Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 22-1 (The ‘High’ Priestess of Deltorra)

Alter and Loraley silently followed the two hermaphrodite guards down a dim corridor. The nauseating stench of their previous meal still lingered in Loraley's nose, mixed with the rancid smell emanating from her cum-streaked skin. Her heart clenched as her mind replayed Alter's words, echoing the monstrous decision in front of her.

The guards, enjoying the severity of the situation, swayed their hips in a lewd manner from side to side. They glanced back at Loraley, smug mirth etched on their faces as they led them deeper into the dungeon.

Finally, they arrived at a large stone chamber illuminated by torches affixed on the walls. The bathhouse was far from luxurious, but Loraley didn't expect much more. A large pool of steaming water sat in the center, surrounded by aged tiles and stone steps leading into its bubbling depths.

"Get in there," one of the guards ordered, her eyes hungrily scanning Loraley's disheveled form. A mocking smile oozed with disdain appeared on her lips. "You really do look like you rolled around in a puddle of cum."

Loraley could feel her cheeks burning with shame as she steadied herself and stepped into the steaming bath. The seamless blend of hot water and sheer humiliation felt like scorching fire on her bare skin, yet she couldn't muster the energy to resist her cruel fate.

Alter sighed and followed suit, his naked form sinking into the murky depths without a word. His demeanor relaxed, unafraid of the hermaphrodite guards. As Loraley descended into the bath, the hot water enveloped her body, causing the dried spunk to soften and dissolve into the steaming water. She tried her best to cleanse herself, focusing more on the physical impurities coating her skin than the psychological burden of the reality before her.

"Y'know, you act all high and mighty," One of the guards sneered, lust heavy in her eyes as she watched Loraley scrubbing her body. "But you're still just a filthy whore at heart."

Loraley gritted her teeth, unwilling to dignify their words with a response as she continued to wash herself. As the cum on her body slowly dissolved, she felt a tiny bit of relief that could hardly quench the raging fire of shame and humiliation that consumed her.

Alter seemed unfazed by the taunts, busying himself with lathering his own delicate, yet toned form as soap suds formed small islands over the rippling surface of the bubbling waters. As he lathered his smooth chest transitioning into chiseled abs, his own sense of calm was marred by an unmistakable air of tragedy.

"Young master, do you need any help?" One of the hermaphrodite guards licked her lips, approaching the naked boy from behind.

"Not necessary," Alter retorted with an air of repulsion, doing his best to maintain his dignity despite being entirely naked and exposed. He gripped a nearby sponge and scrubbed it vigorously over his muscular thighs, the rich lather clinging highlighted the taut skin.

"My, my, aren't we feisty?" The guard's tone filled with sarcasm, her face twisted into a predatory grin.

Loraley clutched at her own sponge, her nimble fingers trembling at the thought of giving herself over to Ginova's depraved desires. The gentle heat of the water kissing her fair skin as she washed off every humiliating remnant of the false goddess' lust.

'They called Alter young master. Do they still treat him as a person with some dignity left in him? Were they genuine or was it just simple mockery? I can't tell...' Loraley pondered, her heart pounding faster in discomfort.

Before the exchange escalated any further, another hermaphrodite guard entered the bathhouse. "Enough dicking around," she barked, her facial expression a mixture of annoyance and urgency. "Hurry up and finish washing, you filthy brats. The goddess awaits."

Both Loraley and Alter resumed their efforts to clean themselves, their wrists and ankles still chained, the weight of metal dragging with each movement. The tension in the room thickened as the hermaphrodite guards continued to taunt and harass them.

The larger guard sauntered up to Loraley and sneered, unable to keep her hands to herself. She yanked Loraley's chains, forcing her tits to sway and jiggle in the most obscene way possible. She licked her lips and commented, "Quite the pair you got there, high priestess. The goddess is gonna have a field day with those."

Despite her seething rage, Loraley clenched her teeth and ignored the guards' mockery. Her only focus now was on finishing with the bath and facing what was to come next.

In a casual manner, Alter stood up from the water, cascading droplets highlighting his toned body beneath the torchlight. Ignoring the lecherous gazes of the guards, he silently dried his body with a towel. As Loraley desperately tried to cleanse herself from the remnants of her humiliation, she couldn't help but feel the hermaphrodite guards' eyes lingering on her voluptuous body. Her large, round tits swayed with every vigorous motion, droplets of water flowing down their plump curves, drawing attention to her pert nipples. Their intent gazes felt like paralyzing poison seeping through her skin, making her squirm in discomfort.

Alter, seemingly unaffected by the situation, focused solely on grooming his petite body. The water glided over his subtle muscles, accentuating his masculine and beautiful physique. His cock rested semi-erect against his thigh with an inviting allure that even the lecherous guards found hard to ignore.

"Fuck, I can't stand this anymore! Bring me some relief, you lowly bitches!" The larger guard barked, her cock throbbing with arousal. Her hands found her engorged member and began to stroke it with animalistic fervor.

Loraley could feel a mixture of disgust and dread rising within her throat. It was sickening that she had to witness such a vile act while trying to wash away the filth from her own body. "Get away from me, you filthy perverts!" Loraley snarls, her teeth gritted, averting her gaze from the lascivious guards. Frustration and disgust fill her voice, but the sheer helplessness she feels is undeniable.

"In due time, darling, in due time," one of the guards smugly replies, chuckling as she caresses her erect member, stroking it for all to see.

Alter grunts at their obscene behavior, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Hurry up, Loraley. Or do you enjoy being watched like this?" As Loraley continued to scrub herself, her large breasts bouncing with each vigorous stroke, she couldn't shake off the disgusting glances the hermaphrodite guards threw her way. Face flushed with anger, she bit her lip and clenched her fists, choking back the bile that threatened to rise in her throat.

Alter, on the other hand, couldn't care less about the guards or their intrusive stares, his only focus was getting cleaned up. He ran his hands through his dark hair, slicking it back with a mixture of water and soap, his facial features more distinct in the soft torchlight that illuminated the bathhouse.

"You know, if you stop fussing about how others perceive you for a moment, you might be able to wash yourself in peace," Alter suggested nonchalantly from his side of the bath.

"Shut up!" Loraley hissed, her face turning redder with embarrassment. She scrubbed herself harder, desperately trying to cleanse the filth away. The mixture of shame, disgust, and indignation boiling inside her, threatening to spill out in the form of tears or violent retaliations against the guards, she wasn't sure which would manifest first.

After several long minutes, she managed to finish cleaning herself and followed suit after Alter to dry off with her chains dragging along, making metallic sounds across the tiles.

The hermaphrodite guards voice their disappointment.

"Such a pity," one of them griped, watching with lecherous eyes as Loraley dried her tits and ass. "The goddess' sloppy seconds."

"You can keep her. I want young master," one of the guards groaned.

Alter merely rolled his eyes, unphased by their vulgarity as he focused on cleaning his lithe and supple body.

The larger guard smirked, licking her lips at Loraley as she finished drying off. She motioned for the hermaphrodite priestess to stand beside the naked young man. Loraley followed the guard's order without resisting. Her pale, delicate and voluptuous body contrasted by Alter's flawless tan. His skin smooth, lacking any blemishes. Her large breasts rested against the side of his chest, drawing the eyes of the horny guards even more than the curves of Loraley's luscious thighs.

"Quite the pair you both make." One of the hermaphrodite guards commented with amusement in her eyes, admiring the couple. She stepped forward and caressed Alter's cheeks, then stroked Loraley's hair affectionately, a sneer evident on her face.

"Well, the goddess really likes the slut priestess, but the young master..." Alter caught the eyes of the hermaphrodite guard who lustfully stared at his young naked body. She boldly reached for the youth's cock, giving it an indecent squeeze whilst maintaining eye contact.

Loraley's face flushed a deep shade of red, a poisonous mixture of shame, embarrassment, and anger bubbling over within her. Her eyes fixated on the perverse scene before her, the guard stroking Alter's now-erect cock with a lecherous grin plastered on her face.

She turned away and bit her lip, choking back her tears and the nauseating taste of bile threatening to rise from the pit of her stomach. Alter stared back at Loraley, his eyes calm and expressionless despite his humiliating situation. He sighed, his body leaning into the guard's touch, seemingly to accept his fate.

'These people's depravity knows no bounds. I'm... I'm powerless against it.' Loraley's hands turned into fists and she bit her tongue until the taste of blood flooded her mouth. She spat, glaring daggers at the perverted guards and their heinous acts. "Disgusting freaks."

Alter's face remained impassive as the hermaphrodite guard stroked his rock-hard cock. His eyes closed for a moment, trying to block out the lewd scene happening around him, but the tension in his jaw and the entanglement of his brow betrayed his discomfort.

Loraley, in contrast, couldn't hide her repulsion as she watched the guard continue to paw at the vulnerable Alter. She clenched her fists tightly, tremors of anger shaking her entire body. The hermaphrodite's malicious grin manifested in her mind, searing itself into her memory as a vile reminder of her powerlessness.

"No, stop!" she finally burst out, unable to contain her rage any longer. "Don't touch him! You filthy fucking bitch!" Her voice trembled with a blend of fury and humiliation.

The guard, turned on by her resistance, continued to fondle Alter's throbbing member with one hand while using the other to pinch and tease his hardened nipples. "Aww, is someone jealous?" The guard taunted, smearing precum over Alter's chest as she continued to violate him.

Loraley's heart clenched at the sight, her blood running hotter than the scalding bathwater that still clung to her naked skin. Desperation crept through her veins like poison as she sought a way to end the harrowing ordeal.

"You want a piece of this, slut priestess?" The leering guard called out, withdrawing her hand from Alter's aching cock and extending it towards Loraley who recoiled in disgust. "Come on, have a taste!" The guard snickers, thrusting her fingers slick with Alter's precum into her own mouth before licking them clean in a exaggerated manner.

Loraley fought against the bile that threatened to breach her throat, gripping the edge of a nearby basin with white-knuckling fervor. "Let us go," she pleaded through gritted teeth. "Release us from this nightmare, you twisted fuck!"

"Yeah?" The guard grinned wickedly, stepping back from Alter and approaching Loraley. "And why would I do that? Maybe you can give me something in exchange for your freedom... like your complete surrender." The hermaphrodite reached between Loraley's legs with her hands, sliding a single finger across the lips of her sex with a feather-like touch before drawing back to lick her damp digit, her lecherous smile spreading across her lips at the taste.

Loraley shuddered under her touch, but managed to stay standing and silent despite her fear and shame. She maintained an angry stare and held her chin up in defiance, her knuckles turned white from clutching so hard.

"Be grateful the goddess has instructed us not to violate you. It seems she wishes to reserve that privilege herself," The guard sneers with obvious delight before continuing with a smirk on her lips. "However, there is nothing stopping us from taking out frustrations on the young master over there," she nodded towards the young man, still standing naked and defiant despite the assault upon him.

"The moment the goddess loses her interest in you," The guard chuckles. "Your fates would be sealed and we can fuck you silly anytime we want." Her eyes darted back towards the boy, then her face contorted with desire and lust. "Young master, would you mind spreading your legs for me?" The pervert licked her lips at him and stroked her engorged member.

Alter, ignoring her advances, simply shook his head and remained silent. His expression was unreadable, yet Loraley sensed he felt violated beyond words by the lecherous act of the guard. Her rage and disgust boiled over as she watched the hermaphrodite guard leer at Alter, her hands reaching for his sizable cock. She couldn't bear the sight any longer and stepped forward, bringing an authoritative tone to her voice. "Enough, you vile creature! If it's me you want, you twisted bitch, then take your filthy hands off him!"

The guard smirked, shooting a glance at Loraley before focusing her attention back on Alter's throbbing member. "Quite the protective one, aren't you?" She sneered, slowly sliding her palm over his slick cock. "Too bad we can't disobey the goddess' words just because you are willing. We could've had fun with you... or perhaps you'd like to participate, to join the young master's pleasure and drown in his sweet moans?" The perverted guard leered at the defiant woman, taunting her with each word that rolled off her tongue.

"I can't believe how depraved you people are!" Loraley spat in disgust, her nostrils flared and eyes ablaze. "How could you do such perverted things to such an innocent boy?" Her hands formed fists again as she tried to maintain her composure, the chain rattled, adding to the tension.

The lecherous guard's face contorted in displeasure as she scowled at Loraley, "Such an innocent boy?" Her eyes darted towards Alter.

"He defied the goddess' will. That in itself makes him beyond redemption. You ought to consider your words and your position, high priestess of Deltorra," the hermaphrodite guard reminded in a chiding tone. "What do you know of us? What do you know about the young master's transgression? Of our belief, our practices? Your words mean nothing." She glared at Loraley, her lips contorting into a mocking grin. "But if you wish to join your boy-toy, be our guest. Ask the goddess to release her protection over you and I'd gladly defile your tight body." She chuckled while stroking her own cock, "In fact, maybe you can ask our goddess and savior to grant you a blessing! To become like us! Then you'd experience how much pleasure this cock could bring you! The taste of young master's flesh! The taste of his cum! I'm sure you'll love it! I bet your pussy is gushing at the thought right now, isn't it, you slut?" She barked, her words dripping with mockery.

Alter stood silently beside the lecherous guard, his face emotionless as he stared at Loraley who struggled to contain her anger and frustration.

Loraley bit her lip to stifle a sob, her fists trembling at her side as she stared into the hermaphrodite guard's sinister grin. There was nothing else she could do. Speechless and hurt, she stood there as the hermaphrodites began to gang up on Alter. Loraley's breathing hitched, her chest heaving as she tried to maintain her composure amidst the maddening scene unfolding before her. The hermaphrodite guards laughed and taunted her, their cocks throbbing with need, a familiar sight that terrorized her already ravaged psyche.

"Now, why don't we continue? I've been aching for some fun!" One of the guards giggled, stroking her shaft with vigor as her eyes focused on Alter. The guard behind him positioned his own swollen member between the youth's cheeks. Alter clenched his jaw and exhaled deeply, doing his best to maintain his composure despite his exposed vulnerability. The sight of his discomfort stoked her rage.

The lecherous guard pushed her erect cock forward and against Alter's tight hole, prodding the puckered ring of muscle as he whimpered, "Relax young master, just like what we practiced before."

'No, Alter...' Loraley could do nothing but watch as Alter's hole was invaded by the large hermaphrodite shaft, her fists shaking at the scene unfolding in front of her. His pained whimpers were unbearable to watch. It was too cruel of the gods to leave them both trapped within Ginova's nightmare.

Fury, anger, frustration, helplessness, despair, she felt all these emotions swirling inside her heart.

"Loraley, it's fine… don't… worry…" A crooked smile flickered across Alter's face, his misty eyes betraying a sense of resignation despite his comforting words. "Just… turn away, Loraley," he muttered weakly under his breath, bracing himself for the violation.

Alter's eyes glazed over and he bit his lower lip, wincing in pain as his tight hole was invaded by the perverted hermaphrodite's thick cock. The lecherous guard let out an unrestrained moan as the head of her shaft was engulfed by his trembling hole, "Yes… fuck! Fuck yes!" She groaned in satisfaction, her body trembling with delight as her shaft penetrated deeper within the youth. "Young master's ass is the best! The best! So good! So fucking good! Uhhhh! Fucking gods!" She whimpered and moaned as she thrust herself deeper into the vulnerable boy.

As Loraley stood there, quivering in helplessness, she couldn't help but wonder if Alter had suffered through this degrading treatment every day. The thought struck her like a dagger in her heart, the existential agony overwhelmed her enough to trigger her gag reflex.

"Agh...! Fuck… fuck!" Alter cried out, his hole burning in pain from the brutal invasion as he gritted his teeth, trying his best not to scream and add to Loraley's misery. He knew he couldn't break. Not now. Not like this. His entire body shuddered from the searing pain of having his tight hole stretched apart and violated by the massive hermaphrodite cock, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to hold himself upright amidst his agony.

Loraley was unable to look away, her mind clouded with thoughts of vengeance against Ginova that put them into this twisted scenario. Her heart was consumed with hatred and anger as she witnessed the suffering of the young man before her. The metal chains rattled as she struggled within herself. Her voice trembled as she cried out, "Stop this madness!

But her pleading was heard by no one. Her eyes filled with tears at Alter's pained expression, unable to look away despite the despair filling her soul. "I'm so sorry, Alter," Loraley whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks as her heart sank and ached.

Their cock sank deeper within Alter's tight hole, sending ripples of intense pain and discomfort throughout his body. As the thick rod delved into him, the lewd moans and whimpers escaping Alter's mouth echoed throughout the entire chamber, taunting and teasing Loraley with a perverted melody that sent her heart racing. "No more… stop it..." Alter muttered with tears forming at the corner of his eyes, his body trembled with every inch of cock penetrating him deeper and deeper, pushing against his trembling walls.

"Mmhh!!" Suddenly, before he could say another word of protest, his lips were sealed with a perverted kiss, a mixture of lustful moans and lewd tongues collided against each other, muffled the groans of agony and the clapping of flesh against flesh.

Alter's cries and gasps were unheard by his tormentors, and the more Loraley resisted, the more it intensified his degradation and humiliation.

"Haah...! Haah...!" Standing there in silence, her body trembled, eyes unblinking. Just mere minutes ago, she and Alter finished their bath. But already she had become the spectator to Alter's brutal defilement. The smell of their sweat mixed with the pungent odor of their musk made her feel sick in her stomach, the scene burned in her retina.

Yet, somehow, a growing heat began to spread from her core. It was subtle at first, but the warmth grew stronger as the hermaphrodites continued their cruel acts.

"The goddess must be so proud of you!" The guard moaned in pleasure, her hands gripped Alter's slim waist while thrusting her cock into the tight hole, her member stretching him further. "Having a son with such perfect, premium ass like this!" Alter cried out at the intense pain shooting throughout his lower half, his face contorted, tears streamed down his face. But he remained silent and gritted his teeth, unable to utter any other words of protest or complaint against his cruel tormentor.

"Loraley... don't look. Turn away," Alter mumbled as the guards continued violating his helpless form. Despite the pain and humiliation he's suffering through, Loraley found herself entranced by the perverse act in front of her.

"No!" The hermaphrodite guard snickered and pinched one of the boy's nipples while she continued thrusting into him, her member growing larger by the moment as Alter's insides continued to squeeze and convulse against it. "Keep watching! Look at his cute expression! Doesn't it look like he's enjoying this? Isn't he enjoying getting his hole stuffed and fucked?!" They laughed as Alter's cheeks reddened, his eyes glazed with tears, yet he didn't resist, he simply endured the torture.


Loraley's curses and barking grew to a halt, she was panting as she struggled within her restraints. She tried her best to ignore the heat emanating from between her thighs as her clitoris pulsated and hardened, throbbing as though it had a mind of its own. The pain and discomfort from having her wrists and ankles shackled was nothing compared to the feeling of her mind slipping away, slipping into the lewd scene unfolding before her eyes.

The more she fought against her base desires, the more her arousal grew and the more Alter's torment pained her soul. "Ugh! Stop...! I can't..." Loraley mumbled in confusion and despair, tears rolled down her cheeks as she whimpered in despair and shame.

"Mm? What's wrong, priestess? Are you getting excited?" One of the leering hermaphrodites asked without much thought, glancing over her shoulder while thrusting into Alter. "That can't be right? No way, did you get excited from watching young master getting violated like this?!" She barked, taunting her with obvious glee at her apparent shame and embarrassment. "Mmhh, does your cunt hurt from the throbbing? Or you want someone to pleasure your hungry pussy too?" She added, her face twisting into an even wider grin at the sight of Loraley's flushed expression.

"Or maybe... do you want to take a closer look?" The lewd hermaphrodite guard continued to thrust her shaft into the defenseless youth as her perverted gaze locked onto Loraley. "We can arrange that."

"No, I... I don't need your..." Loraley whimpered in protest, her voice trailing off as she stared at Alter's trembling form. But despite his suffering and pain, his cheeks reddened, his eyes misty as though he's experiencing something else altogether.

Loraley's lips trembled, her entire body shuddered as the heat continued to grow stronger within her, her clitoris throbbing as though it's trying to tear itself out of her skin.

Alter's engorged cock bobbed up and down in front of Loraley's eyes. Despite the arduous situation, the sight of his throbbing member waiting for attention, glistening with precum, perked her curiosity. Every part of her screamed how wrong it was, but she couldn't tear her eyes away.

"Well, what are you going to do, high priestess?" One of the hermaphrodite guards taunted Loraley, grinning like a maniac. Noticing how the young woman's gaze was fixated on Alter's erection, the lewd smirk spread across her face. "Seems like you're awfully interested in his glorious dick."

"Shut up," Loraley snapped back without turning her attention away from the hard cock that mesmerized her.

Despite herself, Loraley noticed how tempting and irresistible Alter's cock looked. A mixture of shame and uncontrollable desire surged through her body as her eyes shifted between Alter's wet shaft and his expression, which seemed to be accepting their current situation.

"Go on, touch it," said one of the perverted guards, her voice low and urging. "Big boy like him needs some fucking relief."

Alter clenched his jaw and glared at the guard. His silence conveyed everything he felt too proud to express.

Loraley hesitated, her heart pounding furiously as she weighed her options. Her fingers inched closer to Alter's throbbing manhood, tingling with anticipation. The closeness of her hand made him tremble ever so slightly.

As much as he hid his discomfort, Alter's eyes betrayed his fear, glancing between the approaching hand and Loraley's conflicted face. In that exact moment, their gazes locked, and Loraley realized he was just as much a victim in this twisted game as she was.

'It's the pheromones! Their body, the smell of their sweat, musk, all of it! They induce thoughts and emotions!'

She recalled her conversation with the boy not too long ago and realized why she suddenly started acting weird, as if she's getting affected by an unseen force. Her libido soaring and she couldn't suppress her excitement. Her breathing grew heavy, her pulse quickened and her pupils dilated as her gaze met Alter's.

She had been aroused by the hermaphrodites. The humiliation and disgust that she felt only increased the arousal that pulsed through her body and clouded her thoughts with indecent lust and lechery.

"What?! You don't have the balls to touch his cock?" a guard shouted, mocking Loraley's hesitance. "Ha! Pathetic! Such an arrogant bitch. If you're afraid of defiling your purity or whatever shit you priests believe in, you're better off turning away. Just look at the young master, he seems to be having the time of his life. Wouldn't you agree?"

Alter's face grew redder by the moment, his body shuddering with every violent thrust. He whimpered, tears glistened as they streamed down his cheeks, yet his member throbbed, aching for stimulation and release.

Somehow Loraley could tell despite being in pain and humiliated, he was also feeling pleasures beyond comprehension. She would understand, having experienced something similar herself. Violated by the goddess, the pleasures she felt were real, but it wasn't consensual nor was it something she wished for.

She felt disgusted, but more than that, she was aroused and curious. It made her feel guilt beyond comprehension.

"The only reason you can do this, this... this depravity without feeling remorse and guilt, without experiencing disgust and self-loathing, is because you don't believe in any moral values at all! You have been deprived of everything that makes you a human being!" Loraley blurted out, her face flushed in a deep crimson.

"Is that so? Then what does that make you, priestess? You who are born of morals and ethics! You who are molded by them! You who claimed to believe and preach them!" the larger guard responded, licking Alter's armpit with such gusto. "What makes you so different from us now? Aren't you also experiencing the same pleasure? The very same arousal?"

"What do you mean?!" Loraley gasped, taken aback by the unexpected questions. "I..." she faltered, unable to find a coherent answer. "I am different... I am a priestess..." her voice trailed off, unable to complete the sentence as the realization of the truth hit her hard.

As Loraley stared in despair at Alter's tormented face, she felt disturbing thoughts slither through her mind. His cheeks flushed in shame and agony while his swollen cock begged for attention, leaking precum down his quivering thighs. The parade of debauchery unfolding before her drew out her darkest cravings, but she fought to suppress them with every ounce of her strength.

"What's the matter, priestess? Getting turned on by all this?" one of the hermaphrodite guards taunted, her lewd eyes glued to Loraley as she sneered at the conflicted woman. "Don't hold back now. I'm sure your precious deity wouldn't mind if you let loose a little."

"Shut your filthy mouth!" Loraley spat, her anger boiling over at the disgusting words that pierced her heart like shards of glass. Yet, she couldn't deny the way her cunt clenched hungrily with every whimper that escaped Alter's lips or how her nipples stiffened as their eyes met.

His dilated pupils conveyed an overload of sensations, his body wracked by a mix of pleasure and agony that transcended his understanding. The icy fear in her veins began to thaw, replaced by an insatiable hunger for something depraved, something she never thought she'd crave in her wildest nightmares.

This perverse theater playing out before her edged itself deep into the core of Loraley's being, and much to her own horror, she found the lewd display intoxicating. Her own arousal sent shivers down her spine as the disgusting reality of her desires reared its ugly head.

"Look at him, priestess," one guard coaxed, her voice dripping with malicious glee. "Watch as he submits like the fucked-up toy he is. Begging for more."

Loraley closed her eyes in turmoil, torn between rage and humiliation. The sound of Alter's muffled whimpers wormed its way through her defenses and settled deep within her soul. She knew it was wrong to succumb to the twisted fantasy that unfolded around her, but part of her couldn't help but be spellbound by the raw carnality exhibited.

Her cheeks grew red, her nipples hard, her clit aching, she felt shame and lust swirling together inside her chest and making it hard to breathe.

She grew silent as Alter's trembling body buckled under the pressure. His testicles began to contort, and she knew that the inevitable orgasm was approaching soon. "Don't tell me..." She swallowed her words, her eyes wide with disbelief as Alter's entire body seized, his muscles stiffening in ecstasy.

"I'm... soon..." Alter choked out as the impending release neared closer by the moment.

"Oof, hey priestess, why don't you lend a helping hand? The young master seems to be having trouble," The guard ramming his rectum suggested in a kind voice, a smirk evident in her face. She pulled on the boy's hair. "Looks like his dick is gonna explode from the sheer excitement. Maybe he's close to cumming, you know what I'm saying? You sure you don't want to help him?" The hermaphrodite laughed at Alter's pathetic, miserable expression, his cheeks stained with tears as he bit his lips, enduring his degrading predicament with all his strength.

"Well? What's it going to be, priestess?" The other hermaphrodite held Alter's chin up and the guard pressed his mouth to his cheek, licking him with such fervor as if she was trying to eat him alive.

Finally, something snapped inside her mind. Loraley fell onto her knees, her shame and arousal mixed into a toxic sludge deep within her core. Tha day, she made the decision that would forever stain her memory. With trembling hands, she reached for Alter's throbbing manhood.

"I... I can't…!" She muttered, her voice quivering with raw emotion, her fiery red face contorted in anger, yet her eyes shone with curiosity as she looked at the hard-erect phallus. Carefully, she wrapped her fingers around Alter's straining erection, marveling at the sensation of his hot, pulsating flesh in her grasp.

"Ah! Loraley…!" Alter gasped, his body shuddering with every delicate touch of her fingertips gliding up and down the sensitive flesh of his cock. Despite himself, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the high priestess as she jerks him off, venturing into unfamiliar territory.

The sight of Loraley being so aroused beyond control and shamefully willing to satisfy her disgusting carnal desires pushed Alter's mind to a new height. Moaning like a whore in heat, he bucked his hips, grinding his ass against the throbbing shaft impaled deep inside his ass. The sensation of having his tight hole stretched apart, of the thick, veiny shaft throbbing with excitement sent tremors of pleasure throughout his body and made his head swim with dizziness.

"There you go!" As Loraley stroked Alter's pulsating cock with trembling hands, the hermaphrodites reveled in her downfall, their laughter echoing throughout the chamber. Their eyes glinted with sadistic glee, excited by the perverse scene before them.

"That's right, stroke that big cock, you fucking slut!" one guard jeered, her attention fixated on Loraley with malicious intent. "Feels good, doesn't it? Giving in to your desires, letting go of your precious morals…" Her voice dripped with sarcasm and cruelty.

The hot, weighty shaft throbbed with need as Loraley continued to jerk Alter off, exploring its veiny structure and swollen head. Alter's breath hitched, his body trembling with each delicate stroke. His piercing gaze locked onto Loraley's conflicted face, a pained moan slipping through his clenched teeth.

"Uhh… F-fuck…" Alter groaned, his body racked with both shame and pleasure as his powerful climax approached.

Loraley, feeling the torrent of emotions raging within her—disgust, arousal, guilt—continued stroking his rock-hard length, mesmerized by the undeniable pleasures she was bestowing upon him.

"Yeah, that's it! Make him cum! I wanna fucking see it!" another guard egged her on, masturbating her thick mast up and down as she watched the unfolding debauchery with delight.

Unable to withstand the taunts and the relentless arousal any longer, Loraley felt her resolve crumble. In an uncharacteristically submissive tone, she whispered, "I… I want your seeds, Alter."

Alter gasped at her words and in that moment, he couldn’t hold back anymore. His erection reached its limit as a violent orgasm rippled through him. Hot ropes of spunk erupted from the tip of his pulsating cock and splattered over Loraley's flushed cheeks and heaving tits.


The sight of her face and chest coated in Alter’s seed sent the hermaphrodite guards into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

"My oh my! What a show that was! You sure gave in quick, huh, priestess?" one of them cackles, wiping tears from her eyes. "Such a filthy whore you are!"

Alter's entire body tensed, his face contorted in anguish and humiliation as the final spurt of cum shot out and landed in Loraley's open mouth, painting her lips white.


"Mmm…!" she whimpered, her body trembling as the intense rush of adrenaline hit her. The sweet taste of Alter's sticky release sent her head spinning, her vision blurring, and she fell back against the cold, stone floor. The harsh reality of her actions slammed into her like a sledgehammer.

"So... sweet..." She mumbled with a blank stare.

Alter, too lost in the haze of pleasure to realize what transpired, continued to moan, his mind flooded with blissful thoughts as his orgasm washed over him, consuming every fiber of his being.

The guards cackled with delight as Loraley lay on the floor, her cheeks flushed in shame and guilt, tears flowing from her eyes. Once again she recalled her conversation prior coming to the bathhouse. The fact that Alter was Ginova's descendant, that he and the other hermaphrodites' bodily fluids contained such a potent and intoxicating substance. Sweet, addicting pheromones that enhanced both sexual desires and emotional intensity to a point where they become an obsession, something impossible to resist once consumed.

Loraley, having swallowed Alter's seeds, her taste buds tingled as the addictive taste of his essence filled her mouth and mind with forbidden desire, clouding her judgment and morals.

As Loraley lay on the floor, panting heavily, tears flowing from her eyes, the guards chuckled and continued with Alter's brutal assault.

The intense sensation of Alter's cum, slipping past her lips and sliding down her throat, reminded her of Ginova's. As the sweet and thick fluid glazed her tongue, her taste buds tingling with the addictive flavor, the hermaphrodite guards jeered and mocked her. "Mmm, looks like the high and mighty priestess has finally found her favorite drink!"

Loraley shuddered with each swallow, her body reacting to the intense mixture of shame and pleasure that washed over her. Her heart fluttered, her breathing grew heavy, and even her nipples hardened with every drop of Alter's essence that coated her insides.

As the last remnants of his seed clung to her lips, Loraley felt a sudden spike of arousal and sensation building within her core, growing stronger by the second. It was as if a fire had been ignited deep within her, flickering beneath her skin as the potent aphrodisiac carried by Alter's cum seeped into her bloodstream.

Unable to control herself any longer, Loraley cried out in ecstasy as the overwhelming mixture of emotions and sensations triggered an explosive climax within her. Her legs shook violently as her pussy throbbed and spasmed, gushing with love juice that soaked the cold stone floor beneath her feet.

Through a haze of pleasure-induced tears, Loraley stared up at the grinning guards who bore witness to her degradation. The realization of what had just happened dawned upon her tormented mind. Not only had she succumbed to violating the person that she tried to protect, but she had also given in to the primal desires that assaulted her psyche.

With a broken sob, Loraley curled up on the floor in defeat, the weight of her newfound debasement settling in her broken heart. The chilling laughter of the hermaphrodite guards continued to echo around her, filling her ears with bitterness and resentment. Yet, somewhere in her heart, she realized that she craved more, and that frightened her more than anything else in the world.

Loraley, in a desperate attempt to maintain her sense of morality, her sanity, and her identity, clutched her head as the storm of conflicting emotions ravaged her mind, threatening to overwhelm her already damaged soul and send her spiraling down into madness and despair.

"Ah... it seems that you both require another bath."

Loraley couldn't tell who said what anymore. All she could hear was the sound of flesh pounding against each other. They were far from finished with Alter, and she was afraid that she might fall even deeper into this nightmare, to grow enjoying this depraved ordeal.

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