Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 36

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 36

A week later*

"What's happening, and why is a Fairy Tail Mage here?" I ask Guild Master Bob after I submit my report for the job I've recently completed this morning.

I look to the side, where I can see Lucy being hugged by both Juvia and Karen as they try to cheer up Lucy, who is crying her heart out.

"Former Fairy Tail Mage." Guild Master Bob said sadly. "Due to many bad reasons, little Lucy decided to leave Fairy Tail, and Karen found her after Mirajane told her about the things Lucy had experienced while staying in the Fairy Tail Guild. Then brought her here. Poor little one."

"I see." I slowly nod.

Yeah, I have no words for what the fuck is going on now. Other than the fact this might be Natsu's fault for his low intelligence and speaking without thinking first most of the time. Or it could be someone else that started it, but I got the feeling it's Natsu's fault. Maybe I should've given him a couple more punches before knocking him down to a near-like death state.

"Anyway, she is part of us now. Be sure to be nice to her." Guild Master Bob said to me, handing me another glass of alcohol before walking away.

"Don't worry. I won't." I couldn't keep the frown off my face as this is too unusual after the Edolas Arc with Mirajane's little sister is back in her own reality like in the canon. This seems more on the line of those past Fairy Tail fanfictions I'd read with Lucy as the main focus character.

Yeah, I've learned my lesson with Erza and Bari. Along with all those Phantom Maidens. Juvia is the only one for me, so I'll just be a nice guy to Lucy and make sure not to show any hints of getting into her pantie. After all, I'm pretty sure Juvia would outright attack Lucy the moment there is a hint of her and I being together.

Especially how Juvia's jealousy that was buried before has climbed back out, glaring at any females that get near me until she knows they are either taken for themselves or 100% not interested.

I look away and slowly take my time drinking. Thinking about how I'd been wrong in thinking there would be a parallel version of myself in Edolas. There was no other Renato Sinclair or anyone with a similar name and appearance. It funny how I'd used my cheat to prevent the meeting between us when there wasn't one, to begin with. Unless my cheat made it so that the Fairy Tail Guild in this reality enters another different version of Edolas that doesn't have another me in it.

There are a lot of theories, but none of them matter anymore. After all, there is the multiverse; therefore, any theory I come up with could already happen in another parallel reality or a completely separate reality.

"Renato-sama." Juvia calls out my name as she hugs me from behind. "Why didn't you come over to greet Juvia after reporting to Guild Master Bob? Did Juvia do anything wrong?"

"Mostly, you were busy talking with Lucy and Karen." I drank the entire glass, then got up with Juvia moving over to hug my left arm. "And you didn't do anything wrong. I was about to greet you after you finished talking with your friends."

"Really?" Juvia looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"Yes. I'll never be mad at you, my little rain." I lean in to kiss Juvia, causing her to blush and we start making out, which would go for a while if someone didn't cough loudly to interrupt us.

Juvia glared at the person that coughed, which happened to be Guild Master Bob, turning that glare into a pout.

"Love is great, but I hope you two don't show too much affection in public. We don't want anyone getting jealous, do we?" Guild Master Bob hinted about all the singles in the area, and some even have tears showing how sad they are about being single.

"Right, sorry, Guild Master Bob." I chuckle as I lead Juvia to somewhere less crowded, like near the tables in the corner area.

In no time, Juvia and I are enjoying a good meal ordered ahead of time and some good wine to go together with the meal.

30 minutes later*

"So, did anything interesting happen while I was gone for the morning?" I ask Juvia. Now we're just relaxing after finishing eating.

"Not much, other than Lucy over there joining our guild. I'm speechless about how Fairy Tail Guild, known for treating their members as a family, would push someone like Lucy away. If what Lucy told me is true, then she had only been in the guild for a short period and was quickly being pushed away by those she was close to starting last week until she overheard Natsu telling everyone on the team that was gathered at the time without thinking about Lucy was nearby or not, that they should replace her position in the team by someone else. Since she didn't do much help for the team over time as a Fairy Tail Mage and instead needed to be rescued by others." Juvia shakes her head in disappointment.

"Well, even family won't get along with each other that well. Let alone a group of people that doesn't have much blood relationship. And I don't know about you, but I thought there was no limit to the number of Mages in a single team. Or is it different in Fairy Tail Guild?" I can't recall if there is such a thing because I remember how Team Natsu keeps growing in numbers in the canon, and some leave afterward.

"No idea, but I'd say it might be because the pink head Mage and those that agree with him are stupid, not knowing that small parts and just speak whatever pop in their empty heads." Juvia answered. "I'm glad I have you in my life, Renato-sama. I have no idea what I would do if I didn't have you."

I smile at Juvia, not wanting to tell her what her life would be like if I hadn't met her first or come into this world.

"So, is Renato-sama planning to do any more jobs today or tomorrow?" Juvia looks at me with eyes that beg me not to do any.

Maybe she wants to tag along? I still can't tell much by just looking at her eyes.

"Nah, I'm done for the day and tomorrow, mostly not. I only went to do the job this morning because Guild Master Bob asked me specifically to do it." I feel Juvia's locking her right hand with my left. "You want to do something today or tomorrow?"

"Well, Karen and I planned a double date last night, but then Lucy showed up today." Juvia looks over to see Lucy being cheered up by Karen.

"You and Karen can continue helping Lucy, and I can just take this time to relax here while working on any new Magic Cards. If I feel like working on them, that is." I kiss Juvia on the lip, then gently pat her left thigh to give her a hint that she should go back to helping Karen out with Lucy.

"Are you sure, Renato-sama?" Juvia pushes herself closer into my arms. "Karen seems to be doing a good job without me."

"It's fine. I can wait here until you're done with Lucy." I lean closer to her ear, "Besides. You won't be able to chat with Karen later tonight."

That got a blush out of Juvia, which made me chuckle. Ah, now she pouted at me for laughing at her, and she is just so cute.

"Go ahead; I'll wait here." I pat her on the thigh again, and this time she got up and gave me a good view of her butt.

"Are you sure?" Juvia asks me one last time.

"I-" I was about to say something when I saw Karen summon Leo along with Aries. "Okay, maybe she doesn't need your help."

Juvia looks in my direction, then pops herself back onto my lap with a bright smile.

"Fine, I know when my sweet Juvia wants my love." I kiss Juvia on the lip again as I wrap my arms around her.

Juvia giggles, "I love you, Renato-sama." Her face becomes red after saying those words.

"And I love you too, Juvia." I rest my chin on her shoulder, enjoying having Juvia on my lap.

Juvia and I ignore the stares we're getting, including some glaring at us in envy. We enjoy each other and make small talk for the rest of the day.

The next day*

"So, nice to have you on the team." I said to Lucy, who nervously nodded at me. "By the way, out of curiosity. Did anyone else join your former guild, Fairy Tail, after you did?"

"None that I know of." Lucy replied softly as she looked at me, confused. Even Karen is looking at me, confused why I would ask that. "I haven't seen any new faces since I joined Fairy Tail Guild, nor was I informed by anyone else that if someone did. Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know since I know someone wanted to join but couldn't." I answered.

"Oh, Renato-sama must be talking about Erza." Juvia's eyes went cold for a few seconds before her eyes returned to normal.

Lucy's eyes widen in shock, "She was trying to join Fairy Tail Guild?! Isn't she part of the Magic Council, though?"

Karen still looked confused, which made Juvia lean over to whisper who Erza was to her.

"Yeah, you would be surprised how many people want to join the Fairy Tail Guild but can't because of the lack of recommendations." I find it amusing that Lucy got in because of Natsu, yet he is also the reason for pushing Lucy to leave the guild.

Also, I'm surprised Gajeel, Wendy, and Carla didn't join the Fairy Tail Guild. Then again, without someone in the guild to extend an invite, then it's impossible for them to join. Honestly, I thought Guild Master Makarov would invite Gajeel, at least because he was the Iron Dragon Slayer Mage and the same with Wendy for being the Sky Dragon Slayer Mage. But I guess wrong, not that it matters to me at this point.

Of course, I could also use my cheat to make it, so Lucy just fails to notice their existence, but I'm pretty sure Lucy wouldn't ignore their existence when she experienced being ignored by Natsu and the others.

"Um, I have a question, if you don't mind me asking it." Lucy asks me, not noticing the way Juvia squint her eyes at her.

"Go ahead." I rubbed the back of Juvia's left hand with my right thumb to make her calm down, which she did.

"How come not many people know about you? I mean, I only found out about you briefly from the soldiers of the Magic Council back on the island of Galuna." Lucy looks at me like I'm some hidden powerful Mage that only selective people would know of.

"Magic Council hates me." I said dryly, causing Juvia and Karen to giggle, much to Lucy's confusion. "You can ask Guild Master Bob later about why the Magic Council hates me so much and why I'm not that well-known."

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