Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 15-3 (New Karda)

Truth be told, Karda didn’t receive that many visitors at all. Being a frontier village, it was usually only passing adventurers or traders staying over for one night before going off on their way. Not just that, but the roads were also prone to attacks from wild beasts or poor bandits— leaving behind those too afraid of what might be lurking in the dark forest beyond the village's reach.

Most often than not they would rather turn back instead of risking themselves for cheap goods or quick gold coins as there really weren't any towns close by. With such little traffic around these parts of town, Karda never received any news or gossip regarding major events happening outside the village itself.

Thanks to Ginova though, things were about to take a different turn. A month had passed since the Rabbit Hole opened. Her and her minions encroached the village, turning every single soul into her puppets. Her hypnotism brought them to their knees, powerless and utterly captivated by her every word.

It was absolute, and they didn’t even realize their life had already belonged to someone else.

Using her power, Ginova had crafted many unlikely relationships, traders and adventurers alike. They were made to be favorable towards her and her subjects— offering more product at cheaper prices while spending their money at the Rabbit Hole at an excessive rate.

Despite Ginova's controlling nature, she still kept their personality intact. They could act independently, making sure they won't cause trouble when outside of her reach. It's in their best interest after all. They were used as bait to bring more people towards her village. The more people come to enjoy themselves at the Rabbit Hole, the happier she would be.

‘A proper road connecting Karda and Laim needs to be built. The wild beasts roaming these areas also need to be subjugated. I can use the wandering adventurers to do it for me...' Ginova mused to herself.

Her plan would take a while to come to fruition. Despite having tons of Faith points at her disposal, Ginova believed it was far from enough. She had to protect both herself and her subjects. The very kingdom she resided in would be the one to threaten her very existence.


Soma was born in Karda. Being the only son, he was raised as a farm boy from the moment he learned how to walk. He often spent his time feeding animals or planting seeds into the ground alongside his parents. When it came to the harvest season, everyone always expected their produce to be fresh, crisp, and plump. The village elders thought highly of him.

Unfortunately, just like any other boy in this world, they dreamt of the outside world. To travel the land,

Soma felt a peaceful life didn't suit him. The epic tales he read when he was younger always depicted men going on grand adventures where they overcome impossible odds through courage, skill, and a heart of gold. They were all noble heroes who never backed down no matter how dark times got. He dreamed of being one of these strong-willed individuals, traveling from village to village doing good deeds or taking down evil cults wherever he went.

Naturally his parents didn't agree. He was their only son, what if something bad happened? A young boy should stay within the safety of his own home rather than risking his life out there! Soma wasn't swayed by their words, instead, he tried to prove them wrong by exploring deeper and deeper into the forest surrounding Karda each passing day. The more dangerous it became, the greater the thrill of adventure Soma craved.

He imagined himself as a great knight in shining armor saving beautiful princesses trapped in castles. Or an adventurer battling against fierce monsters and claiming their hoards for himself. It made him feel powerful and excited, giving him an euphoric rush every time he entered those woods without permission.

As time passed, Some grew into a handsome young man with well-developed muscles due to daily farm work. He possessed dark brown hair, rich chocolate eyes, and tanned skin. Before they knew it, Soma had grown into a fine adult. His temperament remained unchanged however, and he still yearned to see the outside world. If anything, those dreams became stronger than ever before!

It was at this point did Soma realize that he wouldn't make any progress by staying here any longer. There was nothing left for him except boring routines and mundane chores. The day of his eighteenth birthday finally arrived and Soma wasted no time packing his bag.

Soma left Karda just as soon as he reached adulthood. Equipped with an iron sword, some clothing and a pouch of coins, his journey to explore the world began.

Blessed with a strong physique, he was more than capable of protecting himself. His swordsmanship was subpar, having been taught by passing adventurers while growing up, but still enough for him to defend himself against bandits. Wild beasts weren't an issue either thanks to his strength and reflexes.

As time went by, Soma traveled to new villages and cities, met many people and encountered creatures unlike anything he had ever seen before. His experience differed vastly compared to when he was at Karda. Not wanting to be a random vagabond, Soma took on the mantle of an adventurer.

Taking odd jobs, eliminating threats or exploring new places, he took it all head on with confidence and courage. Although there were times when he found himself in a dire situation, Soma would always find a way to survive. That's how he spent the next three years after leaving Karda— enjoying every aspect of the outside world and meeting many people along the way.

He rose through the ranks and made a name for himself. It wasn't to the point of being a world famous hero or an influential figure amongst many, but he gained enough recognition among fellow adventurers to become somewhat respectable among their community. From a farm boy to doing odd jobs here and there, to now becoming an actual respectable adventurer— Soma couldn't believe how much he had grown since then.

Though, despite all his achievements and the money he saved, Soma felt something was missing in his life. Something that drove him forward to continue living through thick and thin. Deep down he wished to accomplish great feats and become somebody important that would earn him fame and honor throughout the entire kingdom. Yet there was more than just fame or riches on the line.

Five years after his departure, he finally came back to his hometown.

The sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the empty streets as Soma walked past rows of familiar buildings and shops. The sun shone high above with rays of light illuminating everything around him— casting shadows beneath the rooftops above. Sounds filled his ears, from chirping birds flapping their wings to insects buzzing nearby, it brought back memories from when he was younger.

Karda was livelier than he remembered though. People came and went about their business without any worries whatsoever. Traders opened stalls on the market while children ran around chasing chickens or playing tag near their homes. Many citizens gathered at taverns or restaurants, laughing and talking away without restraint. The atmosphere was calm and welcoming unlike when Soma left all those years ago, where there was hardly anyone out during daylight hours due to fear of wild beasts roaming about.

There were familiar faces around him, people he had known since birth such as his neighbors and fellow villagers, but they all seemed busy and none recognized him. It didn't confuse Soma that much, after all he did change quite a bit physically, but rather than greeting them back he simply smiled politely before walking onwards.

His parents lived towards the edge of Karda where they farmed vegetables and fruits. They were working hard as usual, tilling the fields and harvesting crops one after another without rest.

'They never change, even after all these years...' he chuckled to himself while watching his mother tending to her plants nearby. His father was farther off planting seeds while singing a merry tune— blissfully unaware of his presence yet.

'Mom looks tired, she has aged too much since I last saw her...'

Soma called out to them, trying to gain their attention. They turned their heads and a wide smile appeared on their face, eyes brimming with tears as they rushed towards him. The scene played out exactly like how he expected— his mother hugging and kissing him repeatedly while crying while his father ruffled his hair affectionately saying he had grown into a fine young man.

They shared a brief moment together reminiscing about old times. While catching up, his mother commented how handsome he looked while stroking his cheek, "You've gotten so strong..." she murmured lovingly while staring at her son. "A girl must be waiting for you somewhere."

Soma simply laughed sheepishly in response. That day, the family dinner was filled with laughter and stories from both sides. They talked about each other's experiences which resulted in many happy moments shared between everyone present. After finishing their meal, they went straight to bed because they needed rest for tomorrow's work.

That night, Soma fell into slumber thinking about his future. What should he do now? Traveling alone wasn't really satisfying anymore, and he missed home dearly. The excitement from visiting new places wore off pretty fast when there wasn't anyone waiting for him at home. Besides, what good is fame if there isn't anyone close who genuinely cares about your wellbeing?

'I have achieved much more than anyone else in this village. I should feel proud and satisfied... But why am I feeling so empty?'


"Soma! I see you've been through a lot, didn't you!? Look at you now!" A bald old man in his late 70s laughed with a wide smile spread across his wrinkled face. "Goodness, you have matured so well!" The elder continued patting Soma's shoulder fondly whilst shaking hands briefly before drinking from a wooden cup filled with wine. The liquid tasted bitter yet refreshing to drink— it made Soma wince slightly from its intensity, yet he didn't mind at all because this was what adults usually enjoyed tasting when celebrating special occasions.

Although Soma had visited his parent's house just yesterday, today marked his formal return to Karda village following his success abroad as an adventurer.

"Soma, I still remember you climbing those trees and swinging swords at nothing but air! How wonderful it must feel to see yourself as a grown man now. You're stronger than any other man in the village— strong enough to take on even those bandits lurking around our forest border."

The elder paused and stared at Soma's broad shoulders, the muscles on his arms rippling under his skin from sheer strength alone. His build wasn't exaggerated nor did it seem out of place on him; it matched perfectly with his personality. The elder spoke once more.

"Yes, yes..! You have changed so much since your departure! But you weren't the only one to change! Karda too, has evolved into something more prosperous than ever before thanks to Lady Ginova," he proudly proclaimed. "The Goddess herself resides here now— she came here to protect us from harm after hearing about our plight through divine revelation!"

Soma was perplexed. "Lady Ginova...?" The name sounded foreign to him. Never had he heard such a thing even during his time abroad. He tilted his head curiously. "What do you mean 'goddess'?" Soma asked again.

"Lady Ginova came to our humble village to spread salvation to us! It was almost two months ago or so when she arrived here. Accompanied by her loyal servants, she spared no time to grace us with her blessings!" The elder took on a more serious tone and expression as he recalled the past.

"Lady Ginova has given us hope, protection and prosperity beyond imaginable! With her charisma alone, she managed to unite the adventurers to hunt down the vicious wild beasts prowling about in the forests surrounding Karda! It wasn't just that, she also used her divine power to bless them with greater strength and endurance! Without her, we wouldn't have been able to protect ourselves against these vile creatures!"

"So it's thanks to her that Karda is more peaceful these days...?"

The elder nodded in agreement. "Yes! It's thanks to her that we can trade and travel safely through the woods. We were grateful to her, but she didn't stop there! No, she went ahead and ordered the building of a road connecting the neighboring city of Laim and Karda! It will promote traffic and bring more commerce opportunities into our little village. Now, merchants no longer have to fear traveling through the forest! She single-handedly improved the lives of everyone within Karda, and I'm sure soon, the rest of the kingdom itself!"

"That's..." Soma's jaw dropped and he found himself at a loss for words. Such benevolent actions coming from one individual were unthinkable. He had always dreamed of helping his hometown after becoming an adventurer himself but someone else was one— no, ten steps ahead of him already.

'She truly sounds like a saint, but...'

But somehow, Soma couldn't help but feel something wasn't quite right. His brows furrowed. The after taste of the wine lingered still as he thought about Lady Ginova's motivations behind her generosity. In fact, how does one achieve all these accomplishments within mere weeks of her arrival? What kind of person would do such selfless deeds?

Even as the elder regaled her many selfless deeds, his enthusiasm failed to rub on him. He couldn't comprehend why someone would risk their lives saving peasants. Especially for someone who didn't know them personally. Sure, they were desperate, but they shouldn't rely on charity. The king should be doing something instead.

"Elder, there's something bothering me." Soma rested his right hand on his chin thoughtfully. "This 'Lady Ginova', you said she is a goddess?"

The old man nodded with absolute confidence. "That's right! The Goddess herself came down to bless us with her presence! There was no mistake about it!"

"Forgive me for my ignorance, but how are you sure she's a goddess and not just someone with powerful magic?" Soma questioned the man before him. His concerns stemmed from years of learning the craft. From fighting monsters to defeating many powerful foes, Soma had seen his fair share of nefarious individuals using others for personal gains. The world was full of wicked people willing to exploit the weak, and his hometown was no exception.

"Impossible! Everyone witnessed her miracles! They all bowed before her beauty and magnificence, I tell you! Nobody else could possess such awe-inspiring powers except for someone divine like Lady Ginova!" The elder insisted while waving his hand dismissively. "Soma, I know it's hard to believe. Words might not be enough to convince you, but there is proof."

Soma tensed his hands on the wine cup, eyes squinting at the man as he awaited the answer. Proof? If they had physical evidence then there's nothing else left for him to argue. Perhaps they had written records or witness accounts? Either way, if they did indeed confirm Lady Ginova's divinity then it would explain the changes within the village itself.

But at the same time, there was something deep inside him that screamed out for caution. Something that urged him to leave immediately while there was still time.

'What is this weird feeling in my chest...?'

A goddess who walked among mortals. It reminded him of the origin of the Aria Church.

Aria, a goddess born of humanity's brilliance and love. Her existence became known during the age when humans first ventured on this continent; Diesthura. She descended upon them and brought forth knowledge to create civilization— spreading her influence to every corner of the land. Eventually, these people rose and became united under one banner. They formed an empire named after their savior: Ariastan, and thus began the golden era of mankind.

For centuries, they prospered greatly and reached unprecedented heights. Their technology advanced by leaps and bounds with the aid of Aria herself guiding them. Peace reigned supreme throughout the entire land, bringing about tranquility and stability. Yet as time went by, their lust for power grew bigger.

The sins of humanity grew prevalent, corrupting their minds and souls. It didn't take long for war to erupt among themselves, creating chaos and destruction everywhere they went. Leaders and soldiers alike fought against each other ruthlessly while innocent civilians died horribly. The Ariastan empire soon crumbled against the test of time, humanity fell into chaos and the dark age began. There were little to no records of that age surviving to the present time.

Thousands of years passed, and history soon became nothing but fairy tales for children to fall asleep to.

'I'm not sure what to make of this.'

Soma himself wasn't a true follower of Aria Church. In fact, there were two versions of this story. The first version was considered canon by the church, and the other was considered as blasphemous and taboo among religious communities.

The elder stood up and asked Soma to accompany him to the village where he would show the 'undeniable proof' that Lady Ginova was indeed a goddess. Heart still filled with doubt, Soma followed him while struggling to understand where he wanted to take him. They passed by the stalls where vendors sold various goods ranging from fruits and vegetables to animal products such meat or leatherwork. Men carried wood planks toward the carpenter's workshop, women washed clothes by the riverbank before hanging them outside their homes.

A familiar sight, yet not quite. Their faces seemed much more cheerful and bright compared to his memories from five years ago.

"We are here." The elder's footsteps stopped before a large establishment. A tall metal gate adorned with a conspicuous sign welcomed them; The Rabbit Hole.

"This is...?"

Soma thought the place felt familiar, but he never heard of this place before when he was still living here. There used to be a restaurant bar here and the place was much smaller. Instead a foreign and grandiose establishment replaced it. From outside, the building appeared to be five stories tall decorated with maroon walls and gold linings.

It wasn't just that. Standing by the entrance gate, Soma saw a front yard filled with beautiful flowers arranged in an artistic manner around an extravagant fountain depicting three naked voluptuous women holding up buckets which poured clear water into each other. There were statues of angelic beings perched on the top branches of the nearby trees who were naked too. Though they looked beautiful, Soma couldn't help but to focus on a specific spot of the statues; their groins. They had breasts like woman, yet they didn't possess female genitalia— instead, they had a male's genitalia.

"What... are these statues...?" Soma murmured in astonishment while pointing at the statue. "Why do these angels have male genitalia?" They must be angels of some sort due to their wings, but what kind of religion would make such indecent idols?

The elder's lips widened, his brows raised and eyes narrowed into crescents as if he took immense pride in these obscene sculptures.

"These statues symbolize the sacred teachings of the one and only Lady Ginova! Just look at how divine they are! Each one represents her perfection!" The elder gestured towards the largest statue of the three naked females pouring water into each other.

"A-are they really, elder?"

Soma took a second look at the elder standing before him. The more he spent time hanging out with him, the more unfamiliar he felt.

'How did such a respectable, kind old man end up idolizing this 'goddess'? They have such vulgar and bizarre sculptures as public decorations!' Soma's brow twitched. He knew the Aria Church wasn't the best either but at least their religion had decency.

"Come with me. I'll show you around." The elder didn't wait long for Soma to look around. He walked with confidence to the front door.

"...Just what is going on here?" Soma, clenching his fists, took a deep breath and moved his legs forward deeper towards the Rabbit Hole.

Two women in leather armor stood by the front door. One was blue haired and the other was red. The village elder gave them both a slight bow, "Good morning, Miss Wyca, Miss Sera."

"Old man!" The blue haired woman, Sera, spoke out, "What brings you here? Is it the usual?"

"I'm showing an old acquaintance around here." The elder smiled and pointed to Soma, "This young man just arrived yesterday. He was born and raised here, but he left the village once he reached adulthood. Now that he has come back I would like to introduce him to the goddess."

Wyca gazed at Soma with sharp eyes, analyzing his every inch before smirking, "Really? He ventured into the outside world and just came back home? I'm interested to hear his tales!"

Soma observed Wyca's appearance closely. She had pale skin, deep red eyes, and red hair tied in a high ponytail. The other girl with blue hair had a similar style although the red one was taller.

Call it an instinct, but with just a single glance, Soma could tell that these two were strong. Their physique was covered in their leather armor but there was not even an ounce of useless fat on them. Even though their bodies looked young and fresh, they clearly knew how to handle themselves. It would not surprise him if these two were veteran adventurers. Though, he couldn't be further than the truth.

"I'm sure Soma here would be more than happy to share his tales of the outside world, but I would like him to meet Lady Ginova first." The old man turned to Soma as he patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, it won't take long at all." He reassured them with an easy smile while putting his hands together. "Can you call for Lady Ginova, please?"

"Alright then." Wyca turned to Sera. "Go inform the goddess that there's an esteemed guest requesting her presence."

"...At once."

Just as Sera turned around, Wyca moved her hand quick as lighting and gave her buttocks a good squeeze. Sera yelped in shock and looked back at the culprit as she gnashed her teeth.

"Sera, darling. Your face turned red again~" Wyca cooed while playing with Sera's ponytail, teasing the poor girl even further. "Your ears as well... How cute~"

"D-don't mess with me, you whore!" Sera pushed away Wyca's hand away in annoyance. Then without looking back at her, she stomped inside.

"Hahahaha! I love your reaction!" Wyca laughed with mirth as she watched Sera disappear behind the giant double doors. Meanwhile, Soma, who stood beside the old man, couldn't wrap his mind around what happened before him.

"It's good to see youths being playful and spirited at your age!" The old man chortled alongside Wyca, making Soma wonder if these people around him lost their sanity.

'Someone just got sexually assaulted and he's laughing about it...?' Soma couldn't comprehend the situation in front of him and it showed by how his mouth hung agape and eyes blinking slowly. 'What the hell happened to the elder...? No, maybe even the entire village?'

"The goddess might be a little bit 'busy' right now, so why don't you wait inside? We will provide 'entertainment' for the both of you, and since this is the boy's first time we'll treat you for free. Special service for an esteemed guest~" Wyca gave them another mischievous smile while inviting them to come inside the establishment.

'Did she just offer free sex to both of us? The heck happened to Karda?!'
Soma frowned, feeling increasingly uncomfortable towards the direction this conversation was headed towards.

The interior of the establishment was luxurious to say the least. Everything around him sparkled like polished gemstones and luxurious marble. The floors were made out of smooth white stone, and the furniture around him gleamed under the light coming from an elegant chandelier. Two large staircases connected to the second floor with beautiful floral carpeting covering their surface.

"Since this is your first time here, let me give you a brief tour." Wyca announced with a pleased look on her face. "The Rabbit Hole has five floors and a basement. Right now we are on the first floor, it is the busiest floor in the entire building."

Pointing towards the door on the left side, Wyca continued her explanation.

"That's the bar lounge, customers would often hangout there with their chosen partner. Just as the name suggests, the bar lounge serves food and drinks. Performers would sometimes sing or play instruments for them while they enjoy themselves."

Then, she moved her finger towards the room opposite from the bar lounge. "That's also a bar lounge. We have multiple of them to accommodate all of our precious patrons. However, the difference between that and the one over here is that the customers there pay for private rooms while they enjoy their time drinking alcohol. I assure you that every single coin they pay is worth the time spent there."

Wyca would point out some other functions the floor had such as the public restroom and the receptionist desk located next to it. The guests checked-in through there and received keys to their respective rooms upstairs. A blonde woman with a bunny costume accompanied by female guards in similar themed uniforms were stationed there, welcoming new visitors or providing directions for those who got lost.

When they were done inspecting the first floor, Wyca led them through one of the halls.

"As you can see here, all of these are dedicated to 'general activities'— from socializing to having fun with your fellow comrades or partners."

"Such a place... I doubt anyone in Karda could afford a single service here."

Soma shook his head. He was certain that the 'goddess' was nothing more than a mask that Lady Ginova wore.

'This Lady Ginova is more of a brothel keeper than anything else. There's no way any good deity would run such a debaucherous establishment. This is preposterous!' Soma clenched his jaws. A bizarre, nauseous sensation welled up in his guts.

"Anyone, regardless of status, can visit the Rabbit Hole. As long as they can pay for their food, they are free to enjoy our service. However, they would be limited to the first floor only. We have other premium services for patrons who are willing to pay more." Wyca then guided the two men back to the stairs where they climbed to the second level.

Unlike the lower floor, the second floor had more variety when it came to its theme. Numerous poles stretched upward from the ground to the ceiling with women dressed provocatively dancing around them. It wasn't just the poles, there were stages with erotic dancers performing their skills as well while spectators cheered for them.

"If you're interested in viewing our performances, then this would be your stop. These girls put on spectacular shows for our audience, showcasing their skills to attract potential patrons to book them. Of course, their main jobs aren't just to dance though. If you ever see them on this stage, make sure to bring them backstage later."

Wyca explained as they walked around the second floor. "The performance on the first floor only happens once a week on the weekend. It is to give the patrons a taste of the second floor, but here it happens daily! Other than that, the patrons on the second floor can book the bunnies for private sessions. If you ever see a dancer walking around this area with a tray of food and drink, you can order her to entertain you here or bring her back to one of our private rooms."

Upon hearing her words, Soma felt mixed feelings. While he thought the concept behind this floor sounded interesting, he wondered if those women volunteered their time or were forced into doing it because they needed money. There's no way to know without asking them directly.

'...Now's not a good time to ask. I should stay quiet and see where this is going first.'
After completing a lap around the second floor, Wyca led them back to the hall where they ascended to the third floor. This floor differed greatly compared to the other ones. Unlike the lively atmosphere downstairs, here it was silent and still like night time under the starry sky. A soft melody played from somewhere above, echoing throughout the corridors.

"The third floor offers the same service as the second floor. Only the atmosphere here is slightly different, and the patrons received priority access to all the bunnies in this building. They have their own private rooms equipped with a comfortable bed while enjoying their companionship."

"Bunnies..." Soma interrupted. "Is that how you address the working girls here?" He found it peculiar that they had a company-wide moniker for everyone who worked at the Rabbit Hole, but he assumed they did it for convenience and marketing purposes.

"Yes!" Wyca smiled and clapped her hands together with beaming eyes. "The Rabbit Hole takes great pride in our uniformity. Whether they serve customers or work on the floor as employees, everyone wears the same bunny outfit and shares the same title. But worry not, our girls still keep their unique personalities, and you can call them however you wish."

With one hand on her hips and the other on her chest, Wyca smiled. "Just to let you know, the goddess gave the patrons of the third floor a unique privilege. The patrons are allowed to ask for any type of girl they want."

"...?" Soma tilted his head. Before he could ask what she meant, Wyca continued.

"It means that the patrons can request any type of girl they want, not just limited to the bunnies in the Rabbit Hole. From their physique or ethnicity to their personality, everything can be customized to your desires. Anything you desire shall be delivered to you! The color of their skin, any imperfections and details are crafted to match the patrons' imaginations! Our goddess granted the ability to use her power for something like this. It's all for her beloved guests to enjoy the experience to its fullest extent!"

A cold chill ran down Soma's spine. His breath hitched at her last words.

"That... seems impossible."

"Hmm~ to question the goddess is heresy, I would lock you in a pillory right now if I didn't know any better." Wyca threatened as her demeanor changed instantly, "But considering this is your first time hearing about our goddess, and also a good friend of the elder, I will let it go this once. However, there will be no second time. Make sure you don't forget."

"You can't be serious! What you're saying doesn't make any sense!" Soma rebuked before biting his lips. He understood the village elder had blind trust in Lady Ginova, but speaking as someone who had been through thick and thin in the outside world, he doubted her credibility. "Anybody with eyes can see through such blatant lies! If you can change someone's physical attributes using magic then you wouldn't need any medical personnel at all! Such powerful spell is beyond mortal comprehension! The implications alone make you sound insane!"

Wyca narrowed her eyes. She scoffed at his remark, "It doesn't matter what you think. The goddess' power is not for us to question. It relies not on magic that we mortals know and familiar with, but of the divine itself."

"And why should I believe such ridiculous claim? Where is your proof?!"

"Oh? You want proof?" Wyca shrugged her shoulders and smiled at Soma. "Fine, I'll grant you your wish." Turning around, she started walking towards the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

"Follow me. The goddess herself shall enlighten you."

The sound of her footsteps echoed through the quiet hallway. After climbing the fourth staircase, they entered another corridor which was much shorter than the others. At the end of the path, Wyca turned towards Soma.

"This floor is where all the bunnies stay. No patrons are allowed to be here unless the goddess permits them to, so do try not to disturb them, alright?"

There was something about Wyca's voice when she talked about Lady Ginova that Soma disliked. Her tone reeked of arrogance and superiority, and it rubbed him the wrong way. It irked him beyond belief, but he managed to hold his tongue because he didn't want to be rash. He didn't come here to pick a fight with Wyca, rather, he came here to confirm if the goddess was real or not.

Obviously he already had an answer but he still kept his mouth shut for the sake of avoiding confrontation.

They spent no more than 10 minutes on the fourth floor before descending back to the third floor. Wyca guided them to an empty room located at the far end of the third floor.

"You can relax here until the goddess arrives. The entertainment staff would soon arrive to keep you occupied while you wait. I'll excuse myself for now and inform you when the goddess is ready to see you."

With that said, she left the room, leaving behind two men sitting at a round table together.

'Why did you even bring us to the fourth floor if we are not allowed to be there in the first place? Just to gloat at us? What about the fifth floor then? Is that where the so-called 'goddess' lives?'

Soma sat on a padded chair facing away from the door. The room they entered was a warm, cozy space with a soft brown rug covering the hardwood floor underneath. The walls were painted with a soft cream color that contrasted nicely with the dark brown curtains that framed the window to the outside.

The table at the center of the room had a vase of fresh flowers on it. The bouquet of roses added a splash of vibrant color to the otherwise neutral tones of the room. To the left of the table, there was a couch covered in a plush green velvet fabric. The cushions on the couch were overstuffed and soft to the touch.

Soma figured that the sofa would be a comfy napping spot— no, the sofa itself seemed to be better than most quality beds he had slept on before. It wasn't hard to imagine how the soft cushions would mold around his body and support his neck and shoulders perfectly as he rested against them.

As for the actual bed in this room... It was enormous. Soma had never seen such an imposing piece of furniture. It was more akin to a small platform than a proper bed frame. It had four wooden posts rising up to the ceiling. Each post was carved intricately with detailed designs swirling across their surfaces. There was an arched canopy stretching across the top of the bed where heavy curtains draped down on each side of the mattress.

'Everything seems expensive...' Soma swallowed hard as he looked around the lavishly furnished room.

"It's amazing isn't it, Soma?" The elder grinned when he noticed Soma's nervous face.

"Well... I guess..." Soma responded hesitantly. He found the environment luxurious but couldn't quite decide whether or not he liked it yet.

'It's not like I've spent time relaxing in many different places either.' Soma sighed inwardly as he returned his gaze towards the window, contemplating the view outside. The village's scenery appeared livelier compared to his memory of the past. It made him wonder if Karda experienced a boom in the economy recently or something similar.

'I feel bad for questioning the villagers' sanity, but they don't seem to realize how absurd this is.' Soma massaged his forehead and averted his eyes from the scenery.

"Just what happened to Karda when I was away, elder? Five years ago, this place was just an ordinary, peaceful village. Now, you have roads and merchants traveling through them? Are you sure the kingdom isn't secretly developing Karda from behind or something?"

The elder stroked his beard and nodded knowingly. "No, Soma. You see, when I was your age I couldn't understand how quickly things can change either. And believe me, I didn't expect things to happen so fast either. The changes happened the moment the goddess came to Karda. With her guidance and support, we were able to improve our lifestyle at an alarming rate! The goddess' love and warmth brought prosperity to our humble abode!"

The elder's eyes started to shine bright as he sang praises to the goddess, and Soma felt his stomach start to churn. His disgust towards Lady Ginova intensified by the minute, and he didn't need to hear more. Yet the elder kept going on about her miraculous achievements— which only fueled Soma's anger even further.

"Goddess, huh? It seems like the Church of Aria is about to get a rival soon. I'm sure the priests at Luctretz would be more than happy to welcome her to their ranks." Soma retorted with obvious sarcasm, trying his best to change the topic before he lashed out at his old friend and former guardian.

The elder froze stiff for a moment and stared blankly at Soma. A split second later, he burst out into laughter. He leaned his back against the couch and wiped tears forming on the corners of his eyes.

"Ha-ha! Oh Soma... You never change! Always cracking jokes at such serious matters! That's good! I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten the lighthearted, carefree self you used to be! Those memories are what defines you as a person! Don't lose yourself to ambition and greed!"

Soma let out an audible, exasperated sigh. "Elder, do you not realize how absurd the situation is? A goddess! Walking amongst us mere mortals! Building a brothel with intricate hierarchical systems! Come on! How gullible do you have to be to actually believe she is a goddess!?"

Soma started to suspect if the person standing before him was a fake, a person with ill-intent disguising himself to be the village's elder to spread propaganda, because he never remembered this man being this foolish when he left this village to become an adventurer five years ago.

The elder kept on laughing, tears were flowing out of his eyes now.

"S-Soma, I understand why you would say that!" He covered his mouth with his hand, trying his best to stifle the laugh. "B-but, you know, the Goddess—" The elder held his sides and doubled over, crying out in laughter. "She healed my crippled leg! The same leg that caused me so many problems when I was younger! You know how I used to suffer from excruciating pain due to my knee? Well, now it's gone! I feel so young again!"

The elder couldn't control himself anymore and dropped down on his knees while clutching onto his belly as he roared with laughter. "Ahahaha! Soma! My dear boy! The goddess' divinity flows within our veins! I— I can't explain it properly, but I just know it! The Goddess blessed us with her wisdom! Her magnificence brings forth an era of prosperity to this tiny, insignificant village! We worship her and she blesses us with knowledge, AND salvation!"

Soma gritted his teeth at the elder's proclamation. He felt furious at his blatant display of fanaticism, yet he found himself unable to condemn him either.

"She... healed your leg...? How...?" Soma's eyes widened when he heard his words. He thought the man was joking. Yet seeing how he laughed so merrily and with such earnestness, Soma knew he was telling the truth. His low voice drowned under the elder's hysterical laughter.

"The goddess told me— my god, oh lord— I'm sorry— Soma! You— you— you have— hahaha! Hahaha!" The elder grabbed Soma's left arm with his hands, his laughter stopped abruptly and his eyes focused intently on the young man's face. "Listen! The goddess took away my pain! She cured me without cost and without harm! She told me to spread her name and words throughout Karda! She ordered me—!"

"The Goddess ordered you...? Order...?" Soma repeated with a face of utter confusion. "What do you mean she 'ordered' you?" A pit formed in Soma's gut. "Exactly what does she order you to do?" He pressed. His mind raced as he struggled to figure out what exactly was happening around him. Soma tried to steady his breathing, but it didn't seem to calm his nerves at all.

The elder smiled. His grip around Soma tightened and he began to shake him slightly, causing the latter to feel goosebumps all over his body. Soma had seen some strange stuff throughout the years. From witnessing people commit murder for fame or riches, to having met shady merchants selling unknown drugs; Soma knew full well that there exists evil people capable of unspeakable deeds. Yet never before had he met one whose aura resembled that of a malicious entity.

This would be a first for him.

"We live by her will— by her commandment. We must share the Goddess' blessing with other people, including yourself," the elder stated matter-of-factly, the corner of his lips curled softly while maintaining eye contact with Soma.

"E-elder...?" Soma whispered as his gaze met the man's twinkling eyes. "What did you...?" His throat parched, the air flowing through his lungs somehow became heavier compared to usual after hearing the elder's words. His legs grew weak as cold sweat trickled down his temples. A dreadful premonition surged within his chest. "What does that mean? Elder?"

"Be patient, boy." The elder brought up his other hand, resting them both upon Soma's shoulders as he gave them a firm squeeze.

"You will know soon enough." The elder's lips widened into a brilliant grin, revealing his yellowed teeth. "After all, you'll meet her in person today! Soon after you finish your tour of this magnificent establishment. You would learn of her ways and love soon!"

"Y-you're scaring me, elder... Please stop this! Please!" Soma's hands trembled, his heart thumped faster and louder than normal against his ribcage. "What happened to Karda!? Why are you acting like this!?" The more he saw his old mentor's smile growing wider and more sinister, the more he felt sick to his stomach.

"Karda shall be reborn, Soma! Reborn, I say! A new Karda! A NEW KARDA! The goddess' influence will spread and expand! This land shall thrive under her divine blessings and protection! We shall prosper!"

"Stop it! STOP IT!! PLEASE!" Soma started to shake the elder's frail body back and forth. "Snap out of it! Snap out of it, elder! You've been brainwashed! Think about your wife! Your grandkids! Remember your family! Come to your senses! Forget about this 'goddess' of yours!" He screamed with shaky voice while shaking the elder with all his might.

"Soma, my boy—"

Knock-! Knock-!

Right before the elder could finish his sentence, a knock came from the door behind them. Startled, Soma turned his attention to it and realized the so-called 'entertainment' had arrived. When he looked back towards the elder, the man flashed him one final smile before releasing his grip and sitting on the couch.

Knock-! Knock-! Knock-!

The knock came three more times. The elder looked at Soma, not moving an inch from his seat. The latter then understood the former left the decision upon his shoulder. After taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down and walked towards the door. Heart filled with hesitation, Soma reached his trembling hand forward and grasped the handle.

'I have questions... questions that I need this damn 'goddess' to answer for.'

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