Extreme VIP Recharge System

Chapter 497 - Destroy the main body, a good harvest!

(Don’t look, Hun Quanqin, originally there was one chapter in the morning, one chapter in the afternoon, and one chapter in the evening, but in the afternoon I went to beat the king, and I saw a good novel in the evening, so there were only two chapters)

What is “self-discipline”? Is to do these two things to the extreme


May 09·Creators in the field of high-quality culture

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Wen-Jingbo Guoxue

Source: Jingboguoxue

The more useful things are, the more uncomfortable they are to do.

Zhihu has such a question: “What is your deepest misunderstanding?”

The most praised answer is: “I think freedom is to do whatever you want, but later I discovered that the self-discipline will have freedom.”

I used to feel that life is too short and I should have fun in time. There is wine today, and now drunk, people are not in vain.

But with the increase of experience, you will gradually find that every unself-disciplined behavior will bring more pain to people.

Human nature is hard to change, and to be the master of one’s heart, one can only rely on self-discipline.

What is self-discipline?

It is the ability to achieve the ultimate in these two things.

Do things you don’t like but should do

Man is a very contradictory animal, with great inertia and great potential coexisting in the body.

When there is no pressure, people will become very lazy, procrastinate in doing things, have a passing life, and become a mediocre generation.

After exerting a certain amount of pressure and coercion, and constantly working towards a goal, the human potential will be stimulated, showing a place different from ordinary people.

Therefore, to achieve self-discipline, the key is to do things that are good for you and that you don’t want to do in your heart, so as to sharpen and control your own xinxing.

In other words, it is necessary to force yourself to enter the state frequently.

In this way, you will not feel pain for those obligations that really need you to fulfill.

Over time, this self-disciplined behavior becomes a habit, dominating your behavior.

Xu Pu, a bachelor of the Ming Dynasty, was talented and clever since he was a child, and he studied hard.

When Xu Pu was a teenager studying in a private school, a teacher found that he often took out a small book from his pocket and thought it was a child’s plaything. Later, he discovered that it was a Confucian classic quotation copied by himself. Appreciate.

Xu Pu also acted as an antique person, constantly reflecting on his words and deeds, and put two bottles on the desk, containing black beans and soybeans.

Whenever a benevolent thought arises in the heart, a benevolent word is spoken, a benevolent deed is done, a soybean is thrown into the bottle.

On the contrary, if there are any bad thoughts in your heart, there is something wrong in your words and deeds, just throw a black bean.

At the beginning, there were more black beans and less soy beans, so he kept reflecting and motivating himself.

Gradually, the number of soybeans and black beans remained the same, so he continued to work harder and demanded himself more strictly.

Over time, the soy beans in the bottle accumulate more and more, and the black beans become more and more insignificant.

With this kind of lasting restraint and encouragement, he continued to cultivate himself, perfect himself, and eventually became a generation of honorable ministers.

How can there be so many willing and happy things in the world?

Unless it’s easy and bad labor, entertainment and enjoyment.

The more useful things are, the more uncomfortable they are to do. This is the weakness of human nature.

Regarding this, Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan both advocated: grit your teeth and do it!

It can be said that many things in the world are forced out.

People must force themselves in order to give full play to their potential talents and wisdom.

Only by putting in more effort and effort than others, and gradually clearing away one’s bad habits through forced tempers, can you restore the original light in your heart.

Therefore, do more things you don’t like but should do, and you can get unexpected cultivation and success.

Don’t do things you like but shouldn’t do

Wang Yangming said: “A person must have a heart for himself in order to be able to deny himself; to be able to deny himself, then he can become himself.”

People need to have a heart to examine themselves in order to restrain their desires; to restrain their desires, to achieve themselves.

The ultimate height of a person depends on the height of self-requirement, which is certain.

It is the best self-discipline to have high demands on oneself and to act strictly.

Wang Tingxiang told a story to his subordinate Zhang Han when he was serving as Zuodu Yushi of the Inspectorate.

“It started raining yesterday when I was riding in the sedan chair. A bearer wore a pair of new shoes on his feet.

After a while, he still inevitably stepped in the mud pit, and from then on he no longer cared about his new shoes, and stepped on the mud and water nonchalantly.

The reason is that when the bearer’s shoes are new, they just want to take good care of them.

Once stepped in the mud pit, the mentality of breaking the can and falling appears. Anyway, the shoes are already dirty, so you don’t have to be careful anymore. “

Wang Tingxiang said with emotion: “The way of living is still an ear. If you make a mistake, you will be omnipotent!”

Why do everyone know the importance of self-discipline, but in reality, few people can do it?

Because self-discipline means you have to give up, give up your own preferences, give up your inertia.

If you want to maintain a perfect body shape and a healthy body, you must say goodbye to junk food;

If you want to become a student bully and get a scholarship, you can’t play games in the middle of the night and talk on the phone when you fall in love;

If you want to have your own business, you have to study your area of ​​interest in your spare time and refuse unhelpful social gatherings.

Only when people do the above two things can they be truly self-disciplined and reach the wise state of “doing what they want without exceeding the rules”.

Encourage with friends.

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