Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1257 - Demi god

The spiritual fruit cultivated by the patriarch of the spirit clan enters the abdomen, and the gentle and huge energy rises in David.

The reason why David’s heart is put on the final transformation is because his heart is not an ordinary heart.

His heart has undergone a transformation. It was the black dragon Alexis using the ‘heart of the god’ to fuse with his heart, making his heart possess part of the function of the gods earlier.

But now, this heart, which has a part of the function of the gods, can no longer keep up with David’s ascent speed.

In contrast, David’s “half-god body” is much stronger than a heart that has a part of the function of a god. This is mainly because his “half-god body” is too enchanting.

The ‘rule of destruction’ formed by the fusion of the two basic rules of the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’ has two basic rule capabilities, and more than two basic rules form a more powerful capability.

This makes the ‘demi-god body’ composed of ‘destructive energy’ to some extent surpass the body of ordinary gods.

This is the benefit of laying a good foundation. If David specializes in the ‘Black Dragon’s Power Rule’ or chooses other rules, he may be able to reach the God level earlier, but his strength is simply impossible to compare with the current ‘Half God’s Body’.

‘Destructive energy’ was injected into the heart, covering the energy of the previous’heart of God’, and his heart temporarily stopped working.

This process is very dangerous. Once there is a problem in the transformation process, it will be life-threatening.

After the heart pauses, the vitality of the body is also rapidly weakened. If it takes too long, the same life problems will occur.

However, David has no problem with this aspect. From his bones, the’immortal vitality’ flows into the’demi-god body’, so that the vitality of the’demi-god body’ has been maintained at its best state.

It may be because the heart was transformed by the ‘heart of God’. This demigod transformation of the heart lasted a very long time.

David stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating. A full day has passed. During this process, if he hadn’t used his spirit to pick up spiritual fruit from time to time to replenish energy for his body, he would have thought he was already Fallen.

The black dragon Alexis was also extremely nervous watching from the side, David’s practice was too important.

As long as David successfully completes the transformation of the’demi-god’ and becomes a complete demigod, then it shows that David will have no difficulty in becoming a god-level afterwards. He only needs to continuously strengthen the energy of the’demi-god’ The proportion of transformation, you can smoothly become a **** level.

The god-level cultivation to be a god? To some extent, it seems extremely simple, but this simplicity is built on a solid foundation.

The reason why many demigods cannot be promoted to God level is because of the unstable foundation.

These demigods don’t want to have a stable foundation? But once they pursue a stable foundation? Then there is a great possibility that even a demigod will not be able to reach it in their lifetime? Not to mention the **** level.

The black dragon Alexis and David can be said to be bound together.

The rule energy extracted from the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’ merged together to form the ‘rule of destruction energy’? The ‘rule of destruction energy’ was injected into the heart.

Given the size of the heart, only a small portion can be injected at a time.

But the heart cannot be remodeled separately, it can only be reactivated after the complete remodeling is completed.

David is constantly repeating this process? If the ‘rule of power’ and the ‘rule of speed’ are exhausted? He will use spiritual fruit to supplement the consumption.

Although there is no blood flow for a day? But David’s mind is still extremely clear under the support of the’immortal vitality’.

David has no inheritance? There is no experience passed down from his ancestors in his blood, and he doesn’t know how other demigods have passed this process.

In fact, almost no demigod will need to stop the heart for so long, and the demigods will also find targeted heavenly materials to assist in the transformation before transforming the heart.

Perhaps it is only a god-level life like Black Dragon Alexis? Doesn’t it need any heavenly materials? The powerful body of the giant dragon can forcefully support the transformation process.

David should have been considered a black dragon? It’s just that he didn’t practice the ‘Black Dragon’s Power Rules’? This made his cultivation more difficult than any black dragon.

The last ‘rule destruction energy’ was injected into his heart, and his entire heart was completely transformed by the ‘rule destruction energy’.

Without David’s operation, the demigod’s heart beat.

This beating was in David’s perception? It was as intense as a war drum.

A golden flame-like blood was pumped out by the demigod’s heart, and at the same time the former pale golden blood was absorbed into the heart.

The demigod’s heart beats very slowly, it takes almost a minute to beat once, but this time it can swallow a small amount of blood in the whole body once.

David felt that his whole body was alive. If the previous ‘demigod body’ was a one-time weapon, although it was powerful, it had no endurance.

Now the ‘demigod body’ has a steady stream of power with the support of this golden flame blood.

Until now, David is truly a demigod, able to continuously display his demigod energy.

David stretched out his hand and mobilized the ‘rule of destruction energy’ to squeeze hard, and the space made a blast. When he let it go, a space crack appeared between the palms of his hand.

The black dragon Alexis hurriedly used the ‘power of the black dragon’ to cover David’s side so as not to affect the rest of the underground space.

“My lord, is this the power of the’rule of destruction’?” Black Dragon Alexis asked in surprise.

The black dragon Alexis has long been accustomed to seeing David’s special and magic, but what happened before his eyes still surprised him.

Breaking through the space is the patent of the gods, and only the gods can achieve this attack power.

Even if it is the black dragon Alexis, he needs to use the sharpest claws to tear the space apart.

But what did David just do? Just squeezing his fists hard, the palms were squeezed out of the space cracks.

Although the space cracks are extremely small, breaking open space means breaking open space.

“I feel I can break everything!” David didn’t try to make another shot, he said in a deep voice.

“My lord, you’d better hide some strength. If you show the power of the’rule of destruction’, I am worried that the gods of war will be afraid of your growth, and break the divine agreement to deal with you!” Black Dragon Alexis Reminded.

The black dragon Alexis’s proposal was also helpless. David’s attack power was indeed very strong, but David was still only a demigod, and David’s defense power was still too weak.

Without forming a 100% energetic divine body, relying on the “half-god body” cannot fight the divine spirit.

The divine body of a deity is normally one or two hundred meters in height, and the ‘demi-god body’ is called a demi-god because half of the body of a demi-god is still an ordinary life form.

The demigod can only maintain its original size. Just like David, he can only fight with the gods at a height of about two meters. No matter how strong his attack power is, he can at most hurt the body of the gods. Smaller, and as long as the gods attack David, David will fall.

The key is that whether it is a **** or a god-level, a wide range of attack methods can be used. Although a wide range of attack methods will weaken the attack power, it is sufficient to deal with demigods.

If the five gods such as the God of War saw the real attack of the demigod David, they would never let David grow.

Although the violation of the divine text agreement against David will be punished, but if David’s future threat is greater than this punishment, the five gods will definitely take the first step to solve David.

“I see!” David nodded and said.

He continued to look at the ‘demi-god’. Although he has now achieved a ‘demi-god’, in fact there is still a part of his body that has not been transformed.

That is David’s bones, and all the bones of his whole body are derived from the battle angel.

The big reason why David was able to achieve the ‘demigod body’ so quickly was that he didn’t need to remodel his bones, which saved him a lot of time.

This is not to say that he did not try to modify the bones, but his ‘rule destruction energy’ and the life energy in the bones are like natural enemies, and the ‘rule destruction energy’ will be expelled as soon as it enters the bones.

Fortunately, although the ‘rule of destruction energy’ cannot be used to transform the bones, the bones of this battle angel perfectly blend with the ‘demigod body’.

Of course, in David’s perception, it should be said that the battle angel bone is a higher-order existence than the’demigod body’, but because the previous fusion was too thorough, the battle angel bone and his body became one. .

The ‘rule of destruction energy’ is strong enough, but it can’t hurt the bones of the fighting angels. Even David tried to use the ‘artifact knight’s swords’, but they were also unable to damage the bones of the fighting angels.

It can also be imagined that the battle angel entered into the turbulent time and space from which world it came from, stayed in the turbulent time for how long, and finally passed the space barrier and entered the great world of the gods.

During this period, even a god-level divine body was enough to be destroyed countless times, but just like this, the bones of the battle angel were still 100% preserved.

Even the remnant soul of the battle angel can still be attached to the bones of the battle angel. If it hadn’t been for David, who had a shadow servant, perhaps the battle angel would be resurrected in the Star Federation.

David felt the situation of the battle body clone again. After a year of energy replenishment for the battle body clone, the divine power storage space has been filled up, and now he is automatically using his divine power to strengthen himself.

He also understood that, like the state of the combat body clone, it is not a short time to show the effect of strengthening oneself through divine power.

Even if it is a thousand years of continuous use of divine power to strengthen the combat body clone, the effect will not be much.

Although David did not receive the inheritance of faith as a god, he knew that his divine power should not be used in this way.

David’s spirit swept through the combat body clone and collected it into the’artifact space card’.

“Alexis, we are ready to return to the big world. It’s been a long time!” David stood up, stretched and said.

As he stretched, the unconscious “rule-destructive energy” flashed, forming a series of spatial cracks around his body.

“My lord, you need some time to control your power!” The black dragon Alexis once again released the ‘Black Dragon’s Power’ to wrap up this area.

David nodded. He also understood that the rapid increase in strength would naturally bring some unaccustomedness, but this kind of unaccustomed change does not require retreat.

With constant attention in daily life, you can slowly get used to the current power.

David took the black dragon Alexis back to the’artifact space card’ and opened the space wormhole to the’safety point of the great world of the gods’.

When entering the space wormhole with the black dragon Alexis and the other gods, you need to enter the ‘artifact space card’. After David reaches the gods, you can stop doing this.

After the **** level, the space wormhole displayed by David can accommodate the **** level to pass.

In one year, many things have happened in the great world of God, but there have been no major incidents.

Although David is not in the great world of God, he has 14 legendary knight clones staying in the great world of God, and he can know what is happening in the great world of God at any time.

Especially for the legendary knights of Anton, the Supreme Council and the “Dawn Alliance” will send information from time to time, and the information has been sorted out so that people can see it at a glance.

This year, the Supreme Council has been greatly developed, and the aristocratic circle has been united unprecedentedly.

The prestige of Speaker Gould of the Supreme Council has also reached a very high level. Holding the’Knight Ban Card’, he has the power to suppress all opponents among the nobles.

In addition, all the legendary lords are on the side of Speaker Gould, so that the power of the Supreme Council is highly concentrated.

Another point that Speaker Gould’s prestige has increased is that a large number of fifth-level Templar knights have emerged in just one year.

This is the credit of the spiritual fruit, this kind of arguably the top resource, shouldn’t be wasted on the fourth-level sky knight.

But Speaker Gould handed out a large amount of spiritual fruit, giving the fourth-level sky knight a chance to be promoted, and this opportunity is still great.

In one year, there were more than 260 fifth-level Templar knights among the nobles. A small half of them belonged to the top noble families, and all of them were meritorious noble knights.

These five-level Templar knights must thank Speaker Gould, which also gave Speaker Gould even greater support.

In this year, the Supreme Council has continuously released the meritorious tasks of the temple. Through this cooperation, the relationship with the five major temples has also been eased.

The twelve evil gods still didn’t make any big moves, but they kept making small moves.

Give the Supreme Council the opportunity to get more meritorious tasks, and let many knights obtain titles through meritorious tasks and become members of the nobility.

Although a large number of followers were destroyed, the twelve Cthulhus kept their hands, leaving the Cthulhu followers in a state of inexhaustible killing.

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