Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 897

"Father, who made the red mark on your face!"

"Dad, Dad, why are your eyes swollen and black, like Uncle Metzker's eye sockets?"

Produced by Platinum Palace De Garden, Kane sat quietly in the crystal courtyard, drinking the tea in his hand seemingly very leisurely.

For her daughter's problem, she just smiled.

However, looking at his face, it was clear that he was not in a normal state at this time.

One eye socket was completely blackened and slightly swollen.

There is still a half-slap print on the left cheek.

His right leg seems to be a little lame.

Virginie stood on Kane's right, leaning his head on Kane's leg, tilting his head and staring at Kane's chin and asked.

And Miko sat on Kane's shoulders, holding Kane's forehead with both hands, poking his head out to stare into Kane's eyes and asking.

Hearing the questions of his two lovely daughters.

Kane gently put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a soothing tone with a touch of elegance.

"It's nothing, it's just that Dad was accidentally hit by something when he was researching."

"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

Hearing this, Li Lulu on the opposite side rolled crazily on the table, hugging her stomach and laughing non-stop.

Hearing Lilulu's laughter, Kane gave her a sideways glance.

"Brother, why don't you ask Metzker to heal you?" Lumbe next to him asked, leaning on the back of the courtyard seat.

Before Kane could answer, Li Lulu next to her gloated and said, "Because that's the scar that sister Claire made with black flames."

Hearing this, Lombe could only smile awkwardly, and gave Kane a look of helplessness.

It seems that Kane did something that made Claire very angry.

After a while, Rafael Kafka and Metzker had arrived in the courtyard, drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

The first time they arrived, it was obvious that they saw Kane at this time.

They were all surprised by Kane's situation.

But after hearing the reason, they all smiled and stared at Kane, with no intention of helping at all.

And there is no way to help.

"Would you like to see the video of the previous beating, Li Lulu has a special record."

Li Lulu said with a smile, a crystal-like mirror appeared in her hand.

Looking at the mirror, everyone looked at each other, eyes full of curiosity, finally looked up, and finally ignored Kane and said in unison: "Look, of course we have to watch."

Kane couldn't stop it, so he could only watch with everyone, watching his actions and behaviors at that time from the perspective of a bystander.

To be honest, he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all.

Looking at the picture, the intelligent core stabs itself, reminding itself of the picture.

When did this happen? Has anyone else reminded me? It's over, I don't have this memory at all.

Sure enough, from the perspective of a bystander, he discovered something that he didn't know at first glance.

Kane began to reflect on how obsessed he was.

Until Claire walked behind Kane.

Seeing himself patting and shouting to Claire, he completely ignored it, and even waved his hand impatiently, telling her to leave quickly.

And not once or twice.

He also turned a deaf ear to Claire's reminder, completely treating her as air.

Seeing such a scene, Kane couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile to face the eyes of everyone.

WTF? I actually did such a thing.

Seeing that Claire was so angry that she couldn't help herself, she clenched her fist with her right hand, surrounded by pitch-black flames, and knocked Kane into the air with one punch.

However, it can be seen that Claire's attacking position intentionally hit Kane to a place without any equipment and machinery.

Then the screen began to track and clearly capture the bewildered expression on Kane's face when he was flying in the air.

Seeing this, Kane couldn't help but slapped his hands on his forehead, unable to bear to look any further.

However, everyone watched with relish.

Then there was Claire's unilateral beating, and Kane's completely bewildered expression.

"Actually, I think this punch should be hit here, it may hurt a little more, and the damage caused will not be too serious." Kafka commented in this way.

Raphael dismissed Kafka's comments: "Could it be that Claire's melee skills are lower than yours? Can you use your brain to think about it!"

"You have to dare to challenge the authority, do you understand? At that time, Claire was angry, and her movements were not completely perfect, which is also normal."

"Huh? They can beat you even when they are angry. The melee instructors of the entire guild, who did you learn melee combat from?"

The two talked and scolded while looking at the screen.

At this time, Lumbe couldn't help but said.

"Look at this, Kane's dodge is obviously wrong, isn't he just hitting Claire's fist with his face?"

"He's been beaten into a daze. What can he do? Look at him now, his eyes can't tell what he's doing now."

"That's right, look, he actually fell down. It would be fine if he fell during the battle."

Kane was like this, holding his hands on the table, staring at the three people in front of him with a pair of dead eyes.

"Hey! Hey! I'm still next to you? Can you respect the Platinum King?"

The few people ignored and continued to comment, completely taking Kane as a joke.

Because it is indeed a very rare pleasure.

And at this time.

Virginie and Mick didn't know where to go.

After a while, the sound of horseshoes came.

And the scene is coming to an end, Kane has fully woken up, and stood up with a limp.

The screen then disappears.

Claire's figure also appeared in the courtyard.

Virginie and Mick followed their mother, laughing and talking about Kane's previous words.

Looking at Claire, Kane greeted her with a smile, and hugged her intimately.

Claire rolled her eyes, patted Kane's chest, and then waved her hand gently across Kane's face, the corners of his eyes, and the injured parts of his body.

Streaks of black flames were pulled out and re-melted into Claire's body.

The wound on Kane's body healed quickly after the flame disappeared, and completely healed and disappeared in less than a few seconds.

After all, these injuries can only be regarded as skin trauma. With Kane's current physique, if the flames were not preventing the recovery, he would be able to fully recover in an instant, and even recovered when he was beaten.

At this time, Lumbe asked strangely from the side.

"Have you been staying in that space for half a month?"

Hearing Lumbe's words, Kane nodded.

"Of course, these are all knowledge that I have never seen before. Every day is full of new things. How can I have time to rest?"

Kane said with joy on his face.

In the half month of research in the sealed space, he has gained a lot, just half a month.

The knowledge gained can be as good as my previous years, even counting 10 years.

The God of Myriad Machines completely surpassed Kane in terms of magic technology and some mechanical knowledge.

Kane doesn't even need to learn, as long as he memorizes this knowledge in his mind, it doesn't take too long to have a few months of memory. His skills related to machinery and magical machinery can definitely reach the level of divine art.

If you can absorb all the knowledge of the God of Myriad Machines and thoroughly understand it as your own, you may be able to take another step forward.

Thinking of this, Kane was already too excited to take care of himself.

I can't wait to enter the sealed space immediately and continue the research.

Seeing Kane's fanatical expression, everyone couldn't understand, except for Metzke.

Because Mezik has been in a state like Kane.

The main reason is that these studies are too fascinating at this time.


Hearing Claire's heavy cough, Kane calmed down and returned to his position.

"Okay, everyone, the time is almost approaching the handover time, let's go back outside the fog together."

Back to business.

They then handed over the two little princesses to the Ghost Maid and Moon Son in the palace.

With the two little princesses waving goodbye, they disappeared in place and returned to the mist.

More than a month has passed.

Once again, we are back in the fort that needs to be guarded for a long time.

As soon as they entered the fortress, everyone made a rough inspection.

The fortress did not show any damage, and it was not much different from them at the beginning, indicating that the fortress had not been besieged by the enemy for more than a month.

They lived fairly safely and leisurely.

As soon as Kane and the others appeared, Bogli appeared in front of them along with another five-colored powerhouse.

"Haha, are you back so soon? Why don't you take a rest?"

Hearing Bogli's words, Kane shook his head with a smile.

"How dare I keep asking you to help? After all, you have your own business, don't you? Hahahaha."

As they spoke, everyone was reserved for a while.

Bogli is also preparing to gather the manpower he brought to return.

Although this is said, there are indeed many places that need their strength and need their help.

Their current manpower is still too short.

"Did I tell you before the next meeting? Remember to come to the headquarters of the Fog Council in half a month."

Hearing Bogli's words, Kane nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm not so forgetful yet."

"Haha, that's good, let's go first, see you later."

Looking at these people who came to support, they disappeared in place.

And Kane also began to understand the changes in the fortress when they left for more than a month.

In the past month, almost no enemy has attacked them.

The enemy only rebuilt the forward camp that was completely destroyed by Kane just a few days ago.

Only yesterday began to redistribute the hands into the mist.

For more than a month, not only were they resting outside, but the members of the guild were also on vacation outside the fog.

This kind of situation without any fighting for more than a month is indeed rare.

Without familiar people, and without the leadership of Kane and the others, it is naturally impossible for them to attack the enemy at this time.

Not to mention that the enemy's vigilance has been raised to the highest level at this time.

Being safe and sound is the most important thing to do now.

But now Kane is back, and the enemy has rebuilt the destroyed forward camp.

After the battle stopped for more than a month, it will start again.

Kane was already thinking about how to teach the enemy a lesson.

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