Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 167 - First victory

Qin Yi looked at Ju Yunzhen on the stand.

Ju Yunyan closed his eyes and ignored him.

Qin Yi couldn’t help crying and laughing. This sister didn’t want to let him participate in the competition. He was stubborn to come. The sister remembered it in the small book and was losing her temper.

However, Ju Yundi didn’t completely ignore it, he gave him several paintings in advance for backup …

I do n’t know if I can use good paintings … Seeing that Xi Xiangzi can use refined Dan just now, it should not be a problem … Other craftsmen should not make on-site production, but also bring good things .

After all, even if I give you a magic weapon, whether your level can be played or not, it still depends on your understanding of this system.

That’s it.

Qin Yi stood up and landed in the middle of the field.

Ju Yundi opened his eyes.

Qingcha took two camellia and called in the stands: “Uncle Shi most …”

The words didn’t fall, Ju Yun glanced at him, and sat back pitifully. Ju Yunxuan was so annoyed that he looked at the audience and was ashamed.

However, Qin Yi’s image is not embarrassing, but also very embarrassing. The blue shirt is white, the clothes are fluttering, the jade flute is in hand, and Junya is dusty. It really fits her image of Qin Qi Painting and Calligraphy, and it also fits her aesthetics.

There was a violent mace in his head, and he quickly threw it aside. I haven’t seen my brother fight with a mace, it must be a ritual to play with …

In the middle of the arena, the middle-aged craftsman made a gift: “I lost Lu to Xia Gong and met with Master Qin.”

“Good name!” Qin Yi praised, “you should learn the artisan way.”

The official loser was puzzled, and shook his head: “On the name, of course, there is no master Qin for Guizong.”

Qin Yi laughed: “What is the official loser who is going to compare with me? Who can fight the soul and make the puppet?”

“There is no need to compare. Paintings and paintings attach great importance to our souls. Our heavy strengths have their own strengths. Victory and defeat can only prove their own practice, but they cannot talk about the truth.” Lu Luo said: “After all, we are talking about Taoism, not competition. General Assembly.”

Qin Yi was curious: “What is better than that?”

Lu Dao: “We are practical.”

Qin Yi became more and more interested: “How is it practical?”

Gonglu Lu pointed to Yuanshan: “There is our own Baijing Xuan copper mine in Wandao Xiangong. Now we are mining and transporting maggots, which is of great benefit to Xiangong. The way of painting and calligraphy of my brother’s brothers may have been to Xiangong. Any help? “

Qin Yi froze for a moment, then laughed a little.

He suspected that Lu had long thought about this issue and compared it with Ju Yunzhang. However, the gap between his status and practice was even more outrageous. Ju Yunzhang did not bird him at all. It was difficult for this man to catch Qin Yi, who had the chance to “discuss”.

He thought for a while, and laughed: “We can draw a large number of Lux to mine at any time, and the brothers have to make a kit for a long time, and the materials are not randomly found, right?”

Gonglu Lu shook his head and said, “The soul of painting has reached the point where it can be physically mined. At least it must have the practice of a living teacher and sister. It may not be able to remain outside the painting for a long time. It is not practical.”

Qin Yidao: “My brother hasn’t answered the second half of my sentence. How long does it take for a mining maggot that can act on its own? Does it need material geometry? What kind of practice is needed?”

“Only for mining, I don’t need much good materials. Ordinary iron is enough. It is not difficult to make, and the disciples of Fengchu can do it.” Gonglu Lu honestly said: “However, it takes a long time to complete. All the parts need to be polished in detail, and it is already a waste of time … Ordinary disciples need to do it slowly for half a year, this is our first homework. “

Qin Yi looked at him for a long time, and looked strangely, “A disciple completes a puppet independently? Polish himself slowly?”

“Yeah, otherwise?”

“You have been developing for five thousand years, and there is no concept of mold and assembly line?”

“Of course there are molds, just to exercise the standard of the disciples, and deliberately maintain manual polishing.” Gonglu Lu frowned. “The assembly line is the first time I heard, what is this?”

“Some people are responsible for the feet, some are specifically for the hands, and some are specifically for the assembly …”

Before Qin Yi finished speaking, there was a scream from the “P rostrum”, and the dirty craftsman suddenly looked up, his eyes flashing.

Gonglu Lu stayed there, saying something in his mouth. Whispers also began to whisper in the stands of the artisans, apparently touching.

They are all professional, they do n’t need Qin Yi to speak much to understand, they can understand the Tao inside, and I am afraid that the efficiency of their craftsmanship is not only a little bit, but also widely used in all levels.

Not that they haven’t developed this step for thousands of years, it’s just that Xiandao’s thinking is a little different.

Because Xiandao is too personal, it is the ultimate pursuit of Weili. It is very rare to pay attention to the division of labor and cooperation. It is good to explore a dangerous professional collaboration. How can we think of the problem of assembly line operations?

Qin Yi just opened his head, reminding them a lot, just like a gigantic initiation. I am afraid that at this moment the artisans think of more things than Qin Yi can think of, and they have thought about how many years they have gone.

In fact, Qin Yi mentioned these. The original intention was to tell them that if you want to make a mold, you first need to paint …

But his mouth turned quickly, and he was totally crooked … Qin Yi was also a little aggressive at the moment, which was so crooked that it had nothing to do with the comparison between the way of painting and calligraphy and the way of craftsmen. How else?

Sure enough, Gonglu’s response came and reluctantly: “Brother Qin’s statement is very meaningful to us, and we should bear it. But what does this have to do with the way of calligraphy and painting?”

Qin Yi stalked his neck and said, “This is what I came up with when I read a book. How does it matter? Craftsmen should also read more books and try to improve their posture …”

There was a smile on Ju Yunzheng’s face. This was really the answer, and it was a loss of his wit.

The artisan on the podium suddenly said: “We lost this game. After studying thousands of years of ingenuity and skill, we also need a piece of art to wake up. What is the comparison of people? When he gave up, he also invited his nephew Qin to be a guest guest, and he hoped to let him go. “

Ju Yunzhi blossomed flowers in his stomach, struggling to maintain an elegant image, and smiled slightly: “Uncle Mo speaks heavily. Ke Qing is not a problem, just don’t dig people.”

The artisan nodded and said nothing. Gonglu Lu also gave a fist, and turned to step down.

Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, wiped away the non-existent sweat, and turned to look at Ju Yunzhen.

Mo said that she was more dusty and did not care about this “discourse”. In fact, one of the intentions of inviting him to join the sect was obviously for this event. Anyway, as the master of a sect, how many years haven’t she participated in the palace match? Qin Yi could really give her a long face, and she was naturally happy.

Ju Yunzhang looked at him with a smile, and the two stared at each other for a while, and at the same time turned his head away.

The moment Qin Yi turned his head, Yu Guang at the corner of his eye suddenly noticed that Tian Jizi, who was sitting next to Ju Yunji, turned to look at Ju Yunji and frowned.

Qin Yi was in a strange heart. He thought that Zheng Yunyi had an idea about Sister Ju, so it seems that it is not his master who has an idea?

This day’s machine generation should be one generation older than sister Shi, right, old cow eats tender grass, are you?

“Master Qin.” Suddenly a sound came from Xi Xiangzi, interrupting Qin Yi’s thoughts.

Qin Yi turned his head and looked at him, Xi Xiangzi smirked at him at the side of the court and said, “How about you and me?”

Qin Yi glanced at him somewhere subconsciously, wondering if he had itchy or rash?

Xi Xiangzi seemed to feel where he was looking, and flinched a little with annoyance, and said: “It is said that there is a ecstasy and a soothing song in Qindao ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I also have this effect in Taoism. ? “

“Okay.” Qin Yi yawned: “But I’m tired today, let others compare first, we will talk tomorrow.”

After talking, Xi Xiangzi didn’t wait for his answer. He took care of himself and went to tease.

Xi Xiangzi was so angry that he didn’t vomit blood, so you and the public lost a few words, and you were tired?

However, the people in Xiangong always have all kinds of strange things, and more than half of them ran to drink. There was no way to persecute him, and he could only say, “Then it will be one word, Master Qin can’t say anything.”

“I know, I know, so many suspicious masters, can I still rely on you?” Qin Yi waved his hand impatiently, thinking in his mind that he had to go back tonight to practice the elixir to protect the soul.

Really think I can only play piano, calligraphy and painting? Dan Dao is my major, OK?

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