Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 87 - post

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“Please show your identity bracelet!” A soldier at the gate of the South Gate Military District tightened his weapon and shouted loudly.

David showed his identity bracelet as a call-up order, and also showed his status as a reserve combatant.

“You come quickly. According to your expertise, you will be automatically assigned to a post after entering the military zone. Please don’t move around and follow the prompts!” The soldier swept with his identity bracelet and then gave way Said to David.

David nodded and walked into the military area, which was tens of meters away from the south wall.

“Di, it was detected that David Kerr entered the assigned military zone, please immediately go to the fifth long-range sniper gun control room!” A message lights up on the identity bracelet.

In the command room, Lieutenant Eaton looked at the city defense information displayed on the wall and couldn’t help but get bigger.

Just received an alarm from Skynet, a group of Zerg from the battle star broke through the encirclement into the Rock Star area, affected by this, all the Zerg in the entire Rock Star were stimulated and activated.

Those first-level and even second-level Zergs that have been hiding have begun to show up actively, and even the larvae are madly evolving, even if the energy is insufficient, they have evolved into weaker first-level Zergs with less combat ability.

Even the Zerg near Peyran City began to evolve. The crows outside were the first to bear the brunt. Except for those that were particularly close to the city defense system, they were rescued by the city defense system. The crows farther away died.

Although the situation is okay now, Lieutenant Eaton is confident that the current city defense system can block the Zerg that are constantly appearing around.

But when the group of zergs approached the Rock Star, the threat would immediately become huge.

He didn’t blame the war star’s army. He fought there, knowing that the environment there was countless times worse than the rock star he was in.

The Zerg has its own special abilities. The third-level Zerg Space Ripper does not even have the combat ability, but it has the ability to open a short-range space wormhole.

Fortunately, Space Ripper’s space wormhole has regular restrictions, and can only pass through Zerg that are weaker than Space Ripper’s own level.

So the Zerg that broke out this time is only up to level 2, and the Skynet defense of the Rock Star has all been turned on, but this time with the Space Ripper, Skynet’s defense system can play a limited role.

The Zerg are very smart. They know that they want to avoid the super-weapon attacks of the Star Federation. They can only get close to the city and let the super-weapons have scruples.

And Zerg enters the Rock Star this time, to a large extent, it will bring more powerful genes, so that the larvae of the Rock Star can evolve in more directions. Even once the space ripper successfully enters the city, there is enough energy to supplement it. Propagating on the Rock Star.

If this happens, then after the Rock Star will encounter more terrifying Zerg attacks, often a small wormhole is opened to the city center, and then a large number of Zerg influx.

This has been experienced on other planets close to the war star, so this is a battle that can never be defeated.

“How many snipers are on vacation?” Lieutenant Eaton found that only 70% of the long-range sniper guns shown on the city defense map could be used. He asked the adjutant in a deep voice.

“Captain, five snipers are on vacation, not in Perrin!” The adjutant replied quickly.

“There are only thirty snipers in total, and there are five snipers on vacation!” Lieutenant Eaton said angrily.

There are not many real snipers in the city defense system. In wartime, the snipers have to operate multiple long-range sniper guns.

This phenomenon is mainly due to the difficulty of training snipers, and most of the snipers will be sent to other planets that are more in need.

The rock star in the outermost part of the theater did not get the most attention from the soldiers, which is also related to the blockade of the Zerg by the battle ahead.

As long as the city wall has a sniper at every interval, it is enough to support small-scale combat.

Fortunately, weapons such as heavy laser guns, anti-aircraft guns, and Gaussian guns are directly controlled by the main control room. Not many professionals are needed. These weapons will not be affected in the next battle.

“How much is Armor now?” Lieutenant Eaton asked again.

“At present, the squadron of squadrons is full, and the private squadrons have recruited 53 people. The city government promised that they could send 20 squadrons to support once needed.” The adjutant continued.

David didn’t know the situation of the command post. He didn’t understand why he was assigned to the long-range sniper control room. He thought he would be assigned logistics.

Where does he know that the preferential treatment he enjoys for reserve combatants is based on special talents.

His special ability is his sniper ability. The military command system in wartime will automatically judge every military personnel and place them in the positions most needed.

Such orders do not need to go through the command room and go directly to the identity bracelet of the specific personnel.

Of course, if there is an order from the command room, the command from the command room will take priority.

It is precisely this kind of command system that will enable all recruiters to perform their duties after entering the military zone without chaos.

According to the prompt on his identity bracelet, David took the elevator and came to the city wall.

As soon as he walked out of the elevator, he heard a violent explosion and various recharged sounds.

Previously, in the city, due to the existence of noise barriers, the city did not feel the advent of war. Although it was alarmed by the alarm, it was far from the real shock of the explosion.

David walked up the city wall, and everything in front of him shocked him.

Above the city wall is very different from the last time. Previously, there were only long-range sniper guns at some distance from the city wall, but now there are more heavy laser guns and Gaussian guns.

On the inside of the city walls are rows of anti-aircraft guns that block the entire sky.

The huge sound just now came from heavy laser guns and long-range sniper guns fired from time to time.

The shadow attendant above his head looked out of the city wall at a height of ten meters. The heavy laser gun closest to him was just fired, and a beam of one meter in diameter was emitted.

In the distance, dozens of eccentric zombies like small **** are rolling at a speed, three kilometers away from the city wall, but the beam laser swept the leftmost round zombies, and then left Sweeping to the right, leaving a trail on the ground, while taking away half of the round worms.

Most of the swine scorpions that were swept were directly gasified, while the other part exploded into a green mist, and the area was immediately surrounded by green mist.

“What are you doing? Go to your post and remember to wear protective clothing, these poisonous mists are about to float!” A sergeant wearing a fully enclosed combat uniform yelled at David.

“Yes!” David immediately strode forward to the designated No. 5 sniper control room.

“When did the recruiters have snipers?” The sergeant shook his head and said to himself. He didn’t worry about the problem. During the war, all weapons and equipment were controlled by the command system. Without the authorization of the command system, even Elevators are unavailable, let alone entering combat positions.

David watched the green poisonous fog drifting towards the wall due to the wind direction, and was busy bringing the identity bracelet to the access control room.

With a soft bang, the control room door opened, and he walked in and closed the door.

He saw the protective military uniform hanging beside him, quickly stepped forward to put it on, and dressed neatly with the helmet.

At this time, a set of prompts appeared on his identity bracelet, showing that he had obtained the operating authority of the No. 5 sniper control room, and at the same time, he could control the three long-range sniper guns No. 5, No. 6, and No. 7.

“Does this city defense just need snipers? This is to use snipers as cattle!” David opened his equipment while talking.

Fortunately, he had operated this thing through the shadow assistant last time. Otherwise, if he is really a novice, he must operate the sniper aiming system while checking the thick and terrible manual beside him.

The fact that he appeared here is simply an accident. He is a special talent, but like this special talent, he conducts military training every once in a while and is familiar with the combat skills he should master.

On the one hand, David is a student, and he will leave Perran City in another six months. On the other hand, David’s identity is more to facilitate him to legally obtain imitations of the ‘Eye of Death’.

Therefore, the City Defense Brigade did not intend to allow him to conduct military training.

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