Face Slapping the General

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 Join the army alone

In this highly technological era, it is not a good choice to join the army directly. I haven’t read a military academy, and I’m not familiar with science and technology. I can only do the simplest jobs, and my promotion opportunities are quite limited.

However, Wuqiao has no other choice.

He directly signed up to join the army after graduation, and became a low-level soldier after passing a few simple checks. Soldiers at the bottom have almost no chance to go to the battlefield. They just do some auxiliary work, such as growing vegetables and pigs in the barracks (…), so they are not strictly screened like they are in military academies.

After officially becoming a soldier, there is an interview.

Wu Qiao prepared for the interview very seriously, hoping to be assigned a relatively “better” job. He is quite confident about this, after all, his results have been very good.

However, things backfired. The interviewer only asked Wu Qiao one question: “Why come to join the army?”

Wu Qiao’s answer was: “Because I want to change the world.”

Then, he was assigned the worst job-mining.

Said this job “worst” mainly because the mining star’s environment is extremely harsh, and it is the same all year round. If the spring breeze is like a mother’s hand, the spring on Mining Star is the hand of a cruel stepmother.

At present, the most widely used energy source is “Qingsha”, which can release a lot of energy and has been supporting all aspects of the empire since it was discovered 150 years ago.

The name of the person who found Qingsha was Qiu Yanting. This man was just an ordinary lecturer at an eighteenth-rate university. His friends knew that he liked all kinds of stones since he was a child, so he would bring some stones back as gifts whenever he traveled between stars. One day 150 years ago, after Qiu Yanting received a gift from a friend from a distant planet, she inadvertently realized that if a specific particle is used to impact the nucleus of the substance, a lot of energy can be generated. Because the stone is blue, he named it “Qingsha”.

At that time, traditional resources were facing exhaustion, and a new alternative energy source was urgently needed. Qingsha’s discovery eliminated panic, and has since been used by the army and civilians. Qiu Yanting’s name was written into the textbook, and she became a **** who saved the world.

Qingsha only exists on a few planets. These planets are all located in the empire. Only the imperial government can mine the Qingsha, and only the imperial government has the right to deal with them. The empire did not directly export the raw materials of Qingsha, but set up a company in the Republic to directly transport the converted energy.

After the Republic made a long-planned and sudden declaration of war on the Empire, the Empire stopped its energy supply to the Republic. However, the Republic was well prepared for the war. Before the war, it had accumulated a large amount of traditional energy and decided to end the war as soon as possible. The loss of energy shortage to the people of the Republic is far greater than that to the military. This has always been the case in history. In times of scarcity, people will always suffer first. Under the pressure of “humanity”, the empire eventually increased its energy supply. Although the two sides signed an agreement that energy can only be used for civilian purposes, there is no way to know whether the Republic has exploited any loopholes in the empire.

The mining process of green sand is very complicated. Even today, there are still errors in the development of purely using machines, and it is impossible to distinguish the green sand from the surrounding waste with extreme precision. The imperial government once supervised the company’s hiring of ordinary workers for mining, but for some reason, it handed over the work to the military.

Wuqiao has been mining for a year and a half, and everyone is annoying him.

Wu Qiao always made suggestions to the officials, telling him about the new methods he thought of that could improve the work process and increase work efficiency. In fact, no one in the “miners” except Wu Qiao wants to improve the work process and increase work efficiency. Everyone just wants to stay quiet for two years, and then use the status of “veterans” to get better benefits and find better jobs. Whether they can dig more is not what they care about.

That’s it. There are hundreds of people in the team. Everyone hates Wu Qiao. When he mentions him, all comments are “always high-profile” and “it’s just him.”

Wu Qiao’s only friend is Donovan from another team.

“Hey,” Donovan asked curiously in a somewhat gloomy weather, “Why were you sent here?”


“You look very clever.” Generally speaking, people who are sent to mine are very physically strong but not very clever, because there is no use clever to do this kind of work.

“…I don’t understand either.” Wu Qiao really didn’t understand. “The interviewer only asked me one question, and then decided to send me here.”

“what is the problem?”

“Ask me why I want to join the army.”

“How did you answer?”

“I said I want to change the world.” Until now, Wu Qiao still thinks this answer is very ordinary.

“Hahaha, no wonder he bothers you!” Donovan smiled.


“Because your answer is so annoying!”

“…” Wu Qiao was a little dazed. Everyone is annoying him, he knows this very well, but he never thought that he would be annoying if he wanted to change the world. Is he really annoying in every move?

While thinking about this very serious question, a harsh alarm sounded in my ears: “All personnel should evacuate immediately…”

Wu Qiao raised his head.

At this time, cluster bombs, laser missiles, etc. are falling from the sky. The loud noise is deafening, the sky has been torn apart by the beam of laser weapons, the shock wave caused by the bomb swept the surrounding dust, layers of air waves and smoke enveloped the center of the mine star, and all the bombing targets were instantly swallowed by a sea of ​​fire. The pressing heat wave hits everyone’s nerves.

“What’s the matter?” Donovan asked.

“Get down!” Wu Qiao shouted.

Obviously, this mining star was attacked.

Then, Wu Qiao heard “Pia”.

He turned his head and saw that behind him was a dilapidated mecha, just the sound of it falling to the ground—the mecha seemed to be working hard against the intruder.

After a while, the mecha flew into the sky with a “Rou” sound again, seemingly intending to make a final fight. Unfortunately, as soon as it appeared, it was besieged by its opponents. With a burst of rainy “BiuBiuBiuBiu” sound, the mecha exploded in mid-air. In the loud noise, various parts were scattered, and the wreckage spread over at least one kilometer.

“My God…” Donovan covered his mouth.

“Hurry up and hide in the nearest mine.” Wu Qiao said to Donovan.

“how about you?”

“I have something else.”

“What’s the matter?” Donovan asked.

Wu Qiao didn’t answer, but hunched over and left quickly.

He had a strange feeling—he had to go to see where the mecha dropped just now.

The place was very close, and it didn’t take long for Wuqiao to reach the destination. Because of the sudden landing of the heavy mecha just now, all the vegetation here has been staggered.

In the mess, Wu Qiao saw a man leaning against a tree trunk.

He was wearing an imperial military uniform with blood on his face and body, and he seemed to be unable to stand up.

Wu Qiao thought to himself: Sure enough, the last mecha rushed to the sky in the unmanned mode. The people inside had escaped before that…Since this was an imperial soldier, he naturally wanted to save him.

“Hey.” Wu Qiao patted his face, “Hold on, I’ll take you to the mine.”

“…Do not touch me.”

Wu Qiao patted his face again: “Open your eyes.”

“You guy…”

“I’ll take you into the mine.” Wu Qiao repeated, “Try to walk.”

The man looked up at the distance and said in a very hoarse voice: “I will tell you how to get there. Don’t go into the nearest mine, go to the other one not far away.”


“I don’t want to say too much, you just do.” After saying this, he closed his mouth, unwilling to utter one more word, his physical condition seemed very bad.

Wu Qiao glanced at the people around him.

It seems that the level of the injury picked up is not low…always giving orders from high above. It seems that he is completely unaware that he needs to rely on himself to get rid of the current dangerous situation.

Wu Qiao did not ask. He is just a low-level soldier, and there is no need to ask for reasons at all.

They entered a mine.

“Wait a minute.” Wu Qiao said, “There are some simple cures in the mine. I will get some to treat your injuries first.”


There are no high-level medicines in the mines, and no treatment cabins are installed. Some are just very simple medicines that the miners might use at ordinary times.

Wu Qiao fed the other party some anti-infection medicine, sprinkled hemostatic powder on the wound, and finally injected an analgesic injection. After doing this, Wu Qiao paused, then asked again: “Wait here?”

“No.” The man pointed to the other side, “There is a passage there. We need to go deep underground.”

“What?” Wu Qiao shook his head, “There is no passage here. What you said is impossible.”

The man was impatient again: “How many things can you know?”

“I have been here for a year and a half, and I know everything…”

Wu Qiao shut up before he finished speaking, because the other party was struggling to reach the depths of the mine.

When he reached a wall, the man took out something and did something. The wall elements in front of him suddenly reorganized, and a passage that Wu Qiao had never heard of appeared in front of him.

Wu Qiao’s eyes widened, and the deep secret path reflected in his pupils—he never knew there was a mechanism here in the past.

In a not-so-short journey, the person entered the password several times, performed fingerprint recognition and pupil recognition, and finally entered an empty room.

As soon as Wu Qiao stepped in, he was shocked.

-There are four huge mechas in the room.

Wu Qiao is totally unbelievable that there will be such a thing here.

The metal shell reflects cold light, exuding a sense of pressure in the silent room.

“This is…!” Wu Qiao was so surprised that he didn’t know what to say.

“The latest mecha.”

“I’m thinking, why are there robots here!”

“What do you say?”

“This is a secret research base?!”

“Is this unclear?”

“…” Wu Qiao couldn’t help wondering whether this imperial officer’s subordinate always wanted to beat him up.

There is a research base here, and Wu Qiao has never heard of it. Probably because it is close to the energy source, it was chosen. If another base is built, the continuous transmission of energy may arouse the enemy’s suspicion.

Wu Qiao fell silent before asking again, “What are you planning to do when you come to Mecha?”

“Rush out.” The other party smiled slightly, “The other party’s purpose is these mechas, and they will soon be discovered here. We escaped with the best one, and then destroyed the remaining three.”

“Destroy…” Wu Qiao repeated the word.

“Relying on the fact that the two of us can’t deal with them, and the mine star’s garrison can’t do it. Now that the mine star’s communication system has been destroyed, we must escape from the mine star as soon as possible and explain everything to the supporting fleet-they are This is coming at full speed. The invader is a hidden mecha that has never been seen before. It can escape the current investigation network of the Imperial Army. We came across them by chance on the way here.”

“Where is your mothership?” Wu Qiao asked.

The man pressed his lips tightly: “Probably… no longer.”


“Wait for me in front of the machine on the far left, I’ll turn it on.”

Wu Qiao waited for a long time, but the mecha’s eyes suddenly lit up in front of him.

The whole machine seemed to be alive, and it was activated part by part in a series of system sounds.

Wu Qiao was taken into the inner space of the mecha.

This is his first real contact with mechas. He had driven countless times in his dreams before, and when he was really sitting inside, all the blood in his body was still agitated.

“It’s called Yajiu.”

“Ajiu?” Wu Qiao asked.

“Well, Ya Jiu is the name of a famous sword in ancient times.”

Wu Qiao was pondering the name when he heard Ya Jiu’s voice suddenly: “The physical condition scan… failed to meet the standard.”

Wu Qiao thought to himself, does this mean he was hurt too badly…?

“Idiot!” Wu Qiao saw the people around him slap on the bridge, “Hurry up!”

The mecha replied ruthlessly: “The physical condition scan… failed to meet the standard.”

“If you don’t unlock it anymore, it will smash you!”

“The physical condition scan… failed to meet the standard.”


In the terrible silence, Wu Qiao risked his death and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I’m badly injured-the mecha program thinks that it can’t go to war, and it’s almost certain to die if forced to go out. This is a protection mechanism of it.”

“Then…what should I do now?”

The people around took a deep breath: “I command you to manipulate.”

“Me?!” Wu Qiao’s fingers stiffened.

This kind of thing is a dream, but I never thought it would happen on this occasion.

“to you.”

Wu Qiao lowered his eyes to look at the console, only feeling the blood rushing, he suddenly clenched his fists: “Okay. I’ll come.”

“Have you ever piloted a mech?”

“I often play simulation games.”

“…Without any practical experience, just agree so simply? You are so courageous.”

“…” Wu Qiao has always felt good about himself, believing that he can finally realize all his dreams. He only fell into depression for a long time when he was rejected by the military academy, and then immediately felt that this was just a small episode in his extraordinary life, maybe it was a destined shortcut. He believes that soldiers should be calm and self-sustaining, so he tries his best to maintain calmness on the outside, but in fact, every day in his heart is like being beaten with blood.

The mecha scanned Wu Qiao: “The physical condition scan… meets the minimum standards.”


Wu Qiao heard the person next to him say again: “Set up now. We will use manual voice control to control the mecha later. Brainwave manipulation requires long-term training, and it is absolutely impossible for you to do it now.”

“it is good.”

The setup program in front of me has been started, Wu Qiao looked at the first step: “Name input.”

Wu Qiao uses the keyboard to enter his name: Wu Qiao.

After entering the name, I just lifted my finger and felt something was wrong.

Turning his head to see, the people beside him were looking at him with an expression of “I really saw a ghost!”

The author has something to say: When attacking and receiving attributes:

Attack: Abnormal owe attack.

Shou: The chicken soup… the surface is calm, in fact, every day in the heart is like chicken blood… I will copy the chicken soup from the article “Ten Tips to Make You an Exquisite Soldier”! You guys are ready…

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