Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 927 Despair, accident, deep despair


"His Majesty!"


Various names for Kane sounded on the battlefield.

Many people were surprised by Kane who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and couldn't help but exclaim.

The explorers whose strength has reached the colorful stage, when they arrived here today, already knew that Kane was advancing to the colorful stage.

But now Kane was suddenly pulled onto the battlefield by some kind of enemy ritual, which surprised them.

Correspondingly, many gold-level members either didn't care, didn't pay attention, or felt that Kane was doing more important things elsewhere.

Now Kane suddenly appeared like this, and he still appeared in front of the enemy.

Appear in front of the colorful Pope.

After the enemy completed the ceremony and took action, it was obviously not like he appeared by himself, but was forced to be pulled over by the enemy.

Such a scene made all the explorers present feel a chill.

Kane was not in a good state at this time. After being pulled over suddenly, there were still various runes around him.

Then began to break and dissipate into the air.

Observing the surrounding situation, a lot of blood flowed down from his lips and ears.

Before that, he was still in a hidden place, working on his final results, and marching towards the final step.

In this case, it was suddenly interrupted, and it was forcibly pulled through the space.

The damage done to him can be imagined.

He suppressed the discomfort and observed the surrounding situation.

The magic power is also released from the body, forming a protective armor on the body surface.

Looking at the old man exuding a powerful light in front of him, Kane also recognized him.

"It's you!"

He didn't expect that it was the enemy Pope who forcibly pulled him over.

I've seen him several times on the battlefield.

At this time, the Pope has no desire to communicate with Kane.

Taking advantage of Kane's current weak state.

The Pope struck the huge scepter in the air hard, as if countless silver-gray tentacles spread around.

These tentacles seem to be entangled with something around, and then directly lock the surrounding space.

Also locked, Kane was also locked.

He remained in the state of sudden appearance like this, wearing layers of armor and unable to move at all.

Even if you move, what you can do is extremely limited.

At most, it can only make the eyeballs turn slightly.

After all, the enemy has colorful strength, and he is the strongest among all enemies.

The Pope who leads all believers of Deep Light.

If the strength is not strong enough, how can he achieve such a position.

Now, even if Kane is really promoted to Qicai, he may not be able to defeat the pope.

At most it can hold him back.

Not to mention that he is currently in a weak state, and his strength is still at the five-color stage.

It has become the fish on the chopping board.

Looking at Kane's crisis situation at this time.

There are fluctuations all around.

Countless attacks flew towards the Pope in an instant.

However, the reflective shield that remained around him was stronger than when it was suspected to be going on before. All the attacks, not to mention approaching, even turned their heads and bounced back.

Claire, Lombe, and the others who were eager to save people were even more desperate and rushed towards the Pope, but their attacks were so weak that they couldn't break through the invisible defenses around them.

Not to mention being close to the pope's side to save Kane.

The huge gap in strength prevents them from saving Kane.

A sense of powerlessness could not help but fill their whole bodies.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Oloch and the others are already surrounded.

Look at the pope inside.

At this time, the pope turned his head slightly without haste, staring at everyone outside.

Said calmly.

"At so much cost, we are targeting whoever believes you should know."

Then he raised the huge scepter in his hand and accused Kane in front of him.

The voice was excited and serious.

"The god-hating person who offends the gods, how can he continue to survive, use his blood to eliminate the wrath of the gods.

This is an imperial order issued by the god himself, and death has already fallen on his head. "

As he spoke, a slender silver-gray dagger appeared in his hand.

The whole dagger is plain and unpretentious, as if it is made of a single piece of metal, without any special features.

But being able to be held by the enemy at this moment has already proved its extraordinaryness.

Speaking, the Pope pointed the dagger at Kane, looked into his eyes and said with a smile.

"Do you think we can do nothing about you if you hide?"

"It took such a huge price just to stop you, how could it not be fully prepared."

He couldn't help but let out a laugh.

From these words, the people around heard different information. The enemy knew that Kane was carrying out a series of exaggerated actions such as Colorful Caution, all of which came towards Kane.

Except for those who have long been in contact with the king, such as Oloch, who knew the information, no one else knew about it.

Also completely incomprehensible.

Why might be so special.

Obviously, the pope didn't have any intention of answering, and put the tip of the dagger on Kane's chest.


Violent black and white flames and lightning of various colors spread around.

Lumbe, Lilulu, and all Kane's teammates began to launch all possible attacks on the periphery regardless of the cost.

However, everyone is just incompetent and furious.

A person who can be regarded as a powerful existence at Qicai's stage can easily be regarded as blocking them out.

Keep them from getting an inch.

Just as the pope was slightly exerting force on his hands, he was about to forcefully send the dagger into Kane's body.

His hands trembled suddenly.


The dagger tightly held in the palm trembled and fell powerlessly towards the ground.

Observe the whereabouts of the dagger.

Lilulu instantly appeared under the dagger, wrapped it and threw it into the outer space.

At this time, everyone's attention was on Kane and the Pope.

The Pope's abnormal behavior gave them hope, although they didn't know where this hope came from.

Even the people fighting below couldn't help but stop their attacks.

The explorers want to know what Kane and Oloch will face, and the enemies want to know what problems the Pope has.

I saw the Pope trembling all over, and the body floating in the air began to retreat slowly as if weak.

He staggered and stood firm.

The silver-white light on his body began to twist disorderly, and even the phantom of the sun in the sky behind him began to move for some unknown reason.

Waving 6 huge tentacle phantoms, slowly wriggling.

The pope opened his mouth and shouted feebly, his wide eyes filled with disbelief.

"Why? For... why, I have paid... so much for you, why did you abandon me? Why?"

As the words fell, silver-gray light began to emerge from his mouth, and then more silver-gray light gushed out like liquid.

He opened his eyes, glared at Kane in front of him, and stretched out his hand weakly, trying to grab him.

"Just for...just for this person who offended you? You...do not hesitate, no..."

More and more silver-gray rays of light emerged from his eyes, ears and pores.

His words were stuck in his throat forever, and he could never speak again.

These emerging rays of light enveloped his body like mercury, forging him into an energy body that shone with gray-white light.

One after another protruded from the back, metal-like silver-gray cold-faced tentacles, a total of 6, echoing the sun in the sky.

The laurel wreath on the top of the head has also become a crown like the sun.

The power that was originally emitted enough to make people feel the pressure has been further strengthened, and it has become a force that actually presses on them.

Everyone feels breathless.

Many of the explorers who were fighting below had even fallen to the ground, trembling all over.

And those bishops who fought with them even began to kneel on the ground, doing prayer postures.

A frenzied expression, and a mouth crazily training prayers.

They completely forgot that they were on the battlefield of life and death at this time.

And Oloch Claire and others around the pope clenched their fists, resisted the pressure, and persisted through gritted teeth.

This is an oppression from a higher being.

Let them have an illusion of facing a natural enemy, and make people completely unable to think about fighting.

In the sky, the silver-gray tentacle sun shone brighter and brighter.

It's as if it wants to completely replace and devour the real sun.

It was clear to everyone that the consciousness descending from the pope's body was their greatest enemy, the source of their fighting for so long, the huge star that stayed outside the fog.

Deep light, dark sun.

At this time, the will of the profound light descended on the pope. Judging from the appearance of the pope just now, it seemed that the pope descended on him in some irreversible way, completely treating it as a consumable.

The cruel and terrifying side is vividly displayed.

Such an important believer is used like a consumable.

It made everyone unconsciously startled.

He opened his bright eyes and looked at Kane who was completely controlled in front of him.

Without making any movements, Kane felt that he was out of control and regained his freedom.

However, the surrounding space was already filled with silver-gray power, not to mention blocked.

His own magic power couldn't even flow out from his body surface, so he was resisted back.

This place has become his god domain.

Kane once again faced the will of the deep light head-on, and it was even more exaggerated than the will that came with a colorful body and scarce energy.

This is the will to forcibly descend with the body of a colorful strong man.

The will that descended from a powerful colorful powerhouse as a consumable was incomparable in the past.

His strength has reached the strongest level in the Mist World, and perhaps only the real Mist can deal with his current state.

However, the mist is now dealing with the body of the will.


Powerless despair welled up in my heart.

The deep light bursting out with dazzling silver-gray light, has been quietly watching Kane who has been free but still unable to move.

"As I said, we will meet again, and you will eventually submit to me."

Hearing his words, Kane said disdainfully: "Just wait, don't even think about my death."

As soon as the voice fell, he hadn't had time to make any movements.

The original mechanical left arm suddenly began to melt.

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