Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 873: The Mist and the Appearance of the Seven Kings

March 26, 5th New Era

In response to the intensified offensive incidents, the leaders of the patrol teams in each district made suggestions to the higher authorities. Finally, after the discussion between the Bright King and the Mist:

It was decided to expand the enrollment of explorers who participated in the discovery, and increase the contribution rewards of the external defense line.

To deal with more and more enemies.

April 28, 5.

The effect of the enrollment expansion was perfect, and explorers from all over the world responded one after another and joined the external defense line.

Correspondingly, the attacks from outside snoopers became more and more intense, and more and more snoopers entered outside the fog, causing quite a few casualties.

July 3, 5.

Oloch, the leader of the Eastern District Patrol Team, made a proposal to form an elite team of more than 10 people with the fog champion warrior Kane as the core.

The proposal was called "blood for blood".

October 16, 5.

The annihilation team's operation was successful in the Eastern District, annihilating a total of 46 tricolor-level enemies.

The offensive frequency of the East team is plummeting.

October 28, 5.

Operation "Blood for Blood" was such a success that the East End had not been attacked for 10 days.

According to the information gathered from the souls of the captured enemies' brains, the evil alliance formed by the snoopers outside the Eastern District has a tendency to disband.

No snoopers want to attack the East.

November 5, 5.

The extermination team offices will be moved to the intersection of the outer teleportation lines.

Their scope of action will officially spread to the entire defense line, and they will carry out annihilation operations against all enemies in the four districts of southeast, north and south.

The patrol teams in each area will assist them.

At the same time, the three districts in the South, North and North will each select a team of 5 people to join the annihilation team.

April 18, 6

In a vast expanse of white clouds and mist, the clouds and mist here are not as calm as other places, but are spinning and surging crazily, as if there is a hurricane around them to provide them with power.

Amidst the tumbling clouds and mist, one can vaguely see a white tower at the core.

There is an irregular conical gem on the top of the tower. The gem exudes a strong light and penetrates into the clouds and mist, disappearing.

The wall of the tower is engraved with fine and rough lines, and the strong magic power is rushing on the lines.

The entire tower is built like a mass of magic power, and the energy contained in it can be seen with the eyes alone.

When I looked carefully, I suddenly felt strange.

This tall tower has no windows, not even a gate, it is a fully enclosed white stone tower.

If it wasn't for the hollow interior, it could even be called a white stone pillar.

At this time, the interior of the stone pillar.

"Hahaha, I'm crazy, give me money!"

Lumbe pushed down the mahjong in front of him, stood directly on the bench and shouted.

Milast next to him tilted his head to look at Lumbe's cards, curled his lips, and pushed down the cards in front of him helplessly.

He took out a handful of gold coins from his pocket and pushed them in front of Lumbe.

The same goes for everyone else at the table.

"You shouldn't have played that card just now, you should let Long Beihu."

Facing Lombe was Bedalin, Lilith standing behind her said so.

Just now, Lilith had been standing behind Bedalin watching the whole battle, pointing and pointing.

At this time, there are other people besides them on this floor. After all, there are now 30 annihilation teams.

In addition to Bogli, a new multi-colored strong man was added to escort them.

"Drip, drip."

The sound of Didi suddenly appeared in the entire tower.

Hearing such a sound, the people who were playing mahjong and doing other things around them all disappeared in place and appeared on the top floor of the entire tower.

On the top floor of the tower, there is a complete circular map, but this map is now in a strange state.

The entire circular map is glowing red and sounding alarms, which indicates that all lines of defense are under attack.

"What's going on, why is the entire defense line under attack, is the enemy desperate?"

Seeing such a situation, Lombe couldn't help asking.

"No, even if they all dispatched, it is impossible to attack all the defense lines, otherwise they would not have been sneaking around." Someone immediately retorted.

However, at this time, no one knew what the situation was like, and everyone who had already appeared on the top floor was surprised.

Attacks have been made across the board and they don't know where to start now.

You must know that in the past month, the entire four external defense lines have not been attacked once.

Their busiest time period was when they started to take charge of the entire external defense line in the first few months, and they were almost exhausted at that time.

But they were only tired for a month, and then the frequency of enemy attacks became less and less, until this month there was none.

At this time Bogli appeared between them.

Kane happened to be right next to Bogli, and when he saw him appear, he turned his head and asked directly, "What's going on? Didn't there be definite news half a month ago that the enemy's alliance had collapsed?"

About half a month ago, the loose alliance of snoopers completely collapsed.

Just as they expected.

They are also planning to maintain it for a few months to observe the follow-up. If it really collapses, their Annihilator organization may begin to disband.

As a result, I didn't expect that a big problem would occur in only half a month.

However, Bogli didn't know what was going on, and shook his head slightly.

At this time, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Everyone go to the general fortress of the North District!"

He seems to have received some information.

Hearing such information, all the people present disappeared in an instant, and they were directly teleported to the general fortress in the northern district through the huge teleportation stone on the top.

This is where the conveyor belts of the entire outer defense line converge, and they can be sent to the area they think of at an extremely fast speed.

They just emerged.

He was stunned by the sight in front of him.

People from the main fortress in the outer area kept teleporting over, and all the explorers who teleported over were all surprised, and some even looked ahead of them with horror.

Floating above their heads.

It's a human figure shining brightly.

His whole body is composed of bright and translucent spar, and all the equipment on his body, including the cloak behind him, seem to be made of crystal.

Exuding endless power, but when you look sideways, you feel peace again, as if he is not powerful.

Bright King!

At this time, Orochi also appeared beside them.

Kane found that not only Oloch, but all the patrol team leaders in the four areas were all present.

And the object in front of them is the existence that makes them so ready.

It was a glowing orb, floating from a distant astral world.

The light emitted is a faint silver color, which is obviously so soft, but it makes people feel distorted and chaotic.

6 huge tentacles protrude from around the luminous body.

There is the astral world, such a huge luminous body.

Kane couldn't help but froze.

Because the luminous body is as huge as a planet, like a sun emitting silver light.

Just looking at it makes people feel powerless, and people can't help but have chaotic thoughts in their hearts. Coupled with the scene in front of them, they are intertwined and fermented.

There was a broken sound above their heads, and some people who recovered their senses turned their heads to look.

It was a human, wearing gray trousers like training clothes.

Wearing an extremely luxurious fur coat, the entire chest is completely exposed, and the exposed muscles are as perfect as a knife.

A head of wild and unrestrained long black hair danced backwards with the wind.

As soon as he appeared, he showed an extremely domineering aura to his surroundings.

It's the same as Kane knew the identity of the Brilliant King the first time he saw him.

The first time you see this person, you know who he is.

Martial arts king!

The creator of The Path of the Gods.

Speaking of which, Kane has a relationship with both of them.

In the past, both the Brilliant King's Brilliant Chamber of Commerce and the Martial King's Path to Martial Arts have offered an olive branch to Kane and the others.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

One figure after another broke through the space.

But Kane didn't know any of them.

Because apart from these two kings, he didn't even know the names of the other kings.

The reason why these two kings are known is because King Brilliant was the one who ascended to the position of king in the previous era.

And the Martial King was before him.

The other unknown kings are thrones accomplished in more remote times.

It was too long back then.

There are 7 bits in total.

The mighty power emanating from these seven kings dispelled all the shock and panic of all the explorers below.

It made everyone return to their original hearts and suppressed the restlessness of their hearts.

However, the huge silver ball of light that made them feel as if they were facing a great enemy, wriggling 6 tentacles of unknown size, was still slowly approaching them.

The appearance of the seven kings only eliminated the negative emotions in their hearts.

And the oppression caused by this huge ball of light has not been relieved in the slightest.

If they still need to breathe, they will feel that it is extremely difficult for them to even breathe at this time.

There was a golden light in Kane's eyes that wanted to flash, but then it completely went out.

His God's Sight is frantically warning him, don't try to check, predict, or peep.

Otherwise it will bring unpredictable consequences.

It was the first time he met such a crazy warning.

Can't help but dissipate the sight of God again.


At this time, Lilulu on Claire's shoulder suddenly exclaimed.

A huge, thin white jade-like female arm protruded from the white mist.

At the outermost edge of the mist, the place close to the star realm lightly stroked the surroundings.

The fog gradually became thicker, and the situation where there was fog before but did not affect the field of vision disappeared, as if to truly wrap the whole world of one thing.

When the mist slowly surrounded, everyone saw that the true body of the mist was completely revealed.

I saw the huge and tall female back in the mist until it was completely shrouded in the mist and I couldn't see it anymore.

At the moment when the fog was completely assembled, the huge silver ball of light suddenly flashed a strong light.

Everyone present could only feel a slight soreness in their eyes.

"What happened to Kane?"

Claire next to Kane suddenly exclaimed.

Lumbe and the others, who had been beside Kane all the time, also turned around abruptly, and all stretched out their hands to help.

At this time, Kane had already collapsed and was supported by everyone.

Two bloodstains flowed from his tightly closed eyes, and his nostrils, ears and mouth all flowed out, mixed with golden blood.

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