Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 156 - New style

Ju Yunzhang looked at Qin Yi with a smile, and Qin Yi stared openly.

After looking at it for a while, Ju Yunzhen asked with interest: “Is it true that Zheng Yunyi guessed that you came for me?”

“It can be said that it is for you.” Qin Yi said calmly: “But it does not refer to beauty, but because of this million Taoxian Palace, you are the only person who makes me find the feeling of Xiandao.”

“Does n’t it mean beauty?”

“Well … a little bit, at least seductive, and tea is lovely. Of course, people like to stay with beautiful and lovely girls, rather than mingling with a group of alcoholic gamblers.”

At last Ju Yundi couldn’t help laughing, “Find me today, is there anything wrong? Just to raise your eyes?”

Qin Yi also laughed: “If I said that I just came here to ask Ann, do you believe it? If the sister thinks this is not necessary, believe it or not, I will live in your house better than you.”

Ju Yunzhang laughed: “Letter.”

Just when Qin Yi thought it was going to be cold, Ju Yunxuan continued quickly: “In fact, you don’t come, I was going to find you.”

“Huh?” Qin Yiwei frowned. “What is there to do?”

Ju Yunxuan said lightly: “After you and Xixiangzi, at least there will be nothing to do in the short term. But you seem to have forgotten the original intention of inviting you to enter, as a law enforcement. So you at least To master the basics of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, I know that you have a certain interest, otherwise you would not stay in the first place. “

“Hmm …” Qin Yi scratched his head: “Do you have to learn all four?”

“In the short term, you must choose at least one door, and it will look a little bit on the surface. Otherwise, if one day you test against this person, you still use your brute force, can you justify it?”

Qin Yi nodded, and he had planned to learn a subject, as the tassel said, and the paintings in the cave really shocked him, and he wanted to learn something.

Ju Yundi looked at him again and asked, “What did you sing and dance to Xi Xiangzi that day?”

Qin Yi sweated a lot: “This skip, let’s talk about something else …”

“Not interested in the way of music?”

“Some say it …” Qin Yi thought for a moment: “I have a sword on my back, I play the flute horizontally, my clothes are fluttering, this image is very good …”

“Why a flute? Isn’t Xiao Xiao good?”

Qin Yi looked at her red lips sincerely: “That’s all you need to blow …”

Ju Yunji intuitively felt that this remark seemed a little bit bad, but he really couldn’t think of a crooked person who really studied the music, saying, “You want to learn flute, of course you can teach you. But if you just For the sake of image, it doesn’t make much sense. “

After a pause, he got up again and walked into the room: “Come here and draw a picture for me.”

Qin Yi followed in, but saw Qingcha lie there reading a book. Ju Yunyi glanced at it and quickly flashed over to grab the book: “What do you think of” Jin Ping Mei “!”

Qingcha said suddenly, “You can watch …”

“Go and go, this is not what you look at! Bring the paintbrush and watch your uncle Qin draw.”

The tea leaped up and fluttered and hugged the pen and paper over: “Uncle painting must be very good.”

“…” Qin Yi held his paintbrush and blushed.

Known as a professional to learn painting, it is really impossible to get here. He knows that he is just a mortal drawing skill, or a student level among mortals, let alone compare with Juyun, it is better than tea. Originally, it would be appropriate to draw a picture to give guidance to Ju Yunji, but when tea is said that, he can’t afford to lose that person.

He froze for a long time, his heart moved slightly. Serious painting is not good, but the new style of painting can show it. So he asked, “What is drawn?”

Ju Yun shouted, “Just draw people.”

Qin Yi looked at her sideways for a while, and seemed to plan to paint her directly. Ju Yunzhen did not tweak, let him look around.

Qin Yi Dun’s pen quickly drew a “ω” shape slightly above the center.

Ju Xia quickly flew Hongxia on her face, and smiled and said, “What are you painting?”

Qin Yi coughed twice: “What does sister think this is?”

Ju Yun snorted scornfully, and pulled the placket subconsciously, covering the whiteness of his chest.

Qin Yi asked Qingcha: “What do you think this is?”

Tea scratched his head: “Nose.”

Qin Yi praised: “This is what makes the polluter see it, and their tea is so pure.”

“How can you draw such a big nose in the middle of the scroll!” Ju Yunzhen was angry: “I’ll see how you draw this so-called nose!”

Qin Yi smiled slightly, and took away the dragon and snake, and quickly added a few strokes, becoming (? Ω?). Then, based on Juyun’s eyebrows and features, he gradually painted a cartoon version of Juyun, with a big head, a small body, and a short arm. The head can’t be touched, and the smile is ridiculous. Looking at Mengmeng Da.

With such a painting, the nose really should be in that position.

Ju Yunxuan stared at the painting with eyes widened. She has painted for a lifetime. Have you ever thought of something like “caricature”?

Although the lines are rude, the technique is rude, and the whole person is completely distorted, but at a glance, it can be seen that she is indeed Ju Yunzhen with clear characteristics.

“It’s so cute!” Tea was overjoyed, and his eyes were repeatedly drawn on the painting to contrast with Ju Yun’s face: “The master in the painting is much more lovely than the real person. It would be nice if the master was really like this …”

Ju Yunxian’s face turned black: “I really grow into this big head, I might as well go to the cliff!”

But having said that, her gaze was still on the painting, and she did not look away for a moment.

No matter how rough the painting is, whether it is useful or not, in short, a new method of painting is like a drunkard sees a good wine for the addicts of the Taoism. For a moment, all his mind is attracted by this new thinking. Can’t bother.

“Sister, sister?” Qin Yi shouted twice, and Ju Yunzheng was still watching the painting, but did not respond.

I actually ignored him, and forgotten anything about the assessment of his piano, painting, calligraphy and painting.

Qin Yi couldn’t laugh or cry, he even suspected that if she touched her secretly at this moment, she might not respond.

No wonder Kyosawa said that all people here are crazy, and with their obsession, everything can be ignored, not human. Originally, I could not feel this kind of obsession from Ju Yundi, but today he is finally showing everything.

And most people are only obsessed with one item. If this piano, painting, calligraphy and painting Ju Yunji is obsessed with everything, then she has a lot of things. No wonder that her temperament is mixed and mixed, I am afraid it is caused by different influences.

He didn’t bother Ju Yunyu, quietly pulled Qingcha and asked, “How long will your Master be addicted to this? Will it not take days or nights?”

Qingcha leaned at him obliquely: “This simple painting method is not difficult. Master has eaten it in less than a cup of tea. You think too much.”

Qin Yi is a bit shameless.

Qingcha lowered his voice again: “But if you want to be my teacher, this is a good sign. Master has not been attracted by others for many years, come on, Master.”

“Why do you always want to marry your master?”

“I heard people say that women have a lot of tenderness when they have men, and they don’t just put apprentices in the water to make tea.”


He was still talking here, and suddenly Ju Yunzhen picked up his paintbrush and drew it on another piece of paper.

In a moment, a big head of tea and a steamed bun Qin Yi appeared on the paper, exaggerating and funny, but also exquisite.

Qin Yi almost didn’t cry.

After learning for several years, she just learned it in one or two minutes, and formed her unique style of painting, which is much better than herself …

No ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Why did you learn me and draw me as a gimmick!

The Q version of Qingcha and Q version of Qin Yi in the painting suddenly jumped out of the picture.

Q version of Qingcha: “I’m a fool.” Q version of Qin Yi said: “I’m a pig’s head.” Then he punched each other’s face and lay back with both hands on his head.

Qin Yi: “…”

Tea: “…”

“This way of painting is so amazing that it really draws the soul out of it.” Ju Yunzhang smiled and said, “Fun, fun.”

Qingcha sniffed Qin Yi with a nose, “Uncle, do you think this woman should be managed by a man?”

Qin Yi was expressionless.

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