Fairy Tail Heavenly Feather

Chapter 99 - Lord of the Night

“Well~~~ Was the troublesome guy who commissioned the Bounty Hunter Guild “Hungry Wolf” to find us in trouble?”

A young girl with brown hair, wearing a white cap, a black and white gold and white combat suit, with 6 black wings behind her, and a golden light weapon in the shape of a cross flying in the sky Murmured.

This young girl is the guild of the guild “wings of heaven”, known as the “God of the Night” by the eight gods.

Blast scratched his head in annoyance and complained: “It’s all Naye, and things are not solved together, and I’m going to run again. Really, it’s rare that people are preparing to play Love~~Love games with their brother What.”

“The person above, who are you? This is private territory. If you leave soon, don’t blame us.” Outside of a huge manor below, a security officer looked at the blast above. Asked vigilantly.

The wind blinked his lovely eyes, then stretched out his fingers against his chin, thinking for a while, then smiled at the guard.

“Oh, can I ask you a question?”

“Problem?” The guards felt puzzled.

Shi Feng nodded with a smile and said, “Yes, a very simple question. As long as you answer me, I will leave immediately.”

The security officer glanced at the blast violently, and even if he found out that it was just a weak little girl, there was no danger, so he nodded and said, “Then ask quickly, and leave as soon as you finish.”

Blast smiled happily and said, “How nice you are, uncle. Then I asked.”

The guards also felt that the girl was very cute, and that trace of vigilance also dropped, laughing: “You ask, I will tell you what I know.”

The wind blew his lovely eyes, looked at the huge manor that stood on the top of the mountain, and then said: “Is this the Marquis of Lilu Husin’s manor?”

The guard suddenly stood up and the magical power surged over his hands, watching the Eight Gods’ winds cautiously. Obviously this guard was also a magician.

“Who the **** are you, asking what this is doing?”

Hayate reached out and hit a haha, saying: “It turns out that this is the manor of Marquis Lilu Hughes, I don’t think I’ve found the wrong place.”

The guards no longer pitted, but moved forward with one hand, a huge flame snake biting towards the wind.

In this regard, the blast smiled lightly, without any worries. I saw a flash of light on the blast, the short brown hair became white long hair, the black pupil became red, and the color of the combat suit was also Faintly towards black.

Although the Eight Gods Blast has super high magic power, but she is only suitable for long-range attacks, if it is melee, an ordinary magician can easily kill her. To compensate for this deficiency, she developed a special combat form that combines melee and long-range attacks. This form also imitates the prototype of the dead Linfus. And this form has a flaw, that is, the blast that enters this form will be a little dark in terms of personality.

Seeing the blast seemed to change suddenly, the guard was shocked, and the speed of the flaming snake increased again. When the blast was about to be touched, the trajectory of the flaming snake suddenly changed and bombarded the guard.

“Dingling Bell~Dingling Bell~”

Because of a huge battle, all the alarm bells of this manor rang and entered the first level of alert. In an instant, a large number of mages rushed out of the manor and surrounded the blasts.

“Is that you guys? Haha~~~ It seems that the combat power is a little inadequate.” The gust of wind slowly raised his head, his long white hair fluttered with the wind, and his red pupils shone with a terrifying light.

“Be careful, this woman is definitely not simple.”

“Solve her with the strongest attack, we want to protect the safety of Lord Marquis.”

While the crowd was still in a riot, the wind glanced coldly at them, and the red eyes revealed a dangerous light. Immediately, the blast waved his angel wings in the center, and a powerful magic storm rolled up, blowing away all the magicians for several steps.

A flash of silver flashed through, and a huge Belka-like magic circle continued to expand outward, gradually covering the entire venue. At the foot of the blast, the projection surface also unfolded a Belka magic array.

Then a pure black magic flowed from the 6 wings of the blast, with the blast as the center, quickly bursting out, sweeping around with a very fast speed.

Together with all the magicians present, the entire ground was instantly destroyed.

“Sky Demon Radiation!”

After the attack of the magic torrent, none of the magicians present could stand up again. The result is already quite obvious. They were all killed by the blow of the blast.

Even after stopping the attack, as a magician, you can still feel the powerful magic of the surrounding space.

The wind did not speak, but flew its wings and flew over the manor. On a balcony in the manor, a man with a frivolous look, the man with fat on his body, smiled and looked at himself calmly.

“Hello, powerful Magister! I am Marquis of Lilu Husin, and I am very happy to meet you.” Lilu said politely.

There was no slight fluctuation on the surface of the blast, and the red pupil glanced at Lilu lightly and said, “Do you have any last words to explain?”

Lilu haha ​​smiled and said: “We don’t actually have any grudges, you should be hired by my Qiu family. How come, come to my side, how much money he paid to hire you, I will double.” Lilu With a confident face, he believed that no one could refuse this temptation.

But Lilu was wrong this time. With the wealth of the Hartfilia family in the Fiore Kingdom, will she be short of money? Besides, Blast also has no concept of money.

“Have you finished?” Blast said coldly.

“You agreed?”

There was a surprise on Lilu’s face. He thought that the wind had agreed to his request. With such a powerful magician, he would never have to fear the assassination of the enemy.

The wind reached out and gently stroked its magic wand “Angel Wings” without even looking at Lilu. “You said, if “Devil’s Heart” suddenly lost a man like Marquis Lilu Husin.” What will happen to such a friend?”

“You” Lilu was shocked. He didn’t expect the wind to know his secret. He began to move slowly backwards, and he was afraid.

“Goodbye, Marquis of Lilu Hughes,” and the gust of wind flew upward again, pointing the “Angel Wings” down.

“Following my call, the branches of the vines turned into silver spears, and penetrated all things! The petrified magic gun “Sword of Silver Barn”!”

A silver magic array gathered in the sky, radiating 6 silver-white light guns with the magic array as the center, and spawning a total of 7 light guns in the center.

Under Lilu’s stunned eyes, these seven light guns have penetrated the entire manor in an instant. However, this is not over yet. The whole manor began to petrify rapidly at a terrifying rate. After a while, the whole manor was completely petrified together with Lilu.

“Silver Sword”: Long-range petrochemical bombardment magic, radiating 6 guns around the magic circle, and generating 1 gun in its center, a total of 7 light guns. Its penetration ability is not very high, and the range is also short, but the biggest feature is that it can petrify objects after hitting. In particular, it has a petrochemical effect that can condense the cells of the living body, and it has a lethal destructive effect on the living body.

The dark sky and six dark wings fluttered in the night sky.

The girl who is known as the Lord of the Night.

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