Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1253 - resurrection

Of course David couldn’t understand it. It would never be because of the black dragon Alexis, but he would not think that he has such a charm that can make a **** who has survived countless thousands of years obey.

“Demigod Arthur, you have pure natural power. If possible, I hope I can leave the small world and stay by your side!” The Forest Mother hesitated and gave the reason.

“The power of nature?” David felt his body for a moment. He didn’t perceive any natural force, but the look of the forest goddess did not seem to be nonsense.

“Alexis, can you feel the force of nature in me?” David asked Alexis, the black dragon communicating through the soul.

“My lord, my perception of the power of nature is not strong, and I cannot find out whether you have pure natural power, but the forest goddess was a gentle **** in the age of the gods, and the forest goddess did not have much combat power. , He is good at cultivating plants and animals, and many plant-like god-level products come from His hands!” Black Dragon Alexis replied.

David nodded. He thought of the power of nature, and suddenly he thought of the small world of soul space and the world tree.

Perhaps the pure force of nature felt by the forest goddess was the breath of the World Tree.

However, David did not expect that the forest goddess could feel this kind of breath. You must know that he had come into contact with the five gods, and none of them felt the breath of the World Tree.

Although the world tree is in the small world of the soul space of David, it has always revealed the breath of the small world of the soul space, wrapping David’s body, and protecting David from any influence of the rules of the big world.

This allows David to play his full combat power in any big world.

You must know that gods rarely invade the rest of the great world. The biggest reason is that when you enter the rest of the great world, you will be suppressed by the world of the great world. When your strength is greatly affected, you will suffer a big loss when fighting against the local gods of the great world.

Just like this great world battle between the divine world and the Zerg world, if this war is carried out in the Zerg world, the outcome of the battle will very likely be completely different.

In the Zerg world, the Zerg God-level has a steady stream of energy support, which can greatly increase the Zerg God-level’s combat power.

In the Zerg world, the gods of the great world will be suppressed by the world of the Zerg, and their strength will drop a lot. More importantly, it is difficult to use the body of the gods in the Zerg world.

The world tree broke this rule that God must pay attention to, allowing David to travel freely through the three great worlds without any restriction.

“Mother Forest, I will consider!” David said to the Mother Forest with a smile.

“The great demigod Arthur? The great black dragon Alexis, look forward to seeing you next time!” The Mother Forest said respectfully.

With the end of the words of the Mother of the Forest, the inexplicable breath of Lady Kathleen disappeared? Lady Kathleen awoke from the confusion? Seeing the legend of the demigod Arthur and Annabella.

“Hopkinson Family Duchess Kathleen meets the great demigod Arthur? Have you met the legendary Annabella!” Duchess Kathleen gave an aristocratic lady’s salute and greeted a little nervously.

“Lady Kathleen, go back!” David nodded slightly.

Countess Kathleen didn’t understand why she came? After hearing David’s request? She didn’t think too much, turned around and walked towards the planetary portal.

“Lord Lord, do you want to inform Lord Ludwig? This mother **** of the forest can infiltrate believers into the direct line of the top nobles!” The legend of Annabella saw the disappearance of Lady Catherine’s back? David said.

“Don’t mention this beforehand? A lady with no bloodline? What is the threat even if it is a direct line? Lady Kathleen can’t even touch the affairs of the Hopkinson family!” David smiled and shook his head. Tao.

The Annabella legend did not speak any more? It was just that her heart was not at all peaceful.

The mother **** of the forest intends to take refuge in the demigod Arthur. This news has had a great impact on the legend of Annabella. She now feels very lucky that she has chosen to leave the Temple of War and join the Luce family.

Look at yourself, in a short period of time, achieving a legendary rank? Have a higher status than in the Temple of War? And more freedom.

David ignored the legend of Annabella? The figure disappeared with a wave of his hand.

In the next few days? David entered a state of retreat again. He didn’t ask anything. The evil gods of “Gods Twilight” also seemed to have given up the idea of ​​cooperating with him? He never looked for him.

David completed ten days of cultivation and completed the demigod body of the third finger.

Through the avatar of the demigod “Golden Winged Beetle King”, he learned from the Zerg contact network that the crazy search of the Zerg world has come to an end. The main reason is that the “mother emperor” cannot mobilize all the Zerg forces endlessly to do nothing without results.

Of course, there is another reason for this, that is, the two “Imperial Inheritance Patterns” disappeared from the Zerg world, allowing the “Mother Emperor” to understand that the demigod Arthur meant to retreat.

Since the two’Imperial Inheritance Patterns’ are not in the Zerg world, it is very likely that the demigod Arthur will not stay in the Zerg world. What use is there to search on a large scale.

So on the tenth day, there was a large number of news about the Zerg’s return from the Zerg contact network.

On the tenth day, David opened the space wormhole leading to the ‘safety point of the Zerg World’ and returned to the Zerg World.

After he came to the world of Zerg, he spent two days re-arranging the hidden **** pattern array of the “Safety Point of Zerg World”, and recovered the artifact “Crown of Divine Power”, using some precious materials and a crystal of divine power. Arranged a real magic pattern of gods.

Then through the portal, David came to the underground space in the domain of the avatar of the demigod “Golden Winged Beetle King”, which was closed for a while.

Before reopening, David took out a lot of precious materials and re-enhanced the safety of the entire underground space.

Since there is a ‘Temple of Destruction’ here, the energy supply of all the **** patterns in the underground space is provided by the power of faith in the ‘Temple of Destruction’.

With the completion of the layout, the underground space of the large military base was reopened.

David also released the clones of the’Blade Mantis King’, the’Titan Golden Armor King’ clones and the five demigod clone clones, and used two’Royal Inheritance Patterns’ to continue his cultivation.

With this enhanced security, there is no need to worry about the problems found here in the future.

David had time to prepare for the resurrection of the ‘mother emperor’ war body without panic.

He has a feeling that perhaps the ‘Mother Emperor’ battle body will become his most powerful means of fighting before his body reaches the **** level.

David called the Shadow Servant, put a hand on the Shadow Servant, and checked the state of the small part of the soul of the “Mother Queen”.

After several times of purification, the form of the white fat insect in the golden mask of that small part of the soul is already blurred.

David’s spirit is in contact with a small part of the soul of the’mother emperor’, and he wants to send this small part of the soul into his own small world of soul space.

At the moment of contact, an idea came into his mind.

“I will find you, and I will let you be devoured by all insects, and you will never be freed!”

David was startled, thinking that something was wrong, because a small part of the soul of the ‘mother emperor’ still had the consciousness of the ‘mother emperor’.

He prepared to deal with it carefully. In fact, he didn’t worry much, because he had seen the power of the World Tree in the small world of his soul space. No matter what kind of soul it was, it was an ant-like existence in front of the World Tree.

However, it was obvious that only this message was left in the small part of the soul of the’mother emperor’, and everything else was purified.

No matter how powerful the soul of the’mother emperor’ is, this is only a small part of its soul.

David collected a small part of the soul of the “mother emperor” into the small world of the soul space. The world tree supervised the small world of the soul space very strictly. Anything that might affect the small world of the soul space would be actively checked.

A branch stretched out and grabbed a small part of the soul of the’Mother Emperor’, and then a light swept across the small part of the’Mother Emperor’ soul, and the small part of the’Mother Emperor’ soul turned into a fruit and hung on the branch.

David’s spirit touched the fruit, and he easily transformed a small part of the “mother emperor” into his own soul clone.

Although this can be regarded as a god-level soul clone, it is obviously reduced a lot, only one-fifth the size of a normal god-level soul clone.

However, this small god-level soul clone can also be regarded as a true god-level soul clone, but it is at a critical point.

A little smaller than this little god-level soul clone, it would fall out of the category of god-level souls. Perhaps the “mother emperor” had set this standard to separate so many souls.

David once again felt the ultimate calculation and analysis speed of a god-level soul in his soul, but he knew very well that he could not pursue these at present.

What he needs is stronger combat power, one more god-level combat power, which is definitely more important than one more god-level soul clone of his body.

David’s spirit swept through the space pendant, the battle body of the’Mother Emperor’ moved out, and at the same time, a bottle of’immortal vitality’ had entered the body of the battle body of the’Mother Emperor’ under his spiritual control. .

This was to maintain the vitality of the ‘mother emperor’ battle body. Although the battle body was killed, the vitality of the battle body did not disappear immediately.

For the’immortal vitality’, as long as the corpse retains a little vitality, it can rely on this vitality to resurrect the corpse.

It is necessary to know that the “immortal vitality” can heal the body of the gods with just one point, and David’s use of such a large amount is to some extent more valuable than a god-level combat body.

The battle body is returning to vitality, and David can clearly see that all the wounds are healed. Without him activating the battle body’s heart, the god-level battle body will operate autonomously.

David didn’t know how the “mother emperor” divided his soul, and how to put the soul in the battle body, perhaps these are the secret techniques of the “mother emperor”.

David has his own method, he directly introduces the small god-level soul clone into the battle body.

No matter what method the’mother emperor’ uses, the battle body can perfectly blend with this part of the soul to become a complete god-level body, but as long as David uses the same soul, the battle body can accept the god-level soul clone, and Fusion again.

David’s mind stays in the god-level soul clone, and enters the battle body with the god-level soul clone.

After the god-level soul clone entered the battle body, a steady stream of energy from all parts of the battle body poured into the god-level soul clone. After only a while, David felt that the energy of the battle body was about to dry up.

David was shocked, and his thoughts moved. The five demigod clones stopped practicing at the same time. Among them, the demigod clone with the’Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ flew to the side of the war body.

The clone of the demigod placed one hand on the body of the battle body, and the surging power of faith entered the body of the battle.

The battle body is like a greedy sponge, absorbing the power of faith madly. Part of the power of faith is turned into soul energy, which is added to the god-level soul clone.

With the help of these soul energies, the god-level soul clone easily opened up the soul space.

Inside the battle body, patterns light up, and then in the soul space of the god-level soul clone, talent patterns appear one by one.

Unlike the normal god-level divine body, the talent of this battle body is solidified inside the battle body, not in the soul.

This is what the’mother emperor’ deliberately did, as it chose the main body of the war body to be the torso of the space zerg, and it uses the torso to solidify the space zerg’s spatial talents in the war body.

There are also six forelimbs, each with six effects, paralysis, poison, slowing, burning, bleeding, and freezing. These six effects have six talent patterns solidified in the six forelimbs.

Among the thick feet, the ability to accelerate talent is solidified.

On the surface of the battle body, solid defense talents are solidified, making the battle body possess extremely strong defense power.

What’s more terrifying is that all of these talent abilities are god-level.

David really couldn’t figure out how the “mother emperor” did it so that the battle body could have so many god-level talents at once.

This was also the first life he saw with more and stronger talents than his natural ability, and it made him understand that there is a heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

How did David know that the method used by the “mother emperor” is definitely a method that the other gods in the world can’t imagine.

That is to use massive divine power to continuously enhance these talents, and this process lasted tens of thousands of years.

In the end, all the talents and abilities were upgraded to the **** level. This is also the reason why the world of Zerg has endless power of faith. In the rest of the world, which **** is willing?

In addition, the god-level talent abilities of paralysis, poison, slowing, burning, bleeding, freezing, acceleration, and solid defense are all god-level talent abilities.

It is hard for David to imagine how terrible the consequences of being hit by the “Mother Emperor” battle body is. It is estimated that all kinds of negative conditions will be added immediately, and the battle power will be greatly weakened, plus the extreme battle body. The attack speed, how miserable the opponent of the battle body will be.

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