Extreme VIP Recharge System

Chapter 429 - Paint the Sanzhong Town of Yue!

Thinking about it this way, Li Ran’s brows stretched out. Since he couldn’t kill in seconds, he had done a good job. Anyway, it was also the late stage of the Golden Wonderland.

Different from Li Ran’s relaxed and cozy, Gongsunyi’s heart is extremely solemn, and he was actually “dead” just now! Had it not been for the inexplicable fusion of his heart with a black shard that had been scoured in the market, he would have died a long time ago.

The reason why he worked so hard to save the Fourth Young Master was because he was grateful and rewarded. After all, the Fourth Young Master treated him well, but he also had his own careful thinking, because he felt a mysterious fragment in the Fourth Young Master’s father’s sect that caused his heart. Throbbing items.

Because of love and selfishness, the fourth son must not die. If he dies, his chances of getting close to the mysterious fragment are very slim, let alone talk about it.

This mysterious fragment helped him too much. It not only repeatedly improved the immortal essence he had originally cultivated with ordinary exercises, but also increased his physical strength, making it no less than an ordinary golden immortal monk.

Whether it is minor or severe injuries, it can be recovered in a short time, even if the soul is injured. The most terrifying thing is that he is completely dead, and he can instantly resurrect without leaving any residue of soul and body. , The end is terrible.

And all of this, Gongsun Yi knew in his heart that it was the result of mysterious fragments, and he naturally looked at the things that could cause fragmentation.

“Fight!” Gongsun Yi didn’t hide it, he must keep the Fourth Young Master no matter what, as long as he keeps him, it will be easier to want that piece of debris in the future than to be alone.

Immediately, his aura rose sharply, and Gongsun Yi still burned his entire body of immortal yuan. Instead of expanding, the painting fan on the top of his head did not expand, but slightly shrunk, but the quality of the earthy yellow immortal yuan that was almost condensed into substance rose several times.

This sudden eruption made Li Ran a little unprepared. If it was a huge body formed by the general exercises of the heavens and the earth, then he would probably suffer a small face loss and be knocked down by Gongsun Yizhe, but Li Ran But not as cumbersome as Fa Tian Xiang Di, one turned over and landed directly on the spot.


A sound that was far above the previous two loud noises erupted, and Li Ran was directly stepped out of two pits larger than Gongsun Yi and Si Gongzi just now. If there was no underground river under his feet, it would be two A huge lake formed.

The fourth son was completely numb at this time. He allowed endless hurricanes and the sand and stones enough to penetrate the peak of the True Immortal Period to fly on him. If it were not for the gloomy light that flashed on his body, he would have been beaten by this aftermath.齑粉.

“Is this a battle at the Golden Immortal level? True Immortal is not at the same level compared to it. Just one aftermath can disperse my soul!” The Fourth Young Master was full of horror.

He no longer has the disrespect to the strong Jinxian in his heart. The reason why those strong Jinxian men whispered in front of him before was all because of his parents.

The fourth son’s psychology Li Ran didn’t know and didn’t care. He was very embarrassed now. After a harem turned over and landed with two feet, he directly stepped on the ground with two big holes, but couldn’t lift his feet for a while, and actually sat on the ground. , Blasted a big hole from the back, and angrily, there was a dark river just under the buttocks.

Suddenly, Li Ran was anxious to gain wisdom and called out the power of chaos to cover his butt, so as to avoid getting wet, but it seemed that the power of chaos was completely insufficient in the state of the martial arts body.

This caused a large amount of Chaos Power to accumulate on the hips and explode. Although there was Chaos Power to protect the body, it was not injured, but it seemed to be a fart and jumped.

Li Ran looked around carefully, planning to kill someone, but fortunately, only the Fourth Young Master and Gongsun Yi were present, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. His reputation in this world was almost broken by himself.

“In the future, we must add one more control to the real state of martial arts, otherwise it will be too embarrassing, and the strength will not be displayed at all!” Li Ranqiang calmly concealed his embarrassed expression, and he was more and more grateful for this place. He didn’t watch the crowd eating melons, otherwise he would have the heart to die.

The Fourth Young Master had his head crashed and didn’t care about Li Ran’s embarrassing moment, while Gongsun Yizheng burned the immortal yuan to fly out of the pit, and didn’t care. He had to fly out at all speed, or he was locked in the pit. It was Li Ran’s sandbags. Only Li Ran could beat him. He didn’t have the ability to fight back.

Li Ran did not pursue the victory. This is the confidence brought by strength. Just like the big boss Madara in an animation in the previous life, he quietly hugged his chest with his hands, giving his opponent a time to dance, and then crushed and completely destroyed the opponent’s. Confidence, this feeling is particularly cool!

Gongsunyi flew into the sky, and he couldn’t help his heart beating faster when he looked at the giant Baili, who had grown timidly. He took a deep breath and put all distracting thoughts behind him. If it was the first time for ordinary people to face the Fa This secret method of heaven and earth may be difficult to produce the courage to resist, but he is different.

In addition to being far above Li Ran’s realm, the biggest source of confidence is naturally the mysterious black shards that merge with his heart. This is the foundation for anyone to have a certain degree of confidence in the face of any event.

Paint the Sanzhong Town of Yue!

Gongsunyi didn’t have any idea of ​​keeping his hands. He who burned the origin of the immortal yuan, his strength once again increased geometrically. Even though the painting fan on his head shrank and solidified, under his full urging, it still had a distance of 2,000 kilometers, compared with Li Ran. Judging from his size, it is even more suffocating, as if covering the world.


Under Gongsunyi’s special handprints, the painting fan that covered the sky and the sun became more and more frightening. The landscape paintings carved on the painting fan seemed to be on fire, exuding a strong artistic conception.

This is not over yet, the mountain atmosphere in the painting fan on the landscape image is getting heavier and heavier, and finally comes out through the body, and fusion with the earthy yellow fairy power, unexpectedly forms a tens of thousands of meters on the painting fan. Mountains!


The terrifying force directly squeezed the air around the painting fan for hundreds of miles, making a loud noise like thunder, storm, sand and dust swept in all directions, and the movement was no less than Li Ran’s random blow!

The Fourth Young Master finally felt relieved when he saw this scene, and he was secretly angry. How could he be frightened by a kid who is also a true fairy?

If he hadn’t dragged down Mr. Gongsun Yi just now, this kid would have been taken care of by him a long time ago. You must know that he is a powerhouse in the late Golden Immortal stage. How could this kid be able to beat him by more than two levels and one level.

The Fourth Young Master shook his head, and a confident smile crossed the corner of his mouth again, thinking that fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise he would be teased by others.

This kid is so strong, if he is refined into a living armor corpse, he has the confidence to be at least a green eye level, maybe blue eyes or even blue eyes, and the legendary purple eye level is not necessarily, this kid is the most he has ever seen. A genius against the sky.

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