Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 2-1 (Descension)

‘It would be impossible to pull this off without the system.’

Gin was afraid he was being too forceful and unnatural, that another rebound might occur. But he kept pushing at her and had her fall under his control. It was all thanks to her high amount of Trust allowing him to read her mind.

‘I wouldn’t know how to proceed without reading her mind. I need to know how she would react to my suggestion, if it worked on her or not.’

Gin formulated some sort of traffic system as a guide. If she rejected his suggestion, then it would be a red light. Acceptance would mean green light. Anything in between would fall under the yellow light, neither rejection nor acceptance.

‘I need to be careful. I almost lost my composure when she cried there.’


Gin moved his gaze towards the woman lying on the bed in front of him. Her chest gently moved up and down, her face seemed to be at peace.

‘Urgh. I’ve noticed this since I met her, but her chest is really big… Focus! I have to focus!’

But Gin couldn’t help but to gawk at her body. He gulped down his saliva and bent forward and took a light sniff.

‘She smells really, really nice—‘

His eyes began to scan every inch of her body from top of her head to the bottom of her feet.

The curves on her hips, the thick and plump thighs below it, even her beautiful toes— despite her loose clothes, it wasn’t hard to tell just how amazing her figure is.

From the deepest part of his soul, his inner and primal instinct, something began to crawl out.

‘If I touch her right now, would she feel it?’

A dark desire. Like a wolf hiding in the woods, behind the bushes and the trees, waiting for the right moment to pounce on its prey.


Now the wolf has found its prey cornered. Trapped. Unable to escape or even move an inch.

The wolf bared its fangs. The perfect opportunity has arrived, it began to run and jumped at its prey—

‘No, let’s not do that. I must not be controlled by my own desire or everything I’ve done so far will be in vain.’

Gin retracted his sweaty hands away from her and simply stared at her defenseless body. Gritting his teeth, he moved on to the next step in his plan.

‘Calm down. I have her under my palm. I can tinker with her psyche with the system’s power.’

The plan was simple.

First, raise Teressa’s Trust high enough until Gin can read her mind. This part took him the longest to accomplish. At 5 points of Trust, her thoughts were vague and harder to read. It became clearer and more often to appear at 6. At 7 points of Trust, her thoughts were practically an open book. Gin can read it whenever he wants.

Even so, her mind was still rather vague to read, but it was enough to understand her current feelings and emotions.

The second step was to put Teressa into a Trance state. This was achievable thanks to the knowledge he acquired through the system. The price he had to pay was small, but the help he received from it was significant. One of the best trades he ever made in his life.

Gin might not look like it, but he was panicking throughout the whole conversation. His words were stiff and a bit pushy. Something he realized after the fact. The situation could have gone south any moment, the stress almost broke his composure a few times.

‘I didn’t even know how I managed to do it. But I did it and that’s all that matters.’

Then comes the final step.

To alter Teressa’s psyche to ‘like’ him more. To always see him in a favorable light, to make her think often of him, to make her always appreciate his actions no matter how small it is— Even to go as far making her heart pounding every time she sees or thinks of him.

That’s right, Gin’s end goal was simple—

‘I’ll have to make her fall in ‘love’ with me.’

Teressa felt her body was floating through the clouds at the moment. She felt all the stress and burden she carried on back had disappeared.

She had no thoughts in mind. She wasn’t thinking of the past, the sweet memories she had with her husband and daughter or the dark memories of her solitude. She wasn’t thinking of the uncertain future either.

What truly mattered for her was the present. The blissful sensation she felt, the pure tranquility made her forget all of her worries and doubts.

The soreness, the pain and physical exhaustion also disappeared as if they were never there in the moment.

Time has stopped for her.

I am in a dream—

A dream that I don’t want to wake up from—

Let me stay here—


Suddenly, in her state of bliss and tranquility, she heard a voice.


The voice sounded familiar to her. It sounded pleasant to her ears. Hearing it made her feel safe and cozy, almost like a gentle embrace.

The voice whispered,

You see a person standing before you—

A figure of a person vaguely appeared in front of her. Their characteristics were vague, she couldn’t tell whether the person was a man or a woman.

You see this person began to walk towards you. Bit by bit, their faces become more and more familiar to you. You know this person quite well—

Exactly as the pleasant voice whispered into her ears, the unknown person did walk closer to her. Their faces were still covered in fogs and mists. They looked familiar, but she still couldn’t tell who it was.

A man you have met not too long ago— his black hair was something you could never forget.

‘It’s… Gin? Why is he here…?’

His eyes radiated a sense of safety and confidence. You couldn’t help but to feel at peace merely by being in his presence.

‘Ah… his eyes…’

Teressa looked into ‘Gin’s’ eyes and felt an odd sense of peace. As if nothing could go wrong as long as he remained by her side.

Whatever problem you have, whatever challenge you will face, you can always rely on him. Every word he uttered out of his mouth sounds like music to your ears. Simply by looking at his smile makes your heart flutter.

‘Gin’ opened his mouth and spoke. Teressa couldn’t tell what word he just said, but it sounded pleasant, it made her happy. Then he smiled—


A burst of emotion surged from within her chest. It was pleasure mixed with happiness. Just by looking at his smile made her heart pound like crazy, it was as if—

‘—As if I’m in love!?’

The voice continued its whisper into her ears.

Whatever the voice said became reality, dictating her senses and emotions, sending her a whole new kind of pleasure that she didn’t know could exist.

She felt her face and body become hotter than usual. Even without a mirror she knew her face had turned red as a tomato. The sweat coming out of every single pores of her body made her skin glistened under the light.

Teressa felt the man’s warm embrace. She listened to his voice, felt his every touch all over her body.


Teressa could no longer think. Her feet and toes became taut, she couldn’t help but to squirm on the ground, still being under his touch.

“N-noo~! This is too much~!!”

She gritted her teeth, eyes unfocused. The sensation began to focus right on her secret garden.


Teressa pushed her waist up and down. Her mind turned blank—

“Ah! Ah!! Ah—!!!”

The warmth coming from within began to well up. She couldn’t help but let out loud moans one after another as drools came out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled upward, unable to hold the ever growing pleasure—


Finally, the intense sensation coming from below her waist reached its peak and everything turned white.


-Teressa’s Trust towards you has increased from 7 [Trustworthy] to 8 [High Trust]

-Your existence in her psyche has become more distinct.

-Your influence over her psyche significantly increased.

-Minor Hypnosis has evolved to Medium Hypnosis.


-Teressa has developed a sense of genuine respect towards you.

-They who respect you with sincerity will give a certain amount of Faith points depending on the intensity of their positive emotion.


-Teressa is extremely pleased with your actions.

-Teressa is feeling an intense emotion with you.

-Faith points +50


-You have obtained over a total of 100 Faith points.

-Your existence in this world has become slightly more distinct.

-Your body and soul has obtained a drop of divinity.

Rapid succession of pings stormed Gin’s ears. He was overwhelmed by the notifications, it took him some time to process everything.

“Holy shit.”

Gin guided Teressa’s thoughts and emotions while she was in Trance state. As the therapy continued, her cheeks started to become red and her brows furrowed. Sweat began to pour all over her body, dampening her own clothes and the bed.

By the end, Teressa began to moan loudly while drooling. Her mature voice tugged at his heartstrings, pushing his body to the edge. Finally, she spread open her legs and moved her waist up and down while trembling uncontrollably.

‘I think she had an orgasm… is that even possible?’

Gin didn’t intend for this to happen, but seeing her cute reactions to every single word, how much control he had over her state— he got carried away went ahead of himself.

What was the limit of his hypnosis? How much further can he push it?

Looking at Teressa’s blissful sleeping face, Gin got some of his questions answered.

‘I need to experiment more.’

Gin moved closer to her ears and whispered—

“…Uh… huh…?’

Teressa opened her eyes and saw a familiar ceiling.

The ceiling she saw everyday, every morning, every night.


She closed her eyes again and rolled over towards the edge of the bed.



Teressa became startled and jumped awake. She saw a man with peculiar black hair staring at her face.

“Ah, w-whuh happened?”

“You fell asleep, remember? We are having a therapy session. You forgot already?”

“T-therapy? I remember! I remember, of course!”

Teressa couldn’t control her voice and her tone was all over the place. She averted her eyes, unable to make eye contact with Gin. Her heart was pounding hard and faster than usual.

‘What’s wrong with me!? Why can’t I look him in the face!? Also, what is this feeling in my chest—!?’

“So, are you still feeling tired?”

Gin looked as casual as ever and asked his question.

“Tired? No, not at all! I’m fine! Completely fine! I feel light as a feather!”

Teressa put on a forced smile while placing her hand over her chest.

“Really? That’s great. That means the therapy was successful.”


‘Urgh! I can’t stop slurring my words!’

“S-so… what now?”

“Well, it is up to you. It’s good that you feel refreshed, but the feeling won’t last forever. I can help you with another therapy session if you want.”

“Another therapy s-session?”

“Yeah, we can do it again as much as you want. The only catch is that we have to be completely alone. We need absolute silence with zero distraction.”

“So… you are saying we can only do the therapy when Coll and Sera aren't home?”

“That’s right.”

“Oh, okay.”

Teressa thought something was amiss, but the moment she looked at his face, her thoughts were immediately filled with a sense of reassurance and trust.

‘I never noticed just how captivating he looks. Everything about him… I can’t quite describe it. My heart won’t calm down!’

Teressa once again averted her eyes. She played around with the hem of her sleeping dress and noticed a warm sensation in her crotch.

Her eyes opened wide. The color of her face turned deep red, just like a boiled crab. She hurriedly stood up and left the room.

“T-thank you Gin, but I just remembered something important to take care of! Bye!”

“Oh, okay. I’ll go back to sleep, then.”

‘…A success.’

Gin heaved a sigh of relief. He returned to the shed, which has been turned into his room, and lay down on the bed.

‘The suggestion worked on her.’

Gin gave her a few final suggestions before waking her up. First was to make sure she forgot everything that happened while she was in the Trance state while retaining all the emotions. Meaning that she still remembered the bliss, pleasure, and his hypnotic suggestions.

Teressa wouldn’t even realize her psyche had been altered in more ways than one.

The second suggestion was to make her want to spend more time with him. Gin didn’t plan on letting her go with just one session. He wanted to see how far he could push his hypnosis on her.

Finally, Gin ordered her to keep the therapy a secret. Neither her family nor anyone else must know about their private time together.

‘It’s better to keep things a secret for now. At least until I have Teressa under my complete control.’

Meanwhile, Gin checked the new information he just got.

-Medium Hypnosis: Vulnerable to hypnotic suggestions given by the caster. Decreases rebound chance.

‘The description is really short… but it is good enough.’

Recounting what happened so far, Gin had reaped a lot of benefits from Teressa.

Her Trust increased to 8 [High Trust] and he obtained her ‘genuine respect’. Combined with her altered psyche to ‘love’ him, the odds of rebound would be miniscule.

‘Still, I shouldn’t lower my guard too much. Miniscule doesn’t mean impossible.’

Another thing the system mentioned was related to his connection with the world.

‘My existence has become more distinct. What does that mean? What does it do for me?’

Gin had no idea what it meant. But it seemed to be a good thing, so he ignored it for now.

‘The last thing I got is divinity. I can feel something has changed with my body and soul. But I’m not sure what it is.’


-Your body has obtained divinity through Faith.

-The more Faith you obtain, the stronger your divinity becomes.

-From every single strand of hair in your body, to your blood, flesh and bones, and even bodily fluids lies the divine essence.

-As your divinity grows, so will the potency of the divine essence within you.

Gin nodded to himself.

‘This reminds me of fictional works from my original world. There were some stories of a mortal achieving immortality by eating the flesh of a god who contained divinity inside them.’

‘I’m not sure what it means for me though. But I doubt it’s anything detrimental.’

Processing all this new information took a toll on Gin. Keeping his eyes open became a difficult task. He yawned and rolled over, ready to sleep when suddenly—


-Teressa is thinking of you with intense emotions.

-Faith points +15


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