Fairy Tail Heavenly Feather

Chapter 237 - Elixir of magic

As Gagjiru said, the magic crystal can only be unsealed by relying on the magic of the dragon exterminator, and because of the assistance of the six corpses, this gagiru can be free from any obstacles. Under the circumstances, the magic crystal was unsealed in the shortest time.

And the person sealed in this magic crystal, as Liu Daomu said before, is the two of Elisa Sukaret and Gray.

“This…this is…”

After being unsealed from the seal of the magic crystal, Elusa was still a little unclear. She shook her fist slightly, then looked at Gray, who also had an unknown face beside her, and then looked at it again. Look at the frozen Kingdom soldiers around, and when seeing the six skeletons, Elusa’s eyes fluctuated significantly.

“Muku…Why are you here? And where is this place!?”

At this moment, Elusa has too many questions and wants to ask Liu Daomiao a lot. Although it is said that seeing Liu Daomiao here surprises Elusa, what is the situation for yourself and others now? , Elusa also wants to get a good understanding. After all, based on Elisa’s years of fighting experience, she can know what happened at this time.

What’s more, Elusa was curious about the true identity of the soldiers who were surrounded by ice and some soldiers wearing similar military clothing.

Seeing that the magic crystal was unsealed, it was indeed the two of Elusha and Gray that I felt before. Liu Daomu also smiled slightly, looked at Gray, and nodded to him, saying hello. , And then set his sights on Elusa.

“Hehe… long time no see, Elisa…”

Liu Daomu smiled at Elusa, then slightly looked at the Kingdom Army soldiers around, paused, and then said: “But this is not a suitable place to speak… Come with me, Lucy. They are with Wendy…”

Although I don’t know what happened, Elusa has absolute confidence in Liu Daomiao. She also believes that Liu Daomiao will not do anything that is sorry to her. After listening to Liu Daomiao, Elusa Without thinking, he nodded and agreed.


The next morning, the sun was shining, and the king of Edras had a great commotion. There was only one reason. That is, last night, all the soldiers of the Kingdom Army sent by the Kingdom to protect the demon crystal were knocked down. , And the magic crystal disappeared without a trace. After receiving this news, King Fauster, Furious, suddenly became furious, and even if he ordered the Kingdom Army soldiers to increase their search efforts, they would very much want to The winged magic crystal finds its hand and kills the thieves who dare to steal the magic crystal.

And at this time, in a small hotel where King Edras was,

“So it turns out, skeletal, do you mean that the entire Magnolia people and our guild have been absorbed by this country into magic crystals?”

After listening to the explanation of Liu Daomu, Elusa’s face also showed a slightly surprised look, which could seal humans into a magic crystal state to provide them with magic power. The magic used by Edras is really terrible. .

After learning all the truth, Gray nodded and said with a pensive look: “Well, as you say, then our top priority now is to rescue our companions, but, as you said, Well, now we seem to have no way to use magic… obviously we can feel the magic in the body, but there is no way to call it, which is really strange…”

Liu Daomun felt very helpless about the situation that Gray said, because even he could not solve this problem. Besides, Liu Daomun did not feel bound to come into this world, his magic power can still be used at will what. Immediately, Liu Daomu glanced at Gray and could not help shrugging his shoulders to show that he was powerless.

“Oh… I have a solution for this…”

Seeing Liu Daomu seemed to have no way to use magic or unresolved means to everyone, Gajiru couldn’t help but smiled with pride, then stood up and took out several bottles of potions in his pocket, and threw them to Elusa several people, He smiled and said, “Come on, this medicine, for you.”

“What the **** is this…” Elusa and others looked at Gajiru with a puzzled look.

Gagjiru smiled and said, “This, this guy from Mistridge gave me. He said that as long as he took this medicine, it would be possible to let the magician of Eslanden in Edras. I can also use magic… and I was able to use magic because of this potion.”

While speaking, Gajiru also pointed his finger at himself, indicating that he was a living example, and this potion was absolutely effective.


“It turns out so”

After hearing the words of Gagjiru, Elusa and Gray nodded, and immediately took the medicine. At the moment when the medicine was taken, the magic that had not been felt before was constantly at this moment. Surging out.

Naz, who had been watching next to him, hung his eyes upside down and stared at Gajiru desperately, shouting: “Gajiro, you bastard, why don’t you take this medicine earlier? !!!”

“Is it a waste to give you this medicine?”

“Asshole, what are you talking about!”

“Okay, don’t make trouble, Naz, I still have this bottle of potion. Give you the rest of the potion.”

While speaking, Elusa threw the medicine in her hand to Naz, and Gajiru, who saw it like this, slightly pursed her lips, indicating that she was slightly covered with the medicine Eluza gave to Naz.

And Naz took the medicine with a happy face, and then he couldn’t even quarrel with Gajiru. He swallowed the medicine in a hurry, feeling the long-lost magical power surged up, and Naz could not help but braved with excitement. The fire’s fists ran everywhere.

“Hey… it’s still the same as before, a playful guy…”

Looking at Naz, who was excited and running around, Elusa could not help but sigh slightly, and then looked at the six corpses that had been watching from the beginning and Knight standing behind him. Walker.

“So, Muku, you can tell me now, why are you here?”

Gray also nodded to Elusa’s question and asked curiously: “Yeah, I am also curious about this. Why do you come here, Liudaokui.”

After hearing the words of the two, Liu Daomu couldn’t help but show a bitter smile. He couldn’t tell you that I was forced to come to this place because he couldn’t beat anyone else. He paused and said: “Well There are a lot of things happening here, and what I want to say now is unclear for a while.”

Liu Daomiao’s words flickered slightly, but Elusa didn’t notice it. It was just that they were watching Ni Dawoka and Wendy as they looked at Liu Daomiao.

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