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Chapter 445 - Mysterious Feather Clan Second Daughter

(Don’t look at it, there’s no time.) “Zhuanghuai’s blood is burning” is more intense than the first paragraph, especially the last sentence “When you reach the cloud, it will reach an unprecedented climax. Therefore, when singing this song, the first paragraph should be a little weak and slight, just like the feeling of a moonlit night when I miss my hometown. This is a foreshadowing, and the second paragraph will naturally burst out and shock people. Throughout the whole article, it can be seen from the lyrics that this song not only expresses the deep thoughts of political commissar Peng for his wife, but also embodies his unusually firm belief in the future of the revolution, as well as his love and love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland. The vision of the future of the motherland shows that the whole article also shows a strong artistic and literary color.

Two: The singing treatment of the song “You Can Hear My Love”.

(1): Breath, sound

The ancients said: “A good singer must first adjust his breath, and the entanglement comes from the navel.” From ancient times to the present, all areas of singing have paid special attention to breath. If you want to sing well, you have to learn how to practice Qi. Qi practice starts with inhalation. Only when you breathe in well, you can get the breath, and then use the upper breath, so that the halfway breath becomes shorter and shorter, and the body becomes more and more rigid. Hanging up, the treble can’t go up, and the bass can’t come down. Although the two paragraphs before and after this poem are not very different and have many similarities, the emotional changes before and after, as well as the emotional changes, make it necessary to pay attention to the breath when singing on stage, take the initiative to inhale with a little consciousness, and use the smell when inhaling. The floral-scented mouth and nose breathe in at the same time, and when you use the breath, you must remain calm and actively control it. Do not let the breath run away too quickly, nor let the breath become rigid and flow, and the golden mean is placed in singing It’s also very suitable.

(2): Biting words, thinking about words.

The song “You Can Hear My Love” is a folk singing song. The lyrics in this song are “an” vowels. In the past, singing emphasized words, words, and rhymes. , But now you just need to bite the head of the word and spit out the belly of the word, deliberately returning to the rhyme is more of a result of incoherent breath, which makes the body stiff. Practice has proved that as long as the head of the word is bitten, just keep the belly unchanged. , The lyrics are still very clear when singing! As for why the beginning of this paragraph is written with “thinking words”, it is because this is a little secret passed by the teacher to myself. The meaning of “thinking words” is to sing while thinking about the lyrics, and get the meaning of the lyrics that Lian wants to sing. , This is not a small help to singing with affection. Of course, there is one thing to avoid, that is, singing is a multi-faceted thing. It is the result of the multi-faceted and multi-part coordination of the human body. You only need to spend a little attention to think about the words when you sing.

(Three): emotional problems.

The famous French singer Henry Ferdinand Manchetan once said: “Emotion is the soul of singing. Only when the voice and emotion are equally perfect can singing be called art.” Whether it is bel canto or national singing Or both the popular singing method and the original ecological singing method believe that emotion is the soul of singing, the most important element in singing, and an indispensable part. My teacher also said that singing is done without mercy. So in the song “My Love, You Can Hear”, if you want to make a qualified or even excellent second creation for him, you just have to sing it well, you have to learn how to sing with love, and how to sing with love. , Here can explain why in a song, the lyrics are the real soul, of course, there are special cases, such as pure music without lyrics, but most of the lyrics that have lyrics are basically the soul of a song, but I I also think that the melody is also the soul, it is indispensable, only the lyrics without the melody is this still a song…

When learning how to sing with love, recite the lyrics is definitely an excellent way. There is a saying in the singing world, “Sing as if you speak, and singing is to speak with a melody!” Emotional, mellow and frustrated recitations, to the voice, Emotions and even breath are of great help. In the song “My Love, You Can Hear”, through repeated recitations, we can clearly see from the lyrics “I miss bitterness day and night, but wind and frost do not feel cold”, “Always feel You are by my side”, “The wild goose flies south, take away my love”, I can realize the desire of Political Commissar Peng, the workers and peasants of the Red Army soldiers, the desire for family affection, and the feelings of yearning for the fathers and fellow villagers in their hometowns. “Stronger”, “Thousands of waters, thousands of mountains and dangers, full of enthusiasm”, “When the clouds open and see the day, smile and see the earth change the world” and other lyrics, I see political commissar Peng and the workers and peasants of the Red Army soldiers have infinite vision for the future. Unswerving to the revolution, unparalleled love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland.

The whole song is performed under such an emotional tone. After grasping the emotion of the whole word, there will be traces to be followed when singing with love, and you will not have to wait for the arrival of the emotion yourself. It’s good to have an emotional direction, but how to use affection. In this song “My Love You Can Hear”, the first paragraph is to miss family members, and to express a little yearning for the future, firmness to the revolution, and righteousness. The love of the motherland, and the second stage of emotions broke out completely, and the thoughts of family members for relatives and friends even completely turned into motivation. We can use the method of association to awaken our deep emotional memories. The first paragraph can take ourselves far away. Earning money for a living, living alone outside, moonlit night missing family emotions, this corresponds to the emotion of missing family members in the first paragraph, but these emotions for the future, the motherland, and the revolution are even simpler. Our country has been bullied by the American emperor for many years. The Yugoslav incident, the suppression of Huawei, the time when China was not allowed to rise, and the Diaoyu Islands, etc. are too many. When you sing, you think of emotions and everything.

(4): Body movements

In terms of physical movement, there is usually a sharp contrast between the military singers of the cultural troupe and other folk singers. Naturally, most people can’t be as clean as a soldier, but they can also be themselves as they can. In this song “My Love, You Can Hear”, you can sing the first paragraph of “Your Love Is With Me Long Road”. When you sing “Thousands of Waters, Thousands of Mountains, Dangerous and Strong, with Blood Burning”, you can clenched your right fist and place it in front of you naturally, and at the final climax, “Laugh and see the earth in the room”, you can hold your hands into an ellipse slightly. raise.

Three: Persistence and patience.

For the song “My Love, You Can Hear”, not only professional quality is required, but also some of the most basic but the most important factors are persistence and patience, although not like Jia Dao’s “Ten Years of Grinding a Sword” , But persevere every day, the details are essential. An excellent second-degree song is destined not to be achieved over and over again. It must be tempered, grasped, and improved day after day, so patience is particularly important. After all, do the same thing over and over again and do one thing. The same thing is the most impatient

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