Fairy Technology

Chapter 1107 - Admit

The strategy of Elder Qinglan’s counterattack is very simple, and the number of opposing fighters is only about two hundred. Although his side lost dozens of spirit boats during the first contact, it still has an absolute advantage in number.

The distance between the two sides is not too far away for the Cosmic Spirit Boat.

As long as their fleet is dispersed and not hurt by the powerful cannonball group of the other party, they still have the opportunity to rush into the attack range.

Once they were able to attack each other’s fighters, Grand Marshal Blue was confident that they would completely destroy each other.

However, his counterattack eventually had to be killed, because the other party passed him a picture through some means he did not know.

He clearly saw three identical “small planes” hovering over a huge city. Although overlooking the camera, Grand Marshal Blue was still very familiar with that city, which is the headquarters of the Azure Empire in the Corgi Galaxy.

“We Earthmen are peace-loving! If you start a war for no reason, we will blow up all the cities on Corgi immediately.”

These remarks made the elder Qing Lan somewhat daunting.

Although he led the army to Coral Star this time, and took away millions of troops, but there are no less than two million troops remaining in Corgi’s army.

These are the most elite troops of the empire. If the two million troops all killed Corgi, he would not be very accountable.

Of course, this alone was not enough to stop Madam Blue and Blue’s crazy thoughts. What really made him retire was that he found that all the small planes thousands of miles away had disappeared.

In this scene, the elder blue and blue is strange and familiar.

Unfamiliar because he never experienced it, familiar because he recalled the news from the dead before.

This mysterious enemy has a powerful stealth technique.

Although the fleet led by the Elder Qinglan also has the ability to fight against hermits, the distance to fight hermits is ultimately limited. Judging by the attacking method of the other party, she did not have a chance to find the other party and was given by the other party Ambushed.

Even if their side took back Coral Star by virtue of their number advantage, everything was wild without destroying the living force of the other side.

Moreover, he captured a very important message from the other party’s words just now. This mysterious enemy is the Earthman.

What planet is Earth? The original Elder Blue and Blue did not know.

However, since the occupation of the Corgi galaxy, Marshal Blue has known that the earth is another intelligent race, a race that has not yet entered the age of the universe, and even a race that has been ignored by the Corgi Empire.

At this moment, Marshal Green and Blue endured the idea of ​​pulling the corgi empire out of the whip corpse, and repositioned the strength of the Earth people.

You ca n’t fight, you ca n’t beat it.

The other party seemed to say that he loved peace just now, and it seemed that … we could talk about it.

Big deal, give Coral Star to the other party, and then fight back when the empire is more powerful.

“Okay! We can withdraw troops!” Marshal Green Blue shouted.

Although the voice could not reach the opponent’s ears thousands of miles away, Grand Marshal Blue believed that the other party could hear it.

After all, the other party can pass on their sounds and images to themselves, and it should not be difficult to collect their own voices.

Sure enough, his voice had just fallen, and ten A3 fighters appeared in front of him.

Grand Marshal Qinglan was in a mixed mood. The ghost knows where the remaining small planes are hiding?

“Why did you go early?” A mockery made Marshal Qinglan almost collapse.

Nima! I knew you were so good, but I’m farting?

And your military strength is so powerful, is it fun to play mystery and guerrilla warfare? This is completely misleading!

Unfortunately, these words could not be said by Marshal Green and Blue.

The army can only form a small battle line in the universe’s spiritual boat, which is the kind of thousand people.

Power! Passable.

But to attack a target thousands of miles away, it is a bit stretched.

Unless they can reach Coral Ground, they will not be able to compete with each other.

It is important now to stabilize the situation, wait for Corgi to return, and report to the Emperor Azure.

To be honest, although the Marshal Green and Blue felt that the Earthmen’s military power was strong, their own side was not without chance, and everything had to wait for the Emperor’s decision.

“We immediately returned to Corgi, and Coral Star belongs to you,” said Marshal Blue.

The other side spoke again, but his voice was relatively old.

“Have you not woke up? We don’t want this coral star, but the entire Corki galaxy! So you must immediately withdraw from the Corgi galaxy and roll back to your homeland.”

Marshal Green-blue gritted his teeth and said, “This is impossible! The Corgi galaxy is the territory that our empire has defeated, so why is it completely given to you?”

“That doesn’t matter, we’ll fight it out, big deal.” The voice was disdainful.

The Grand Marshal Qinglan was glaring with anger, and his face became worse just because of the injury.

“Don’t you think it’s too bullying?”

“Should this be the confrontation between cosmic civilizations? You can destroy the Corgi empire and occupy the Corgi galaxy, why can’t we take Corgi galaxy out of your hands? After all, who is not the most powerful? “

Grand Marshal Blue was speechless.

He was about to fight again, but an aide next to him winked at him.

The aide was the wise man valued by Marshal Green and Blue, and he had to value the opinions of the other party.

At the moment, he used his eyes to signal the communication with the other party.

“We can agree to your request. The Corgi galaxy will give you, and we will withdraw the mother star,” said the staff member with a brave look, “but our army is huge, and it takes time to evacuate.”

“How long will it take?” The old voice seemed a little impatient.

The staff affirmatively said, “Three months!”

The other side fell into silence.

After a short while, the voice said, “Three months are OK! But once more than three months, we’re welcome.”

“Your people at Corgi must also withdraw!”

This requirement has to be mentioned. In case the other party goes directly to a carpet bombing, who can I justify?

“I said I withdrew people, do you believe it?”

The sound was so clear and light, but the content made the marshals eat so many flies.

But this is completely reasonable! Even if the other party promises to withdraw the person, the other party can hide the small plane capable of planting bombs in outer space by stealth ability of the other party.

It seems this request is really **** …

“I hope you won’t go against it! We in the Azure Empire are not provoking.”

The voice fell, but there was nothing moving across.

The people around Marshal Qinglan glanced at each other and seemed to be prepared to say something, but was stopped by Marshal.


This simple word contains a strong unwillingness.

Such a magnificent expedition, but it ended so desperately, made Grand Marshal feel ashamed.

On Coral Star, Commander Gao breathed a long sigh of relief.

“I really bluffed these guys!”

Don’t look at your side just as if you were fighting against the other side, but the commander Gao knows his own affairs, the number of antimatter cannons is too small, and the charged particle cannons are basically in a dumb state. Fight.

Even if his own charged particle cannon can kill two to three spaceships in one shot, more than a third of the army can reach Coral Star.

Once these people reach the ground and form a complete battle, the only thing that can threaten the human side is the antimatter cannon.

Moreover, the anti-matter cannon must approach the explosion to cause damage to the other party. If it is intercepted from a distance, it is estimated that even the defense is difficult to break.

Especially the tortoise shell propped up by the other marshal, blue and blue, just resisted an anti-matter cannon attack.

Although he used the power of tens of thousands of blue fighters, it was equally appalling.

Fortunately, the other party did not know the details of their side, so they persuaded.

Chief of Staff Liu said, “Commander, I’m afraid the other party did not really agree to withdraw.”

The commander Gao smiled and said, “This is of course, I’m not stupid. These guys want to delay time. But now, what we lack is also the same time. As long as we have enough time, we can make more A lot of antimatter cannons. This Azure Empire is not a cause for concern, but let me hit their old nests ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I also have confidence. “

Staff Liu did not dwell on this matter anymore, and then said: “Commander Gao, in the battle just now, we exposed some defects of our antimatter cannons. I think we should feed these things back to the magic fairy technology and let the other party Improved. For example, the vector propelling ability of the cannonball can only be used once! Once the fired shell is touched, it will explode. Especially the latter is extremely dangerous. Once the shell is just launched, it will be intercepted by the opponent. The greater loss is our own. “

Commander Gao nodded and said, “This is to be said. Huaxian Science and Technology’s scientific research capability is indeed not said, but after all, it has not participated in the war, and the flaws in details are inevitable. I think our antimatter shells You can play with tricks, such as camouflage, stealth, and change of direction. The other party’s means to deal with our anti-matter guns is to intercept. Our anti-matter shells are limited, but you can do some fake doping. For example, when tens of thousands of shells are fired at a time, only one or two of them are real, depending on how they stop them. “

Staff Liu did not speak, and tens of thousands of rounds were indeed an exaggeration, but one or two hundred rounds were used as bait rounds, but it was fine.

After a brief discussion, Commander Gao called the Military Committee of the Presbyterian Church and made a brief report on the situation here, waiting for the next instructions.

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