Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 13-2 (Will of Love)

How long has it been? Laven couldn’t tell. Both of his hands were gripped tightly by Daria and pinned firmly above his head, her smooth feminine skin enveloping his own rough palms. They laid on the dirt and grass of the training grounds, covered by the shade of the trees. His clothes were torn off from his body, exposing his bare skin and every muscle that it covered to the cool afternoon wind.

Laven's body was free for anyone to ogle and appreciate, as his clothing had been ripped off during the struggle. His waist and legs were slim and feminine, like that of a young maiden's, while his shoulders and chest were strong, yet still retaining a certain elegance and grace to them.

Similar to Sera and Wyca, his muscles were lean with little fat covering them. His nipples were small and pink, like two small gems sitting atop his firm chest, and his abs were visible with a subtle, yet defined six-pack. Laven's groin area, meanwhile, was covered by a thick patch of dark golden pubic hair surrounding his cock.

"Haah..." Laven breathed out heavily through his nostrils as Daria ran her lips over his neck, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive flesh while pushing her body weight down on him. The sensation made his spine tingle, sending shivers throughout his whole frame.

"You can't come just yet, Laven. Not before I do. Remember?" She said while trailing kisses along his jawline towards his earlobe, whispering seductively in his ear, "Or else I'll bite it off." Daria followed up with another nibble. "And grind my teeth together..." She added after that.

"Nggh...! Aaah…!"

Laven gasped and squirmed from the pleasure, unable to do anything to stop her attack. His arms were stuck beneath her own, leaving him at her mercy as she toyed with him however she pleased. Daria was in total control, and he was completely helpless before her.

"I'm... sorry...!" He cried out while shutting his eyes tight, gritting his teeth hard in an attempt to suppress his impending ejaculation. "I won't... come yet! Please... stop this...!" Laven pleaded in desperation while struggling to free himself from Daria's hold in vain. His futile attempts ended up fruitless as she simply tightened her grip around his wrists and continued kissing him in an aggressive manner, muffling his protests.

"...Urggghhhh!!!!" He growled in frustration. "Let... go!" Laven roared in anger while throwing his body from side to side in an attempt to throw her off his body. The act didn’t do him any favor since it only served to tire his body out instead.

It wasn't obvious, but the hermaphrodite transformation granted them the 'ideal' physique. Their muscle fibers became as dense as steel and their bones as flexible as rubber. However, the physical prowess of a hermaphrodite wasn't the only thing enhanced by the transformation, as Gin had bestowed upon them knowledge on how to manipulate their body perfectly. They possessed superior agility, stamina and strength than any ordinary man or woman. Their basic, average stats also reflected these changes. Fortunately, since they became his zealots, the cost wasn't too expensive.

Many would focus on their dual genitals, but what Gin really focused on was improving their physical potential as much as possible. And he did exactly that. Just like the typical action hero in every generic mainstream Hollywood action blockbuster movie. They could jump to the third floor of a building with ease, run 10 km in a matter of minutes without breaking a sweat, and even lift heavy objects with little effort.

Well, they aren't quite there yet, but it was very much achievable.

A private army of his own, absolute, loyal, and utterly unstoppable.

Laven had no idea of these changes of course, and Gin wouldn't explain them to him anyway. All he knew was the fact that Daria's inhuman strength was unusual for her body build. He himself might be the weakest among his peers, but even then he had never been this helpless before. Laven looked at his surroundings and he knew he couldn't count on anyone for aid either. His fellow colleagues would never even consider helping him, and neither would Sera for that matter. Instead, they'd prefer watching him suffer for their entertainment.

'What... have I gotten myself into...!?'

Laven started to regret his decision to accept the challenge. It wasn't as if he wanted to boast about pleasuring Daria or anything similar to that, far from it. His confidence in bedding women had always been shaky at best since the start. After all, he was a virgin just a week ago. The only reason why Laven agreed to Gin's absurd proposal in the first place was for the rewards.

Gin would grant him any wish he could imagine. Be it money, women, power, prestige, fame, etc. If Laven won, Gin would provide him with anything he desired. But for Laven, he had none of those things as ambition. Instead he hoped to gain the love and attention of his dream girl, Sera.

That was all he wished for, a happy ever after with the one he loved most. That's why Laven refused to back down. He knew Sera would never choose him ever since he witnessed Gin and her kissing, that's why he wished to bend reality to his favor. As long as Gin can give him the means to obtain the love of his beloved, that's good enough for him.

'Why the hell did I agree to this...!' He cursed internally, trying his hardest to ignore the pleasure assaulting his body. 'If I lose, Sera will see me as nothing but a pathetic loser...!' Laven screamed in his head, cursing his predicament.

There was another mistake that Laven didn't realize till the very moment he laid under Daria. He didn't consider the fact that she had a week of experience fucking guys non-stop. Even in a drunk and high stupor state, Daria was a well oiled machine of lust and sexual prowess. Meanwhile, he had incomparably little sexual experience with a partner of his own. This was his undoing.

'She's going to suck my balls dry! She's really going to make me cum! It's getting harder to hold back...!' Laven yelled internally while keeping his mouth shut. 'Why... why does it feel so good!? I can't cum...! I can't cum...! Not now...!'

Daria used her knees to lock his hips in place, trapping his erection between their bodies. She continued stroking him with her skin, letting the underside of her phallus rub against the length of his member as she slid up and down. Laven writhed in agony as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm him. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know how to stop it.

'I'm gonna...! Gonna...! ...Gonna... huh...?'

The stimulation stopped. Laven could feel it disappearing. The urge to cum dissipated bit by bit as Daria stopped moving her hips out of the sudden. He blinked twice, and with the disappearance of the intense sensation clouding his judgment and reason, his brain woke up once again from its muddled state. He raised his head from the ground and saw Daria's smiling face filled with debauchery looking back at him. Her lips curled upward as their eyes met.

"Not yet, Laven. We've only just begun." She said as she moved her butt closer to his erection. "There's more to come. So you must keep going, don't disappoint me, alright?" Daria leaned forward, pecking his cheek playfully before proceeding to move downwards toward his neck, biting him hard and leaving a red mark.

"Haaah...!" Laven grunted when she continued sucking on the spot where his shoulder meets his neck, biting his skin between her teeth as if trying to tear apart his flesh and devour him alive. He struggled to maintain his composure as his body burned with pleasure-pain from her assault.

"St... Stop! This hurts..!" He cried out desperately while clenching his fists tightly against the ground. He gasped for air as Daria continued attacking his defenseless body.

"You like it though?" Daria asked with a playful smirk before pressing her lips against his collarbone. "Don't tell me you aren't enjoying it. Look how hard your cock's twitching..." She paused briefly as she moved one of her hands towards his groins. She grabbed his shaft and squeezed it with her fingers, eliciting another loud cry from Laven.

"Your precum is leaking from your tip and you haven't even come once. You're enjoying this more than I thought you would." Daria continued licking and nibbling along the sides of his throat as she massaged his glans with her fingertips, coating her palm with his pre-cum. "Your dick's all slippery... It's really turning me on..."

Daria's own cock, too, had leaked so much pre-cum, the liquid drenched his stomach. Her erect meat stood tall and proud on his crotch as it throbbed in excitement, pulsating against his stomach. She rubbed her length between the crevice between his testicles while she worked his member with her hand. Her other free hand proceeded to grab his chin and pull him forward to her face.

"Mmphh...!" Laven tried to speak out but was silenced by Daria's lips locking with his. She forced her tongue inside his mouth, probing and searching for his own tongue, which she found with minimal effort. The pair continued to wrestle against each other with such ferocity. Her tongue dominated Laven as she licked the roof of his mouth and the gums of his teeth.

Then, once again the moment Laven was close to reaching his peak, Daria ceased her assaults and separated her mouth from his, abruptly ending the kiss. A string of saliva connected their lips before snapping and landing on his chest. Laven gasped for breath as his lungs burned from the lack of oxygen, struggling to regain his senses while trying to recover from the sudden loss of stimulation. His chest rose up and down rapidly as he panted heavily.

"Not yet." Daria whispered huskily, her voice echoing into his ears and sending shivers throughout his body. A mixed feeling of both pleasure and pain surged throughout every nerve ending in his skin. His face reddened as his cheeks flared up at her words. He didn't know how long he would last at this rate. His entire being was screaming out to release everything inside of him, yet he knew what would happen if he failed to resist her assaults. The consequences of his failure were too great.

'I want to cum! But I mustn't!'

Laven gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tight while holding back the urge to come. Sweat dripped down his forehead, wetting his bangs. Tears welled up within his eye sockets as his face contorted from the intense stimulation. It felt like he was going to burst any moment now. Every inch of his body ached and begged to let loose. He couldn't contain it any longer. He needed relief.

The contradicting emotions blended within his psyche, threatening to shatter his sanity. His body spasmed from the combination of euphoria and agony. It made him want to cry for mercy.

'No...! I won't give in! For Sera! I must make her mine...!'

Laven whimpered as his mind reeled from the intense stimulation. He clenched his jaws tighter together to prevent himself from moaning aloud. The thought of failing the challenge terrified him to death. He couldn't afford to lose, he couldn't let Daria win, yet—

"I know it feels good, Laven. I know how you crave release." Daria cooed and brought her mouth to Laven's ear and whispered in a low seductive tone. "But remember... you'll lose if you cum, and I will bite and grind my teeth on your dick."

Her breath was hot upon his ear, sending goosebumps across his skin. Laven clenched his fists, digging his fingernails into the palms of his hands. The pain distracted him somewhat from the burning desire of his loins, though it wasn't nearly enough to quell the flames inside his nether regions. He writhed on the ground beneath her while enduring the unbearable agony of holding his climax.


As soon as Laven felt his climax recede once more, Daria began to resume her sexual assaults on his cock. He trembled when she pressed her mouth against his cheek and started licking and sucking on his soft, sensitive skin. Her tongue flicked upwards against the corner of his eyes, gathering the moisture from his tears before licking along his eyelid and moving towards the bridge of his nose. She lapped along its length, stopping briefly at the tip while swirling her tongue around the end of his nostril before moving onto his other eye.

"A-ahn!" Laven shuddered under her skillful service, jerking involuntarily as he struggled to resist her advances. It was impossible. Her tongue felt wonderful. Combined with her cock rubbing against his, the sensation was simply overwhelming. Laven groaned as the tip of her tongue delved deeply into his ear canal, exploring the depths of his head while tickling his eardrum. It caused his entire body to tremble, he whimpered and moaned as his brain reacted to the unfamiliar stimuli.

"Does it hurt? Does it feel good?" She whispered seductively. "How's this?" Daria murmured while reaching down with one hand and grabbing his erection again before pumping it with vigor, moving her fingers along his length with lightning-quick pace. He could feel both her cunt and cock leaking onto his belly, coating his groins with slick fluids as she grinded her dick against his.

"Please... stop..." Laven begged as his resolve began to waiver. It was getting increasingly difficult to resist the temptation to climax.

Gin stood by the side, enjoying the show. Wyca knelt before him, busy sucking his dick smeared in saliva off in a trance-like state. Her hands clutched at his balls as her tongue licked along his phallus, slurping up his pre-cum. Her lips formed a vacuum seal around his shaft as she bobbed her head up and down his length, slurping and sucking hungrily. A sloppy, wet noise echoed as she engulfed his member inside her oral cavity.

Splurt—!! Splurt—!!

Gin shot strings of white fluid into her mouth while she eagerly guzzled it down, savoring his flavor with rapture. Wyca's eyes rolled back into her head as she drank him dry, followed by a climax of her own as her body shuddered and convulsed in orgasmic pleasure. She creamed her shorts in an instant, covering her inner thighs and crotch with sticky cum.


It took her a moment to recover, "My Lord..." Wyca mumbled with a glazed expression on her face, "Your divine essence tastes amazing..." She spoke in a daze while licking away the excess semen from her lips with the back of her hand. She swallowed the remaining puddle of sperm left in her mouth and savored it on her taste buds. "It's intoxicating... I can never get tired of your taste..." Wyca gasped in ecstasy.

"That's a good girl." Gin gave Wyca's cheeks some light tapping, making her groan softly as she nuzzled his balls, savoring his musky scent.

It was a natural reaction. All of Gin's subjects will always derive pleasure from all forms of senses. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Their minds and bodies will generate feelings of bliss when exposed to Gin's scent or touch. Nevermind looking at his figure, even his mere presence would stimulate them on an instinctual level, causing them to become aroused and lustful for him.

Drinking his essence was one of the strongest stimuli they can receive, causing Wyca to produce multiple orgasms consecutively as she gulped down his semen. It was almost like a drug. An irresistible addiction. Wyca's mind melted, and she would never be able to let go of her Lord's cock. Spending the rest of her life just kneeling before him and worshiping his length with her tongue was a definite possibility had Gin could afford the time.

'Now that I think about it, I haven't tasted Daria for myself, haven't I? Hmm…' Gin thought.

For the next hour, Daria would change to multiple positions to torment Laven. From handjobs to blowjobs, then to titfucking his cock between her breasts before rimming his asshole with her dexterous tongue. She would continue to use her mouth, lips, and tongue to stimulate his skin.

"Aa... haaaa...!" Laven gasped as he trembled and jerked his hips upward in a desperate attempt to resist his approaching climax.

"You've done well to hold back." Daria spoke while wrapping her lips around the tip of his manhood. She sucked hard on his glans as her fingers grasped at his shaft, squeezing his length and teasing his urethra with her thumb.

"I can't...! I can't do this anymore...!" Laven was practically crying at this point, unable to resist the urge to climax, yet he couldn't anyway. Daria won't let him have his way that easily. The more he tried to cum, the harder Daria squeezed his penis to stop him from ejaculating. She had been doing this for over an hour, and his body was at its limit. His mind couldn't handle the strain any longer. His sanity was long gone by now, replaced by a maddening desire for release.

"Please...!" He pleaded pathetically as tears flowed freely from his eyes. "I'll do anything you want! Let me cum! Let me cum...!! Please!! Just let me cum…!!" Laven screamed while bucking his hips upward, trying desperately to reach climax despite Daria's relentless teasing. He was beyond shame or embarrassment now, his rationality lost to the overpowering desire for release. He was beyond caring for his dignity or reputation anymore. He just wanted to cum and end the torment.

"How pitiful." Daria chuckled to herself and removed her lips from his member, letting the tip of his penis fall against his belly while continuing to stroke his length with her hand. "Is that it? Is this the extent of your will? Broken so easily? We haven't even gotten to the best part yet." She shook her head and clicked her tongue in disapproval, "How disappointing..."

"I know...! I'm sorry!" Laven sobbed, " So please!! Please, please…!!" He begged while lifting his arms and covered his face with both of his palms, hiding his tears from her. Nothing but a vain attempt to preserve the last shred of his dignity left. The pain throbbing in his balls were more than enough to shatter his conscience and will. He could think of nothing but to cum.

"Hmm, how about this then? This will be your final challenge."

Daria positioned his red, throbbing dick right under her cunt and lowered her hips. The slick entrance of her vagina parted slightly as her vulva lips enveloped the crown of his glans. She didn't insert him fully as she held her weight steady, preventing him from penetrating her deeper. The sensation of his shaft touching her vaginal walls and the warm, moist heat of her pussy drove him insane. Laven shivered and quivered, his body reacting instinctively to the erotic stimulus of her flesh.

"Haa...! Haaa...!" Laven huffed and puffed as his lungs struggled to keep up with the rapid pace of his heartbeat.

"I will fuck you seriously now, and if you can make me cum first, then—"

Before Daria could finish her sentence, Laven snapped. In an instant, he plunged his full length into her waiting pussy, stabbing his sword straight through her sheath with full force. The sudden movement caught her by surprise as she moaned loudly and arched her back at the abrupt penetration. She wasn't expecting such a violent and impulsive response from him, much less from his exhausted and pathetic form.

"Cum...! I need to cum...!"

Laven grunted like an animal as he began thrusting his hips hard and fast, hammering his length in and out of her tunnel. The sensation of her insides squeezing around his shaft drove him wild with ecstasy and pleasure. He had never experienced such an intense desire to climax before in his life. It was as if his body had transformed into a raging inferno, consumed by an endless lust to explode into this beautiful hermaphrodite.

With his face red and his expression twisted by the frenzy of sexual desire, Laven slammed his cock as deep as he could reach without restraint, grinding his pubes against her vulva as he fucked her. His balls slapped against her ass as he thrust his pelvis against her groins.

"Oh...! Fuck...!! Laven...! This is it...! The passion and desire I've been wanting from you!" Daria gasped as she leaned her head backwards and closed her eyes, reveling in the pleasure of his penis pushing and prodding at her insides. She moaned and purred like a cat as her body trembled with delight.

"Hahhh... hah... hah...!" Laven panted heavily, his legs trembling and shaking as he rammed his shaft harder and harder. The sound of their flesh smacking against each other echoed throughout the training grounds, accompanied by their labored breaths and lewd moans. The rhythm of their lovemaking intensified, faster and faster until it became a blur. Their movements blurred into a continuous stream of motion, their bodies moving as one unit of flesh and blood, united in the pursuit of their mutual desire.



Not too far away from the duo were Gin and Wyca who kept on sucking him off, and Sera along the group of teenagers who had become so stimulated by the intense and erotic sight of the two competing against each other.

"Look at them...!"

"So hot...!"

"I want to fuck her so badly...!"

"Ohh...! Daria is so sexy...!"

The teenagers gathered around Laven and Daria, their eyes fixed on the spectacle before them. They were all busy masturbating while watching the two, throwing out obscenities and profanities, urging them on.

"Fuck her! Fuck her hard! Make her scream and beg for mercy! Show her who's the real man here!"

"Look at her, she's enjoying it! Her face is red! She's getting off by his thrusting! Fuck her and make her cum, Laven!"

Sera's breathing turned into heavy panting as she observed the two in front of her. Heart racing, and chest heaving, her pupils dilated as her mind became muddled and foggy. Her cock throbbed and twitched as her hand rubbed her veiny meat with fervor.

"I want to... have sex..." She mumbled, unaware of what she had uttered out loud. "I want to... I want to...!"

Her eyes locked on to their sex performance as if nothing else existed in this world.

"This is it!! Laven, don't cum!! I'm almost there...!!! Daria screamed at the top of her lungs, getting closer to her orgasm.


Laven gritted his teeth together, feeling his cock bursting to the point of exploding. His balls felt swollen and ready to burst at any moment. He couldn't hold it anymore. It was too much. His mind was on the verge of giving up, the combination of the stimulation of Daria's vaginal walls squeezing around his member and the sight of Sera masturbating at them on the side was driving him insane. It was too much for his senses to handle.
He wanted to climax. He needed the release.

"Almost...!" Daria moaned, "Just a little bit more! Please, Laven! Don't cum! I'm so close!!"

Her urging did not help, in fact it did the opposite. Sera masturbating at their animalistic mating also amplified his desire to climax. Laven felt his cock pulsate with an intensity he had never experienced before. It was as if his penis had become a living thing, an entity separate from his body, a beast controlled by instincts and desire alone.

He couldn't resist. He couldn't stop himself.

"Faster!! Harder!! Just a bit more!!"

Daria was close to orgasm. Laven could feel it. She was squeezing her muscles, contracting her walls, milking his cock for all it's worth. It was agonizing. He didn't know how long he could hold back his climax. It felt as though his manhood was about to explode. He was reaching his limits, and he wasn't sure he could withstand it any longer.



Laven's eyes rolled behind his eyelids, his mouth falling open wide in a silent scream. For a moment, he lost control of his body and lost his sight. His mind went blank. All he could feel was the intense pressure of his ejaculation, spurting out of his shaft with incredible force, as if his cock itself were a geyser erupting with pent up tension. His legs buckled underneath him as his hips shook with each jet of thick, hot, sticky semen shooting out of his urethra.



It was an overwhelming sensation, unlike anything Laven had ever experienced before. He had never released this much at once, not even when he masturbated to Sera. His balls churned and contracted, spitting out every drop of his seed into her womb.

"Laven...!! You came... inside me...!!"


Daria became cross-eyed as she gritted her teeth. The sudden warmth of his fluids rushing into her core pushed her over the edge as well. She exploded, gushing her own juices all over his groin and pelvis. Her veiny cock splashed thick ropes of cum across his abdomen, chest and face, mixing with his own as the pair screamed out in ecstasy together.

The crowds of teenagers were impressed with the explosive and messy display of their climaxes. They clapped and cheered at the spectacle before them. Some even followed their climax with their own, shooting their loads all over the ground, adding to the mess of white stains below.

Daria felt her womb filled to the brim, stretched by the amount of cum pouring into her womb. Laven's own abdomen was coated in a layer of pearly white fluid, his skin glistening with their mixed essences.


-Faith Points +180


-Faith Points +120



Gin immediately received notifications from the system, signaling that Laven and Daria had finished their duel. It seemed that Daria won based on their respective reactions and the order of the incoming Faith points. This didn't surprise him, however. He expected this outcome. Laven had shown signs of weakness and hesitation throughout their challenge.

On the other hand, Daria showed fierce determination and drive from the very beginning. However at the same time, he couldn't deny that Laven did put up a good fight. His stamina and ability to endure the torture was impressive, considering his lack of experience. Perhaps Gin misjudged him. Maybe Laven was more capable than he thought.

'Close, but no dice. This wasn't obvious to the onlookers, but the truth is that Daria was also holding her urge to cum. She had been suppressing her orgasm from all the foreplays she did unto Laven. Despite having better stamina and endurance, Daria still couldn't keep herself from climaxing.'

A second later, Gin released another shot into Wyca's mouth as he shuddered in satisfaction. Wyca remained frozen in position as his balls contracted, shooting his load down her throat. She didn't move, nor did she choke, letting her Lord's divine essence flow directly into her stomach. Wyca swallowed every drop, creaming her pants again in the process.

"....Ngh...Gulp! …Gulp!"

Wyca rolled her eyes again before wetting herself with her own urine. Her legs shook and her toes curled as her body descended into a state of pure bliss. Wet trails went down from her crotch, dripping onto the ground and creating a small puddle below her feet.

"There you go, my dear." Gin said with a chuckle as he patted her hair gently.

"Aah..." Wyca looked up at her Lord with half-closed eyes, her face red and flushed with embarrassment as she basked in the aftermath of their exchange. She continued her service as Gin contemplated what just happened.

'Daria gave me 120 points and Laven; 180 points. Interesting. Both of them went above the usual threshold.'

The performance between Daria and Laven was fruitful. It wasn't just the both of them, but also the teenagers and Sera earned him a higher amount of Faith points than average.

'This requires more experimentation... Context... and intensity. They seem to matter a lot.'

Gin continued watching the crowds, observing their every move and gesture. Sera did her first penis ejaculation ever, shooting strings of sperm to the air. Her legs gave out strength and she fell on her knees, looking at her hand in disbelief, confused and fascinated at her new discovery.

'Well, this would be a good time to have a second breeding sow, isn't it?'


Gin raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. The time to enact Laven's punishment has arrived.

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