Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 16-3 (Sampling)

Everything was dark. Pitch black. Not a single speck of light could be seen.

Soma lifted his hands before his eyes, yet there was nothing.

'Where am I? How did I get here?' he wondered. It was so dark that he couldn't even tell whether his eyes were open or not.

Then, gradually bit by bit, the scenery changed. The abyss below him formed a solid ground. Dirt and mud, covered in grass and other plant life began to spread across the land. The sun shone brightly above him, while fluffy white clouds floated through the air. Soma found himself standing before a familiar scene.

His own home in Karda.


The wind blew against his face gently. The texture felt real beneath his feet, and the sounds around him rang true to his ears. Even though everything around him looked exactly like what he had left behind, Soma knew that something wasn't right.

'This... is a dream.'

Two figures could be seen standing by the entrance of his home. They weren't his parents, no. The figures were short and skinny. Almost childlike.

'That's me... in my childhood. And that is—'

The child version of Soma reached out and grabbed hold of another's hand. This person was precious to him. So very precious. Their face was obscured, however their soft voice pierced through his memory.

"Let's go!"

The voice belonged to a girl he loved deeply. Someone dear to him, someone he made a promise to return.

Soma's gaze never wavered from the sight of them. His expression remained unchanged as he saw the two figures run towards the fields outside of town. A distant memory from the past, one filled with joy and innocence of youth. Soma continued to watch as he stared on and on, unable to tear himself away. He felt lost in time as if nothing mattered anymore.



Soma opened his eyes. A familiar ceiling greeted his vision, along with bright sunlight coming in through his window. Birds chirped merrily outside as they flew freely through the blue sky. There was nothing but peace and tranquility surrounding him. Soma lay still for quite a while without moving an inch. Eventually he managed to gather himself enough to sit upright and swing his legs over the side of the bed.

"Sweet dreams..."

He mumbled to himself before getting up from the bed, reaching for the cup of water which sat upon the nearby table. After drinking deeply he finished the rest of its contents and set it back down empty.

'What happened after I met the goddess...?'

He remembered her words.

'She promised me... salvation. To me, my family and friends, anyone I care about...'
Like the devil's temptation, Soma tried to shake off those thoughts. He had to keep reminding himself that it was only a dream. None of it could possibly be true. Could he believe such promises? The goddess probably lied through her teeth. He couldn't trust her. How could he possibly believe anything she said?

Yet, at the same time, he couldn't deny the things he had witnessed inside the Rabbit Hole.

'The hermaphrodites... they are real. Creation... of the goddess, is it?'

Soma noticed his clothing had changed, someone brought him back to his home and took care of him while he slept.

'Who could possibly...?'

Putting on his shoes and stepping outside his home, Soma saw a couple people in the distance. First thing that caught his attention was his dad tending to the farm as usual. Next, there was his mother who seemed to be busy doing the chores, hanging laundry near some barrels just beside where chickens ran free all day long. Both appeared normal enough, acting as always. But the final person caught his eye most of all.

A woman wearing an undershirt with the bottom rolled up past her stomach and wearing loose-fitting pants and sandals stood facing away from Soma. Her short brown hair drenched in sweat, glistening in the sunlight, as drops trickled down the back of her neck onto her collarbone.

It was Reol, helping Soma's dad with farm work.

She wiped her brow with one arm and let out a long sigh. The white undershirt stuck to her skin damply from sweat, emphasizing every curve. Turning around, her gaze landed on him. A subtle smile formed upon her face as she walked towards him.


As she walked closer and closer to him, Soma could see the sweat-soaked undershirt appeared to be transparent from the moisture.

Her breasts, nipples erect and firm, could clearly be seen through the damp fabric. She didn't seem to notice nor did she care as she stood in front of Soma. Instead, Reol stretched her arms upwards and bent her torso sideways, exposing more than just a hint of cleavage under her top.


"Yaah~! Enjoying the view?" Reol's teasing voice pulled Soma out of his trance.

"Urk! W-what are you doing here!? What did you do to my dad and mom!?"

Soma struggled to look away from her tempting figure. He shifted his gaze elsewhere hoping to save himself from embarrassment, only to realize how absurdly beautiful she looked. As her hair dried out, Reol's golden-brown eyes shimmered brighter than any jewel found anywhere else. Those same eyes bore into his soul when her mouth curled upward into an impish grin.

"What do you mean 'what did I do'?" she replied with a smile, "I'm helping them with work, silly!"

"What? Why? And how did you know where I lived? Is it the goddess doing again?"

Reol giggled lightly at the sight of him becoming flustered, causing his cheeks to flush red.

"We asked the elder where you lived. Me and Wyca brought you back home, and the goddess asked me to take care of your needs." She explained.

"Yeah son, the young lass took care of you the whole time! Just what happened to you in the Rabbit Hole?"

Soma's dad approached behind Reol, a concerned look upon his face. Soma came upon a realization, his eyes widened.

"Dad, you know about the Rabbit Hole?"

"The whole village knows about them, son! Thanks to them the village's economy improved, trade flows smoother than ever! Through the goddess' grace, our lives improved! No one goes hungry anymore and the food tasted so much better too! Hell, even my bad knees don't hurt anymore!" Soma's dad gestured to his old bones to prove his point, he seemed full of energy and vitality.


Goddess this, goddess that. It's like everyone has become a follower of the goddess. It seems the hermaphrodites are worshiped and respected rather than loathed and discriminated against.

"Anyway, son, you should rests some more. We can always talk later, I'll go back to work now."

His dad turned around with a light spring to his steps, and continued to tend to the fields.

It was as if there was nothing wrong with the world, the goddess' influence on his parents was astounding. Soma stood there, watching his dad's back disappearing behind rows of crops. A part of him was happy for his father's apparent good health but another part was afraid for his parent's sake. He wanted to call out to his father, however nothing would come out of his throat.

'Dad's healthy again... the elder said something similar. Their injuries are healed. They are better now...'

Soma began to feel uncomfortable about the situation. His unease grew stronger as he contemplated why Reol was helping him.

"You're troubled. If you want, we can talk," Reol offered, noticing his anxiety. Soma nodded numbly and led her back into his house. The wooden door creaked as it closed shut behind them, leaving them both alone from the outsider's interruption.


The two of them took a seat by the dining table. It was clean, unused for several days now since he had been sleeping earlier. Reol tapped her fingers idly across the wooden surface waiting for the man opposite of her to begin.

"Tell me what's going on." Soma spoke bluntly, looking straight into her eyes.


She tilted her head slightly as her eyes wandered all over his body, her mouth smiling widely. Her expression resembled someone trying hard not to laugh at something funny. Soma felt naked under her stare. He fought the urge to cover himself up in fear of what might happen next.

'She might not look like it at first glance, but the aura she showed in the Rabbit Hole was not an illusion. This girl... hermaphrodite is stronger than me.'

That fact weighed heavily upon his mind. Noticing his distress, Reol laughed playfully.
"First of all, Soma, what do you think of Karda right now? Its situation, its people."

Soma considered the question carefully. Karda used to be a village struggling to survive. There was almost no way of making money except through hard labor which provided barely enough to buy essentials. The only entertainment was gambling and drinking in the tavern, otherwise the days were dull and boring.

The wild beasts roaming the area made it hard for merchants to travel through to trade goods. As such, they preferred taking the safer routes away from the village, making it difficult to establish steady trade and supply with them. Adventurers still came from time to time, but they didn't stay for long, for there was little to no rewards that could be earned from this poor village.

As a young boy, hearing people spoke of doom and gloom about the future of his home village was quite depressing. However, rather than wallowing in sadness and self pity, he had chosen to leave Karda and become an adventurer. To gain wealth and fame, to make his mark in the world. He wanted to help his beloved home to prosper. He had been sending money to his parents every time he made a profit, though he knew it wasn't nearly enough to improve the village's whole economy.

"Now... the village is doing better than before. Dare I say, it has transformed. There's so much happening nowadays. More people coming, more opportunities, more business..."

"Yes, it's great isn't it?"

Soma nodded his head hesitantly. The positive changes weren't limited to only the town itself; it also impacted its inhabitants. People were happier, healthier, and stronger.

"The goddess came to Karda roughly just over two months ago, and Karda has become so prosperous."


Reol paused for a moment, her eyes swam to the ceiling as if recalling a fond memory. A subtle smile adorned her lips as she continued to speak.

"Before Karda, the goddess came from Laim. A nearby village, smaller, cruder, more desolate and isolated, far less fortunate than Karda. You were born and raised here, I'm sure you've heard of it."

Soma nodded his head though Reol couldn't see him since she kept her gaze towards the ceiling. He heard about Laim, though he personally never met anyone from that village.

Laim was hard to reach, the path to it was treacherous to traverse due to the dangerous terrain surrounding it. Many consider the village not worth the effort to visit. Not for trading due to their little population, and not for adventure either, due to its lack of resources.

"The goddess came unto us in the form of a mortal human. She lived there for some time, spreading her teachings of salvation, to grant them pleasure and wealth through the gift of the flesh. People were reluctant at first, some even refused. They doubted her sincerity, suspecting ulterior motives."


"She demonstrated the benefits of worshiping her, gave the people a taste, a glimpse of being her follower. That day was the best day of our lives. Through her enlightenment, our eyes opened, our hearts awakened. Laim became home to the followers of the goddess."

Soma felt his heart rate rising. 'What the hell happened to Laim? The residents must be brainwashed by this damn goddess!' He thought.

"It is hard to describe with words. The sensation that spreads throughout your body, filling you with overwhelming desire. Your senses heightened, sharpened, magnified to the point where every touch feels electrifying. Your sight becomes clear, sharper than before, bringing every detail, every nuance, every color into focus. Taste, smell, sounds... they became intense, amplified beyond comprehension. A feeling indescribable through mere sentences."

Reol's eyes remained fixated onto Soma, her tone unwavering. He could sense something akin to ecstasy radiating from her gaze.

"No matter how you try to suppress them, the urge to experience that euphoria once again, to feel it for yourself overwhelms you. As addictive as drugs. You simply cannot ignore it."

Soma bit his lip nervously. 'What is she talking about...'? his thoughts trailed off, unable to finish his speculation. He gulped loudly as his hands trembled under the table.

"The goddess is always right, always just. Always willing to guide her children to salvation." Reol stopped for a moment, her eyes filled with passion as she gazed deep into his eyes. "I can see that you are resisting. Afraid. Worrying about your parents, friends, and the village. But your distrust and skepticism of the goddess is misplaced. She seeks not to harm us, but to enrich our lives, provide comfort when we need it most."

"Brainwash, corruption of the masses! Goddess... this goddess of yours has gone too far! She brainwashed the whole village!" Soma argued, standing up from his chair and slammed his palm against the tabletop.

Reol, unflinching and unmoved, continued speaking.

"She cured the elder and your parents. As well as the ill and injured who are close to death. The old, infirm, weak, useless, sick, lazy bums of our village, they all have been cared for by her benevolence." Reol leaned forward. Her golden-brown eyes seemed to be glowing to Soma. "She gave them purpose, something worthwhile to live for. Making them productive members of society. Once forgotten, now valued. They became an asset to Karda and Laim."

"W-what?! Are you saying everyone followed the goddess out of desperation to live instead of any real gratitude and loyalty? Do you mean to say they only followed her out of necessity for survival, not out of free will!?"

Reol shook her head, smiling faintly. "My dear Soma, you misunderstand. That is not what I'm saying. The people served Her willingly. The goddess gave them unconditional love and affection. A pure, sweet and wonderful existence of hers resonates within their souls, drawing them in towards her light. Because of her mercy and kindness, everyone desired her, begged her to be with them. Forever, in life and in death."

Soma watched her in disbelief. "You... you sound mad! Utterly delusional! Like everyone has become zombies who follow the commands of the so-called goddess without thinking twice!" He shouted. His voice cracked at the end.

This was all crazy talk, he believed. His hands shook, eyes trembled. Soma felt like he had entered the surreal, entering a nightmare he can't escape from. Everything Reol spoke sounded insane, but yet somehow plausible at the same time. Was it true? Is she telling him the truth? Is Karda really being corrupted? Brainwashed? Did the goddess do it?

"Soma. I believe you already know that I spoke the truth."

Reol stood up and walked up to the kitchen counter, searching for something. Meanwhile, Soma slumped back in his chair, contemplating everything he had experienced. The words he heard echoed inside his mind nonstop.

"Brainwashing, corruption... none of that really matters. What truly matters is our safety and happiness. Karda is flourishing now because of the goddess' blessing. Isn't that amazing?" Reol spoke as she searched around the cabinets. Some did not answer. Instead, he looked at his clasped hands on his lap as his thoughts drifted toward his father working out in the field and his mother cleaning clothes near the stream outside.

"Ah here it is."

Reol found a bottle of milk in one of the cabinets. She opened the cork and smelled the thick liquid inside. Milk. Smiling to herself, she poured a glass for both herself and Soma. Turning around with two glasses full of creamy white liquid, Reol walked towards him with graceful strides, swinging her hips seductively with each step. Each movement caused her small, perky breasts to jiggle underneath the damp undershirt she wore.

"Here you go. You must be thirsty, right?"


Soma finally lifted his eyes from his clasped hands, staring blankly at the offered drink before him. Reaching out and grabbing the cold glass, he brought it to his lips. An odd sense of familiarity hit him as the smell of milk filled his nostrils.

'The scent... it's oddly familiar. When have smelled it before...? This milk...'

The corner of Reol's lips curled upwards into a wide grin as she brought her own glass of milk to her mouth and drank it.

"What's wrong, Soma? Aren't you going to drink it?"

Her voice was smooth like velvet as it caressed his ears, encouraging him to comply without hesitation. Soma couldn't help but stare at the white fluid within the glass. It was creamy and rich, with a slight hint of sweetness to it.

"This milk... what is this? I have never seen anything like it."

"You have. You've drunk it before."


Soma frowned slightly as he tried to remember. Indeed he drank milk before, but not this specific brand or variety of milk. His hands started to twitch and shook, a bizarre urge to drink the 'milk' grew stronger by the second. He could not avert his eyes from the creamy substance, as if it was hypnotizing him.

"Soma..." Reol said his name softly. It was strangely pleasant sounding coming out of her mouth, making his pulse quicken and his body temperature rise. Sweat rolled down his brow and dripped onto his nose, blurring his vision momentarily.

"Drink the milk."

Something snapped inside him at those words. Without a moment's thought, Soma put the cup to his lips and drank deeply from it. A small gasp escaped him as the familiar flavor struck his tongue and flooded his throat. There was no mistaking it: he recognized it instantly.

The scene reconstructed itself in his mind.

That time he met the goddess in her office.

The fruity and juicy drink she offered him.

It was a beverage he had never seen before, let alone tasted.

Soma finished drinking the 'milk', wiped his wet mouth with the back of his hand, then stared at his now empty glass. A shiver ran through his body, causing goosebumps to erupt along his arms and legs. Reol giggled as she continued to sip from her glass.


"Do you see now?"

Vigor and vitality flowed through his veins. His senses heightened, sharpened, magnified to the point where every touch feels electrifying. His sight became clear, sharper than before, bringing every detail, every nuance, every color into focus. Soma blinked several times before lifting his head upward to meet Reol's gaze.

"Wh-what did you..."

Soma groaned as his whole body pulsed with energy. Heat rushed through his skin and muscles twitched involuntarily beneath it.

"It is the goddess' essence. Irresistible, isn't it? Feel that power coursing through you." Reol answered with glee. She raised her glass above her head, allowing milky liquid to fall down onto her open mouth. A couple of droplets landed on her bare stomach. Then without warning she pushed her flat stomach up towards him, covered in hot sweat and white creamy fluids.

"Drink more, Soma."

"Haaah..." Soma moaned in agony as his body reacted to her command. He unconsciously leaned closer, his eyes following the drops of white as they rolled down the curves of Reol's stomach towards her belly button. His face pressed against the soft skin covering her toned abdomen, causing his entire body to tingle in pleasure.

'I can't resist... I want to drink more... I have to drink... more...'

Reol grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer until his lips brushed against her navel.

"Now drink it, Soma. Drink my milk..." Reol whispered in a husky voice, full of desire. She poured all the remaining milk directly onto her exposed lower stomach.

Soma did exactly as he was told, drinking deeply from her soft flesh. His tongue swirled around her belly button, tasting every drop while savoring its richness.

"Ohh... Yesss..."

She gasped when he licked upwards, nibbling gently on her skin. His tongue danced along the ridge of her pelvic bone before moving further south towards her crotch area. It didn't take long before his erection hardened beneath his pants, rubbing against the fabric uncomfortably. Soma became completely engrossed with devouring her body, unable to stop himself even if he wanted to.

'Her body smells so good! How can a person smell so good...!?'

The droplets of milk soaked her pants wet. A bulge formed below Reol's belt line. Soma rubbed himself against it desperately. Licking and sucking his way down her body, through the fabric of her pants.

"That's good! Soma! Keep going, Soma!" Reol urged him on while her breath grew more ragged and rapid. Her fingers dug into his scalp as she guided him towards her member.

'No...! This isn't right...! But I can't stop! I must keep drinking more!' Soma screamed inside his head as he fumbled with Reol's pants buckle, eager to free her cock. It popped loose easily enough, dropping onto the floor without hindrance.


Soma stared wide eyed at the object that dangled between Reol's legs. It was an 8-inch cock with an immense girth and veins covering its entire length. The testicles dangling underneath it appeared swollen, bloated, as if they held a vast amount of cum within them. And judging from the precum oozing from its tip, it wouldn't take long before she ejaculated.

"Suck it, Soma!" She commanded as her face flushed red and eyes grew hazy. "Suck it! Make me come! I'll fill you up with more milk!"

Soma stared at the giant cock hanging in front of him. It stood tall and proud, bobbing and swaying with Reol's heartbeat. Drops of pre cum leaked steadily from the tip. He found himself wanting more of that delicious milk from before. He yearned for it. He didn't even care about the fact that he was a man pleasing a hermaphrodite's penis. All he wanted was more 'milk'.

"Come! Soma! Come!!!"

Without further encouragement Soma wrapped his mouth around the bulbous head, slurping up the salty-sweet taste. His tongue lapped at the tip, licking away the clear liquid coating it before engulfing her length in one swift motion. The mixture of precum and spit acted like lubrication as he slid his mouth up and down along the shaft, relishing her meaty girth filling him up. It wasn't long before his jaw began to ache from the strain of sucking on such a large member, but he paid no heed to the discomfort. He focused solely on satisfying the woman before him. He didn't hesitate to give Reol the attention she deserved.


Reol screamed with ecstasy, as her body shuddered violently. White gooey substance spewed forth from her cock and sprayed out onto his face and hair. The sticky substance coated his entire head and splattered everywhere. Soma continued to swallow and suck her cock without stopping, consuming more and more of her precious essence.

Reol threw her head back and arched her spine backward in pleasure. A long groan escaped her lips while she orgasmed continuously, spewing several loads into his waiting mouth. He swallowed everything with clear hunger and thirst in his eyes. Only after he finished drinking every last drop of seed did Soma remove his mouth from her spent cock. He remained on his knees before Reol, panting heavily, eyes glazed over in lust. A trickle of white liquid trickled from his swollen lips.

"Well done... Soma. How... haah... do you like... haah... my milk...?" Reol asked, eyes closed, taking deep breaths. Soma felt his own body trembling. Every muscle spasmed and convulsed, sending waves of pleasure washing throughout him.

The taste of a hermaphrodite's sperm was something entirely different from other people's semen. It was thicker, stickier, more potent than regular male semen. The consistency reminded him of jelly rather than normal fluid. It wasn't unpleasant at all. Especially the taste and the smell, he found them to be sweet and delicious.

However, at the back of his mind, Soma was appalled at himself. He loathed his actions. He despised his lack of control, how his body ignored his will, only caring about quenching his thirst for this 'milk'. He cursed himself for being so weak, succumbing to Reol's dominance over him.


Only after the deed did Soma come back to his senses. He realized what he had just done to the hermaphrodite. He was disgusted with himself, horrified by his behavior, ashamed that he just pleased another person's cock like a prostitute would. Soma rose up abruptly, turning away from her gaze, avoiding looking into Reol's face. He could hear his heart thumping away at an alarmingly fast pace, threatening to burst out from his chest cavity.

"I... didn't..."

"Shhh, don't say anything." Reol interrupted, placing her fingers over his lips before pulling him in for another kiss. This time it wasn't forceful or domineering; rather she kissed him tenderly, lovingly, as if comforting him.

Soma tried to push her away at first, but Reol's arms snaked around his waist, locking him in place. He couldn't fight back. He lacked the strength to struggle free from her embrace. Despite his reluctance, he remained still, allowing her lips to press against his without resisting. The scent of 'milk' clung to her skin.

"I have told you this before, and I will tell you again. We are the hermaphrodites. We are not bound by gender and social norms. We accept ourselves and others equally, without judgment or discrimination," Reol explained, whispering in his ear. "Sucking my dick doesn't change anything about who you are." She continued while kissing his cheek gently before moving down to his neck.

Soma froze on the spot, unsure how to react to her affections. He stood immobile, letting her continue to kiss him while she caressed his backside.

'What... is even happening...'

He had no idea what to think or what to say. He hadn't even processed the events. His body continued to tremble and shake as though he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms from a drug. Soma didn't even notice when Reol moved behind him. She hugged him tightly with her arms around his waist, her perky breasts pressing against his back while she buried her face into the nape of his neck. It was only when he felt her warm breath tickling his ear that he became aware of her presence again.

"Our body is made to give and receive pleasures. Whether it's you giving me oral, or you penetrating me, it's fine, Soma. It's fine. Don't think of it as dirty or disgusting. Don't consider it shameful. It is natural and normal for us." Reol continued whispering in his ears. "People at the Rabbit Hole do it all the time. Men or women, they give, and they take. Orally. Vaginally. Anally. Why can't it be the same with you?"

"Ack! I-it's not like I agreed to this..." Soma managed to mutter. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, forcing himself to calm down. He could feel her body heat radiating off her skin as her breath hit his shoulder blade.

"Why can't it be the same with you?" Reol repeated her question. Her voice became huskier, deeper. It sounded sexy yet dangerous at the same time. It sent chills down his spine, making him quiver involuntarily. The seemingly harmless question contained underlying meanings behind it. "After you had that little chat with the goddess, after you witnessed the marvelous performance of our bodies, you are still holding onto the shackles of your morality. Why can't you accept us? Accept yourself?"

Soma flinched, trying hard not to jerk away from her touch. He kept silent as he pondered Reol's question. He didn't understand why she phrased it that way. Did she mean to imply that he would become one of her kind? He shook his head firmly.

"It's just... not right. I'm... a man. It's not appropriate for me to..." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. A wave of guilt washed over him as he remembered how he sucked a cock of another person, regardless of that person being neither a man nor a woman. It was an act that crossed boundaries, an act that challenged his identity, an act that shamed him immensely.

Reol chuckled at his reaction, hugging him tighter. "Silly Soma... You should stop worrying about such trivial matters." She chided playfully while placing kisses along his collarbone. He gasped sharply at the contact, feeling the warmth radiating off her skin burning against his flesh. Her lips lingered longer on the area where his neck and shoulder met before moving onto his jawline and cheek.

"Being concerned about who does what to whom, men having sex with each other, or women having sex with one another, or even a man performing fellatio upon another man, it shouldn't bother you." Reol continued, tracing her finger along the contour of his jaw.

"Here, in Karda— no, everywhere under the goddess' reign, sex isn't divided into two categories. Everyone can pleasure and enjoy each other equally. Everyone can satisfy their carnal desires, without the shackles of labels and societal rules binding them."

Soma's breathing became heavy and irregular as Reol's kisses intensified. He could feel his heartbeat pounding away at an alarming rate. "Stop... please..." he pleaded feebly, trying unsuccessfully to break free from her grip. Her arms refused to budge despite his efforts. Her body remained rigid as steel against him. He sensed her breathing became more labored as she inhaled his scent deeply through her nose, savoring the fragrance of his masculine musk.

"Ahhh~ Isn't it wonderful? Why don't you let go of your inhibitions? There is no need for embarrassment, shame, fear, disgust, guilt. There's no need to hold back or worry about your image." She purred seductively in his ear. Soma's whole body stiffened in response, paralyzed by her words and her actions.

"What is this temptation? Did the goddess make you whisper these words to me?" Soma managed to speak out despite his mind becoming hazy, intoxicated by her proximity and touch. He struggled to breathe properly through the lump lodged in his throat, his blood boiled and his cock throbbed in his pants. He was ashamed at his traitorous body reacting in such a way against his will.

"There is no such thing. She simply sent me unto you, to take care of your needs. Whatever it is, I have to do it unconditionally. Be it fucking you or getting fucked by you. If that is what you want, I would gladly fulfill that desire of yours." She replied softly while her lips explored every inch of his exposed flesh. She found an especially sensitive spot below his chin, nibbling and sucking at the patch of skin that made Soma writhe helplessly.

"Do you want me to strip me naked? Prostate on the floor without a single string of clothing on my body? I can kiss and lick your feet, suck your toes, beg you to fuck me hard from behind." She continued as her tongue swirled around his adam's apple. She paused briefly before continuing her assault on him once more, whispering seductively into his ear. "Or maybe... you would prefer to shove your hard cock into my mouth? Shove it deep inside my throat. Force me to suck it while I'm crying and gasping for air."

Soma gulped audibly as images of the hermaphrodite girl on her knees pleasuring him flashed through his mind. He could picture her tears falling down her cheeks as she struggled to keep up with his brutal pace, her nose pressed against his pubes while her lips wrapped around the base of his shaft. The mere thought sent shivers running through his whole body. His knees trembled and weakened at the sheer intensity of the fantasy playing out within his imagination.

"We do not discriminate here." Reol whispered to him, her lips brushing against his earlobe. "We do not judge those who express their desires openly. We celebrate sexuality without barriers. So... let us give in to our instincts..."

"W-we're both adults..." Soma managed to utter through ragged breaths. "I don't... I don't need your pity..." He choked out in reply to her invitation. He did not notice when his hands had reached behind her, resting upon her buttocks, gripping her soft mounds with enough strength to elicit a gasp from Reol. It was as if his body had made its decision beforehand, determined to move past his subconscious mental block.

"Who said anything about pity?" She replied with a dreamy sigh, nuzzling her face against the side of his neck while her fingers roamed across his body freely. "I only wish to make sure you don't feel ashamed of yourself. To remind you that there's nothing wrong with expressing your desires without hesitation. Not when everything feels good, not when there's no harm done in pursuing pleasure. Just relax and enjoy. Trust me, I'm here to serve your needs."

"R-Reol..." Soma uttered her name in a whisper, overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. He still didn't understand why he was hesitating despite her words striking deep within him.

Her hands reached his chest, roaming freely across his body. She undid the buttons of his shirt, revealing his muscular torso underneath. Her palms caressed his firm pectoral muscles, followed by the ridges of his abs.

"It's okay to lust after someone. It's not wrong. Not shameful." She muttered as her hands moved down his stomach before sliding under his trousers, grasping his hardened member in her hand.

Soma jerked at the sudden sensation of her skin touching him directly. He cried out as pleasure coursed through his body. His erection sprang forth from his pants, causing his cockhead to smack against Reol's wrist. She laughed lightly before squeezing his rod harder.

"It's big! And hard! And hot!" she exclaimed as her thumb rubbed his cockhead in a teasing manner.

"Tell me Soma! What do you wish for right now? What do you want to feel? What do you want to do to me?"

He opened his mouth to speak, only to find his throat dried up, leaving him incapable of uttering anything intelligible. His mind was racing too fast and he couldn't formulate any coherent thought whatsoever. He was struggling to remain upright, afraid to fall to the ground if he lost his balance.

"Don't think about what society dictates as proper conduct or morals. Don't be a slave to society's expectations. Just do as you desire. Go wild... Just forget about everything and focus only on the pleasure you seek." She murmured, massaging his balls as her thumb stroked the underside of his shaft. She ran her nails lightly down his stomach, causing goosebumps to pop up all over him.

"Ahhhn..." He moaned softly, feeling his mind drifting away in ecstasy.

"Aren't you curious? Aren't you interested in exploring new territory?" Reol continued her verbal assault on his ears. "The Goddess welcomes curiosity, acceptance of pleasure, satisfaction of carnal urges. You won't be punished for your transgressions, you can do whatever you want with impunity. What do you think? Aren't you excited? Shouldn't you experience it firsthand?"

The image of a hermaphrodite lying naked on top of him, their bodies joined together as one, popped up within Soma's mind. His vision blurred as he imagined himself thrusting into Reol's pussy, filling her with his seed as she rode him intensely, crying out in rapture as her walls milked him dry. He pictured his penis entering her rectum as he rammed against her hips incessantly, groaning in bliss as she squirmed against him.

Yet, there are more things beyond that. So many things. This hermaphrodite possessing both genitals—



Without a word, Soma pushed Reol against the table with tremendous strength and force. He stood behind her, grabbing her slender hips and forcing her to bend over. Reol yelped as she collided with the table, surprised at his sudden aggression. He tore her pants down her thighs and his trousers went flying as he freed his erection. Reol's cock bounced free from the confines of her trousers and hung in the air.


Soma slapped her buttocks hard with his palm, causing her buttocks to ripple violently. Reol shrieked and nearly toppled forward, grabbing onto the table edge for support.

"Gah! Soma...!" She screamed, arching her spine backwards as he struck her rear again, harder this time.


"AHHNN—!! Y-yes Soma!" Reol gasped out amidst her cries. "Don't fight it... Surrender yourself to your desires!" She pleaded desperately, her voice shaky. He needed to hear her scream. He desired her screams of ecstasy, he wanted to drive her insane with his relentless attack.

Soma crouched low until his face hovered above her asscheeks, admiring the view before him. They were round, plump, smooth, firm yet soft to the touch. His tongue flicked out, lapping at her crack before prodding between them, teasing her sphincter. The scent of female musk permeated the air around him as he tongued her anus. A faint trace of her cum still lingered. The taste was slightly salty and sweet at the same time. A mix of her sweat and fluids combined.

"Haaa! Oh gods, yes...! Yes!" Reol whined while clutching onto the table with her life on the line. His tongue worked furiously within her anal passageway, delving deeper as far as he could manage. He pushed against her buttocks with his thumbs, stretching her sphincter muscles open and exposing her entrance for him to explore. Reol panted heavily, struggling to stay balanced on her tiptoes as he continued to stimulate her rear with his tongue.

"Soma... please... Soma... I want you...!" She pleaded desperately, her voice shaking and desperate, her hands clawing at the tabletop in agony.



A sudden stimulation coming from her balls made her eyes widen in shock. Soma grabbed her scrotum, squeezing and kneading them aggressively in his hand. He tugged them downward before pushing them back up again, stroking her sack with his palm. He treated her testicles roughly, using his fingertips to dig between them and rub the area where her testicles connected to the underside of her penis. His nails scraped the area relentlessly.

"Nnnhgn! Ahhn...!" Reol whined pathetically while shivering wildly in pleasure. He felt her scrotum tighten beneath his fingertips as her shaft twitched up and down. Pre cum leaked from the tip, coating his fingers and palm with her sticky secretion.

"Soma... please..." Reol begged as she looked back at him with pleading eyes. Soma chuckled at her reaction, finding her appearance both cute and amusing at the same time. She reminded him of a dog begging for scraps of food.

"What?" He inquired in an amused tone, grinning wickedly at her.

"Please... I want you..." Reol whimpered, her voice sounding like a frightened puppy seeking protection. "Give it to me... Fuck me, please!" She cried out, her tone growing frantic with urgency.

"Very well..."

Soma responded with a grunt of approval before leaning in towards her anus once more. He pressed his mouth to her asshole and shoved his tongue inside her hole. She trembled and squealed as he drove his tongue deep inside her rectum, lapping up her juices.

On one hand, Soma wrangled her testicles around in circles, applying pressure upon her delicate organs while on the other he stimulated her prostate gland through her scrotum. His fingers dug between her nutsack, stimulating the sensitive spots located around her opening.


Reol's body seized up. Her back arched and she threw her head forward while letting out a high-pitched wail. Her legs trembled beneath and her eyes rolled upwards. Soma continued to play with her genitals without pause as her body lost control. She thrashed about in front of him, unable to stay still any longer.

"HYYAAAAHHH!!!! NOOOOOHHH!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS—!!!" She howled with a loud cry. Her insides contracted around his tongue. He kept going, tongue fucking her anus relentlessly. He didn't stop even though Reol was struggling to stay upright on her hands and knees.

"SHITTT—!!" Reol cursed as hard as she could. Soma felt her testicles tensed and contracted, signaling she was nearing her limits. He gripped her scrotum, pulling them downwards and squeezing them hard before releasing them. This caused Reol to jerk forward with a gasp as his fingers slid inside her asshole.


Reol's muscles clamped around his fingers. Numerous thick, white jets shot out from her glans. Reol screamed, her body spasmed and strength left her legs. She fell to her side and lay sprawled across the kitchen table, twitching and trembling while gasping for air.

Soma watched as streams of semen kept on spurting out from her dick. It painted the floor white and pooled under the table. She continued to moan incoherently as her body twitched from her intense climax. He observed with great interest as her orgasm lasted for dozens of seconds.


Grasping Reol's shaft, Soma gave the tip a gentle lick. Her dick responded by twitching and contracting violently. She groaned in protest and tried to pull away from him, but Soma held firm, pinning her in place against the tabletop. His other hand found its way to her anus.

"Stay." He growled, plunging his forefinger inside her orifice. She winced, but otherwise obeyed his command. With her anus thoroughly lubed up thanks to his spit, his digits sank deeper into her rectum easily enough.

"Ugghhnn..." Reol mumbled, half in pleasure and half in discomfort. "Use me... use my ass however you want... Soma... punish me... torture my ass... violate my body..." she babbled mindlessly between moans as he finger fucked her asshole. His index finger reached as far as possible within her anal canal before twisting around, sending sparks of pleasure throughout her system. Reol's eyes fluttered shut, her face scrunching up in bliss as he probed her depths.

Soma let go of her cock and trailed his fingers down her inner thigh, running his fingertips over her labia. His index finger teased her clitoris as he rubbed the sensitive nub slowly, building up pressure before adding another digit into her hole. His middle finger invaded her wet hole and pumped in and out of her vagina in slow, steady strokes.

"This is going to be a long day."

Soma chuckled as he fingered her ass and pussy at the same time.

"For the both of us."

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