slam it.

This round card seems to be recognizable to his magic power.

In total, 4 additional discs can be drawn according to their team.

Handed two round cards to Claire and the others respectively.

He is holding the round card in his hand. If it is Area 41, Kane can clearly feel the approximate range of this area.

The same goes for Area 42.

In this way, they can easily know where their respective patrolling areas are.

"It's quite interesting."

Kane said with a smile, and then walked towards the three-story castle behind him.

The whole floor of the 1st floor has no room partitions, all are connected together, and there are stone stairs next to it leading to the upper floor.

In the middle of the entire floor is a circular platform with densely packed magic runes and a magic circle floating on it.

Walked to the front of the magic circle and checked it carefully.

"This should be a reconnaissance circle."

At this time, the figure floating on the magic circle is the entire Eastern District.

Areas 41 and 42 have already marked their names.

Lumbe and the others walked upstairs curiously.

After a short while of their observation and exploration.

It is relatively easy to understand the entire castle and all the functions of the round cards in their hands.

The round cards are equivalent to their responsibilities and identities, and the round cards have a certain sense of the whole area.

If there are foreign enemies invading, they can be sensed very easily, and they don't need to keep walking around the whole area.

Through round cards, you can quickly teleport across the entire area.

This round card should have certain rules and permissions in this area.

The bottom of the three-story castle in the middle of the area stores some supplies, as well as many spare equipment, medicines and repair tools.

But they are all standard, Kane and the others don't need these.

But if these things are placed outside, they are invaluable.

The second and third floors are various functional areas.

Including 5 rooms for rest, which can be changed by the round card.

It should take into account the different body types of each race.

It has to be said that the entire defense area has been considered very thoughtfully.

Kane and the others are very satisfied.

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