Extreme VIP Recharge System

Chapter 61 - I am invincible, you are free! ! ! (Third more)

This Daoji mode will be triggered automatically when it reaches the 12th level of the refining realm.

Acceptable or reject, of course, as long as Li Ran doesn’t have much trouble, he will definitely agree!

Cultivation is the gradual transition of the life level. Every breakthrough in the great realm is an essential change, and every major breakthrough requires a thunder tribulation!

Successfully crossing the Tribulation is to get a gift from the world, and the person who crosses the Tribulation itself will undergo qualitative changes, and various miracles will accompany the success of the Tribulation!

And the failure of crossing the catastrophe naturally means that the soul is scattered, and it will never be supernatural.

But crossing the catastrophe is not so easy, and it can even be said that it can be called a life of nine deaths!

Therefore, any cultivator is very jealous of the thunder tribulation, and they will do everything possible to survive the thunder tribulation.

And some people won’t even go to the thunder and robbery when their lifespan is exhausted.

Generally speaking, in addition to foreign objects, xinxing and other aspects that affect the success rate of crossing the thunder tribulation, the most fundamental thing is the aptitude of the crossing tribulation.

And Li Ran’s Daoji model can improve his qualifications in disguise, the higher his qualifications, the higher the success rate of crossing the tribulation, and the higher the quality of the Daotai formed after crossing the tribulation!

The Taoist platform formed by ordinary cultivators during the foundation building period is divided into four ranks:

Hornless is a waste product, and a waste road platform is also very rare, and even its rarity can be compared with the best road platform.

The two horns and the three horns are inferior. This is the most common. 99% of cultivators are at this level.

Four to six horns are middle-grade, and possessing this middle-grade Taoist platform is a genius among cultivators!

Seven to eight horns are top grade, and those who own the top grade Taoist platform are the geniuses among geniuses. Feather and feathers are rare!

And the nine corners, with just one more corner, will undergo earth-shaking changes and become the best Taoist platform. Those who own this Taoist platform will generally have two, three, three or four in one era!

It is said that Wu Xiankong, the first person in the Federation today, is the best Taoist platform! ! !

No one has dared to challenge his position in the Federation for hundreds of years!

The Daoji mode not only allows Li Ran to reach the legendary Nine-Pointed Supreme Dao Platform, but also allows him to break through the Nine-Pointed Ultimate and become an unprecedented ten-pointed fairy, eleven-pointed god, and twelve-pointed sacred product.

Even higher quality is not impossible! ! !

After the sacred product, Li Ran didn’t expect to have two qualities!

You have to know that nothing is simple to link with the word “Holy”, even ordinary things.

And among the practitioners is even more unimaginable!

The first member of the Federation, Wu Xiankong, is only the best Dao Ji, that is, Jiujiao Daotai, and he has a chance to surpass him, and he can surpass several qualities!

This is hard for Li Ran to imagine…

After Li Ran turned on the Dodge Mode, a brand new picture appeared in front of him.

At the bottom of the picture is shown the appearance of a platform, which looks like five corners.

That is, after Li Ran passes the thunder tribulation, the true essence in his body will be combined with the power of heaven and earth. After a wonderful change, the Wujiao Daotai, a middle-grade Dao foundation will be formed!

Li Ran looked at Wujiao Daotai and was still very happy. Even without the help of the system, his talents are not bad, and he is considered to be a genius among ordinary people.

Please forgive him for instinctively ignoring how his spiritual roots came from…

And on the top of the Taoist platform, from top to bottom, it is written:

Low-grade Dao-based, middle-grade Dao-based, high-grade Dao-based, top-grade Dao-based, immortal Dao-based, god-based Dao-based, and holy quality Dao-based!

At the bottom are two wooden frames with a lock drawn in the middle.

In the upper left corner, it says, currently: Zhongpin Daoji.

“Although I can’t wait to become the owner of the Twelve-Pointed Taoist Platform right away, but Nima is a bit too scary?”

Li Ran’s consciousness focused on the top grade Daoji, and a message appeared directly in his mind.

10 million cultivation value!

If Li Ran wants to upgrade his Wujiao Daotai to a Sixth-Rank Daotai, he needs a full 10 million yuan worth of repairs!

In other words, with Li Ran’s current practice rate, it would take three full years!

Although this is a great good thing for others, after all, Daotai is a representative of a person’s aptitude, it is born, and no one can change it. (Daotai is Taoji, it’s just a different term. Formally it is Taoji, but the oral language is Taotai!)

And if it only takes three years to permanently change one’s aptitude, it is simply a dream that can’t help but laugh.

But Li Ran couldn’t wait that long, and he looked like a bottomless pit.

After all, this is only a hexagonal Taoist platform. There are seven-cornered and octagonal high-grade Taoist platform on it, and then there are the best, immortal, divine, and holy…

“My God, it’s the first time I feel happy troubles…” Li Ran scratched his itchy scalp with excitement.

“Fortunately, this system has improved. I don’t need to despair before he can speak!”

In theory, if Li Ran directly builds the foundation, then he will always lose the opportunity to upgrade the foundation.

But in the message that just came in my mind, there was a message that reminded Li Ran that he could make up for it after upgrading VIP7.

And this function is used together with a mode opened by VIP4, it can make up for it perfectly, and it is no different from a natural person!

“No, I have to calm down…”

Li Ran felt that his heart was a little uncomfortable, but fortunately he developed a good habit~www.mtlnovel.com~ before the end, he didn’t give up.

However, there is a message note at the end of the system, which means that if you don’t upgrade now, if you want to upgrade the road foundation in the future, the cost is beyond imagination.

Li Ran couldn’t help but sneered when he saw the tape here, as if he could now upgrade to the highest quality Taoist platform.

Isn’t it just a point of death and a point of cultivation?

Take your time, it’s better than no hope, isn’t it?

But having said that, Li Ran decided to stop at the realm of cultivation first, and then talk about it, to see if he could use martial arts and r body first.

After waking up, Li Ran really didn’t use his comprehension power to fight the enemy, at most he used him to increase his speed.

The most important thing is martial arts!

Even the r body has only been used to hit leopards and deer heads, but the most important thing is to rely on the power of martial arts!

After figuring it out, Li Ran took a deep breath and no longer felt entangled. He had to eat one bite at a time and walked step by step.

One day he can calmly say to everyone:

With me invincible, you are free to…

And now the most important thing besides making money is making money. This time, he has been at a bargaining with money in his life!

“By the way, there are still 20,000 to 30,000 cultivation bases worth, and can be upgraded a few more levels, the cultivation realm can’t be upgraded, and you can also upgrade your body and martial arts!”

Leather Refining Tier 8!

Skinning Tier 9!

Tier 10 of Leather Refining!

After the martial art was upgraded to rank 10, the remaining cultivation base points were not enough to continue to rise, but they could still be upgraded to one level.

Li Ran has experienced the feeling of upgrading many times. The cultivation category undoubtedly feels the best, and the improvement of the body is the most uncomfortable.

Although martial arts improvement is also painful, it is not a grade at all compared to r body improvement!

Upgrade the physical body!

Li Ran never gave himself time to hesitate when upgrading, especially when upgrading his body.


Li Rangui cried and howled in the training room, but fortunately there was an array of isolation.

Otherwise, the entire hotel will be turned over by his terrifying sonar…

Li Ran felt that he really suffered alive, and it was so painful.

r The improvement of the physical realm is not just to improve the strength and defense of the body.

The instinctive reaction of the body, the sensitivity of the skin, the metabolism of the internal organs, the five senses, etc. are all related to the improvement of the body!

With the improvement of his realm, Li Ran found that the pain he felt every time he improved, not only did not decrease due to the improvement of physical fitness, but more and more pain!

He felt that if it were not for the improvement of the realm of cultivation, the willpower and spiritual endurance would be higher and higher.

He may, no, he will definitely pass out in pain!

“I am the best man, I am the best, I am the strongest, I am the best wolf in the world——Yi…”

Li Ran didn’t know how many times he had read these words silently, and finally the promotion was over, and his whole body was moisturized by a burst of warm air…

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