Fairy Technology

Chapter 32 - Completed new plant

租赁 The leasing of the office building went smoothly. After Shen Bing saw it, he was very satisfied with it.

Yongyong Plaza has a total of forty-nine floors. Only the nineteenth floor is rented out on the entire floor, with an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters, which is enough for the company’s administrative offices.

的 The decoration here is all newly made, you just need to change the desks and chairs to start working.

It’s just that the rent is indeed high enough, 300,000 yuan in January, after discount.

After signing the lease contract, there is no need to worry about Shen Bing.

In the evening, Shen Bing convened the company’s current senior executives to a high-end restaurant Zhonghai to eat and drink. During the session, Shen Bing listened to their work reports and suggestions for the company’s development.

Huh … well, at present, the company’s senior management only has Wang Sheng, Wei Changjia and Zhuang Xin, and now there is another Zhang Zi’an.

This can also be regarded as receiving wind for Zhang Zi’an!

交谈 After talking, Shen Bing was very satisfied with Zhang Zi’an. This is a guy who has personal insights in the selection of candidates, and his character is very good. With him, Shen Bing does not have to worry too much about the company’s personnel issues.

Uh …

After half a month, the news about Fantasy Glass and Magic Fairy Technology on the Internet has been drowned in entertainment gossip news, and few people paid attention to this matter.

All things are done in an orderly way.

First of all, the office was completely prepared, and Shen Bing also had his own independent office.

The door reads: Chairman’s Office.

Shen Bing owns 100% of Huanxian Technology. Who is not the chairman?

Hmm, I have a secretary.

I have something to do with the secretary.

The second thing to ask is that the recruitment of company personnel has basically come to an end. In the office area of ​​5,000 square meters, there is already a small half of the office.

The five major departments of Sales Department, Finance Department, Legal Department, Personnel Department, and Network Department have been established, each performing its own duties, and it works well under the leadership of the general manager Wang Sheng.

The sales department, finance department, and personnel department all have persons in charge, and the legal department and network department are temporary persons in charge. Their business capabilities are yet to be evaluated.

In addition, Magic Fairy Technology has a special department, which is Magic Fairy Glass Factory. The director of the factory is temporarily held by Wang Sheng.

Of course, these departments are just an initial structure that needs to be further improved.

The busiest department at the moment is not the sales department or the personnel department, but the network department that seems to be out of touch with the company’s business.

According to Shen Bing’s requirements, they must get out the company’s portal website within one month, and the website must also be full of sense of science and technology, magnificent, and highly secure.

Those who are in the Magic Network Department are all screened talents, but the time for one month is really too short, so I have to work overtime.

These employees have no complaints at all, and who makes the company’s overtime pay very real?

As far as overtime is concerned this month, the fees paid are definitely much higher than their own wages.

Uh …

On October 29th, Huaxian Technology ushered in the most important thing.

The first-phase project of Wuxianxian Glass Factory is fully completed, and all equipment is in place, waiting for Party A, which is the magical technology company to accept.

As for the glass factory originally acquired by Shen Bing, well, that’s just a workshop.

Although the small workshops are constantly producing these days, let alone the output.

An Audi A6 started, followed by a Buick business car, drove straight into the magic glass factory.

At this time, the magic fairy glass factory already has a large factory area covering an area of ​​nearly 20 acres, surrounded by a wall of more than three meters high, and the wall is equipped with strict security facilities.

In the factory area, three modern plants are arranged side by side. Two of them have two float glass production lines, and the other one is dedicated to glass printing.

In front of the three factories, there are two three-story high buildings, one of which is a dormitory for workers, and the other is an office area in the factory.

In front of the office building, a large group of people are waiting there. There are workers from the magic glass factory, people from the construction unit, and technicians from the supplier of production equipment.

Shen Bing came out of the Audi A6, and immediately there was a middle-aged man in his forties with a full cap.

This is the person in charge of the project on the construction side, surnamed Dong.

“Mr. Shen, it’s rare to see you here!”

Manager Dong Dong has only seen Shen Bing once before, but he dare not despise the students who have not graduated from this university.

The most important thing is that the construction of the second phase of the Xianxian Glass Factory will be started immediately after the completion of the construction of the first phase of the Xianxian Glass Factory.

“Mr. Dong has worked hard, should I get everything done?”

“Miss Shen is assured that our Jiangnan construction company is absolutely reliable.”

Wang Sheng followed him, pointed to another man in his 30s wearing glasses, and said, “Chairman, this is Fang Yifang, Project Implementation Manager of Liushi Machinery Co., Ltd. This time we He is responsible for the project. This is … “

I changed to someone else. Facing this series of introductions, I’ve been dizzy.

But Shen Bing is not an ordinary person. He remembered the names of these people and then greeted them in turn.

After the two sides met, the completion ceremony began.

This completion ceremony is much more lively than the last one, at least in terms of number.

Shen Bing’s first grand speech in his life is here.

There was thunderous applause below, and Shen Bing felt a good feeling of being a boss.

The next project is checked and accepted, and everyone is responsible for it. Shen Bing personally inspected the production equipment and the quality is relatively good.

After everything was done, it was noon, and Shen Bing arranged for Wang Sheng to take all the people to a nearby restaurant to have a good meal, including the newly recruited workers, as a celebration of completion.

Shen Bing himself did not participate. He didn’t like social entertainment at first. Secondly, all the equipment here still needed him to re-adjust.

Without him tuning, these equipment would like to produce dream glass? That’s really a dream.

I have one person who stays, and that is Dong Qiang.

幻 The oldest technical employee of Huanxian Technology was appointed as the director of glass production workshop by Shen Bing at this moment.

After Shen Bing’s observation this month, Dong Qiang has the simplicity of rural people and the savvy of urban people. In general, he is a more usable person.

留下 Dong Qiang’s initiative to stay this time, Shen Bing didn’t ask much, so he agreed.

He saw from Dong Qiang’s eyes that he said nothing at all ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ After everyone was gone, there were only Shen Bing, Dong Qiang, and two black backs patrolling the factory.

强 “Honderman, since you are not going to dinner, go with me to adjust the equipment.” Shen Bing smiled.

“Good.” Dong Qiang’s eyes dodged a little, but he agreed quickly.

强 “Hadron, do you have anything to tell me?”

“Ah … no … Actually … I …”

Shen Bing stroked his forehead. Is he very scary?

别 “Don’t talk about anything, just talk about something.”

“Yes, boss!” Dong Qiang said with a bitter expression, “Yes, I think these guys are strange these days. Originally, we were taking turns on a night shift every day. But it started a week ago, and he almost every night. I need to work the night shift. As far as I know, Gangzi is also a married person. It doesn’t make sense to stay in the factory every night. So I took the time to check it out at midnight yesterday and found that the lights in the plant were still on. Zi is holding an instrument and mapping what is inside. “

“Oh?” Shen Bing frowned slightly, which is a bit wrong!

But he didn’t act too clearly, and smiled and said, “It’s nothing, maybe Gangzi is checking the instrument.”

After speaking, Shen Bing paused and said, “Yangzi, do your best and learn more management experience in the position of workshop director as soon as possible. Now the director of this factory is still the manager Wang, and I can’t find a suitable one for a while. The director of the factory. Do you understand what I mean? “

“The boss is assured, I will not disappoint your hopes.” Dong Qiang was extremely excited, but this was something he never dared to think, “… it was just the case of Gangzi, I …”

“You don’t need to worry about that, I’ll figure it out myself.”

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