Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 28

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 28

"Curse...?" Juvia look at both Bari and Tania coldly, with multiple Magic Circles floating around and glowing in dark blue light. "You dare curse, Renato-sama?"

"Juvia, calm down. Master Renato must have misunderstood something related to the Phantom Maidens." Bari continues to speak calmly. Not once, show any sign of panic or anything besides a blank facial expression.

"Seem like you have forgotten about a few of my powerful Magic Cards." I said to Bari before using the Sleep Induction Card on her and Tania, not wanting to hear any more excuses to stall for the time, no doubt to call for reinforcement of the other Phantom Maidens.

I quickly use my cheat to make it so Bari, Tania, the other Phantom Maidens, and the Phantom Soldiers can't do anything, nor make up successful plans to counter what I'm about to do next.

"Here, Juvia. I noted down what was going on." I pass a used Beyond Card with the info of why I'm doing this over to Juvia to read. "I'm going to setup things up."

I sigh, knowing that there would be a day I have to deal with the Phantom Maidens. I just didn't think it would be so soon. Nevertheless, I've long prepared for this moment.

So while Juvia reading about what I have found about the Phantom Maiden's secret mission of cursing me to death to get my soul, then shred it into millions of pieces for them to absorb, strengthening them in the process. Something they only do to unique souls they come across.

I take out a deck of Magic Cards specially made to be used against the Phantom Maidens and their Phantom Soldiers. To dismantle them and assemble them into my own idea of what they become in the end.

Most of the Magic Cards are actually tool-type constructs, manifestation into specific tools for a task that is required for them.

While a few Magic Cards are field-type effects that affect an area as a whole.

"Those bitches!" Juvia's screams caused me to almost jump out of my skin. Also, making me drop a few Magic Cards but luckily I caught them before they touch the ground. "I'm going to tear their fucking throats!"

Juvia begins making loud threats, which is understandable since she must have finished reading the information I've gained from the Beyond Card about the Phantom Maidens and among other things.

Even though I'm already having half of a mind to just kill all the Phantom Maidens, they are too useful for that. Also, technically, they are all dead already so a better term would be erasing their existence instead. Not to mention, I was not expecting them to use sex as a way to curse people. Okay, I was too damn horny to even think about it until now.

Honestly, this is what I get for experiencing what it's like having so many girls throwing themselves at me. Shame on me really. But, no more, it's just Juvia for me.

Quickly, I use all the Magic Cards I have saved for the Phantom Maidens.

Suddenly, both Bari and Tania let out a shriek that would have easily been heard by everyone on the island and nearby towns miles away from here. Sadly, no one could as one of the Magic Cards suppressed the soundwaves and another Magic Card formed unknown symbols around Bari and Tania's bodies. Sealing their energy and souls within their own current vessels, aka their current bodies.

"Let's grab all of them at once, shall we?" I stare at the screaming Bari and Tania coldly, while forming a barrier around Natsu and the others. No need to get them involved.

I glance over the raging Juvia, who is still making threats but made sure to keep her distance. Good girl.

A few hours later*

Floating in front of me is a sword with the blade itself that seems to be made out of glass due to being able to see through it. Yet, barely due to seeing many faces flowing through the blade.

This is the Phantom Sword, created by using all the Phantom Maidens and Phantom Soldiers, including the Ghost Realm itself. Making this sword a gateway to the Ghost Realm and at the same time is what stops the remaining ghosts from leaving. As well as making it a weapon to deal with ghosts and with the power of numerous powerful ghosts.

"Do you think it's safe to use that sword?" Juvia asks me, staring at the Phantom Sword with wariness.

"For me it is. I made sure to place many protections on it to make it usable." I answered, and by that, I mean my cheat made sure nothing wrong would happen. Man, I love this cheat of mine and it's so hard not to use it to make EVERYTHING goes my way. But, that would make things boring and no doubt cause me to be an absolute control freak in the end with power going through my head.

Well, more than it has already.

Sadly, the Phantom Sword is useless to me in many ways. For one thing, there is no need to wield it as a sword when I can create my own and use the Arie Swordsmanship to kill before the opponent could do anything about it.

"What should we do about the others?" Juvia point at Natsu and the others. Ignoring the Phantom Sword for the time being.

"I have no idea."

Honestly, I don't. Other than maybe leaving them behind after reuniting with Erza and the rest to finish the job, then return back to the guild to make a report. Afterward, heading home where Erza might be kicked out due to our somewhat strained relationship. But, maybe not depending on Juvia.

"Juvia could call someone from the Magic Council to turn these Dark Mages in." Juvia pulls out a blue crystal ball. A Communication Lacrima Crystal. "But, they might cut away some of our rewards for not bringing them to a nearby bounty station to turn these Dark Mages in."

"Eh, I rather not drag them around. I mean, I can do it easy but it will be annoying though and we're not that in need of money." I give Juvia permission to make the call. "So now we found the cause for the client's problem." I stop for a moment to rethink what I just said before continuing, "We found someone that accidentally cause a problem for the client and the island people."

"Got it, Renato-sama." Juvia nods at me before making the call.

At the same time, I grab the Phantom Sword, debating on just storing it away to collect dust or finding a good use for it, maybe finding a wielder. Then put it away into a pocket dimension via Storage Card based on the Requip Magic.

"This was not how I thought this would go." I mumble to myself as the first canon job to take on. This is a huge problem, but at the same time, I can finally rest a little easy now. Since I've always had a suspicion of Machio for a long time. So this is why. Same with Erza even though I fuck her all the time, and kept my guard up during those times.

"Renato-sama, the people from the Magic Council will be arriving in half an hour." Juvia reported. "Should Juvia relocate these Dark Mages and Fairy Tail Mages?"

"No, I'll wait here. Juvia, mind heading back to the others to check on them and if see they finished the job or not. If not, then tell the client we got the culprits for this whole mess." I said to Juvia, while secretly taking this chance to use the Beyond Card a couple of more times.

"Are you sure you'll be fine here alone, Renato-sama?" Juvia looks at me in worry.

"I'll be fine. You go ahead. I'll watch over everyone here." I wave off Juvia's concern. But just in case, I use my cheat to make it so problems won't happen during the time Juvia is away and the time for her to come back.

As I watch Juvia leave. I take out more Beyond Cards to use.

45 minutes later*

I can't believe I somehow have stepped into a bad route for the numerous potential futures. Then again, I should have expected this when I formed a contract with the Phantom Maidens. Too curious and too relaxed due to my cheat protecting me. Making me forget that there are countless ways to bypass my cheat through the loopholes I missed or never thought of.

But at the same time, this is also a good route for me to take. As it gives me a new option to take if what Beyond Cards has told me is correct and they always are.

"Juvia, how about we go back to being just the two of us again?" I lean over to whisper into Juvia's left ear while we ignore everyone else nearby.

"Juvia will follow Renato-sama, no matter what." Juvia whispers back in a firm voice.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smile at Juvia before leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek, causing her face to turn red. Something I'm used to by now.

I use Teleportation Magic to send Juvia and me back to the guild, leaving the others behind without a single word.

"Oh? You two are back." Roubaul said dully, "Where are the others?" He looks around, mostly searching for Wendy and Carla.

"They'll come back on their own. They've decided to do some sightseeing before coming back here." I replied to Roubaul's question. "By the way, Juvia and I are leaving the guild."

Roubaul simply nods, then snap his fingers and causes the marks to disappear from our bodies.

"Not going to ask us why we're leaving?" I raise an eyebrow at how Roubaul didn't care two powerful Mages just left like that.

"Why should I care? It's not like I know you that long." Roubaul scoffed at me, "Now, be on your way. Since the two of you are no longer part of my guild. You're no longer allowed to be here."

Juvia look ready to fight Roubaul, but I drag her away before she could. And the way she looked at me made me want to give her the chance to fight Roubaul; however, we're on a tight schedule. So I just shake my head at her, causing Juvia to frown a little but follow me out of the place.

Once we were far away enough. I stop for a second, then use my cheat to make it so Erza and the others won't say anything bad about Juvia and me for the rest of the day.

"Why did Renato-sama stop Juvia from letting him know for not trying to stop us from leaving? Even though we're leaving either way." Juvia ask me.

"Because there is no point in talking with him, who doesn't care if we leave or not. In fact, he wouldn't care if we died as long Wendy and Carla are alive in the end." I start explaining the background of Roubaul and his relationship with Wendy and Carla; well, mainly it's Wendy that matter the most with Carla on the side. "Besides, this way he won't make a big deal out of everything once the other comes back to explain their side of the story. No doubt, they will turn this whole thing into a bigger mess than it's needed."

Juvia nods at me, understanding my point of view.

"Plus, this would give us enough time to pack things up, or just move Erza's stuff over to Machio's place." I continue off, causing Juvia's eyes to light up at this.

Oh yeah, Juvia doesn't like Erza that much, even with my cheat making it so the whole relationship wouldn't turn out bad. Not like that it didn't by now. I really need to think about other loopholes I might have missed when using my cheat in the past.

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