Fairyland, Big Problem

Chapter 131 - Poisoned Handprint

“Spirit Paradise, there is a big problem (


Wen Jiu reluctantly jumped away as the short knife used for practice slashed, only the clothes on his abdomen were lightly scraped.

“Not bad.”

Helped to give a positive answer to the little secretary who practiced, “It’s much better than when I started.”

This is not pure encouragement. The little secretary really felt that Wen Jiu’s body had a fighting instinct, and some conditioned reflexes were very correct.

It sounds a bit contrary to common sense. Dark Slayers who have not practiced basic skills will basically not participate in actual combat, and they will have no real combat experience and combat instinct.

Wen Jiu’s aptitude and understanding are average, but he has some combat experience under the premise that he is not even proficient in basic short sword operations.

This is not something that can be cultivated with basic slashing and slashing practice.


“Wen Jiu, you have great physical strength.”

The little secretary is a dark-slayer in the upper star stage, and his physical strength is much stronger than ordinary people. He continued to practice for three hours without pressure. The novice should have been tired.

In fact, Wen Jiu should have reached the limit of physical energy consumption long ago, and the reason why he can continue to dance is purely because of the game interface and the beautiful dream lounge.

After five seconds of short music on the bed, the player will recover from the injury to a full state, and his physical energy consumption will also be better.

This kind of recovery is limited to the state of injury. The mental fatigue and muscle soreness generated during the battle and learning process cannot be eliminated, and regular rest and sleep are required.

“Huh, basic skills practice is much more difficult than fighting.”

“of course.”

Recalling the first time he beat the evil with his bare hands, Wen Jiu’s experience was embarrassing and tiring.

The real knife practice requires discipline and attention, and the energy consumed is incomparable.

“You are already very lucky, you have the correct tutorial provided by the Strategy Academy and I will guide you.”

The little secretary patted his chest, not just boasting. It would be difficult if Wen Jiu used the wrong method to make some achievements and wanted to return to revise his basic skills.

It’s like building a one-story house and finding that the foundation is crooked…

“Let’s practice here today, I’ll say you’ll be sore tomorrow and won’t be able to get out of bed.”

“No way, no way.”

Feeling the cold eyes, Wen Jiu knew that it came from the seabuckthorn instructor.

Her intentions are not bad, but her position is purely for the Mu family.

It is the pride of Seabuckthorn to teach such outstanding cronies as the little secretary. She hopes that the little secretary will either go further, or walk with the experts outside.

All actions need to be beneficial to the Mu family, instead of wasting time with a meaningless friendship and cultivating an ordinary friend who is objectively incompetent.

There was a ringtone from the phone that was thrown in the corner of the training area, and Wen Jiu, who was just about to go home, picked it up.

The caller information is beating on the phone screen: Mai Yuqiang.


“What’s up?”

“Can you send me to the special investigation team?”

The little secretary knew Wen Jiu’s identity as a free investigator, nodded calmly, and left with Wen Jiu in the eyes of the training area.

Changle City Special Investigation Team Office Building.

It is conceivable that Mai Yuqiang notified Wen Jiu to come over at night, most of which were some special clues developed by the induction pile.

“Wen Jiu.” The little secretary in the cab waved his hand, “I’m leaving.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, invite me to a bar next time.”

The off-road vehicle left, and Wen Jiu entered the office building of the special investigation team.

The closing time was early, and the building was on duty 24 hours a day.

“Mr. Wen, you’re here. Team Leader Mai is waiting upstairs.”

“I’ll go up right now.”

The staff helped open the elevator to the top floor. In the office, there were several sensor posts similar to branches on Mai Yuqiang’s desk.

Within a day, other investigators had retrieved all the other fracture sensing piles underground at the ‘Cause of Disaster’.

“Captain Mai.”

“Mr. Wen, today’s discovery is a little scary.”

“As you can imagine.”

Mai Yuqiang called Wen Jiu for the first time, and he would definitely not give a conclusion about the movement of ordinary evil creatures.

Approaching the desk, the broken induction piles on the table are in a folded state, otherwise the total length is seventy or eighty meters, where can the table fit.

The key point is at the break.

Several fracture marks are similar, slightly bent and roughly broken.

“Leader Mai, assuming that the human darkness suppresses, what level can break the special induction pile.”

“It’s hard to say, the types of dark-suppressing practitioners are different, and it’s impossible to simply compare their strengths.”

Comparing himself with himself, Mai Yuqiang is a standard sword-type dark-slayer, and the long-handled broadsword is also a sword, with outstanding strength.

“My words, a little bit of force can indeed break the sensor pile. The problem is that this thing is broken in the ground.”

The tunnel created by the mountain rat has not been widened much, only a little, so it is difficult to exert force in such a narrow terrain.

“Mr. Wen, look here.”

Mai Yuqiang pointed to the position where the induction pile was broken and returned about 10 centimeters, “Do you see anything?”

“There’s a… dark spot.”

The sensor stakes are designed to look like dead wood, with an overall dark brown color that is deliberately painted mottled to be closer to the real tree.

Because of the very confusing color scheme, Wen Jiu didn’t think there was a problem with the black spot when he recycled the sensor pile, or that there was more than one black spot on the sensor pile.

Recover all the broken parts, and the pattern emerges.

There are almost black spots of similar size at both ends of the fracture opening, one-to-one correspondence.

“what is this?”

Under ordinary light ~www.mtlnovel.com~ it is not clear to the naked eye, so Maiyu took out a special blue light flashlight and irradiated it on the black spot near the fracture.

“Mr. Wen, look carefully.”

“Hmm… eh?! Palm print!”

The outline of the black speckles is gradually clear under the blue light irradiation, and you can see the traces of the overall black speckle to the branch curved grip by rotating the sensor post.

Like a palm and fingers holding the sensor pile… Hold one end in each hand and break it off.

Repeated several times, the induction pile is broken into multiple sections.

The mountain rat himself… This rat is 0.6 meters high, and the hole it made is not too wide. Wen Jiu can dig into the hole with both arms. He wants to break the sensor pile from the inside…

Unable to exert force.

“Leader Mai, can you tell what kind of evil this is?”

“I don’t know, it’s poisonous anyway.”

The black spot is the trace of the evil object’s own toxin corroding on the induction pile, and it is covered by the effect of the sealing talisman, so it does not spread to the outside world.

It is not surprising that the evil is poisonous, after all, the original crooked neck tree was dragged into the depths of the poisonous rock formation.

“What now? Do you want to dig up the ‘source of trouble’?”

“Let’s report the situation first.”

The mountain rat burrowed into the poisonous rock formation to a depth of about 100 meters.

If you want to excavate to that point, you can imagine the huge amount of work.

Once the poisonous ore area is exposed, the poisonous gas will escape, and a fixed enchantment needs to be buckled.

If you really want to continue digging down, you have to transport a lot of poisonous ores, not to mention the true depth of the existence of evil things is unknown, and you can continue to dig holes and escape.

The special investigation team rushing to excavate a large area is a waste of effort.

“Leader Mai, can I accept the task of supporting the investigation?”

“Originally, the temporary free investigator couldn’t take this level of tasks, but you are an insider and have already participated, no problem…”

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