Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 19-3 (Honeysuckle)

The changes that the goddess did unto the world was an absolute marvel of progress and innovation. She had turned Karda into a metropolis, a hub of culture and commerce where merchants and traders alike flocked to seek new opportunities and treasures.

The goddess had spared no expense in beautifying and improving the city's infrastructure, erecting majestic statues and monuments in her honor, and erecting massive buildings with gleaming windows and intricately carved stone facades. The streets were paved with smooth cobblestones, and the city was illuminated by brilliant lamplights, making it a beacon of hope and prosperity amidst the bleakness of the surrounding lands.


Luctretz, the capital city of the kingdom of Deltorra.

A hidden meeting unknown to even the highest authorities was taking place within the walls of the royal palace.

Beside the king himself, Fouzalt Deltorra, were two other important figures that held a significant amount of authority and influence within the kingdom.

One of them was the person in charge of the Aria church within Deltorra, the high priestess appointed by the Holy Empire Solheim herself, Loraley Rainfield. She had remained impartial towards the affairs of the kingdom and had been a trusted ally to both the king and the goddess.

Loraley wore her trademark white robes embellished with gold trimming, her golden hair flowing freely down her shoulders and her bright red eyes glimmering under the candlelight. The voluptuous curves of her body were accentuated by the loose fit of her clothes, giving her a regal and elegant appearance fitting of her status and position.

And the other figure was someone whom the king trusted the most, the head of the intelligence division and also the spymaster. The Spymaster had been collecting intel and reports from his agents stationed across the land, and his network of information has reached even beyond the borders of Deltorra itself.

"Let's begin the meeting. I called you both here today to discuss our current situation." King Fouzalt began.

The atmosphere within the chamber was tense and heavy, with the three of them knowing that the topic of the conversation was serious and sensitive in nature.

"Spymaster, you have received news regarding the development in Karda village, yes?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty." The Spymaster replied. "According to my sources, Lady Ginova has made great strides towards establishing herself as a major player in the region, gaining influence and prestige throughout the land."

The king nodded, stroking his beard thoughtfully as he listened to the Spymaster's report.

"It seems that she has gained the trust and devotion of her people, with the village— city thriving economically and socially with her guidance and support."

"And that isn't all. It seems that she has started expanding her reach beyond Karda, establishing connections and trading agreements with other nearby cities and villages for the past decade."

King Fouzalt raised an eyebrow at that.

"So she has managed to gain a strong foothold within our kingdom, huh? Interesting." The king remarked, leaning back in his seat as he processed the information he had received.

The high priestess spoke up at that moment.

"We may find ourselves facing an unusual challenge in dealing with this false goddess." She stated, her tone grim and cautious. "It is unknown how her influence and control could affect our empire's affairs, which has led us to stay neutral and passive towards her actions so far. However, I cannot deny that she is becoming an increasing concern."

The king and the Spymaster looked at her with concern written all over their faces.

"You mean to suggest that we should take action against her?"

For the past 13 years, the self-proclaimed goddess Ginova has suddenly popped out of nowhere. The two villages at the frontier of the kingdom seemed innocent, small, and insignificant at a glance. But within a short decade, they have evolved and developed into a full-fledged city, led by a mysterious entity that calls herself a 'goddess'.

However, with her influence and charisma, the people of Karda worshiped her as a benevolent and powerful deity, and she was able to convert many followers into her ranks by giving them an easy life. This was a threat to the religion of the Aria church and the Holy Empire of Solheim, who was the biggest and influential organization within the continent.

"Yes, I propose an intervention." The high priestess continued. "We cannot ignore the growing power and influence of Ginova any longer, for her actions could lead to greater complications in the future."

"My spies have reported that she has built her own schools to teach the children her doctrines, which could spread like wildfire within the kingdom itself. If left unchecked, it could pose a potential threat to the Aria church's authority and possibly even the Holy Empire's political status."

The king sighed as he heard her words.

"I understand your concern, Loraley. However, we cannot act rashly in this situation." He stated firmly, his jaw clenched with resolve. "As much as I dislike her methods and actions, there are many who still see her as a savior and a benefactor to society. Therefore, we cannot afford to offend her without due cause."

For 13 long years the so-called goddess Ginova lived within the confines of his kingdom.

Yet, despite the fact, Ginova had only come into their attention just recently.

Her actions and behaviors had been kept in the shadows until now, and that was why he had not made any move towards her for she was an enigma that was still to be fully understood.

There were rumors that Ginova was a goddess, a deity that descended from the sky to grant the people salvation, but he knew better than to believe such absurdities.

It was unknown how her rise in influence and control was possible within such a short time frame, and also hidden from the eyes of the royalty. There was no rumor or hearsay about her prior to her sudden appearance in the outskirts of the kingdom.

Therefore, they couldn't simply treat her as a simple troublemaker and execute her on the spot without evidence or due cause. That would create unrest and chaos within the kingdom, and that was the last thing that the king wanted.

"For now, continue on your reports, spymaster." The king commanded. "What else did you learn about her?"

The Spymaster nodded in response.

"I have compiled my observations and findings into a dossier." He said, presenting the file to the king. "It has all the details and data that you need to know about her actions so far and her influence within the kingdom."

As the king browsed through the documents, his expression remained stoic and unreadable, his lips set in a thin line as he absorbed the information presented to him.

The Spymaster continued to speak, his voice calm and composed, "Her age and origin is unknown. The name 'Ginova' could also be fake since there was never any record of such a name within the census. The reason for her rise to fame and influence remains unclear as well."

The king paused to look at the Spymaster in the eye.

"So you're saying she appeared out of nowhere and took over the village?"

The Spymaster nodded.

"Based on the information I've gathered, she most likely came from Laim before arriving in Karda. But Laim itself was barely a village a decade ago. They don't keep any records there, making it impossible to identify her background or her origins."

The king let out a sigh as he rubbed his temple tiredly.

"This woman certainly is an enigma that cannot be ignored." He muttered. "But that doesn't change the fact that she has already established herself as a major figure within our kingdom and has gained the trust and devotion of her followers."

"She is a threat and you know it, your highness. We cannot risk letting her grow even further and expand her influence." The high priestess spoke up, her tone firm and unwavering.

"As I said before, we cannot simply act against her without proof or cause." The king shook his head in disagreement. "If we confront her with the Aria church's forces, she can use it as an excuse to rally her followers against us, and that could lead to a civil war that I'm not willing to take the risk of starting."

"That is true," Loraley sighed. "But there must be some way to deal with her without causing a diplomatic incident. After all, she has only ever acted in the shadows, without any direct conflict or confrontation with any of the other kingdoms or empires."

"...Her allegiance. What is her allegiance?"

The high priestess shook her head.

"Regardless of motive or allegiance, the fact that she called herself a goddess is reason enough for the Aria church to intervene." She insisted, her jaw set in a stubborn line. "It is one thing if she's not a believer, but to form her own little cult and attempt to gain control over the masses... it goes against the teachings of the Aria church, and it must be dealt with accordingly."

The king pursed his lips as he considered her words.

"So... the Holy Empire has made their decision, is that it?" He asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

The high priestess hesitated slightly.

"The Holy Empire... has not made a final decision yet, but they strongly urge us to take action against her as soon as possible." She replied, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. "They do not wish to tolerate this imposter who dares to challenge the authority of the Aria church and the Holy Empire itself."

The king's lips twitched with annoyance, but he remained silent, his expression contemplative and guarded as he observed her carefully.

"...Even if it means causing civil war, I presume?" He inquired, his tone cool and emotionless.

The high priestess bit her lower lip, her eyes flashing with anger and frustration as she struggled to contain her emotions.

"That... will depend on the situation, and the outcome of our negotiations." She answered, her tone wary and guarded as she stared back at the king. "We have to cleanse the world of imposters like her and restore the peace and tranquility that we had lost through her actions. I'm afraid if we took too long, the Holy Empire might forces the hands of your majesty to comply with their wishes... even if it means causing a civil war."

The king furrowed his brow at her words, his features darkening with irritation as he leaned forward, his hands resting on the table before him as he stared her down.

"...Such is the life of being a vassal kingdom to the Holy Empire, I suppose..." He muttered, his voice low and bitter as he closed his eyes.

The Holy Empire Solheim. There were four vassal kingdoms under its dominion: Deltorra, Eclatoria, Senter, and Nogunia. Each of these kingdoms were independent in terms of their policies and decisions, but were obligated to follow the orders of the Holy Empire, to show respect and devotion towards the Emperor and his descendants.

In return, the Holy Empire provided them with protection and assistance when necessary, allowing them to thrive and prosper without the fear of invasion or attacks from hostile forces.

But in exchange, they were forced to obey and submit to the whims and wishes of the Emperor and his council members without question. They were not allowed to act on their own, nor make any decisions without the permission of the Holy Empire first.

It was a complicated relationship between the four kingdoms and the Holy Empire, with each side struggling for control and dominance.

The High Priestess Loraley Rainfield was the representative of the Aria church within Deltorra and answers directly to the higher-ups of the Holy Empire, the high pontiff and the emperor himself. As such, she was often tasked with delivering messages and requests from them to the king of the kingdom she was appointed to.

The king himself, Fouzalt Deltorra, ruled his kingdom independently and was allowed to do so because of his loyalty to the Holy Empire. Yet, he couldn't ignore the fact that he was practically subservient to them, despite his attempts to assert his autonomy and sovereignty.

Thus, the tensions between the Holy Empire and the Deltorra Kingdom have remained at a standstill for a while now, with both sides attempting to maintain a peaceful coexistence while also keeping their wits about them.

However, with the arrival of the mysterious Ginova in the outskirts of the kingdom, things have taken a turn for the worse. With the Holy Empire urging the Deltorra Kingdom to take action against her, the situation has become more complex and volatile, with the potential for war and conflict looming over the horizon.

"...May I continue, my reports, your majesty?" The Spymaster asked, his voice echoing through the silent room.

The king's lips twisted in a wry smile, his eyes glinting with amusement as he glanced at him.

"Of course, go ahead." He replied, his tone casual and unconcerned. "Tell me what you have found out."

Without further ado, the spymaster continued with his report, describing the ongoing investigations and their results.

"We have strong suspicion that the 'recording mana stones' came from either Karda or Laim, your majesty."

"...Is that so..."

Recording mana stones, as the name suggests, was a technological device used to record audio and visual information through the use of mana crystals. One can insert the crystals into the recording devices and manipulate the recordings through the use of magic or mana-powered machines.

This technology appeared roughly a decade ago, around the same time Ginova came into existence. It was unknown how the recording mana stones came to be, or who made it in the first place.

Still, the possibilities were endless and exciting. The ability to capture images and sound through the use of mana crystals and then manipulate them afterwards was revolutionary. It could be used to create memories and preserve them for future generations, to record battles and conflicts, or even to simply document day-to-day life.

The price also wasn't terribly expensive, making it accessible to all kinds of people, not just the wealthy and affluent. It was a marvel of innovation and ingenuity, and people used it for all sorts of purposes, including entertainment, education, and work-related tasks.

"The recording mana stones... we don't know how it got spread around, they seemed to just pop up everywhere." The Spymaster added, his tone filled with awe and wonderment. "Some speculate that it was created by mages, others claim that it was brought to us from the gods themselves, and some even suspect that it's the result of alchemy or other forms of research."

The king sighed heavily as he leaned back in his seat.

"Ginova, the cult leader that you mentioned, was believed to be the creator of the recording mana stones, correct?"

The Spymaster nodded, his face grim.

"Records of the earliest cases of the usage of the recording mana stones coincided with her emergence as a prominent figure within the Karda and Laim regions." He explained, his tone grave and somber. "This led us to conclude that she must be involved with its creation and distribution somehow, and that her influence over the region may extend beyond its borders."

The king stroked his beard as he listened, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"So... You believe that she's responsible for the proliferation of the recording mana stones throughout the kingdom, and that she may have been involved in their creation and distribution."

The Spymaster nodded.

"Although, there's still no proof or evidence to support these claims." He cautioned, his features tightening with unease. "The trail of her influence has always remained elusive and obscure, making it difficult to trace back to her personally."

One might wonder what this has anything to do with Ginova, how this correlates with the situation at hand. Why would a recording mana stone becoming popular and a trend be something that a king and a high priestess be worried about?

But there's more to the story than meets the eye.

The popularity of the recording mana stones has resulted in a surge in criminal activities and organized crime throughout the kingdom, with individuals using the devices for less than legitimate purposes.

This includes blackmailing, extortion, and other unsavory activities, resulting in widespread corruption and decay in the kingdom. It's been said that the recordings can capture voices and conversations, giving criminals the chance to spy on their victims and gain valuable information.

Not just that, the technology have also been used for recording pornographic content, which had caused an influx of sex trafficking, prostitution, rape, and other immoral deeds that went against the teachings of the Aria church.

The fact that the recording mana stones were quite easy to get a hold of and being relatively cheap didn't help matters, even children could accidentally stumble upon one these days.

In summary, the technology had become a double-edged sword that posed a threat to the stability and integrity of the kingdom as a whole. While it offered tremendous benefits for educational and entertainment purposes, it also gave rise to dark and dangerous elements that could not be ignored any longer.

Furthermore, the kingdom was simply not equipped to face these sorts of challenges head-on. The knowledge and expertise required to manufacture and distribute the recording mana stones were kept secret, and the technology was not common knowledge among the general population.

It was a mystery to the king and his advisors, and while they were hesitant to interfere with the development of the technology, they couldn't ignore the implications and dangers that it posed to their way of life.

Method of regulation was simply unknown to them, and the proliferation of the recording mana stones was affecting everyone, not just the nobles or the elite. The poor and the vulnerable were falling prey to blackmail and extortion, while the rich and the powerful were using the devices for illicit activities and crimes.

At the moment, until the kingdom figured out something better, all recording stones were to be banned and confiscated immediately. The king had ordered the army to patrol the streets and conduct raids in areas suspected of housing the devices, while the Aria church launched an investigation into the matter, searching for any clues or leads that could shed light on the origins and creators of the recording mana stones.

The widespread use didn't stop just within Deltorra, but other kingdoms too. The Aria church had reported that their clergy and followers were being targeted and threatened by individuals using the devices to commit heinous and immoral crimes.

It was a matter of utmost urgency and concern that required immediate and decisive action, lest it spiral out of control and lead to the collapse of the social fabric and moral fiber of the nation.

"Your majesty... I have one more thing to report." The spymaster continued.

"Please, do tell." The king responded, his eyebrows knitting together in apprehension.

The Spymaster took a deep breath before continuing.

"After my investigation, I have come to learn another important revelation, although I'm not quite sure what to make of it myself."

"Which is...?" The high priestess inquired, her voice laced with curiosity and suspicion.

The Spymaster cleared his throat before speaking, his voice shaking slightly with apprehension.

"Some of the citizens in Karda and Laim... they doesn't seem to be human."

Both the king and the high priestess' eyes widened with shock.

"What do you mean? Are you suggesting that they are non-human races like the werebeasts, perhaps?" He asked, his tone filled with disbelief and wonderment.

The Spymaster shook his head.

"No, they appear to be humans at a glance, but with unique abilities and physical traits that defy explanation and logic." He replied, doubt and uncertainty filled his voice. "They seem to call themselves as... hermaphrodites."


A new day dawned in Karda.

Rylai was awoken by the rays of sunlight filtering through her window, illuminating her room in a soft golden glow. She blinked her eyes repeatedly like an owl, trying to adjust to the brightness of the morning light.

She rolled onto her side and groaned, burying her face in her pillow as she tried to ignore the sounds of birds chirping outside her window. She had a hard time sleeping the previous night, tossing and turning as she fought off the excitement and anxiety that was brewing within her stomach.

After minutes of lying there, she finally sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretching her limbs as she let out a yawn. She peered out her window and saw the sun peeking over the horizon, its orange hues bleeding into the blue sky as it rose.

She climbed out of bed and grabbed her robe, wrapping it around herself as she headed towards the bathroom, eager to wash her face and freshen up before starting her day.

She splashed cold water onto her face and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She had grown up since the 'incident' 13 years ago, her eyes sparkling with wisdom and maturity, her cheeks tinged with pinkness that suited her youthful skin. She had long hair that fell past her shoulders, her lips curved upwards in a gentle smile that radiated kindness and warmth.

Once Rylai finished washing her face and brushing her teeth, she went downstairs, where she saw her mother preparing breakfast.

"Morning, mom!"

"Good morning, Rylai!"

Folia greeted her with a cheerful smile, placing a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her as she sat down at the dining table. Wearing nothing but a small and thin apron, she stood next to her daughter, her large breasts bouncing as she moved around the kitchen. Milk seemed to flow from her nipples, staining the top of her apron white with creamy goodness.

Rylai didn't pay much attention to her mother's lack of clothing, used to seeing her mother dress or not dress around the house. She instead focused on her breakfast, digging into her plate with gusto.

"How's the baby, mom?"

"Oh?" Folia rubbed her large belly, her skin stretched taut, giving her the appearance of having swallowed a beach ball. "He's fine. I think he's going to be a big boy when he comes out."

"He's fine! Doctor says he'll be healthy and strong, thanks to Soma's milk."

She giggled as she poured a bowl of cereal, her breasts swaying from side to side as she moved around. Her nipples, which were pointed and erect, leaked profusely, dripping droplets of milk onto the floor.

"Hmm, I've lost count. Is he going to be my twelve siblings? Or thirteen?"

Rylai asked as she dug into her meal, her eyes fixated on her mother's swollen belly as she watched her prepare breakfast.

"Well, I don't remember either..." Folia trailed off as she placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Rylai, her tits swaying as she bent over. "I think Soma and I lost count after a while."

She poured a cup of hot chocolate and placed it next to the cereal, the sweet aroma of cocoa filling the air.

"Are you excited to see the new baby, Rylai?"

Rylai looked up from her breakfast, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm and excitement. "I am! I want to hold him and play with him and feed him!" Rylai exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation and joy.

"Too bad, Rylai, we are going to send this one away for adoption." Folia replied casually, her voice devoid of any emotion or compassion as she scooped some scrambled eggs onto a plate and handed it to her daughter. "We've had more than our share of babies, and Soma and I don't have the time to look after them anymore."

"Boo~! If you are not going to take care of the baby, then why do you keep having them?" Rylai let out a playful pout, her eyes flashing with disappointment, not surprised by her mother's words as if this was a common occurrence.

Folia shrugged her shoulders and returned to her cooking. With her back turned to her daughter, she picked up her knife and chopped some onions.

"You know us, Rylai. I love getting knocked up and Soma loves knocking me up." Folia answered, her voice filled with a sense of longing and desire as she spoke. "It's not like Soma and I don't care about them. It's just, having you and Hal with us is enough. Also, the babies we hand out were taken by noble families, you know? They might be better be off with them than us."

"Mmm, maybe. They inherited your and Soma's blood after all. They will grow to be handsome and beautiful, like me and Hal. The nobles will like them really well." Rylai took a bite out of her egg and bacon, her eyes never leaving her mother's curvy ass, which was swaying seductively under her apron as she moved around the kitchen.

"Yep. That's why we gave them to the nobles." Folia smiled, turning to face her daughter, her cheeks flushed with color and her eyes shining with mischief. "Also, you have mine and Milos' blood, not Soma. Don't mistake your dad for someone else now."

"Ha ha, alright mom." Rylai forced a chuckle and finished her meal. She watched her mother bend over and pick up her plate and spoon, her huge tits nearly spilling out of her apron. "You look really good and healthy." Rylai couldn't help but remark, her eyes scanning her mother's body as she walked past her. "It's almost as if you never aged a day at all."

"Thank you, darling. It's all thanks to the goddess." Folia replied, her voice laced with pride and confidence. She sauntered towards the sink, her breasts bobbing and swinging with every step. "Go wake up your brother, Rylai. He's going to be late for school."

Rylai nodded and hurried upstairs, her eyes lingering on her mother's curves and round buttocks for a brief second before ascending the staircase.

Just as she entered her brother's room, she was greeted by the sight of him sprawled across his bed, his arms and legs flung wide open, snoring louder than the birds outside the window.

"Hal, get up." She shook his shoulder lightly, eliciting a groan from her brother and stirred him awake. Seeing his sister standing over him, Hal sat up. His hair disheveled, and his eyes bleary and unfocused.

"Mom made you an oatmeal and a hot cocoa! Also, you're going to be late for school!"

Hal snorted, rolling his eyes as he went back to sleep, pulling his blanket over his head. "Don't wanna. I'd rather stay here and sleep all day."

Rylai let out a sigh of exasperation before grabbing his arm and yanked him up. "C'mon, Hal! Don't make me strip you naked and force you out of the bed!" She threatened, her tone filled with annoyance.

"Fine, fine." Hal mumbled, climbing out of his bed with reluctance. His eyes glazed and sleepy, clearly he didn't get enough sleep last night. With difficulty, he managed to shuffle towards the bathroom, dragging his feet as he went.

'This stupid brother of mine...!' Rylai thought, storming out of his room and made her way to her own bedroom where she began to get dressed and ready for the day ahead. Once she was done, she went downstairs to help her mom wash the dishes.

To Rylai, Hal was born blessed and privileged.

He had everything he ever wanted, courtesy of Soma's wealth and influence. Never a day went by where Hal ever starved or went without food. His wardrobe was always filled with brand new clothes and shoes that were made specifically for his size and build.

He also never had to worry about finding a job or any source of income to support himself, his father always making sure that he was properly taken care of, giving him an allowance twice a month and spoiling him with toys and gadgets that he desired.

Not only that, Hal also looked really beautiful.

With his short brown hair and blue eyes, he resembled more of his father, Soma, who also looked really pretty for a man. He had an athletic physique, but not as buff or muscular as his father's, which suited his slender body frame well.

Despite having all of these blessings and luxuries at his fingertips, Hal was still lazy and spoiled, preferring to lounge around at home doing absolutely nothing, only going out to play games with his friends and mess around town every now and then.

'Mmh... I can't touch him right now. I have to wait until he's of age, according to the goddess' rule.' Rylai lamented inwardly. 'Otherwise...'

Even though he was her younger brother, she was still unable to understand why she would have such desires towards her own brother. But something was telling her that it's something normal, it was natural for girls her age to feel this way about their brothers, and it wasn't wrong for her to act on her urges every now and then.

It wasn't long before Hal stumbled down the stairs and joined his mother and sister at the breakfast table, his face pale and his hair messy. He gulped down his hot cocoa and shoved a handful of oatmeal into his mouth.

"Mom... why are you naked? You shouldn't walk around the house naked..." Hal mumbled, his eyes glazed over Folia's exposed body, her bare breasts and ass swaying left and right every time she moved around the kitchen, cleaning dishes and tidying up the counter.

"What's wrong with it? You don't like how I look?" Folia questioned, her tone filled with defiance. She wiped her hands on a towel, her nipples glistening with moisture and her pussy dripping with juices, trickling down her thighs.

"It's unbecoming of a mother to act like this, mom." Hal muttered under his breath, redness creeping up his neck as he tried to avoid staring at his mother's bare ass, which was on full display whenever she bent over to put away the dishes.

"Like what, Hal? Like a slut?" Folia teased, her tone playful and mischievous while leaning against the counter, her boobs hanging heavy and ripe, her nipples aching and hard as they rubbed against the cold surface.

"Well, you have always been known to act... promiscuously." Hal murmured, his gaze flickering towards his mother's massive mammaries, his eyes widening with obvious lust and hunger as he observed them.

Folia chuckled, her laughter filled with amusement as she made her way towards the hallway, her tits and ass bouncing with every step.

"Well, I suppose you are at that age already. No wonder that the goddess had everyone your age to wear a chastity belt. Things might get out of control otherwise."

She smiled, her eyes glowing with warmth and affection. She patted Hal's head lovingly. "Anyways, eat your breakfast and get going. We don't want you to be late for school, now do we?" She leaned closer to give her son a kiss on his cheek, her nipples brushing against his arm as she did so, causing Hal to lose his breath.

"M-mom! We shouldn't do that! Not here, and not now!" He protested weakly, his body trembling with excitement as he felt his pants tightened around his crotch, his erection straining against the material.

Folia laughed at his reaction and pulled away, her features lit with amusement and interest.

"Anyway." She turned towards Rylai and handed her a bowl full of leftover food before heading back upstairs towards the master bedroom, her hips swaying seductively with every step she took. "Rylai, don't forget to feed your dad, okay? I'll be in my room with Soma if you guys need me."

Rylai nodded and grabbed the food, "Hal, go on to school first. I'll catch up later."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." Hal replied absentmindedly, his thoughts focused elsewhere. "Today's your coming of age ceremony, isn't it? Don't be late, sis."

"Look who's talking, you sleepyhead! Go now!"

Hal let out a yawn and reached for his backpack, his mind wandering off to other things besides his lessons and assignments. "Whatever." He mumbled, pulling the bag onto his shoulders and headed for the door without another word, closing it shut behind him.

"...Ughhh." Rylai sighed in frustration as she watched her brother disappear from sight.

'Why did he have to grow so fast...?'

She recalled the memories when they were still kids, they would spend hours playing tag around the yard, running and chasing each other, and how she would often pin her brother to the ground, straddling him, laughing and smiling in victory.

She remembered how he used to tease her about her flat chest when they were younger, her tiny A-cups that he said were almost as flat as a board. And how she would chase after him when he ran away screaming because he didn't want to get hit.

But now things are different. Despite being only a thirteen years old boy, Hal was already taller than most people his age while retaining that innocent beauty of his, which made him stand out amongst his peers.

Rylai too had grown considerably since her childhood, developing into an attractive young lady who exudes an aura of elegance and refinement despite her young age. With shoulder-length blond hair, blue eyes and delicate facial features, her looks rivaled those of the high nobility from the capital, making her an object of envy among other women her age.


Shaking useless thoughts from her head, she took the food from the counter and headed upstairs to her father's room. The door to the master bedroom was slightly ajar, allowing her to peek inside without making her presence known.

The room was dimly lit, with only a single lamp providing illumination to the area. Tools and other familiar contraptions one would find in an adult store were scattered around the room, some of them partially buried beneath clothes or random objects.

In the corner of the room was a woman with green hair tied in a ponytail, strapped down to a wooden chair. She was buck naked. Her eyes covered by a blindfold, and her hands cuffed to the armrests, her ankles shackled to the foot rests.

This green haired woman had a cheek retractor mask in her mouth, spreading her lips apart and forcing them into a perpetual state of an erotic O shape. Her tits were adorned with nipple piercings connected to each other by chains.

From her waist down, she was wearing a vibrating wand harness secured to her body with leather straps. A metallic piercing decorated her clit, and she had a gaping asshole stuffed with a plug. There was also a dildo lodged inside of her pussy.

But that wasn't all.

This lady was also a hermaphrodite. Her phallic member stood erect and proud, sticking straight up into the air, pointing directly at the ceiling. It throbbed with life, pulsating with energy and vitality. A thin steel rod embedded through its tip, running horizontally along the shaft to its base where a leather collar encircled its girth.

Her balls hung low between her spread legs and the underside rested atop the vibrator, humming and stimulating both her clitoris and testicles at the same time. The green haired woman squirmed and struggled against her bonds, writhing against the relentless stimulation, her cries were loud, but it didn't seem to register in Rylai's mind.

Finally, there's Madilene— the maid of the house, kneeling on the floor and licking the green haired woman's genitals with a mixture of lust and reverence. She had been working in this household as long as Rylai could remember.

Her clothes consisted of nothing but an apron which wrapped around her torso, and two bows holding the straps together at the back of her neck and back. Her neatly tied dark blue hair reached down to her shoulders and framed her face nicely.

While her maid outfit left little to the imagination, she still managed to maintain her composure and dignity, appearing graceful and elegant despite the unusual circumstances of her current predicament.

'This isn't anything new... Madilene is tasked to take care of dad like this for years now.' Rylai shook her head and entered the room, pushing the door open with her hip.

The noise caused the green haired woman to twist her head, her bound arms shook furiously within the confines of her restraints, struggling to break free from her bondage, her muffled cries intensified in volume and intensity.

"Alright, here's your food, dad."

The green haired woman was none other than Milos who had her gender transformed into a hermaphrodite. She had lost her ability to speak, communicate, or comprehend any sort of verbal or written language whatsoever. She only responds to sensual pleasure now, thus she couldn't answer Rylai's greeting or acknowledge her existence beyond the sensory inputs she receives from her surroundings.

"Young miss, good morning!" Madilene greeted her, looking up at the girl with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"It's going to be a wonderful day today!" She continued, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand to clean up her saliva before turning to look at the green haired woman once more, her eyes shone with excitement and anticipation.

"Yes, it would seem so." Rylai agreed and brought the bowl of food closer to Milos's nose, allowing her to sniff it. "It's leftover food, but it's still good." She noted with amusement before grabbing a spoonful and took a bite, munching it down to a soft paste.

Madilene nodded with satisfaction at her comment before returning her attention back to Milos, her tongue sliding down her shaft, coating it with her warm saliva.

"Would you like me to feed your dad instead?" Madilene offered, her tone laced with concern and consideration towards Rylai. "You don't have to do it yourself, young miss. It's part of my duties."

"Nah, I'm fine." Rylai waved her off, smiling back at her before approaching her dad's lips. "Here you go, dad, it's time to eat."

Milos, with her mouth forced open thanks to the cheek retractor, accepted the offer and allowed Rylai to dump the mush of food directly down her throat, swallowing it without chewing. Their lips met briefly, pressing against each other before breaking off.

Rylai's eyes didn't so much as flutter during the exchange. Rather, she looked completely unaffected by the physical contact between her and her father, continuing to feed him as though it was the most natural thing in the world for her to do.

She would continue to munch the food into paste and then feed her dad through her mouth, taking breaks between bites to observe her dad's reactions.

Her eyes shifted to her father's lower half, staring intently at her cock, jammed with a thin rod made of steel. It was engorged with blood, the flesh strained against the rod. Love juice dripped from her cunt, running down her thighs and pooling on the floor beneath her.

"Hmmm~." She moaned softly, her gaze lingering on Milos' enlarged prick, watching the veins pulse and throb with life, the glans twitching against the foreign object inside it.

"It's getting bigger."

Rylai said to herself, noticing Milos' penis swelling with need. She let out a sigh before focusing back on her task. She had to finish feeding her dad soon or she would be late to school.

She quickened her pace of munching her food, chewing it faster so she could dump them into her dad's mouth. However, no matter how much she ate or how many times she swallowed, it didn't seem to satiate her hunger, her stomach continued to rumble with emptiness.

After finishing the last piece of food, she put the empty bowl away and turned to Milos, watching as Madilene sucked her dick with renewed fervor, bobbing her head up and down its length while massaging her scrotum with one hand.

Rylai stared at them with bright eyes, fascinated by their actions. They had done this so many times before, but never had she grown bored of it. On the contrary, she was always excited to see Milos cumming into Madilene's mouth, spurting streams of semen into her awaiting orifice, painting her oral cavity white with its viscous contents.

'I don't have much time. I should go now...'

She sighed to herself and turned to leave, leaving Milos to her fate. She exited the room and closed the door behind her, looking forward to her coming of age ceremony at the school today.

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