Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 162 - Flail willing to come with loneliness

Three days later, Dan Ning was filled, Dan Xiang filled the room.

The Dan furnace opens automatically, and a purple elixir slowly floats out. The purple gas is suffocating. You can feel the jubilation of your soul just by looking at it from a distance.

Two of the three materials available for alchemy were destroyed, with a success rate of one-third. Qin Yi leaned aside, looking at the immortal dazzling in the air, feeling relieved and a little afraid.

He didn’t understand probability, and theoretically had a 50% success rate, and three materials could always be one of them. But in fact, when you have finished the first two materials and left the last one, the first two materials do not exist. This failure is a complete failure.

At the time of alchemy, there was no heart to think about these troubles, and to continue to practice in one breath, after all, it was done. Think about it afterwards if it fails?

If you want to find the right medicinal herbs for re-refining, then you do n’t know the year of the monkey. The demon blood black lotus is extremely unexpected. It has been hidden in your body for almost a year, and you may not find it elsewhere.

The elixir fluttered towards the mace near the wall, and then floated on the top of the rod. The purple gas was gently sprinkled and shrouded the body. Then the elixir gradually fell and gradually blended with the mace. The scene was a bit hazy and dreamy.

“Qin Yi …” tassel whispered: “I absorb the condensed soul, I need to sleep for a period of time to wake up, it won’t be long, but there is no certainty … you don’t have me by your side, use your own brains, Don’t be fooled. “

Qin Yi froze for a moment, but for a moment did not know how to answer.

He hadn’t thought about it before, after the refining, he would enter a state where he could not communicate with tassel for a short time … this was nothing at all, that is, sleeping for a while, and soon I could see a cute stick spirit in front of him … But for Qin Yi, it really felt like an instant emptiness in his heart.

When I entered the palace to see Qing Jun and her father, I didn’t bring a stick in the morning and I felt uncomfortable. How many days are I going to leave this time?

But he also knows that there can be no such “tassel dependence”, after all, he has to rely on himself.

In fact, most of his actions at the recent stage were his own choice. Except when he asked for something, “I want me,” Tassel rarely intervened to influence his thinking. The two sides have long known in the mind that one day the tassels will re-aggregate the body-not even waiting to condense the body, as long as the Yangshen can move freely, it is impossible to be tired with Qin Yi all the time.

Sooner or later he must get used to days without tassels.

The more the tassel recovered, the closer it was to that day.

Now that this short sleep is a preview, you must get used to it.

The purple light gradually quieted, and the tassel disappeared. Qin Yi stepped forward to pick up the mace, gently exhaled, and turned to go out.

At this time, the mace can still be held in his hand, but there is no tassel to communicate … The one that depends on him is never a mace, but a soul hidden in the club.

The first minute without tassel … I didn’t have the feeling of being empty at first, just a little absent-minded.

There is no mind in spiritual practice.

It’s not so much a loss of tassel communication as a sense of loneliness.

Previously, I depended on tassel to say that I want to learn Taoism. It is better to say that I am a companion who depends on each other and has a sense of loneliness that can fill my own loneliness. Tassel is the only person who knows that he has not been here. From this meaning, only Tassel can make him find nostalgia.

A … passer in another world.

A stranger in a different country, when you are alone, you will miss Qing Jun especially. It’s not at this moment, it has happened before, but he won’t perform in front of the tassel, it will seem that he is very “no dust”.

After all, she was her first woman, and the only one who truly counted as a “girlfriend.” When it comes to loneliness, I miss it naturally.

It’s usually murky, there is no missing moment, but when there is some kind of loneliness, there will be a tide of thinking. He would like to know how Li Qingjun is doing now, whether he still has such a heavy burden on his shoulders, whether there is an adulterer who can’t get along with her, is it difficult to help a little baby over one year old to govern the country …

The lingering night that often passed through his mind late at night, Qin Yi knew that he was not a lover, he could not forget it, it was first love.

To put it bluntly, he said goodbye to Nanli and sought to protect her.

Not to leave her.

At this time, there was no tassel, no Qingjun, no Minghe, and the practice has now turned into a solitary look.

Qin Yi shook her head and suddenly laughed.

Leaving Dongfu, boarded his own peak and found that it was dusk. Climbing to the distance and looking at the vast mountains in the drizzle of the setting sun can broaden your mood.

He sat by the cliff, took out the jade flute, and played a song gently.

There is no way to achieve it, it is just a manifestation of mood, a casual expression, and blowing into a tune, it becomes a new tune.

This is how Xianjia’s technique can make a person who does not understand music before January suddenly become a musician.

“Speaking of a passenger, in fact, you are a very emotional person.” There was a voice from Ju Yunying behind him.

Qin Yidi’s voice stopped abruptly, and she said lightly, “Don’t you sleep today?”

“I just woke up, I heard the voice of affection, and felt my heart. I don’t think we can really have a person with a sense of joy.” Ju Yunxuan sat beside him, and looked at him with a little curiosity: “This is who you are What about? “

Qin Yi knows that the meaning of the tune cannot be concealed from such a wise man as Ju Yundi, and can only say: “I think of my friends who are briefly separated, but also of my lover in my native country.”

“Do you have a lover?” Ju Yundi ignored the friend automatically and seized the key point: “Why not be a gangster and always be with you?”

Qin Yi looked distantly at Yuanshan: “She has her responsibility, and she puts more emphasis on Tao.”

“What about you? Why not stay with her?”

“I also have my responsibility.” Qin Yi said: “When I seek success, I will go back.”

“Even after a hundred years, she has gray hair!” Ju Yun sighed: “He is like a fairy, a hundred years.”

Qin Yi was silent for a moment and slowly said, “I don’t need a hundred years.”

Ju Yunxuan looked at him curiously for a while, and suddenly smiled: “It’s really fast. For more than a month, when I first entered the piano heart, I reached the fourth floor of the piano heart.

Qin Yidao said: “It is the way of sisters and sisters, which conforms to my spiritual practice, so it has made rapid progress.”

Ju Yunxian nodded and said, “I only passed on your flute skills, not the warfare. As I said today, I will pass you a few pieces of music for combat.”

Speaking again, Qin Yi said suddenly, “I said something.”

Ju Yun Zhixian stopped and looked at him with a smile: “Do you really want to provoke me?”

Qin Yi hadn’t answered yet, and she smiled again, “Nothing but a lonely person.”

Qin Yiqi said: “It seems you know well.”

Ju Yunzhen smiled and did not answer.

Flail would come to the same loneliness, but the same people.

Ju Yunxian turned his hand ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Suddenly a lyre appeared in his hand: “I play, you listen, wait until you learn, you and I can make peace, okay?”

Qin Yi laughed: “Are you sure I can hear you? I hope not to be too high …”

Ju Yunxi smiled slightly: “If you want me to hold your hands, this is the first threshold. It depends on you.”

The sound of the harp rose slowly, the birds circled, and each other sang, the mountains and waters echoed in the sunset.

I don’t know when a whistle sounded in the sound of the piano, as if the wind was suddenly added to the flowing water, and there were falling flowers and floating water, which drifted slowly.

The dwarf pine near the cave turned into two boys in the breeze and the bright moon, looked up to the top of the mountain, and whispered in admiration, “The true melody is in harmony, the confidants are hard to find.”

In this case, even the big boys are Wen Qing.

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